Difference between potato and patato? They're the same but just pronounced differently. We get in a rut sometimes. We were door hosts at church a while back. I was going to greet Joe but before I could, he said--fine! He was programed from the past folks. It made me laugh. I asked another elderly gal at church how she was. She always says--Same as always. It has become a joke between us. Another gal at church when I ask her how she is, says--Not as good as some but better than others. That is sorta kinda our little joke tooooo. Fun stuff for me. Well for the love of Pete! Golfed with a friend the other day. He went through some bad stuff in the Vietnam war, had some personal issues, had a construction accident but still has a positive attitude. He says--It could be worse!

MagicalHerman says--I know but I don't know for sure (i.e. he might be just trying to trick his mind maybe). I read this in my daily morning devotion while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Are you an imitator? Consider this before you answer too quickly. Imitating is not always a bad thing. Psychology tells us that imitating is a positive thing, citing that it aids in alleviating symptoms of depression and other psychological disorders. In the case of depression, if you act like you don’t have depression you can sometimes trick your mind into believing that you in fact don’t have depression. A little weird, but it works.
In the winter growing up as a kid a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN, Chester and Anna had me run out to the chicken coop before going to bed to turn the lights out (i.e. I remember it being 20 below zero most of the time). We were just trying to trick the chickens and it worked I think (i.e. trick their minds). Did any of you guys have to do that. The reason for doing that folks is--Hens naturally lay eggs when the days are long, and slow down as the days grow short in winter. This is because daylight stimulates the pituitary gland, which stimulates the hens' ovaries to produce eggs. Hens lay when they have daylight for at least 12-14 hours per day, and egg production drops off significantly and may even stop once days are shorter than this. Such was the life on the old farm a mile and a fourth and south of Roseland!.
I stopped at this self-serve sweet corm place and picked up a dozen for $5. Another guy was there getting some corn tooooo. I asked him if he liked sweet corn--Do I like sweet corn; we melt a fourth stick of butter and I just soak the corn ears in the butter and eat and eat and eat. I eat like a hog and I'm not ashamed of it either! Oh for love of Pete!
I got this email in reference to last weeks It's Saturday--But some of us are just "mildly obese!" Went to State Fair Thursday....think 50% of adults are obese...saw more big butts and bellies....skipped dinner and had veggies for supper. ~ School has started and I had a visit with the head cook at our school. She told me that they are mandated to cut out bars and cookies that kids have had for years and replace with fruits, veggies and other low fat foods. Kids don't like it (i.e. programmed). They want bars and cookies she said. BUT if we do it for several years, they will get use to it (i.e. new program). Such is live.

A little bird told us one of our nephew-in-law just got ordained and is taking a charge in NY. It was his birthday sooooo I sent him greetings and wishing him the best in his future. I said--Soooo give 'em hell (i.e. meaning good luck, give it your all, a cry of encouragement, an aura of daring and aggression, play hard). It just sounds rather strange to tell a pastor to give 'em hell! For the love of Pete!

instead of some stinky, dirty one. Soooo I thought I would go to the bathroom in their fancy bathroom before going to sit in the car and wait for Arlene. It made me laugh. It was nice alright but even a fancy bathroom which entertains fancy female clients needs a standard black plunger and a can of $1 air freshener from Dollar General! Here is another picture I took that made me laugh. You don't see a bikini clad, tattooed gal fishing very often. At least I don't. Click on it to enlarge to get the fuuuuull effect.
That stinkin' thinkin' jungleizes a person. GeorgeTheCrook says--yep, everybody knows that. I was giving a friend a hard time as he seems to get all the breaks. It sure seems that way. I always kid him that he does anyway (i.e. his life seems to be absolutely perfect)! That reminds me of a guy who we use to golf with some years ago (i.e. deceased). He was a blow hard and had a hugemassive ego. ANYWAY he always wanted to know what club we hit as he always thought he was better than us (i.e he wasn't but just thought sooooo). He would hit one or two less. We wouldn't tell him the truth soooo he was under clubbed maybe 3 clubs. He would hit and always say--I must of not hit that square. Good story but not a good way to remember a guy maybe. He never caught on. Not nice but sure was good for a few laughs. Such is life.
This is no stinkin' thinkin' folks--this is a response I got from last week's It's Saturday--Great job this week; Just finished my oatmeal with blueberries - waiting to play golf with 2 of my grandsons - and my granddaughter's boyfriend . Will be a fun time and very competitive match, as all three will try to out drive Grandpa. It will be a challenge, but will enjoy every minute. a side note --- my grandsons actually call me and want to play golf with me. I mentioned that to a golf buddy the other day, and he said " you mean your grandsons actually call you to play golf with you ?". I said yes they do, and they enjoy very much playing with their 80 year old grandpa. Well, I am blessed much, and thank the Lord daily for his many blessings. Have a good one. ---- Distant cousin Warren in Omaha
Talks big but he's just a weasel! I was going for a walk the other night and walked by a garage sale. These folks moved from the country and were selling stuff I guess. The mother, her daughter and a neighbor lady were there (i.e I know them all). Soooo I asked the teen age gal how she liked living in town--great!--but dad made mom and scope the snow last winter. I said--I guess your dad knows how to handle women. The mother said--I don't know, I'm his second wife! Ouchy ouchy! DuaneTheWorm is always saying stuff to gals (i.e. I think he thinks he's God's gift to woman). Reality is that he is just exercising his mouth but some woman fall for his actions. Most, I hope, don't. He talks soooo big. Like he says--just the other day, my wife, MissPerfect, crawled up to me on her hands and knees. What he didn't tell you was she said--come out from underneath the bed you wimpy, slimy, gutless, little weasel! For the love of Pete!
A group of women were at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with your husband. The women were asked, "How many of you love your husband?" All the women raised their hands. Then they were asked, "When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?" Some women answered today, some yesterday, some couldn't remember. The women were then told to take out their cell phones and text their husband: "I love you, sweetheart." The women were then told to exchange phones and to read aloud the text message responses. Here are some of the replies: 1. Who is this? 2. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick? 3. I love you too. 4. What now? Did you crash the car again? 5. I don't understand what you mean? 6. What did you do now? 7. ?!? 8. Don't beat around the bush, just tell me how much you need? 9. Am I dreaming? 10. If you don't tell me who this message is actually for, someone will die. 11. I thought we agreed we would not drink during the day. 12. Your mother is coming to stay, isn't she?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--People are not problems to be solved, but mysteries to be encountered.
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