Disclaimer: I ain't smart! If I were smart, I would be sitting on top of some mountain!
The Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote, “It’s not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them—the character, the heart.” How do you define a wise person? Is it someone who has a college degree, knows what’s going on in the world, reads widely, speaks a foreign language, has the ability to speak and write clearly?
Fair enough, but according to Proverbs these accomplishments could well be beside the point. Biblically speaking, a wise person is one who lives with awe and reverence toward God while hating evil and avoiding it as one would a coiled snake. Teddy Roosevelt, who was once a Sunday school teacher, said that educating a person without changing him morally only makes matters worse.
Joesixpack says--What is your label? Like Alexander The Great! Like Starvin' Marvin! Like two ton Tilly! Like Fat Cat Edgar! Like Crazy Wilma! Like par man Ron! Like Smart Ass Ted! Like nice guy Fred. Like Smart as blazes Becky! Like cutie pie Seana! You understand, you got the idea. At the end of the day, would we be labeled a good person?
Do you believe that the fear of the Lord (i.e. living with awe and reverence before God) is the beginning of wisdom? It says in the Book I was reading while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--It’s the starting block of a virtuous and rewarding journey in life (i.e. that is not thunder from the mountain tops folks).
Joesixpack said--I went to my family's reunion last summer in MS. I can see why there should be birth control! I hate to label them crazy as they are some of my own family but...! And I can't believe it, half of them are crazy liberals and half of them are crazy conservatives. Crazy! Just crazy. It seemed I like I was the only normal one there! Go figure!
I label them smart folks. ItchieBitchie asks--What is the capacity of a human brain? That is just a stupid question IithcieBitchie. Who knows (i.e. it doesn't really have a definite answer, just a lot of estimates). That means there is not a wrong answer. But it appears that some folks have more capacity than others, oh ya! Clay Thompson in the AZ Republic says--Your brain has somewhere around 100 billion neurons and about a quadrillion synapses that carry messages to neurons and muscle cells and so on. Of those 100 billion, it is thought that maybe 1 billion are involved in remembering things. The other neurons are busy running your body or watching football or thinking about how people look naked. Your brain has a memory capacity of something like 2.5 petabytes. What's a petabyte? Beats me! But if your brain worked like a digital video recorder in a television, 2.5 petabytes would be enough to hold three million hours of TV shows. You would have to leave the TV running continuously for more than 300 years to use up all that storage. WooHoo! My believe is that it would take something pretty special to create the brain (i.e. my opinion, one big God). What do you think?

EngineerJimFromMI (i.e. a golf buddy and one smart guy) gave me this information recently. Approximately 12 million years ago, a white dwarf star M82 exploded. Recently, light from this distant supernova finally reached earth. It's actually in a different galaxy. Now that is hard for me to grasp (i.e. 12 million light years away). And some folks don't believe there is a God! Come on folks! I golfed with MyFriendGenoFromMN recently. It was his birthday. He's 71. He said he can't hit his 5 iron very well any more. 1 out 10 shots is good he said. Hey, old roaster, just be happy you are still around. I read in the paper (i.e. sooo it must be right) that 14 out of 15 roasters are killed right after birth.
I label him a good guy! We were waiting for our table at Egginton's (i.e. our favorite breakfast place). There was a seat open next to a guy on a bench. I asked him (i.e. a senior) if he was saving it for someone. No no, sit down; my wife is outside talking to our adult son. He just got a job after being unemployed or 9 months. He had a very good job which is no longer in the market place (i.e. probably gone for ever). He insisted in finding the same job. They are not out there. It took him this long to accept that. He talked how hard it was for him and his wife to see their son go through this. Our table was ready and I got up. He shuck my hand. I said--You are a good man. He said--I don't know about that but I sure enjoyed our visit. This guy was a good person. Good folks just stand out and others can tell they are good. No question.
LuckyEddie says--My know-it-all sister-in-law MissPerfect flaunts her stuff and then gloats about it.. She needs to counter her physical and emotional inclinations. Yabut, that statement and the actual situation depends on who is telling the story (i.e. who is doing the labeling). Yabut what ever label you put on her, she sticks out like a sore thumb. It's all how you look at it.
Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says, 'Dam!'
The French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte observed that you can tell a great deal about people by what went on in their life, and the world, when they were twenty years of age. Now that is interesting to me. Soooo some folks have labels 'cause of what happened to them when they were 20. Sooooo maybe we are programed by our past. At least partly. Years ago, they would say John, the son of John the farmer or Bill the son of a banker Fred or Mary, daughter of Freda on the other side of the tracks etc. Kids were labeled. Maybe they still are. What do you think?
Folks seem to be more interested in the contents of food products than they did before (i.e. look at the labels). Some of the stuff in some foods some folks don't want to eat. Some labels are miss leading. The producers want to sell the product (i.e. make $$$$) so they camouflage the contents. MissPerfect says--Ya gotta learn how to real the labels. SusieQ says--It's sooooo easy, if it tastes good, it ain't no good for ya!
Are you labeled romantic? Everyone does something different for their sweetheart. Maybe we all show our romance differently. What ever works for you. Arlene and I went for a long walk the other morning in our community. We saw this. I have now idea what it is suppose to mean or say. What do you think? A friend from MN gave us this advice while playing golf the other day--To have a good, happy marriage, you have to admit when you are wrong and keep you mouth shut when you are right. What has worked for me is always shake my head vertically and always remind myself--A happy wife is a happy life. Soooo there you go! Suck it up cupcake. If you continue to do what you did for the last 5 years the next 5 years, why would you think anything will change! My mentor use to say to me--erv, diamonds are girls' best friends! A friend gave my this advice------How do you romance a woman--Answer: Wine her, dine her, call her, cuddle with her, surprise her, compliment her hair, shop with her, listen to her, buy her flowers, hold her hand, write love letters, and be willing to go to the end of the earth for her. How do you romance a man-----Answer: Arrive naked and bring food! AverageJoe says--Make sure you buy your sweetheart something for Valentine's Day. Last year I didn't. We had words, but I didn't get to use mine!
Precious wild drivers! |
Just precious! |
Pre-labeled maybe! Charlie and Henry are here visiting us. The
erv, we are programmed by our past. And who are these kids' programmers? Who are the primary programmers? Diet and exercise folks, diet and exercise! SusieQ says--It's a choice folks, it's a choice; we make the choice for ourselves and we make it for our kids. And decisions have consequences. But some kids listen better than others. We were checking out at Frey's. Chet and I were deciding who was going to pay (i.e. it was my turn). ANYWAY the checkout lady asked who's visiting who! Then she said--When my family visits me, I pay and when I visit my family I pay! Such is life.
label on the picture says it all folks. LuckieEddie says--Some kids might have two strikes against them before they step up to the plate. I read in the paper, sooooo it must be right, that "Many kids' obesity fate set in stone by age of 5"! Ouchy ouchy! My mentor use to say--
Got a text with this pic recently from a friend labeled: No one is home!
Do not expect the world to look bright, if you habitually wear gray-brown glasses. ~ Charles Eliot ~ I oscillate my label on certain folks. Some days I think I like who they are and some days I don't as much. Is that normal? Is my thinking changing or are they changing? I put different labels on them at different times. GeorgeTheCrook says--Folks do change and we are all affected by our environment, genetics and our thinking. Sooooo maybe GeorgeTheCrook, maybe folks do change and my different labels might be right. Ya but maybe I change and that is why I think they change. Now that could be tooooo! I look at them with different glasses.
A rookie police officer was assigned to ride in a cruiser with an experienced partner. A call came over the car's radio telling them to disperse some people who were loitering. The officers drove to the street and observed a small crowd standing on a corner. The rookie rolled down his window and said, "Let's get off the corner." No one moved, so he barked again, "Let's get off the corner!" Intimidated, the group of people began to leave, casting puzzled glances in his direction. Proud of his first official act, the young policeman turned to his partner and asked, "Well, how did I do?" "Pretty good," replied the veteran, "especially since this was a bus stop."
Jim Beam Devil Cut label! What does that label say to you? At the Super Bowel I saw some of the football players beating their chests when they thought they did something goooood (i.e. like I'm the man--I'm the big dog--like I'm great--like it's all about me). Toooo me, it sorta kinda makes me laugh. I also read this from the Book while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--When all the people who had gathered to witness this sight saw what took place, they beat their breasts. The footnote said--A sign of anguish, grief or contrition. Now there is a contrast folks. One proud and one humble (i.e. different labels maybe).
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--You have to do your own growing. No matter how tall your grandfather was.
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