Weee Doggy! That's an old saying from the TV show, "The Beverly Hillbillies." Jed Clampett used to say that whenever he was excited or when something overwhelming came up.
In America we have a strong drive to be #1. #1 as individuals and as a group. Joesixpack says--That is good and can be bad. Weee Doggy! How to solve the stalemate (i.e. the art of negotiating)! You get the two sides sitting at a table in a conference room. They check their weapons or petitions or rhetoric of whatever weirdo ideas they might have at the door. Ya set up a huge buffet in the room as well. They have to sit in their underwear and can't eat or go to the bathroom until they make a deal. Weee Doggy!
One of the activities that many snowbirds do is go to movies. Weee Doggy! A drunken MN cowboy lay sprawled across three entire seats in the posh Mesa theater. When the usher came by and noticed this, he whispered to the cowboy, "Sorry, sir, but you're only allowed one seat." The cowboy groaned but didn't budge. The usher became more impatient: "Sir, if you don't get up from there I'm going to have to call the manager." Once again, the cowboy just groaned. The usher marched briskly back up the aisle, and in a moment he returned with the manager. together the two of them tried repeatedly to move the cowboy, but with no success. Finally they summoned the police. The Texas Ranger surveyed the situation briefly, then asked, "All right buddy, what's your name?" "Fred," the cowboy moaned. "Where ya from, Fred" asked the Ranger. With terrible pain in his voice, and without moving a muscle, Fred replied,.......the Balcony........
Highly driven career orientated younger folks don't have any time for what they think as "nonsense stuff--stuff not directed to their careers". I read in the paper, soooooo that it must be true, that they don't have time for relationships but just have hookups a.k.a. quickies. Young people prioritize careers over romance! That's just the way it is. The Millennial generation are devoted to their careers working long hours and giving up serious relationships. I hiked with a guy who said his two children are in their late 30s and are very carrier orientated and don't seem to have much interest in getting married. I golfed with a guy who has been divorced twice--he was never home, always working on his career. These folks always seem tired and never have time for anything else but their career. Sooooo they will buy into the TV add--The popularity of energy drinks has exploded in the past ten years. These caffeine-filled bursts promise several hours of heightened awareness, speed, and focus. Advertisers suggest if we drink them we will be more efficient, proficient, and perhaps even happier. Weee doggy! But flpthepancake! If one wants success of some kind, ya gotta work hard and long. Ya gotta have to have stress and take chances and look for opportunity. Look at history and the folks around ya. Sooooo maybe we all need to look at our priorities and and fashion a life around what is important to us. ItchieBitchie says--Yabut I don't want to work but just want a lot money; I'm lazy; I just want to enjoy life and not work. ItchieBitchie, you better marry money or inherit it. Weee Doggy!
I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it. Joe Petroelje says--It may be tempting to rely on something superficial to get us through the day. After all, life is demanding, whether by choice or circumstance. There are days when 24 hours just isn't enough for all we try to pack into them. The results of trying to do too much, too fast, by ourselves? Burnout and fatigue. And also a misunderstanding about God's intent for our lives. Our reading today reminds us we don't need to be strong all the time. God has more than enough energy to supply our needs. We don't have to rely on our own abilities to accomplish the things that really matter. God has that covered. The reading today is Isaiah 40; 28-31 which happens to be my favorite scripture. Wee Doggy!
I woke up one morning this week with a complete change of my mind set. I have no idea why (i.e. it probably won't stay that way). AverageJoe says--Do not overestimate your own strength--if you think you are "high society" be careful. You might be over-rating yourself. Usually it's all about our money that makes us think we are "high society". The two letters at each end of money can cause us problems, m and y which is my! My this and my that and everything is about my stuff. We then seem to forget about "One" important thing that is the middle three letters. SusieQ says--Everyone is trying to get an advantage! It's the story of life. Such is life.

There is a sign on the wall at Old Chicago that says--You haven't lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you! There was another sign below it that said--The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give. Winston Churchill once said--You make a living by what you earn; you make a life by what you give. "Let us endeavor to live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry".--Mark Twain-- But flipthepancake--See what Blondie says! Weee Doggy!
I golfed with a guy who told me that where ever he travels it seems like everyone has a lot of money (i.e. and I think this guy does himself). It really seems that way. There are soooooo many nice houses and second houses, fancy cars, great $$ spend on recreation, much eating out, much travel, much luxury etc. I read in the paper (i.e. so it must be right) that many folks on the street are struggling. Soooo maybe there are both the rich and the poor (i.e. in their own world). I also read this in the paper: The Great Recession has upended the American tradition of moving to greener pastures. Instead of moving to a bigger home or for a higher-paying job, more Americans moved because they couldn't afford to stay where they are. I sure get conflicting impute. Again, maybe both are right. Now that could be. Weee Doggy!
Arlene and I stopped at Frey's the other night to pick up a few groceries. As we were going to the fruit section, there were two ladies ahead of us. They were rather large ladies and one brushed a flower stand and knocked over a flower pot. She looked at it on the floor. Stood there and looked more. Then she tried to pick it up. She saw us and said--You've ain't seen nutten mister! Weee Doggy!
Weee Doggy! Freedom at last. That is what many retired folks feel. Freedom from obligation. Obligation of a job, social activities, responsibility, schedules, commitments, demands, raising children, etc. Many retirees don't want to be tied down. They don't want to be committed. They want to be free as a goose. They don't want to have to do something and don't want to have to be somewhere at a certain time. That is why many don't want to join certain activities 'cause they demand them to be there. They would rather be part of an activity where is is optional if they are there (i.e. no demands). They don't want to commit themselves to a continued schedule. They want freedom. Want flexibility. ItchieBitchie says--BUT hold fast to Christ, and for the rest, be totally uncommitted.
A challenge I give you this week. Be an encourager to someone who needs it (i.e not the champ but the less fortunate). Give someone a vote of confidence. The champ always gets a lot of attention but give some attention to person who has really done well and is trying but probably will never be the champ. Joesixpack says--Be full of grace to a person. Weee Doggy that will make you feel good. Be supreme gas instead of just being the regular gas. When we were kids, they sold regular and ethyl gas. You remember that? Ethyl was more expensive but stopped the knock in the engines (i.e. had lead in it I think and now we took the lead out). I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--It is a wonderful thing to find someone else who, when we are low, can speak to us words of real encouragement...However we theologize it, the experience of isolation is still one of the most distressing and disorienting of trials. CadillacJack says--Be a yooper instead of a troll. I played golf with MI-EngineerJim Saturday. He informed me what a MI yooper is and what a MI troll is. What the heck is a yooper? A yooper is a person who lives in the Upper Peninsula of MI a.k.a. U.P.and a troll is a person who lives under the bridge (i.e. in the lower part of MI below the Mackinac Bridge that connects the two parcels of land. MI-EngineerJim told me that there is a singing group that are called The Yoopers. Here is the song they are best known for he said. http://www.lyricstime.com/da-yoopers-second-week-of-deer-camp-lyrics.html
MissPerfect says--Maybe it's an optical conclusion! More about the champs--Major league baseball is big news here in the Valley with the Cactus League starting. All the teams say--If everyone stays healthy and everyone lives up to their expectation, we are gong to be a great ball club! Even the Cubs and the Twins say that. I read this in the paper sooo it must be right what John Force said about Danica Patrick winning the pole position in the Daytona 500-- "I get that Danica got the pole is a big deal, but it is not like she delivered the baby Jesus." He was saying that there are other important folks besides her (i.e. some folks get all the attention but there are other great folks tooooo who get little or no attention). Weee Doggy!
I read this in the paper soooo it must be right--It was just announced that President Obama will speak at Ohio State's graduation in May. The president has a lot in common with those students. He's currently in his fifth year and swamped with debt. Weee Doggy!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The heart has reasons, which reason can not understand.
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