How much is enough? John D. Rockefeller was presented with that question at the height of his incredible personal wealth in the oil industry. To which he responded, "One more dollar." SusieQ says--Wealth is a moving target. It is an illusion a.k.a a deception). LuckieEddie says--So here is the big illusion... no one feels wealthy. Not even the "rich" guys. CadillacJack says--Most days I actually feel wealthy. It has not been a shift in circumstances but rather a shift in beliefs. ~ Saturday question--Do you really feel wealthy? When will you get there? Has that target changed in your life from a decade ago? Idea or advice--Find the folks that you think are wealthy and ask them if they feel wealthy?
No deception here folks; you get what you see! Have you ever wondered what the difference is between Grandmothers and Grandfathers? Well, here it is: There was this loving grandfather who always made a special effort to spend time with his son's family on weekends. Every Saturday morning he would take his 5-year-old granddaughter out for a drive in the car for some quality time -- pancakes, ice cream, candy-- just him and his granddaughter. One particular Saturday, however, he had a bad cold and really didn't feel like being up at all. He knew his granddaughter always looked forward to their drives and would be disappointed. Luckily, his wife came to the rescue and said that she would take their granddaughter for the drive and breakfast. When they returned, the little girl anxiously ran upstairs to see her grandfather who was still in bed. "Well, did you enjoy your ride with grandma?" he asked. Not really, Papa, it was really boring. We didn't see a single asshole, leech, piece of crap, horse's ass, socialist left wing democrat Obama lover, blind bastard, dipshit, Muslim camel humper or son of a bitch anywhere."
LucieEddie says--My life is one big deception. I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money but I live like a rich man with no money. Is there deception in the political world? Corporate world? Church world? Our personal world? Da!!! AverageJoe says--I live in "Pleasantville" but sink back into "Somnambulism" sometimes! Lance said for years that he didn't use the stuff. Clinton said he didn't have sex with her. And the list goes on including us at times. Saturday question--Soooo being a savvy insider more important than adhering to community standards? GeorgeTheCrook says--Deception is just public relations or good business (i.e. they all do it). It just being a good promoter and spin control. Ya, some folks don't care what they do to get to the finish line (i.e. they like the applaud of the result--fame and fortune are heaped upon those who reach elite levels of success). Maybe we are all deceptive at times. You think soooooo? WildWillie says--I'm not deceptive but I just don't tell the whole story! Is that being deceptive or not? Are you swerving here WildWillie?
The Pillsbury Doughboy dies yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. Now that is a deception. A friend sent me this quote of John Wesley--"Do all the good you can, by all the ways you can, in all places you can, all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you can." Isn't that cool? I think (i.e. my opinion) that that is the real deal (i.e. no deception there folks).
FlabbyGabby says--I deceive myself oh sooooo often. When things are going well (i.e. like I'm on top of the world) I need to enjoy it as it ain't how it's always going to be. I want my pie-in-the-sky and eat it tooooooo. Actually when are we most vulnerable do you think? I think it's when I'm on top of the world or deep in a valley. FlabbyGabby, the rumor is you are on a "topoftheworldexperience". But then rumors are sorta kinda true some of the time! Sooooo don't get deceived FlabbyGabby. My mentor use to tell me--Things are never as good as they look and never as bad as they look.
Charles Barkley says if he would be the GM of the Phoenix Suns--"I would hire strong supporting cast. ...I'm going to hire people I listen to. I'm not going to hire people who tell me what I want to hear" Maybe Charles, you are just traumatized. ~ I ponder! Yes, I ponder. I wish I was like some who seem to always know the answer. I question and wonder and ponder many things usually ending up with no answer. I try not to let myself think what I want to think but ponder and decide what the real answer is. I try to listen and learn both sides and not let a group or an individual sway my thinking into their thinking. Sometimes I have learned that those other folks don't know what they are talking about and sometimes they do. Some have been brain washed by someone else. Is that being open minded. And then again, I might think I'm open minded and am not really (i.e. maybe only deceiving myself). Such is life.
GeorgeTheCrook says--Deception works. I know folks who are wise and good folks who get no respect or reward. And I know folks who are real jerks a.k.a DuaneTheWorms who get respect and reward. If you get caught with your deception (i.e. deer antler spray) you just admit and ask for mercy. Folks usually will accept that (i.e. prodigal son scenario). The potential gain is worth the risk. You can always say--I didn't know! You might be right GerogeTheCrook based on how our society works today but I really don't think it's the answer for me. I believe that most of us are somewhere in the middle but basically good (i.e. we have both good and bad in us). I asked Arlene what she thought of this deception. She thinks there are different levels of deception but basically folks are not deceivers. She is soooo nice, tender and sweet. Soooooo are you guys deceivers? Is the devil a deceiver? I read this in the paper soooo it must be right--I guess, as they say, winning is the cure all for everything in sports and business. What!
It's hard to use deception when you are really concerned and worried about something. It shows right through. That is why folks need a deviation from their concern once in a while. We need to get away from reality (i.e. that is why folks like movies soooooo well I think). MissPerfect says--Reality is tough on most folks. "You appear to be ten years older than you were a year ago." ~Ulysses S. Grant to Abraham Lincoln in the movie "Lincoln"~ Ya, stress and concern ages folks faster maybe. What do you thing?
Cadillac Jack says--Sometimes we deceive ourselves. The following is part of a cover letter of the Canadian pickle ball newsletter. -- Life is what you make it - each day a daily decision - is this going to be a great day or just another Ho! Hum! Day. . . the decision is YOURS. Attitude is everything, keep it positive with a big smile and you will have the time of your life. No matter how bad your circumstances, there is always someone much worse off then you...Having just returned from my annual Mexico Missions Trip, believe me, we live in paradise. We are simply the richest 10% in the WHOLE WORLD, just by being Canadians. The poorest among us live in luxury compared to most of the world. We have so much to be thankful for: clean air, clean water, a safe place to sleep, clothes and vehicles - these are actually luxuries to most of the world. Taking a trip outside of your comfort zone is a great way to get a quick attitude adjustment. Great pickling to all of you. See you in Abbotsford. Ed Burke Editor/Publisher/Director Pickleball Canada
Have you ever had your mind deceive ya? I did again just the other day. Mike and I were to pick up Evan to play golf. He told me they were at Monte Vista near Ellsworth and Baseline. My mind already had it figured out where it was. I didn't need to listen to Evan. Well my mind was wrong. It was on the other side of the intersection. Not where my mind had it. Man-O-man! I gotta listen better. Don't jump to some conclusion. I went for a late afternoon run up 'erin'em'er mountains and stopped at Frey's for a few items for dinner. I went through the express line (i.e. I had under 3-hands of fingers). The guy ahead of me was buying red roses. I said--are you in the dog house?--no, the ones I bought for Valentine's day are wilting. He left and I asked the check-out-guy how many roses were in that bunch for $54? He didn't know but did say--Most of those guys; I better not voice my opinion--go ahead; I'm interested in your opinion--Well, it appears to me that most of those guys are real showy guys a.k.a deceivers--That could be but we really don't know his situation or you don't know my situation or I don't know your situation--That is really true; we just don't know do we? We smiled at each other and I left. It was a good smile that meant something. We knew what was in each others' hearts I think. There was no deception folks. It was real.
Is this a deception. Wrangle this over in your mind. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Martin Luther said--The message of faith in Christ "has a good savor for all who are afflicted, downcast, troubled, and tempted and these are the ones who understand the gospel...often the sleek and strong do not. Joesixpack says--Even if we are people who have known real suffering ourselves (i.e. and who has not?), once we bounce back we so easily forget what it was like to be miserable and sick. Ouchy ouchy! ItchieBitchie says--Everything on TV says we all want to be sleek and strong!!
Was invited to play golf with a group of guys, employees of Farmers Mutual Hail. I was a fill in for Worm. Yes, his last name was Worm. I don't know if he was related to DuaneTheWorm. We played at Sidewinder. The setting is beautiful just under the Superstition Mountains in Gold Canyon. ANYWAY the guys were talking about a guy who use to play with their group. He quit 'cause he was sooooo concerned about his score (i.e. this is a harder course) instead of enjoying the company of the guys, the beauty of the setting or life. He just wanted to have a good score (i.e. probably went back to some easy course where he could get a good score and save his ego). I bet this guy was a deceiver. What do you think?
BuckskinFrankLeslie--A scout, a dandy and a ladies' man, was also a bartender at the Oriental Saloon in Tombstone, where, on Nov. 14, 1882, he got into an argument with William Claiborne and kicked him out, only to have the brash young cowboy come back armed and fisin' for a fight. BuckskinFrankLeslie came out a side door and shot down Claiborne, telling the arresting officer, "I'm sorry. I might have done more, but I couldn't do less."
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
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