Saturday question--Are you oh soooooo juiced up for Christmas? Children really get excited (i.e. it's like fantasyland to them). Christmas touches us in sooooo many different ways. It's different when you are 3 years old then when you are 67. We all have different thoughts and situations. Many families are steep in tradition. We hope that Christmas touches all of our souls. But remember, the dogs a.k.a merchants are howling! Like I said, we are all touched in different ways. ItchieBitchie says--Don't pretend you're something you're not this Christmas (i.e. don't be a DuaneTheWorm). "Hey kids, look at the deer." Talk about pretending--Ya, Arlene and I watched Chubby Chase's Christmas Vacation again. I usually do every year. It makes me laugh every year. I think I see myself in some of Clark's ideas. Could be. SusieQ says--Folks always don't respond the way you expect and things don't work out the way you expect them tooooo. Soooo get over it erv! Because of the snow storm, we had to leave a day late to CO. When Heather told Erin that we wouldn' get to ski with her on Saturday 'cause of the snow in IA. Her response. "In that little car?" Heather--"do you think they need a bigger car?" Erin--" well we have a big car and it snowed here and we could drive. Maybe we should just drive over to Iowa and drive them to our house." Love her attitude.
It's only money folks! Only money! MyBuddyLyle a.k.a. thesage told me that the presidential election cost over 2 billion dollars. Wow! He said people spent that much on Halloween this year. What! Soooooo how much will be spent on Christmas do you think? God only knows! There are many jewelry and whisky advertisements on TV this time of the year. There must be a reason I bet. MyBuddyLyle also told me that 20 billion dollars would take care of the homeless situation. Americans spend 20 billion on Christmas decorations alone! I wonder how much Americans spend on pets (i.e. and how much for Christmas gifts for their pets)! Maybe there are entitlements for pets; I can't keep up with all the entitlements. Joesixpack says--The Christmas machine is well oiled and running great folks! I think erv, you are just trying to rub my nose in the dirt of the commericalism of Christmas. I tell you what Joesixpack, I think you are trying to justify your commercial hubris of Christmas. This is what BigPete a.k.a. pinkishPete a.k.a the Canuck says (i.e. printed with his permission)--erv, it is still the most amazing thing about the USA... and I spend the majority of my time and $ there, but for the current generation to simply discard the $20 trillion or so, do nothing about it because neither of the 2 choices will get elected if they raise the price of beer or other frills of life, by a few bucks to pay down this huge problem... is this rocket science. Trust me... beer drinkers will still pay a few bucks more.... I am a big time participant ha ha... and so will the smokers and the gas guzzler cars, and the expensive restaurant clientele. I'm a Conservative willing to pay for my vices, but you won't let me so your kids can end up in catastrophic monetary issues...
nothing personal.. just want to beat you bad at PBall now ha ha... and your Politicians even more!
pinkish pete BigPete--I had to buy a new tooth brush container. I had to buy a twin back at Dollar General. One was purple and the other is pink. I am using the pink one so I think of you "onesmartman". And yes, you will probably kick my butt in pickle ball "Canadian Champ"! I'm no virgin, I''m use to it. If I have to get beat, I like to get beat by the best!
I needed to buy something at Dollar General this morning. The gal ahead of me, who I know, bought about $30 worth of cat food in those little cans. She recently has had major life threatening surgery which has turned out very well she told me. She told Coleen to put cat food in 2 bags as she is not suppose to lift anything more than 10 pounds. I asked if I could carry them out to the car for her--sure! She had a driver soooo I asked if I should put them in the back seat--sure. I opened the door and the back seat was full of groceries. I said--man you have a lot of groceries to which she replied--We just came from the food bank! I wanted to say--Get rid of that...cat if you have to get your food at the food bank but didn't. IthchieBitchie says--erv, you don't get it; we live in America (i.e. home of entitlements). Get over it. Such is life.
Did you know that in many cultures around the world, the food staple is beans and rice? It's quite nutritious, common and affordable. We stopped on the way to Waukee (i.e. a tough trip let me tell ya--I-35 was terrible) last night and ate at Jethro's BBQ (i.e. Bruce's favorite BBQ place). We shared nachos but I had a side order of beans and rice. I bet Jethro's make it different than most of the world does but it was still beans and rice. Riley here says--After you have been having steak for a long time, beans beans taste fine!
Christmas is magical for kids. It really is. Sooooo much fun. I got a hundred dollar bill broke into a couple of 50s at Wells Fargo in Waukee this week. The teller told me that she has 2 grand boys. One wanted a magic wand and a Lizard Action Figure. Later he told her that he didn't need the lizard any more. She asked how come. Well, if I get the magic wand, I can make my own Lizard Action Figure. Oh, the imagination of a child. That's Christmas folks.
Soooo what are you going to give everyone for Christmas? You probably have already decided. Here is an idea that might even fit in your budget. I didn't come up with the idea but Paul suggested it to me. -- Paul mentions certain virtues that characterize the Christian life. Humility is the disposition not to seek prominence for oneself. A humble person allows others to take precedence and receive credit. Gentleness or meekness names the habitual disposition to be so focused on the common good as not to be distracted by anything personal. Moses was meek because he sought first and foremost the good of those he was leading. Patience is the strength that allows us to resist the pressures of the moment. In Greek it means being long-tempered, as opposed to short-tempered. Patience is calm forbearance. Bearing with one another in love is the disposition to put up with the irritating faults and annoying idiosyncrasies of those with whom you live. Virtues; or we could say, “fruit of the Spirit.”
Some times during the Christmas time I look like a dog chasing a car; sometimes I look good and sometimes I look like I got run over! I wonder what I will look like this year. I already had one goof at this Christmas time but I had someone who covered for me and made me look good. We sent some Christmas cards to some very special folks (i.e and some who don't get my blog). ANYWAY I was in the library before we left when the the postmaster came in. She said I mailed one card without a stamp and one I had a bad address. She said--that's why you need to put on your return address on erv...but I recognized your hand writing! Is that small town folks or what! She's a special little elf! Oh ya!
I went to pay a bill before we left for CO. The gal and her husband run a ma-pa operation. I was paying the "ma" of the operation. I really like this gal. She asked me to overlook her appearance as she stays with a friend every night who's husband was killed in an accident and she was just drained emotionally and physically (i.e. a priceless gift I think--the best kind of Christmas gifts). Her love for her friend was touching to me regardless of not being all fixed up a.k.a. looking foxy). Then I walked by "a gift and card shoppe". The door was open as the UPS person was there delivering something. Oh the smell of Christmas just spewed out of the door (i.e. literately the smell of candles and stuff). I went in and told the owner that. I said hi to a lady customer who was dressed very sharp (i.e. I mean very Christmas sharp--I mean perfect--beautiful--very foxy). I didn't know her but what a difference in appearances. Which one was the best? I have no idea.
We hope and pray that your Christmas might be Christ centered with your family and friends.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
Erv and Arlene
MyFriendJean says--Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
Got this from my ILattorneyFriendJohn--Received a Christmas CD and this song was on it. Had not heard it before but found it on You Tube. Hope you like it.
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