This "It's Saturday" might make some of you feel sorta kinda queasy. Try not to think about it! We are all sorta kinda quirky! Our minds are really something folks.
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Now that Sun fan is quirky! Our son, Chet a.k.a. a Knicks' fan and I a.k.a. a Suns' fan went to the Suns game last Saturday night. It was a hoot. I must admit, I enjoyed the heck out of the evening together! I think the last time we went to a NBA game together was with our whole family at the Forum in Los Angles and saw the Lakers play maybe 25 years ago. Chet remembered they played Sacramento. Sacramento was way ahead and the Lakers came back and won. Chet got
Vlade Divac's autograph at court side before the game. I remember that our daughter, Heather, got sick. Oh great family memories!
Strange mannerisms! There are some folks who have some strange mannerisms! Oh ya. SusieQ say--I didn't know my future husband had soooooo many until after we got married. Was I surprised. He has some quirks alright. Some I don't want to tell you about (i.e. a lot of scratching and itching and...). They're just crazy and bizarre. AverageJoe says--If you think there is good in everybody, you obviously haven't met everybody! Ouchy ouchy!
It ain't easy folks! To go against the dominate thinking of your friends and of the folks you see every day (i.e. classy folks do that) can be tough. Sometimes we might think we seem peculiar to others. Soooo, we don't want that soooo we do stuff sooo we aren't quirky (i.e. want to be like others even if it costs us a arm and a leg). This causes us problems. We don't want to be quirky. CadillacJack says--What is the source of debt? Most often, debt arises when we live beyond our means. It happens when we are not satisfied. I asked a friend how his family is doing--one son is separated from his wife--she always was a big spender (i.e. wasn't good for the marriage--high maintenance). Joesixpack says--Being classy is "life magic"! Such is life.
Now this guy must be quirky! Look at the picture. Two different socks and one with a whole in the toe. Quirky! Who is that guy anyway! It's me. I played some golf and then we went to get some groceries at Freys. I looked at my feet and "what"!
ItchieBiticie says--No one wants to considered an oddity! Fear of failure is a great motivator. SusieQ says--When you fail, everyone thinks you're an idiot. And when everyone things you're an idiot, you loose your self-esteem. And when you loose your self-esteem, you get ulcers. And when you get ulcers, it can go on for ever folks. Soooo that is why folks won't take risks. ItchieBitchie says--All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism !
Will Rogers quipped, "You've got to go out on a limb sometimes because that's where the fruit is."
My favorite running path! |
A sense of peace. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--"The man (i.e. person) of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out". Our tracks give us away! There are a lot of "rabbit paths" you can follow just like there are a lot of hikin' trails up 'er in 'em mountains. When the folks traveled west before there were roads or even distinct mapped paths, they followed the paths of wild animals. Those animals knew the shortest way over the mountains and to water. They did it for years (i.e. many years of experience that were proven over and over again). I wonder if it would be wise for us folks to follow paths that have been proven over and over again. I wonder. What do you think?
My Daddy, Chester, told me that when he was a kid, they ate rabbits. They didn't always have guns or ammunition to hunt them always so they would trail the rabbits after a snow. They would follow their tracks. Rabbits quite often would go into a hole in the snow. Then they would sneak up from behind the opening of the snow hole and just bounce on them. Their tracks gave the rabbits away. Huh, interesting. Saturday question--What do our tracks (i.e. our rear view mirror show/story) look like?
In a dark and hazy room, peering into a crystal ball, the mystic delivered grave news: "There's no easy way to tell you this, so I'll just be blunt. Prepare yourself to be a widow.Your husband will die a violent and horrible death this year." Visibly shaken, SnowbirdLauraofIA stared at the woman's lined face, then at the single flickering candle, then down at her hands. She took a few deep breaths to compose herself and to stop her racing mind. She simply had to know. She met the Fortune Teller's gaze, steadied her voice, and asked, "Will I be acquitted?"
Arlene and I were walking the other morning. I had to stop at the activity center to go to the bathroom (i.e. drank toooo much coffee). As I walked by a lady and a man I heard them talking, I heard one sentence of their conversation--"Some folks think they are invincible". As far as I can tell we are all mortal. There comes a time when they roll up the carpet on our life on this earth. Saturday questions--Do you believe in heaven and hell? Soooo where do you think you are going after death on this earth? People react differently to hearing “Procedure X has a 70 percent chance of survival” and “Procedure Y has a 30 percent chance of death.” Phrased that way, people flock to Procedure X, even though the numbers are the same." "I remember the moment when my overwhelming uneasiness yielded. Seven words from Samuel Beckett, a writer I’ve not even read that well, learned long ago as an undergraduate, began to repeat in my head, and the seemingly impassable sea of uncertainty parted: “I can’t go on. I’ll go on.” I took a step forward, repeating the phrase over and over: “I can’t go on. I’ll go on.” And then, at some point, I was through. Paul Kalanithi is a chief resident in neurological surgery at Stanford University. Read his story on this link
CrazyMrvin said--She acted rather quirky I thought. When my wife of 52 years, SeniorBetty, woke up the other morning and she said to me--Whoa there old man, don't touch me, I must be dead (i.e. she thought they fired up the cooker and chucked her in)--you're not dead, you are breathing and are awake. I thought I was dead as nothing hurts this morning!
Arlene and I were sitting in our chairs at the end of our drive the other night drinking our wine and eating some cashews. A neighbor lady walked by and was within 6 feet of us but didn't acknowledge us (i.e. she was in deep thought). Then she came back and said--Holy crap! Did I just walk by and not acknowledge you?--We are sitting outside and I'm cool sooooo I went back to get a sweatshirt.--I can't believe I didn't see you.--I really wasn't being obnoxious, really!
She is quirky in that she has poise! I like to be around folks who have class. What's class--Class is not DuaneTheWorm who just cares about himself (i.e. self centered). I have had the opportunity to be around some very classy folks a.k.a. neat folks. Class is handling situations in a "high quality manner" when things aren't going their way and when they are having great success. Okla. St.'s Marcus Smart did not have class when shoving a TX Tech fan late in the game even when supposedly Jeff Orr called him a "piece of crap". FlipThePancake--Paton Manning and Russel Wilson are on TV doing advertisements. Why? They are class acts folks. ItchieBitchie says--Classy folks are stealth. I heard a sports announcer say--Very few folks can handle success (i.e. that is in many aspects of life). Just look around. It is quite obvious. We all know folks who are "tooooo big for their britches"). Quite often when folks think they are really "hot stuff", disaster happens to them. It reminds me of a guy I golfed against in league. He thinks he's really something. I tell him how good he is, how far he can hit the ball, and how can anyone beat him. He just melts like a snowman does in July! I know that isn't nice, but this guy has such a huge ego that it just makes me laugh. Classy folks can control their emotions and don't have an extreme temper and stay calm under pressure. It's not good to loose your head. Abraham Lincoln was very good at this; he saw the big picture and didn't burn bridges and didn't get offended easily. I believe that Abraham Lincoln was a classy person. What do you think?

LuckyEddie says--The more folks experience, the more they know about stuff. They become more well rounded in their thinking (i.e. can see the big picture). They aren't soooo surprised about change and disappointments and realities of life. Maybe they understand better, maybe have the ability to see things differently. Those folks have class (i.e. my opinion). There are folks who make a lot of noise but say nutten (i.e. a lot of razzle dazzle but...). They make a big deal out something about themselves which in really isn't a very big deal. They blow things way out of portion (i.e.not classy folks--my opinion). Arlene and I went for a walk the other day. We saw this sign on a rock in front of some folks' house (i.e. you might have to enlarge it to read it--just click on it). It made me laugh!

There has always been a lot of quirky folks! I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana/blueberries on it--Paul's letter to the church in Corinth, Greece has relevance to us today; problems like immaturity, instability, divisions, jealousy and envy, lawsuits, martial difficulties, sexual immorality and misuse of spiritual gifts exist today as they did back then c. (i.e. meaning about, approximately) A.D. 55. LuckieEddie says--There are times when a guy just can't seem to control himself. Such is life.
MNengineer showing his form
on the tee box on 16 |
Normal or quirky? A golf buddy MNengineer a.k.a. the whizz kid isn't maybe the best golfer I know but is the most frequent peeeeer I know! We were putting our clubs in the car after golfing this week. I asked the guys if they dream. They all dream. MNengineer guy can fly in his dreams. The IA-MiracleGuy can dream, go to the bathroom and then continue his dream. We all have reoccurring dreams (i.e. mine is I can't find a place on the tee box to hit my drive--always a something in front of me or something restricting my back swing--my buddies just leave me there). AmazingND Guy guy (i.e. age 74) said he dreams in color. He also told us he has sexual dreams; mostly about people he doesn't know. Sometimes about his wife but not very often and sometimes about his first wife. It was quite a conversation. We laughed the whole way home. I wonder if women ever have sexual dreams. Now that is something you just don't talk about with women (i.e. at least I have never)
This week a smart, classy person sent me this message by email--
RIGHT NOW is always the most important.
Excuse me but...! My writing ability is not to couch ideas in the style of a trained writer, who had studied the techniques of influencing folks by persuasive arguments. The reality is, I was never very good with English. I don't think I paid enough attention in Roseland, MN elementary. But, I do know I was in the top 5 of my class. We only had 5 in our class! Soooo, if I have misspelled a few words or said something not quite right, I think you'll get it. You are quirky folks with amazing minds. Besides, pictures are worth a thousand words! Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Invest in the power of love, not the love of power.
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