ItchieBitchie says--There is a wide range of people. Oh ya! And half the folks you know are below average. Surely none of you are below average, just those other folks. Surely! I have the opportunity to do some of the orientations for the volunteers at Wheaten Franciscan Health Care (i.e. do it as a volunteer). I have volunteers from 15 to 90 years of age (i.e. wide age range). These folks are the cream of the crop (i.e. above average for certain)! Volunteers are that--good hearted.
My opponent at golf league the other night was a guy who hauls feed to hog confinements. They furnish feed for 450,000 hogs using about 300 to 350 semi loads of feed a week. I asked him what they feed those pigs. Corn, distiller's settlings, soybean meal and dated candy bars and bakery goods, salt and other stuff (i.e. wide range of stuff alright). What--candy and donuts! Ya, that's right. Doesn't it take a lot of time to unwrap all the candy bars and bakery products. No, we buy it all done--they just chop the wrappers and everything--it comes in as a dried mix. Really! Those pigs seem to love it. The company who is feeding the pigs set the rations. FeedHaulingGuy said--The bigger the pig, the more candy and bakery goods!!! Huh, interesting.
Are you in the normal range? Arlene was getting a pedicure soooo I ran some errands. When I got back to pick her up, they weren't done with her yet sooooo I sat in one of the three waiting chairs and just observed. There was a couple of 80+ years of age both getting a pedicure. They had to be married for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time or just shackin' up together as they were all mushy and gushy and stuff (i.e. if you were married to the same woman for that many years, you just wouldn't act that way--they acted like they were still in the honeymoon stage--after a while the newness wears off). ANYWAY he was a rather robust guy, not very agile or mobile. When he got done, he wobbled over to one of the other three waiting chairs. He sits down and reaches under the chair and pulls out his shoes--a pair of new sneaker (i.e. I would guess $100+--each shoe was half bright blue and half white. He puts them on with no socks. Our culture is changing folks (i.e. a wide range as to what is normal). Such is life.
ItchieBitchie says--We have a wide range of feelings and they change constantly. How others can be happy when I'm soooo miserable. Then other times I've wondered how I can smile when other folks are crying buckets! And it seems like some folks are constantly happy and others are constantly unhappy. Some are complaining all the time and some are upbeat all the time. Why is that do you think? Some folks think everything is a problem and others look at the same situations as opportunities (i.e. my good friend does). Some folks have to do things and others get to do things. Why is that do you think? That amazes me. I have told you before, I just don't like to mow the lawn or cut the grass as some of you say. Some of you get to do it but I have toooooo do it! It really needs it bad soooo I wanted to do it Sunday. Arlene wouldn't let me. It was Sunday. We have never moved our lawn or cut our grass on Sunday. Ever. We still haven't. It maybe depends if you live in the country or not or maybe if the neighbors can't see you or they don't know you or you really don't care or you weren't raised that way or whatever. I play pickleball and golf on Sunday. That must be different. Such is life.

On my bike ride I saw a guy working on his race car soooo I went and talked to him. It was a modified car that he runs in the open class--worth about $18,000, has raced for 21 years, car weighs 2,200 pounds--must weigh 2,400 with him in it, owner and driver, 99% of all body and mechanical work done by him and his dad, entry fees are usually $100 and if he wins he gets usually $1,500. Folks have a wide range of interests now don't they. I said to him--I usually think race guys are wild, crazy and drink a lot. He said--That's a typical stereotype folks have but it's not the case. Folks in racing come from a wide range of backgrounds and are all different. I'm not crazy or wild but I do like to drink some!!! Such is life.
Folks have a wide range of weight (i.e. just like race cars)--I read in the paper sooooo it must be right--1/5 of all teens are obese and 30% of all adults are obese. Ouchy ouchy! The other morning as I was doing my run around A'town, I said good morning to a gal who was standing on her deck close to the street. She had a rather pretty face, was maybe 5'4" and weighed maybe 200 pounds and was smoking an early morning cigarette. She and I must not think alike! Such is life.
We have a wide range of "wants". I want something and then I get it and I'm disappointed. I thought it would be better; I thought I would enjoy it more; it would make me feel better than it does; etc. My mentor would say to me--It's never as bad as it looks and never as good as it looks. Wants are good for our economy. It makes folks want more and get more and spend more. BUT wants don't seem very satisfying to me. SusieQ says--Yabut if I only had a little more I would be happy. A golf buddy said when playing (i.e. said it facetiously)--I just want to make one more putt)! He already made his share. Aren't we that way--Just one more! Such is life.

Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. ~Lou Holtz~
We have a wide range of emotions! I talked to a friend who is all excited. A few weeks ago he was not excited at all (i.e. rather down in the dumbs). Soooo what made the big change? Something that he thinks is good and exciting has happened. Big range in those emotions; happy sad, full of energy lethargic, tired wide eyed and bushy tailed, proud discouraged, feeling love feeling like no one cares, feeling good about yourself to not liking yourself. HattieHackie says--And those emotions occurred to me in one day! Yabut, some folks are more emotionally than others and some just show it more. Such is life.

Death is the leveler! LuckieEddie says--Folks have a wide range of faith. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. I ran across an old friend (i.e. old in age and old in being friends for many years) on the street the other day. He told me he was ready to die. erv, I'm ready. His wife died of cancer several years ago. He said--All my siblings are dead and all my wife's siblings are dead--I really am looking forward to heaven--I don't really know how great it will be but I know it is going to be "beyond my expectations". I told him that I don't think we can fathom it. We maybe are told that it will be great but our little human minds can't comprehend it (i.e. some folks think they know and talk pretty big but I don't think they have much of an idea). He said--And that's ok with me. I said--death isn't all bad. It sure isn't he said. I said--It's going to be a great trip. He said--And the trip is already paid for and I don't even have to pack!
MissPerfect says--For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.
MissPerfect says--For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.
The other night I was sitting on the bench with a couple of female buddies/friends waiting our turn to play pickle ball. One of them told us that 4 ladies by their lake house wanted to know something about Jesus. They didn't know anything, never been to church and never opened a Bible (i.e. zero knowledge). Sooo they came over to their lake house. The first lady walked in and said--I don't know a God dam thing about this God stuff but I want to learn something about it!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The weaker the argument the stronger the words.
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