Disclaimer~I might have had some bad Christmas sausage for breakfast sooooo take that in consideration when reading this "It's Saturday".
On the bulletin board of The Fountain of the Sun (i.e. the retirement park here in Mesa that we stay at) is this prayer: Dear God, For 2013 I ask for a big, thick bank account and a slim thin body. Please keep them straight. Last year you got them switched around. Amen MissPerfect got what she wanted for Christmas--a bag of chocolate and a gym membership! Here is a New Year suggestion or advice. MissPerfect says--erv, most folks don't want your advice or suggestion; remember that erv! You sound like Bossyerv! Okay I understand; you get what you pay for sooooo remember that MissPerfect. Here is my suggestion or advice (i.e. a top 10 suggestion). America, go to your closet and remove all cloths that you wore when you were 20 pounds lighter (i.e. bring them to Goodwill). Very few of America will loose those 20 pounds even if Americans make a New Years resolution. Let's face it. Let's look at Americans' past record. Americans have "bigideas" but very few engage in our ideas. Americans can say what we want (i.e. ifs and buts) but let's look at our league standings; that will tell us what the real us is (i.e. our league standings don't lie). Such is life. I learned with being with my family that not everyone always does it the way I do it or always think the same way I think and they always really don't follow what I say (i.e. maybe I'm the example of how not to do it--could be). Sooooo just think about that. Joesixpack says--erv, have you every been that jerk who you criticize and are impatient with? Ouchy ouchy! Yes I have Joesixpack. ItchieBitchie says--Just maybe erv, if you cannot see the yeast in yourself, it may be 'cause you are up to your eyeballs in it. Now that could be ItchieBitchie. Could be.
The best bumper sticker during our trip that made me laugh was on a SUV with NE license plates driven by an attractive 20ish female. It said--I love to pee in my wetsuit! I have never done that. Have any of you? In 2013, mimic someone who you admire (i.e. like a mentor). But make sure you pick someone good! I-35 and I-80 were very bad and had been worse shown by the many trucks and cars still in the ditches and the crashes that happened. Talk about following someone--We saw one truck that was off the shoulder but really not in the ditch. There was a car that ran under the back of the trailer of the semi (i.e. was still under there). I guess the driver of the car was following the truck lights and when the truck went off the road, they just followed it. Soooo take into consideration who you follow. Pick a good person to mimic folks! We were getting into James and Heather's Highlander and Arlene said--James, riv up the motor, I'm cold. Soooo in 2103, riv up your motor folks.
This might be the 1st time you hear this. It might not be the last time you will hear this too! That is--If you had to do it over again, meaning 2012, what would you change? What was soooo good in 2012 that you would never want to change? Here in one of the retirement capitals of America a.k.a AZ, there are a lot of senior citizens. Oh ya! Many of them are just enjoying their senior years of their life as much as they can. MyFriendND-Paul says--Lesson #19 is, Its never toooo late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. GeorgeTheCrook says--Many are just enjoying their life instead of always worrying. Sunshine and warm weather seems to make many folks happy. Hey, you! Yes, YOU! Stop worrying about it. Not only will worrying about it not help, it makes it worse. Worry takes your peace and health. Soooooooo stop worrying about it. For many that's very hard to do. Especially if you have been doing it all your life. Saturday question--Is worrying a learned behavior or is it genetic?
It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. ~Leonardo da Vinci~ Sooo in 2013, throw those chips away, get your butt off the couch and do something. ~erv mellema~ Those two statements are about the same. Joesixpack says--Yabut folks listen to Leonardo d Vinci a lot more than they do to erv mellema! Singin'Andy says--If you're up and about, you're already lapping anyone with their ass on the couch. Such is life.
Maybe 2013 might look different and even be different for you. It might. Maybe you might have a different perspective--A man went out for a walk. He came to a river and saw a woman on the opposite bank. "Yoo-hoo," he shouted, "how can I get to the other side?" The woman looked up the river then down the river then shouted back, "You're already on the other side." I think a family member has changed. Yes I do. I think this person is even nicer than they were before. Maybe it's my perspective but I don't think soooooo. I think they are different. Sooooo what's the magic do you think?
FreeloaderFrank says--I hope 2013 is the same song different year. I need the help but would rather not have to need the help. But that's just the way it is. His brother FredTheFreeloader says--It seems like all our family needs assistance. We really do. But many folks don't seem to understand that and many don't understand our problems, many don't care about our problems and many are happy we have our problems. He went on to say--My parents needed assistance tooooo. Our kids and our grand kids do too. I wonder if it's a genetic thing. It really doesn't matter, we need assistance. We can't live without it.
CadillacJack says--Strong values and beliefs are very powerful. Yabut CadillacJack--I heard on TV (i.e. soooo it must be right) that money is powerful. Now those two powers will be interesting to watch in 2013 (i.e. my opinion). I wonder which one will win. It's like this story: One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. "One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. "The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
WildWillie salys--I know what is around the corner, I just don't know where the corner is. LuckieEddie says--2013 might be the year in which that 23 year old, that 35 year old or that 60 year old person (i.e. maybe you) might grow up (i.e. mature) and become that success story. Don't give up on yourself or on others folks. It does happen. Yes it does. AsmyneighborLongBallJohn says--"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." It seems odd that a favorite quote of mine comes from Mike Tyson, but it is fitting in many situations. Are you going to be the one punching or the one adjusting today (i.e. 2013)? Have you ever been punched in the mouth. For evrie, I'm going try to be more patient and kinder in 2013. You heard me right, try! Even when I'm the one who is punched in the mouth. I read this in a book I'm reading--In one sense joy is no better thing than bitterness, because either can pass away in a moment. Oh ya, I'm going try to be more patient but I still prefer the Xlerator to the Word Dryer!!!
LuckieEddic says--I hope you always run down hill in 2013 and with the wind at your back! A pretty, smart and knowledgeable gal (i.e. I really like this gal) wrote this on her facebook page--" Does any of this stuff make any sense to ya?
Here might be some good advice for 2013--Associate reverently, as much as you can, with your loftiest thoughts. ~Henry David Thoreau~ That Chrismas Evi-ish Service at The Rock which they did on Saturday and Sunday (i.e. they do 5 services) was very very good (i.e. my opinion--exceptional). Here is the link if you would like to watch it. http://therockofsouthwest.com/ Then click on most recent sermon. To get to the link is very easy. A very innovative and creative and spiritual service. I would like to know what you think of it.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Dog tired tonight? -- Mabye you growled all day.
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