JoeBlow's critical mistake is--He talks pretty big but doesn't get much done (i.e. all talk and no show). Just look at his track record folks. It speaks for it's self. CrazyMarvin says--A good business principle is to under promise and over deliver. I like folks like that; don't much care for folks who over promise and under deliver. Just look at their track record. Don't believe a word they say! Heard 'em say that before! Ouchy ouchy!
A critical mistake is worry. ItchieBitchie says--If worries can cure your sickness, then go ahead and worry! If worries can prolong your life, then go ahead and worry! If worries can exchange for happiness, then go ahead and worry. Otherwise don't worry. I read in some book--"For we walk by Faith not by sight! Besides worry can kill ya! Critically kill ya!
Us Americans think we have to eat all the time and a lot! Did you you know--We could survive for several weeks without food, but left without water our bodies would fail within a few days. Soooo we don't need to eat all the time. Joesixpack says after not eating for a hour--Yabut I'm starving, I need to eat. Over eating is a critical mistake. ~ I was taking my bike off my car's bike rack at Pfeiffer Park (i.e. getting ready to ride my favorite 14.8 mile ride) and the lady beside me was putting hers on. She was a special teacher for underprivileged children in the Cedar Valley. She told me that many underprivileged mothers think they want their children to be obese. They think it's a sign of power and strength. Huh, interesting.
Recognizing a critical mistake. Oh ya! ItchieBitchie was depressed - didn’t know reason - searching for answers – wife suggested psychiatrist – 4 sessions and $1000 told him higher self-esteem, enjoy life more, take charge at home - man goes home, slams the door and; calls to his wife - things changing and from now on I’m the boss - you will fix my supper immediately – tonight going out with the guys – go up and run water and; lay out his cloths - and do you know who’s going to tie my tie and comb my hair - wife dumbfounded - “I’m not sure but I’m guessing the undertaker.”
WildWillie says--My weaknesses I have no control over. I just can't help it. A weakness, or "thorn" as Paul called it, is not a sin or vice or a character defect that you can change, such as overeating or impatience. A weakness is any limitation that you inherited or have no power over. Yabut there are things that we can change in our lives (i.e. if we really want tooooo). On the first tee at "old goats" the other day, a buddy/friend told me about being an "accidental Pharisee". He said--At times we all seem to be an "accidental Pharisee" by judging others by using a quality that maybe we think we might have compared to another who we think they don't have (e.g. raising children controlling our weight managing money getting an education). We only use something that we think we are superior at to judge others by; not something that we are weak at; and we all have weaknesses folks. All of us. Ouchy ouchy!
Several possible critical mistakes!

A massivehuge mistake is not taking advantage of an opportunity when presented to you (i.e. my opinion). I pray for opportunities, pray that I may recognize them (i.e. that they don't just go over my head) and the courage to act on them. I think "passing" on an opportunity is a critical mistake! ANYWAY I was honored and humbled to be asked to say "a little something" at Bryce and Katies' wedding last Saturday. These friends really seem to have their priorities in order and seem to be equally yoked. I wish them the very best and a long and happy life together.
LuckieEddie says--I hate that when I seem to fail at an opportunity. It makes me never want to try again. Now that is a critical mistake LuckieEddie. Yes it is. Ya gotta get up and try again and again and again. You can't hit a home run every time. No one likes failure. Whether it’s an “F” on a test, a failed business deal, or a broken relationship, failure is hard to stomach. Failure mocks us and asks us to examine what went wrong, perhaps offering us only a slight hope of redemption the next time. Once we fail it is very hard to try again. But we gotta. Got it, got toooooo! Soooo throw those chips away, get your butt off the couch and do something! You can do it. Yes you can! And don't you ever forget that.
MyOldNorthwesternCollegeFriendRocky says--Jesus said in Luke's Gospel that the disciples "ought always to pray and not lose heart or get discouraged. Saturday question--Do you ever lose heart or get discouraged?
At our WHO (i.e. we help others) gettogahter Thursday morning, Marty said her computer says sometimes--serious error! She made us laugh. Maybe it was more MartyError. Maybe!
I read while eating my oatmeal with blueberries on it--That Solomon had 300 concubines in addition to 700 wives. Now that was a busy man with a lot of energy. He had to have a pretty good income. Let's see, 1,000 X 20 pairs of shoes = 20,000 pairs at $50 a pair = $1,000,000 just in shoes along. I think he made a critical mistake. BUT it says he had a lot of wisdom (i.e. maybe the wisest man who ever lived). Soooo figure that out!
I sometimes get over confident when things goooo well for a period of time (e.g. my golf game). Then I get puffed up (i.e. toooo big for my britches) and then my balloon gets popped. I assume stuff and that gets me in trouble (e.g. it will always be good--NOT). A critical mistake folks. I don't seem to learn very well sometimes as I repeat my critical mistakes.
Do you remember when you were in jr high, putting your hand in your arm pit and making body noises trying to impress the girls. I see now that it was a critical mistake! If I would have only known!
I think they made a critical mistake! This is only from my perspective sooooo don't get excited about my opinion you cat lovers. Friends said they have a cat that is dumb (i.e. they said it, I didn't). The cat laid behind the car and didn't move and they ran over it. Took it to the vet and the vet said they would have to amputate one of its legs. The cat would be ok (i.e. after a $400 vet bill). It would be able to run and do most everything but not climb trees. Sooooo the cat did good until one day it climbed a tree to about 35 feet. They had to call someone to get the "scaredy-cat" down (i.e. at a cost of $100). A few days later the cat climbed up in the tree again. This time they waited 3 days and the cat came down to a level that they could rescue it. Then in a few days the cat climbed up there again. My friend said--Either it is going to starve to death or come down or die of lead poisoning. After 4 days, it came down. Saturday questions--Where was their critical mistake? Who was the dumbest, the cat or our friends? Only kidding my friends!!!! Only kidding. It takes real folks with good hearts and a thick pocketbook (i.e. confident folks) to tell me that story. Oh ya! That's why we like these folks soooooo much. Such is life.
Those shitin birds! Most of the suckers under the evergreen trees are Mulberry bushes. That is 'cause birds like Mulberries, eat them, sit in the evergreen trees, shit, and then we have Mulberry suckers. Sooo I blame all my work and effort on those shitin birds. Such is life.
Critical mistake! WildWillie says--Before most unbelievers accept a person as genuine, they want to know that they are credible. Soooo folks, don't listen to folks who are not credible. It will save a lot of problems in your life. Anyone can talk...! DuaneTheWorm is not genuine sooooo he's not credible. Mimic good folks and life will be much better. JoeBow says--Yabut, sometimes we become numb to what is good and what is bad. Ouchy ouchy!
AverageJoe says--Some critical mistakes could seriously kill a person, soooo pay attention! Life is not a sing-along!
Daddy's advice! My Daddy, Chester, would say--erv, learn from others' "critical mistakes". It's less expensive and doesn't hurt near as much. Such is life. You English majors--How do I know when to use other's and others'?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The odds are always with you if you keep trying.
PS Next year when it's "sucker trimming days at the old golf course" I'm going to give the opportunity to someone else (i.e. pass on the opportunity). I would love to do it again but I checked my calendar and I have funerals to attend those days!!!!
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