Hello, you aficionados of life! Disclaimer: Don't take anything I say tooooo serious. I'm not right most of the time. What's your %? WildWillie says--erv, I wonder if your writings are a mishmash of self-aggrandizing stories, speculation and outright lies. Stories where facts are few and far between! WildWillie, we all have our opinions.
Be careful folks, As my mentor use to say to me--erv, it's never as good as it appears and never as bad as it appear. I have to admit that I struggle some in writing "It's Saturday". The reason why is (i.e. my opinion) that maybe my writings could be interpreted as "blowing smoke" a.k.a. bragging. It could be interpreted that way by some. Sooooo that is what my struggle is with in writing "It's Saturday". Example--I just gave blood this week and they gave me a pin for 10 gallons (i.e. a small milestone). I'm not bragging nor complaining but encouraging you to give blood. The guy told me that there are 30 gallon donors. They make me look whimpie!
ItchieBitichie says--Do you live in a way that might cause others to experience envy or jealousy? Do you brag about your good fortune, advertise your prosperity, or intentionally make others feel like they are lower on the social ladder? DuaneTheWorm does.
If I do this to you, I apologize to you. Believe me, I do have TheLifeOfRiley but it's not near perfect. Not near. I have a lot of woes! I probably have a less attractive life than you do. Soooooo don't let me make you think that I do. 'Cause I don't. I'm really just an AverageJoe. Maybe even a little below average.
Be careful folks, As my mentor use to say to me--erv, it's never as good as it appears and never as bad as it appear. I have to admit that I struggle some in writing "It's Saturday". The reason why is (i.e. my opinion) that maybe my writings could be interpreted as "blowing smoke" a.k.a. bragging. It could be interpreted that way by some. Sooooo that is what my struggle is with in writing "It's Saturday". Example--I just gave blood this week and they gave me a pin for 10 gallons (i.e. a small milestone). I'm not bragging nor complaining but encouraging you to give blood. The guy told me that there are 30 gallon donors. They make me look whimpie!
ItchieBitichie says--Do you live in a way that might cause others to experience envy or jealousy? Do you brag about your good fortune, advertise your prosperity, or intentionally make others feel like they are lower on the social ladder? DuaneTheWorm does.
If I do this to you, I apologize to you. Believe me, I do have TheLifeOfRiley but it's not near perfect. Not near. I have a lot of woes! I probably have a less attractive life than you do. Soooooo don't let me make you think that I do. 'Cause I don't. I'm really just an AverageJoe. Maybe even a little below average.

Whoa there folks! MissPerfect says--Think through things before reacting. We like to think we’re smart and know where we’re going. Then we crash. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
“Whoa, Silver!” the Lone Ranger calls out to his trusty steed. The word whoa in this case means, “Hold up. Stop.
We may not look out our window and see invading Babylonians on the horizon, but we may see something that seems just as hopeless. My late neighbor George would tell me--erv, the devil's best tool is discouragement. LuckieEddie says--I must fight despair! It's easy folks to let doomsday prophets make your faith meter appear to be running on empty. Soooo watch out for those doomsday prophets. Get around positive folks who lift you up. And remember, everyone has their different stages of grief and struggles. Such is life.

Whoa there! Or is it a woe there? GeorgeTheCrook, don't kid yourself, you drink more than a snort before dinner! I read in the paper soooo it must be right--Russian men who down large amounts of vodka--and tooooo many do---have an an "extraordinarily" high risk of an early death. A shocking 35% die before the age of 55. Soooo GeorgeTheCrook, maybe you should get some help in stopping your excessive drinking (i.e. whoa there)--I don't need any help; I'm not an alcoholic; ah, heck no! Whoa there GeorgeTheCrook. It probably will take something really bad to happen to you before you realize you have a problem. I just hope you don't ruin your life or even die before it happens. Lippy, a late 50ish pickle ball player said this the other day--It seems like every time I drink excessively, my pants falls off and I buy another house!!
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." ~ Mark Twain Lippy made a lot of noise but his game wasn't very good. In fact he said some inappropriate stuff in front of some gals. He was not class (i.e. my opinion). In contrast. I played with a guy who looked about 73, was sorta kinda stooped over, walked slow and didn't say but a few words. Yabut put a pickle ball paddle in his hands and this guy can play folks. Like my Daddy, Chester, would say to me--erv, if your are good, you don't have to tell anyone, they will know. Such is life.
Whoa there! Throw those chips away and get your butt of the couch! Sometimes it appears it's a good idea to stop and do some thinkin'. What is important to me? What do I want to do with my life? What is the purpose of my life? Then we need to adjust accordingly maybe. "One ship drives east and another drives west, While the self-same breezes blow; It's the set of the sails and not the gales, That bids them where to go. Like the winds of the seas are the ways of the fates, As we voyage through life; It's the set of the soul that decides the goal, And not the storms or the strife." ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox~
Ignoring a woe-is-me attitude! Many retirees are giving to embrace a plan of action. They're fighting through a fear of change to create a more fulfilled life. Whether by force or choice, they're embarking on divergent new lives (e.g. exploring new or long-forgotten passions). Some retirees go a new way and some just revert back to their old ones. It's like playing golf here in the desert. When you hit in the crap (i.e. desert). Your ball may hit two kinds of scattered desert rocks--Canadian or Mexican. Canadian rocks make a ball veer sharply north; Mexican rocks deflect shots south. ItchieBitchie says--That sounds like there is some luck involved. SmartTomFromMN says--Your golf ball doesn't take any bad bounces when in the air (i.e. meaning, hit it on the green and you won't get any bad bounces). Huh, interesting.
Whoa there man! I was leaving Broadway Christian Church a couple of Sundays ago. I was crossing the street to my car when a guy was walking his daughter in a stroller. He asked me--How was church--Uplifting; Are you a Christian I asked. He said--I'm a Catholic! Sooooo, I didn't know how to interpret that answer! I assume that was a positive! God only knows. PastorJohn is talking about stuff in Revelations. Pastor/Porfessor/WorldRenownedExpertOnWorldReligons/Robert told me once, "When John wrote Revelations, John and God understood it. Now only God does! This is what I think--God is amazing! His understanding I cannot fathom. God is God and that's just the way it is (i.e. my opinion).
Whoa there, ya gotta stop your eating! Joesixpack, the only sweet spot you ever hit is the donut shop! Ouchy ouchy! SusieQ says--That big belly makes your belt "way tooo tight"; it restricts the blood flow to your brain! Talking about the sweet spot. Chet, when he was here, tried to help me with my golf swing. I have always been sorta kinda an arm swinger (i.e. don't turn my body properly). I don't want to be. I'm going to try to change. But after 48 years, bad habits are really hard to change. We will see now won't we. It probably depends how bad I want to change maybe. It makes it a lot harder to swing probably when you are 68 and not as limber as I use to be. BUT if I really want to change, I bet I can and will. I hope this is a "body turning event"!!!! ItchieBitchie says--don't get your hopes up--it's hard to change. Well, I took my new swing to the course--bogey, bogey, double bogey and then pared out. Either I adapted or got luckier! I don't know. It's hard to make a "very exaggerated change" overnight folks. And age doesn't help folks. Oh no! In fact, that "twisting the body" hurts!!!
Power and the love of money causes us woes! How many times have the same land been controlled by different folks through out history. Think about all the wars, kings, countries and empires through out history. Why will that change? Where is Babylon (i.e. described once the greatest city)? Where is the Roman Empire (i.e. described once as the greatest empire)? The American Indians didn't call themselves Indians. They called themselves by a certain tribe names. The white folks called them all Indians. Those tribes fought between themselves like different countries or groups of folks. They killed each other for power over the land. Saturday question--Does history repeat itself?
Life can have woes alright. Arlene and I went to the Suns/Heat game via the light rail (i.e. free ride if you have a Suns' ticket). I didn't remember locking the car. I wondered if I did or not. You ever do that. I sorta kinda thought about that during the game. I wanted to play golf in the morning and my clubs were in the trunk. I hoped someone didn't steal them. On the return trip, the light rail was really packed and a couple of college guys insisted that we take their seats (i.e. I think they thought I looked old and Arlene looked sweet or something). They were from Brazil. When they got to ASU campus and were leaving, I told them they were good guys and wished them well in their lives. I did lock the car!!! I don't know if I'm going to play golf or pickle ball well tomorrow. I don't know but either way, I'm going to have a ball. No matter if I do well or not soooo well, I'm still going to have a ball. It's the way I choose to live life. So, what's your day going to be like today?
More stuff I have learned that was interesting to me. Golfed last Saturday with a two ranchers from ND. Their golf game looked like they spend most of their time making hay, castrating, and roping. ANYWAY I really enjoyed their company and/ learned some stuff. One of them owns 3,000 acres at the average price of $1,500 an acre (i.e. prices have gone up as ranchers have money as agriculture has been good and the oil in ND). He operates a 100 cow/calf operation at the age of 76 with his son. They don't use the knife anymore for castrating but now use rubber bands (i.e. modern technology). I asked him if he ever used his teeth--no no, that was done by the sheep folks he said! More free information.
I played pickle ball with a guy the other day who was from northern MN (i.e. about 43 I would guess). He is a farmer. He says, this year looks like it's going to be a year we farm just for the fun of it (i.e. prices aren't very good right now). Soooo what do you raise up there? Usually corn and beans and edible beans. But this year we are going to raise all edible beans. It's all about the money folks. Huh, interesting.

I read this from the Book while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Paul says, For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. Some of you are saying--whoa there erv, don't put me on the spot. I don't believe in Jesus and all that Jesus stuff. What's sooooo neat folks, is we all get to make that decision. And remember folks, decisions have consequences! You make the call. I have a friend who I call TheNDbeetfarmerPaul (i.e. don't get confused, TheNDbeetfarmerPaul is not the same Paul I quoted previously in the Book). This Paul is smart but I didn't know the other Paul personally (i.e. died many years ago) sooooo I don't know which one is the smartest. God only knows folks! I read this (i.e. pretty deep)--For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A good neighbor doubles the value of a house.