Joesixpack says--However, sometimes things don't appear as they may appear. DuaneTheWorm's motive for his actions might not be as they appear. Most of his actions are self-centered and done only to glorify himself. Sooooooo folks beware--like the saying in the passenger side mirror says--things might not be as they appear! A Chicago connection said--"However, just because you are a character doesn't mean that you have character."
LuckieEddie is a swell guy. His wife says he is a good husband and father. He is just a great guy, however...! LuckieEddie, I think you have lost some of your magic of years past. Sooooo folks, do you think you act different to your spouse now then before you were married Was fishing with a buddy in Canada maybe 20 years ago. He told me this--My wife has really changed since we were dating. She use to be much more passionate! Ouchy ouchy!
Definition of Per Stirpes: in equal shares to each member of a specified class with the share of deceased member divided proportionately among his or her beneficiaries (i.e. as children) per stirpes. Joesxipack has Class; He's got Class. His net worth is not exceptionally high, however but he has style with a smile. Will his class be shared per stripes do you think? We see where folks do influence the next generation or two and we see when they don't. Joesixpack will never know now will he. MissPerfect says--Some folks come for the race, however some come for the wrecks! A friend once told me--erv, some folks don't care if something bad happens to you and some are glad that bad things happen to you; not everyone is on your side. Huh, interesting!
Robert J. Tamasy says--"Why rock the boat? HOWEVER! Yet most high achievers, those that have left indelible marks in their areas of endeavor, have been ones that exhibited uncommon courage – willing to swim against the current, to challenge the status quo, to venture into the unknown with no guarantees of success." ItchieBitchie says--I'm not much for taking risk sooooo I'll probably just be a low or average success guy but I shouldn't have any problems (i.e. I don't rock the boat). You might be right ItchieBitchie. Soooooo ItcchieBitchie, just say nutten, do nutten and then die. That should do it! Such is life.
GeorgeTheCrook says--I stay in the middle of the road. Yabut GeorgeTheCrook, you sorta kinda get knocked down by traffic going both ways! I read in some book that it's not good to be just lukewarm. Have any of you every read that? A freind told me this week--When kids get in trouble and are not disciplined, they become shitty adults!
Friends! He is a good friend. I think I have a number of good friends. I have acquaintances, friends and good friends. Some guys will tell you that they don't have any good friends. They have guys that they socialize with, do business with, talk sports with etc, but not really a good friend they can share stuff with. A friend is a friend but a neat friend is someone you have a mutual relationship of a high level with. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Paul said--That is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other. However, really good friendships take a long time to develop and there needs to be a lot of trust. However, it can be done. If the trust is broken, the friendship won't remain (i.e. notfurlong). Folks, that is a truism. LuckieEddie says--Your good friends are there when you wreck and they feel for you.
I don't think they were his friends. I stopped at the golf course deck before hitting some balls the other morning. The social group that sits, talks, smokes, and drinks coffee were there on the deck (i.e. some of my buddies). I listened to some of their conversation. They made me laugh. They were talking about Johnny Eilers, owner and operator of a bar and coffee shop on the corner in Aplington many years ago. Johnny was a bachelor and a drinker and brazen. A couple of businessmen came in for coffee one morning (i.e. not his alcohol drinkers in the evening--they didn't drink or at least didn't drink in front of each other). ANYWAY they asked for a couple of cups of coffee. Johnny took both pots of coffee and poured them down the train right in front of them and said--I'm fresh out of coffee! I don't think he was their friend. What do you think?
It's just good business! A client who cheated on a claim once said to me--erv, that's just good business. Last fall we changed to Dish from MeidaCom. It was a huge massive savings as we are gone for the winter (i.e. they give us a vacation discount). ANYWAY we change a couple of our TVs around sooo I can have one of our HD TVs in the sun porch in the summer. The technician who installed Dish told me that I just need to change the TVs. Soooo I that that this spring. However it didn't work. Soooo I called support and after some time he basically told me to call the TV manufacture (i.e. I can't or don't want to help you). I thought about that and called and talked to a different support person. This person told me that I needed to have a technician come and do something on a receiver box. Sooooo the technician came and showed me how to change two cables outside of our house and BINGO! He told me that sales folks always don't tell the consumers everything. They are in sales however. He said that technicians are having all kinds of problems as sales don't say that the Hopper is not wireless. They want to make the sale (i.e. it's all about the $$$$). Folks get all upset when we tell them that its not wireless. Such is life.
There are many quality sales folks. Folks who really care about other folks. Sales folks who really try to do the right thing. Money is not there chief motive. BUT there are some that can sell snowballs to Eskimos! And the Eskimos love them for it. At least for a short time. Saturday question--How would you rate yourself?
I read this on the internet soooooo it must be right (i.e. however I wouldn't bet my life on it)--O. J. Simpson insisted he had absolutely nothing to do with the brutal 1994 murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman … however, he totally killed them. WildWillie says--Now that's a sales job folks.
Is concern a curse or is it a virtue that elevates us to the highest form of life? Do mothers ever quite worrying about their kids? Is there a time to quite worrying about them and move one? It's their life! You don't do everything your parents do soooooo why should your kids. Yabut, we just don't like them to do dumb things. Soooo who determines what dumb things are anyway? And you know what, you can't control an adult child but only pray for them. SusieQ says--However, worry is a good time consumer! However that worrying about your kids might change some day. MissPerfect says--One of my children became quite irritable recently, saying to me, "Where were you? I've been calling for 3 days, and no one answered. I was worried."
Have you ever talked to someone but you can tell they aren't listening. Sometimes they don't even pretend to listen. They have something else on their mind, think what you are saying is not important, getting ready to talk about themselves, they don't like what you are saying, don't want to hear what you are saying, don't think you are important enough to listen to, or are just not nice folks. However, I have noticed that the "good ones" always listen to other's ideas and suggestions. They are not closed minded. You ever notice that!
MyNeighborLilia told me--When I go to the doctor, the doctor doesn't seem to listen to me. The doctor always says--When you get to your age...(i.e. what do you expect)! Talk about listening to women. I rode bike the other day and stopped at my favorite place to read the Des Moines Register and have a pecan waffle. There were not many folks in the Waffle Shop. There were two gals in the booth next to me talking about their pap smear experiences. I tried not to listen but however it was just tooooooo funny not toooooo! When you get to my age!
We like many of you folks had the opportunity to go to graduation parties for the high school seniors. We wish them the best and encourage them to do well. However, there is nutten more we can say (i.e. they probably don't listen to us anyway) but now just sit back and watch them go forward. We'll see how much guts they have to form their lives!!!! I believe it takes a lot of guts to do what is right in this world. What do you think? CadillacJack says--erv, however when you say it like that, it makes perfect sense!!!! Ya right!

I tell you what folks, The LuckieEddies seem to seek wisdom, listens to it and then apply that wisdom. Seeeeems like those LuckieEddies just have more luck!!! Huh, interesting. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Habit is man's best friend or his worst enemy.
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