Not in this world! Joe Plantina says--We have a lot of questions about heaven. Will I know people who have passed away before me? What will it be like? If I have to sing, will I at least get a better-sounding voice? And of course, the super-spiritual questions about whether there will be golf or pets! Here’s what we know: heaven is a place that is uncorrupted by sin and suffering. It’s the place where God dwells in complete harmony and unity with his people, and the place where the pain of this life no longer exists. While the specifics are beyond imagining (see 1 Cor. 2:9), we know that none of us will want for anything or wish that anything was different. erv says--His understating I cannot fathom; God is God and that's just the way it is folks. I think heaven will be out of this world! Can you imagine a place where there is complete harmony? A place where there is no manipulating, game playing or folks taking advantage of others.
Difference in prices! What in the world! Something smelt, I could smell it. If it stinks a little on the surface, it will stink a lot more when you get to the bottom of it. It always does. Sooooo if you think someone is trying to discombobulate you, be careful 'cause they probably will continue to try to bamboozle you. I just didn't believe this guy (i.e. seemed to be blowing smoke). I listen to his blurb (i.e. sales pitch). And I figured what he said probably wasn't true (i.e. he reminded my of DuaneTheWorm). I was dealing on trading cars. Soooooooo I went to two other dealers. It's pretty easy to compare Toyotas as they have certain packages and they are all the same sooooo -- This is what I want and here is my car. What will you trade for. FullOfCrapMike was way off. Not just by a little either. He was $4,807 higher than the lowest. The Internet has made it (i.e. I think) easier to buy a car. I think they still are tooo expensive. Years ago when we bought our 08, I was filling her up with gas at Casey's. An acquaintance said to me--got a new car erv?--ya--did you get a good deal on it--I think sooooo--In his soft, monotone voice he said--As long as you think you did, that's all that matters. He made me laugh.
What in the world! A couple of my buddies said that I hardly had our 08 Avalon broke in with only 132,500 miles on it. One buddy has a 02 Camry with 295,500 miles and the other has a 06 Highlander with 288,285 miles on it. Wow! Don't tell me that some old lady just drove those to church!!!! Nothing runs like a...! And you know what folks, both of those vehicles look really good yet.
Make your mark. If you put your name on something, what does that mean? What does it project if you endorse something? When you give your testimony about someone or something, what does that mean? What does it mean when you sign with your blood? Does your character come into
play? I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Character is something that is built up, like a building, through a gradual, painstaking process of placing one brick upon another. A single brick is not much. But the soundness and careful placing of each individual brick is vital to the overall result. In the same way, faith by its very nature concentrates on small things, giving its energy to the responsible completion of one ordinary task after another (i.e. one step at a time).

I was at Wal Mart the other day and a mother was with her three children. The oldest child was a girl about 14. They were walking ahead of me when all of a sudden the mother stopped and started shaking her finger in her daughter's face saying--Young lady, you are not tooooo old for me to slap you in the face right here in Wal Mart; I will not accept the way you are talking to me thinking the world revolves around you. I don't know how it ended as I walked by them. She made her mark!
Beyond "what in the world"! I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right. Hugh Campbell, 88, started running at 87, but the first time he ran a race on a track a few weeks ago he set a national age group record. Scientists have different theories why he can do this. Some are partly to genetics and partly to attitude. "Aging is not something that happens to you," said physiologist Wojtek J. Chodzko-Zajko of the University of Illinois. "Your decisions definitely have an impact." Such is life.
Squeaky Chair An old wooden rocker we have all of a sudden started squeaking. I called a friend who is maybe 90 who worked a lot with wood as to what I should do. He said--That squeaking is music. It puts a guy to sleep! Soooo I went and goggled it and watched a u-tube using Tite Chairs. Soooo I gooo to our local hardware and Brenda helps me find this product. She says they sell a lot of it sooooo it must work. She reads the front of the package--For anyone from 18 to 80 -- No skill required. I said--I fit both of those requirements. We had a good laugh! Such is life.
Opportunity! I was checking out at Dollar General the other day. I asked the checkout clerk (i.e. a gal maybe 28) if she could give me a few quarters as I was going to wash the car. I asked her how many quarters does it take--I don't know, I don't wash my car--you don't wash your car ever--no, I let the rain do it; I don't have time; I have three children; I don't even have time to wash clothes--Soooo what do you do, just wear dirty clothes--ya, pretty much! That triggered my thought process about an opportunity. Some folks from our church's mission committee last Christmas season went to a laundry mat with a bunch of quarters and paid for the washing and drying of clothes for folks. During this time they just talked to them. I bet those folks thought--What in the world! The folks who did this said it was a great opportunity. Maybe you and I should try that!
Happenstance, na, I don't think soooooo! I meet a guy maybe 5 or 6 years ago at the IA Boys' State Basketball Tourney. We continued to communicate during the last years. His wife recently developed a serious brain tumor and has now died. He emailed me--Sue passed away Tuesday and is now in heaven. One of her last words with six days left was " I am saved" I told her that I heard that. She proceeded to know me through Sunday... Then was at peace as she died in her sleep. Her ashes will be sprinkled over our flower bed.
I went with our pastor to the Iowa City Hospital to visit a guy who needs a new heart real soon. We visited with him, his wife and his daughter. I went to the bathroom down the hall near the waiting room As I was almost there, I ran into his son who is maybe 21. I knew him as a kid through church. Have not been in much contact with him for some years. We had a very good talk. I told him that my daddy died when I was 17 soooooo I know a little what your emotions are. He was very responsive and open. He told me that we just have to have faith and believe. I asked him when I was about to leave, if I could give him a hug. He said--you bet and we hugged. I didn't see him in his fathers room before or after. Happenstance, na I don't think soooooooo folks!
I can't believe it! What in the world is going on! I went for a long, hard bike ride this week. Came home and took a shower. I was wiping out the shower and I hurt my back. I hurt it by just wiping out the shower!! You believe that. Sooooo I go over to see MyFriendJean. She tells me I need to do exercises. She gets on the living room floor and demonstrates them to me. She was really good at doing them (i.e. very limber). She's 86!!! Whatintheworld! She just made me laugh! It's getting better (i.e. either the exercises are helping or it's a miracle) but it has limited my activity let me tell ya! Such is life.
Her false teeth fooled me! A friend told me that she has false teeth. Has had them since 1960. She said--Didn't have any cavities until she had her children and then her teeth just went to pot. ANYWAY I would have never guessed she had false teeth. She has some gold in two places and are colored just like normal. What in the world!
Have a FUN day my friend unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
Squeaky Chair An old wooden rocker we have all of a sudden started squeaking. I called a friend who is maybe 90 who worked a lot with wood as to what I should do. He said--That squeaking is music. It puts a guy to sleep! Soooo I went and goggled it and watched a u-tube using Tite Chairs. Soooo I gooo to our local hardware and Brenda helps me find this product. She says they sell a lot of it sooooo it must work. She reads the front of the package--For anyone from 18 to 80 -- No skill required. I said--I fit both of those requirements. We had a good laugh! Such is life.
Opportunity! I was checking out at Dollar General the other day. I asked the checkout clerk (i.e. a gal maybe 28) if she could give me a few quarters as I was going to wash the car. I asked her how many quarters does it take--I don't know, I don't wash my car--you don't wash your car ever--no, I let the rain do it; I don't have time; I have three children; I don't even have time to wash clothes--Soooo what do you do, just wear dirty clothes--ya, pretty much! That triggered my thought process about an opportunity. Some folks from our church's mission committee last Christmas season went to a laundry mat with a bunch of quarters and paid for the washing and drying of clothes for folks. During this time they just talked to them. I bet those folks thought--What in the world! The folks who did this said it was a great opportunity. Maybe you and I should try that!
Happenstance, na, I don't think soooooo! I meet a guy maybe 5 or 6 years ago at the IA Boys' State Basketball Tourney. We continued to communicate during the last years. His wife recently developed a serious brain tumor and has now died. He emailed me--Sue passed away Tuesday and is now in heaven. One of her last words with six days left was " I am saved" I told her that I heard that. She proceeded to know me through Sunday... Then was at peace as she died in her sleep. Her ashes will be sprinkled over our flower bed.
I went with our pastor to the Iowa City Hospital to visit a guy who needs a new heart real soon. We visited with him, his wife and his daughter. I went to the bathroom down the hall near the waiting room As I was almost there, I ran into his son who is maybe 21. I knew him as a kid through church. Have not been in much contact with him for some years. We had a very good talk. I told him that my daddy died when I was 17 soooooo I know a little what your emotions are. He was very responsive and open. He told me that we just have to have faith and believe. I asked him when I was about to leave, if I could give him a hug. He said--you bet and we hugged. I didn't see him in his fathers room before or after. Happenstance, na I don't think soooooooo folks!
I can't believe it! What in the world is going on! I went for a long, hard bike ride this week. Came home and took a shower. I was wiping out the shower and I hurt my back. I hurt it by just wiping out the shower!! You believe that. Sooooo I go over to see MyFriendJean. She tells me I need to do exercises. She gets on the living room floor and demonstrates them to me. She was really good at doing them (i.e. very limber). She's 86!!! Whatintheworld! She just made me laugh! It's getting better (i.e. either the exercises are helping or it's a miracle) but it has limited my activity let me tell ya! Such is life.
Her false teeth fooled me! A friend told me that she has false teeth. Has had them since 1960. She said--Didn't have any cavities until she had her children and then her teeth just went to pot. ANYWAY I would have never guessed she had false teeth. She has some gold in two places and are colored just like normal. What in the world!
Have a FUN day my friend unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
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