Finding peace. When absolutely everything is going wrong, where do you find peace? Can you find peace even when everything is going wrong? Think about that folks. To think about that, you have to have some quiet time without any world's distractions. But don't over think. Ok? A friend told me that he gets up at 5:30 every morning. He reads, prays and thinks. It's his favorite time of the day. Yabut, several days later I saw this guy at 8:30 and he was in his pajamas and his hair was a mess. It looked like he just got up. He said he overslept. It must not have been his favorite part of that day! Or maybe it was! Huh, interesting!
SnowBirdMorrisFromWestbrookMN, an 82 year-old farmer, went to the doctor to get a physical. A couple weeks later the doctor saw Morris walking down the street of Mesa with a gorgeous young lady on his arm. The doctor stopped and spoke to Morris saying, "Morris I see you're really doing great!" Morris replied, "Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.'" The Doctor replied, "Morris, I didn't say that. I said, 'You got a heart murmur. Be Careful."
Zig Ziglar says in his book, See You At The Top (i.e. I have read it a couple of times) and also on this u-tube (i.e. 1,518,716 views) that many folks really don't want to change. 'Cause if they did, they wouldn't have nutten to complain about; and they enjoy complaining. Zig says--It's all about your attitude. My Daddy, Chester, said--erv, Everybody has problems. It's just that some people handle them differently. Such is life
I think (i.e. my opinion) one of better things a person can do for another is to give them an opportunity to express themselves. I mean, ask them a simple question about their situation and then just listen (e.g. I bet you really miss your husband). Maybe ask a few more simple questions but let them do the talking. Don't give advice but when they ask questions for answers, maybe ask questions back again. Let them figure it out. Does that make any sense to you? I think, my opinion, the best we can do is show others that we care. Sometimes we really don't have to say much or anything (i.e. again my opinion). SusieQ says--We are all surrounded by wows! Oh ya, one more suggestion: We don't need to trump others wows (e.g. you got it bad but listen to how bad I have it). If we can just listen, then I think we've turned the corner as to be a good listener and a better person. What do you think?
Saturday question--Should a person be passive or involved in other folks' lives? I mean, what should a guy do anyway? If you are passive you just let things go on the same even if we think they are wrong (i.e. and maybe they are not wrong; yabut somethings are obviously wrong). If you get involved, sometimes folks don't like that. Soooo what should a person do? Sooooo do we truly minister to some one's suffering or do we just add to it. Joesixpack says--Some folks think they know all the answers when really they have not a clue what others are thinking, feeling and going through. Soooo is that a paradox or a dilemma folks. It's hard for me to see folks hitting their heads against a wall all the time. Soooo I say to them--If you would change your life style, you wouldn't hit your head against the wall all the time and the hurting would stop. But they keep hitting their heads against the wall. I maybe would do the same but don't/can't see it. I think this is a place for a mentor. What do you think? I think (i.e. my opinion) it's good to ask for advice. My Daddy, Chester, would say to me--erv, the best and most inexpensive way to learn is to ask questions. I took an old friend out for breakfast this week. He's 91 and has a lot of experience in an area I need some advice. Most helpful. His advice to me was that he changed little by little and sooo will you; just accept it. I saw this on the back of a truck tractor in the SW--Amarillo By Morning. Sooooo if I want to get to Amarillo By Morning I better make some good plans and get after it (i.e. my opinion).
Our future! Slammin'Sammy says--Once we resolve to our situation, it is easier to plan the future. It's not always easy to become resolved (i.e. accept life as it is a.k.a reality). Once we do, then we can go forward and do what we have to do in the situation we are in with what we have. If we deny our situation, it's hard to go forward, at least properly and most beneficially.
ItchieBitchie says--Sometimes our faith becomes like the emperor's new cloths! It's hard to always be on the top of the mountain. Sometimes we experience the valleys. LuckieEddie says--Life is not futile, it is full. It's just that everything in life is not pleasant.
MissPerfect says--Once we are resolved, we need to adjust to our situation (i.e. little by little). Adapt to what we need to do (i.e. be limber and flexible and be accepting).
I like this prayer--God grant me peace in my suffering! Let me relax and somehow enjoy (i.e. this time). Be merciful to me oh God and please be gracious. And oh God, thanksamillion for all the good in my life! You have really blessed me. Thanks for all the good memories.
Humbling Events in our lives can be humbling. Probably all of us have experienced these times. If you haven't, you will. It isn't if, it's when. Well, he almost convinced them and himself but then the roster was humbling! Peter was three times asked if he was associated with this Jesus. He said three time--who, what, me! Remember that? Putting it in Peter's own words--I don't know what you're talking about--Luke 22:60. Ouchy ouchy!
Some folks are smarter than other folks just like some smart phones are smarter than other smart phones. Well almost! CasualCalTheSchmuch thinks he's pretty smart but he's not there yet. LuckieEddie says--You don't get smart until you get your wisdom teeth! CasualCalTheSchmuch doesn't have his wisdom teeth yet. It could be a couple of more years maybe! Sometimes it just takes a little more time to get smart. You got to be patient.
CadillacJack says--When I
bought my Blackberry, I thought about the 30-year business I ran with 1,800
employees, all without a cell phone that plays music, takes videos, pictures
and communicates with Facebook and Twitter. I signed up under duress for
Twitter and Facebook, so my seven kids, their spouses, 13 grand kids and 2
great grand kids could communicate with me in the modern way. I figured I could
handle something as simple as Twitter with only 140 characters of space.
That was before one of my grandkids hooked me up for Tweeter, Tweetree, Twhirl,
Twitterfon, Tweetie and Twittererific Tweetdeck, Twitpix and something that
sends every message to my cell phone and every other program within the texting
My phone was beeping every three minutes with the details of everything except
the bowel movements of the entire next generation. I am not ready to live like
this. I keep my cell phone in the garage in my golf bag. CadillacJack--Ya gotta do whatcha ya gotta do!
Our desires always disappoint us; for though we meet with something that gives us satisfaction, yet it never thoroughly answers our expectation. ~Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)~
Joesixpack says--Maturity counts but age does not! But spiritual growth means growth in grow up is to grow down. Does any of this make any sense to you erv? Such is life.
Well it's almost the same--From ridiculous (i.e. preposterous) to realistic (i.e. reasonable)! I mean things we thought were cockamany (i.e. ludicrous) 10 years ago are now just logical (i.e. normal). Ah Ah! ItchieBitchie, you said that it would never happen. It took only 10 years. Not all folks shriek with excitement of all the changes. Oh no! An acquaintance showed me the "voice-to-text" feature of his smart phone. For you non savvy smart phone users (i.e. seems like there are just a few out there--me included--I would really like one but can't justify the cost), you can say something and it will print it on the phone and then you can send it as a text message. Neat! A friend told me that his son uses it for his spell check. Neat!
Wrappin' up! ATandT says "bigger is better". They say it all the time on their ads. Bigger is better. They also say "faster is better". Do you think they are right? Maybe and maybe not. I like to unplug sometimes and just appreciate the little things that are important to me. I like to slow down, get rid of all the noise, and enjoy the small things. CadillacJack says--That's not American erv, faster and bigger is American. Even the little kids know that!
ItchieBitchie says--What makes an act truly great is not its bigness, but the purity of heart of the one who performs it. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
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