SortaKindaInteresting. If you can do I can do it too! When running in the 5K a few weeks ago at Parkersburg, a gal ran with me for maybe a mile. Then she dropped back as she said--she hasn't had time to train as much. She is getting married in a couple of weeks and has been busy. She was a vocational agriculture teacher and had a cow/calf herd. We talked cattle and I asked her if she uses AI (i.e. artificial insemination). She did and told me that she just went to school to learn how to do it and did her first breeding recently. Remember we ran in a pretty good rain. This gal was a pretty gal maybe 25. Her hair was soaking wet and her makeup was running down her face. A real gal I think. "Anything you can do I can do better!" There is a song like that I think. This gal wasn't proving she was better but I think just had an real interest and was very confident. She seemed very nice and real (i.e. not with an agenda). She didn't leave me thinking--SooooWhat'sThat! She, in my opinion, was just a nice young lady). MyKindOfGal!
SooooWhat'sThat! There is a difference. Oh ya. I seeded our lawn about 40 years ago. We redid our drive a couple years ago and had to reseed about 3 feet of it again. Also, Arlene'sFreinds a.k.a. her people, cut down one of my favorite trees. She and them thought it was dead but it wasn't!!! It still had some green on the top!!! ANYWAY I had to reseed that area as well. I see there is a difference in seed. Some grass is better that others. Sooowhatisthat! Maybe the new seed is just better; I don't know but it looks better. Sooooooo maybe I need to reseed some stuff in my life. Now that is an interesting thought. Maybe my old thoughts aren't soooo pretty any more. Could be! Such is life.
Good business???? Soooo What'sThat? It's bad business, that's what it is. I have acquaintances who don't respond to communications in a timely manner or at all. That is their choice. BUT I probably won't do much communicating with them. They won't get my respect. And they probably don't care. They must not care otherwise they would communicate in a timely manner. In business you better communicate in a timely matter or you won't be in business long. It's a competitive world besides it's just the right thing to do. If you want to gain the respect of others, you better. Or they will just blow you off. Anyway I do. I think it's rude not to respond. Watch the video in link below!
The plaque in the antique store pictured a model-T Ford with crank starter. The words with it announced, “Fewer wives would be nags if more husbands were self-starters.” GeorgeTheCrook says--In our culture today maybe it's just the opposite. MissPerfect says--What really works good is when both husband and wife are both self-starters. Such is life. Watch the video in the link below.
Your cell phone says that you got one missed call! Soooo are you going to call that person even if they didn't leave a message or not call them back. You have to decide. Some of you will not call folks back if they don't leave a message and others of you will. What's right do you think? ItchieBitchie says--I don't care one iota, I'm an island of myself! MissPerfect says--ItchieBitchie is going to hell in a hand basket! What does that mean anyway? Watch the video in the link below!
SoooooWhat'sThat! It's the dreaded curve ball. It curves right about the time it gets to home plate. Most hitters' eyes are focused on where they think they are going to hit the ball - and not on the ball itself. As a result, instead of hitting the baseball where they intend, they fail to hit it at all. No being able to handle the curve ball has finished many great baseball players (i.e. can't hit the curve ball). And folks we have curve balls in our lives don't we. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--You can't lead the devil around by the nose! Watch the video in the link below!
What would you consider the foremost requirement for success in the workplace? Would it be talent? Or education? Training? Good luck? SooooWhat'sThat anyway! Certainly each of these can be a factor in professional success. But there is one other quality that might be more important than all of them - persistence. That's according to Richard M. DeVos, Sr., co-founder of the Amway Corporation and owner of the National Basketball Association's Orlando Magic. I read this on a chalk board of a convenience store in Cedar Falls--Some people succeed 'cause they are destined too, most folks succeed 'cause they are determined too! Watch the video in the link below.
Now this is efficiency folks (i.e. keep it simple stupid). We bought some potting soil from True Value. It was Scotts brand. They had a refund if you bought two. Soooo I did. It was a good deal I thought. I got my check. Look how efficient they were in doing it. No envelope, just a check with the mailing address on it. That made me think. I wonder how efficient we are sometimes. I mean, I wonder if we are wasteful with our time, energy and money (i.e. do a lot of stuff with little efficiency
--like to look busy as it makes us feel good--folks always like to talk how busy they are). Good managers get a lot done in a little time. Just look around. Many get more done in a day than others in a week. Is that good business do you think? Are you an "outcome effector" or just a "talker" a.k.a. a wheel spinner? Such is life.
Takin'CareOfBusiness! I read in the paper sooooo it must be right--Half of Americans are in a 'survial mode' on finances. Huh, interesting. When businesses, family finances, and churches are fat, they are not very financially efficient. When things get a little tight, businesses, family finances, and churches need to revisit their budgets (i.e. cut some of the fat out--be innovative and creative). Maybe reduce spending or drop certain line item expenditures all to gather. LuckieEddie says--Ya gotta do what ya gotta do folks. Seeee, it's all about the money folks! Yabut, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Such is life.
Most people have heard the spiritual phrase, "Be still and know." SusieQ asks--"know what?" SusieQ, it's good business for you to find out what the "what" is! Oh ya. To be successful a person you must have an equal balanced triangle--Physical, mental, and spiritual. Watch the video in the link below!
Now this is efficiency folks (i.e. keep it simple stupid). We bought some potting soil from True Value. It was Scotts brand. They had a refund if you bought two. Soooo I did. It was a good deal I thought. I got my check. Look how efficient they were in doing it. No envelope, just a check with the mailing address on it. That made me think. I wonder how efficient we are sometimes. I mean, I wonder if we are wasteful with our time, energy and money (i.e. do a lot of stuff with little efficiency

Takin'CareOfBusiness! I read in the paper sooooo it must be right--Half of Americans are in a 'survial mode' on finances. Huh, interesting. When businesses, family finances, and churches are fat, they are not very financially efficient. When things get a little tight, businesses, family finances, and churches need to revisit their budgets (i.e. cut some of the fat out--be innovative and creative). Maybe reduce spending or drop certain line item expenditures all to gather. LuckieEddie says--Ya gotta do what ya gotta do folks. Seeee, it's all about the money folks! Yabut, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Such is life.
Most people have heard the spiritual phrase, "Be still and know." SusieQ asks--"know what?" SusieQ, it's good business for you to find out what the "what" is! Oh ya. To be successful a person you must have an equal balanced triangle--Physical, mental, and spiritual. Watch the video in the link below!
Feast or famine! SooooWhat'sThat? My mentor would say to me--erv, when things go well, we think they are going to go good forever. When things go bad, we think they will go bad for ever (e.g. when it's dry, we think it will be dry forever--when it's wet, we think it will be wet forever). It's how crazy our minds work, that'swhatitisfolks! We just had 7.2 inches of rain in a short period of time and we were already wet. Ouchy ouchy. If you live in a flood plain you are going to get water in your basement (i.e. not if, it's when). Water in your basement causes much stress. And stress is not goooood. Such is life.
Joesixpack says--I'm weak, not really fit, and elderly. Joesixpack, that's why your drives don't go as far as they use tooooo (i.e. you lost some of your power). Yabut, when the powerful come to the powerless for help, something major is going to happen. Think about that folks. Now that ain't about money! MyFriendLyle says--Money isn't happiness although it might help!!! It said in the paper soooo it must be right--Many young folks today are centered on doing what's best for me and lose track of the common good and what's best for society, for a community in general...they're searching for happiness, and our society said it is found in money. Soooothat'sthat! GerogeTheCrook says--The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Happiness lies for Those who cry, Those who hurt, Those who have searched, And those who have tried, For only they can appreciate the importance of people Who have touched their lives.
Soooo what's that? I prayed to the Holy Spirit for some wisdom. On June 9 at 1:30 a.m. I was given some wisdom. I really did get some. I have modified something in my life that was reveled to me and sooooo far it has impacted my life. Huh, interesting. A friend recently told me that when the tornado went through Parkersburg he was at his mother's place. They went into the basement and proceeded to the SW corner where you are suppose to go. He said--The Holy Spirit directed me to take my family to a different part of the basement. The house was leveled. The SW corner of the basement had much heavy debris and they would probably been seriously hurt seriously or even killed. Where they were, there was no debris. Huh, interesting. Okay, I have an acquaintance who always wants advice. Good advice is given him but he doesn't change (i.e. shakes his head vertically but really just blows it off). Soooooo is he just playing a game? Huh, interesting. Sooooo is he being a horse's ass or a smart ass or a dumb ass. Sooo what is that? Soooo if folks want advice and then don't apply it to their lives, maybe they are being just a stubborn jackass and really don't want to change. CadillacJack says-- "Lekje enn de moazh". What was that?! For those not familiar with Plautdietsch (Low German), it means "kiss my ass". CadillacJack can be independent at times. Can't we all. CadillacJack, be careful, you might end up being a n'er-do-well!
Success is graded by folks differently. As my mentor use to say--Our world judges success by $$$$$$$. BUT is that the proper grading scale do you think? Saturday question--What is your grading standard of success? We used Rick Warren's book Purpose Driven Life as our small group study at Randy and Galene's place back in 2002 (i.e. when the book was published). I recently bought a copy of the book on a garage sale for 10 cents. I'm using it as my morning devotional while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it (i.e. put some blueberries on tooooooo--MyFriendJean says that is goooooood!). Soooo do you know what your purpose of your life is on this earth? AverageJoe says--The abundant life has nutten to do with material abundance, and faithfulness to God does not guarantee success in a career. Never focus on temporary crowns. Such is life.
Folks are big on self-help stuff. The problem is, we gather the information but don't act on it. I don't want to sound nitpicking but that's the way it is for many. Sooooo here is some advice--good stuff that we should do (i.e. my opinion). SooooWhat'sThat! OneSmartGuy (i.e. not a smart ass, horse's ass or a dumb ass but just a smart guy--my opinion) sent me this--Quicken Loans was once again listed as the top place to work in IT by Computerworld. Here is a list of ‘isms’ that are part of their corporate culture. It’s very good stuff. http://www.quickenloans.com/
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Forget yourself and think of others--you'll quickly find joy in your life.

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