Disclaimer: I have learned down her in the Valley of the Sun that some older folks can be very opinionated, stubborn, stiff necked, set in their ways and think they are right most of the time (i.e. they are expressive toooooo). Many think they have a better "way to skin the cat"! A little kid called me an old man at Frey's grocery store the other day sooooo I qualify (i.e. if you know what fender skirts, curb feelers, and brassieres are, you are probably in the same age bracket)! Ouchy ouchy! soooo don't pay much attention to what is in "It's Saturday". Take it with a "grain of salt". And remember, you get what you pay for (i.e. it is very obvious)! Remember, this is written by an old man! Such is life.
"The compensation of growing old was simply this: that the passions remain as strong as ever, but one has gained--at last!--the power which adds the supreme flavor to existence, the power of taking hold of experience, of turning it round slowly, in the light." ~ Virginia Woolf, English author (1882-1941)
Ya there are beliefs that stick in seniors' crawls like dried up oatmeal sticks to my breakfast bowel. It's hard to scrap that dried up oatmeal off the bowl just like it's hard to scrape off seniors' beliefs. I went to buy a large container (i.e.new supply) of oatmeal at Freys the other day. The complete section of the large was empty. Must be quite popular with the seniors here in the Valley of the Sun. I'm not the only one that has that for breakfast. Such is life.
A government survey crew came to Ole's farm one day and asked permission to enter his property. Ole agreed, and Lena even served them a nice meal at lunch time.The next morning, the crew returned and told Ole, "Because you were soooo kind to us, we wanted to give you this bad news in person instead of by letter." Ole replied, "What's the bad news/" The surveyors said, "Well, after reviewing our work here, we discovered that your farm is not in Minnesota but is actually in South Dakota!" Ole looked at Lean and replied to the surveyors, "That's the best news I have heard in a long time. I just told Lean this morning that I don't think I can take another winter in Minnesota"
Arlene and I were waiting for a table (i.e. out eating again) sooooo I struck up a conversation with Ed and Mabel from Ortonville, MN (i.e. both pump). I asked them what they did today--nutten Ed said, and we are really good at it! The most popular activities of snowbirds, without a doubt, is talking and eating. And it is very obvious that many are very good at it.
The train has left the station! ItchieBitchie says--Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives. MissPerfect says--If you have pushed yourself past where you might not have gone, that's something to celebrate. Celebrate celebrate, dance to the music! I see many many seniors doing that. They are living their life to the most. Arlene and I enjoy watching Iowa basketball. We enjoyed the game against MN Sunday. The Hawks won which we even enjoy more. At IA football games and basketball games, if they win the band strikes up the tune--In heaven there ain't no beer. That's why we drink it here. When we're gone from here, all our friends will be drinking all the beer!
Run with the crowd! CadillacJack says--When young and not liberal, you have no feelings; when you get old and aren't conservative, you have no brain. SusieQ says--At some point in life you have to "Throw your hat over the fence"! Is it time for you to throw your hat over the fence? That phrase was used by President Kennedy in a speech promoting the space program. He cited the Irish writer, Frank O’Connor, who, as a boy would walk through the countryside. When he and his friends came to an orchard wall that seemed too high and difficult to climb, they took their hats and tossed them over the wall. Now they had no choice but to climb over the wall.
Time to face the music! It's very obvious that the hundreds of thousands snowbirds in the Valley of the Sun impacts the economy here. Oh ya! It's big business for AZ. The baby boomers act different that the "old folks of old". They spend money and want different things (i.e. demand stuff). If a certain park doesn't have the stuff they want, they will go where they can find what they want. Us old folks can be demanding. And you know what, they give us what we want 'cause we spend the money and they want our money. It's all about the money folks (i.e. that's not far-fetched folks)! Such is life.
The reason why baby diapers have brand names such as "Luvs" and "Huggies", while undergarments for old people are called "Depends". When babies poop in their pants, people are still gonna Luv'em and Hug'em. When old people poop in their pants, it "Depends" on who's in the will?
Everyone has their opinions! It seems that every "chit chat" of older folks, there are a lot of opinions, views, thinking, and ideas. It seems like many of those folks don't agree. And it seems like everyone is quite vocal about everything. Everyone has the solution but it seems like very little gets done. It's mostly just talk. And then if some action is taken, a committee or two is formed and then the it takes another long period of time (i.e. sounds a lot like some churches).
A lot of different rights! Could be! But maybe many of these snowbirds who have strong opinions ran businesses before retirement or were in charge or made decisions. And maybe many of them have some money. Maybe much of money is controlled by older folks (i.e. that would make sense). Money is power in many areas. Let's face it, it's an impact (i.e. many folks get what they want if they have money). CadillacJack says--Money can make things happen. Don't act sooooo flabbergasted, you know it's the truth! Such is life.
A bossy MNsnowbird learned the hard way after ordering his nurses around as if they were his employees. But the head nurse stood up to him. One morning she entered his room and announced, "I have to take your temperature." After complaining for several minutes, he finally settled down, crossed his arms and opened his mouth. "No, I'm sorry,” the nurse stated, "but for this reading, I can't use an oral thermometer." This started another round of complaining, but eventually he rolled over and bared his bottom. After feeling the nurse insert the thermometer, he heard her announce, "I have to get something. Now you stay just like that until I get back!" She left the door to his room open on her way out. He complained under his breath as he heard people walking past his door laughing. After almost an hour, the man's doctor came into the room. "What's going on here?" asked the doctor. Angrily, the man answered, "What's the matter, Doc? Haven't you ever seen someone having their temperature taken?" "Yes," said the doctor. "But never with a carnation."
Very obvious he said! I was talking to our president of our pickle ball club. He was telling me that the park has a new manager and that maybe now we will get some renovations done in the pickle ball area. Soooo you didn't like the old manager? Elpresdentento said--Other than being a regular complete A_ _ H_ _ _ he wasn't a bad guy!!! Ouchy ouchy! ItchieBitchie says--You know that you've matured when you’d rather be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie.
I use to tell our children, "You can't comprehend some stuff at your age but maybe someday you will" (e.g. how much I love them). Maybe we need to get to a certain age (i.e. maturity age) or have certain things happen to us before we understand things. Could be. Maybe that is why seniors understand things differently. Could be. I read in the paper sooooo it must be right--Many seniors' prayers are no longer superficial. They are no longer a wish list for Santa. They ask for a purpose and deeper relationships. Huh, interesting.
Can you imagine? The powerful, rich, educated, well dressed, senior chief priests (i.e. part of the Sanhedrin, the ruling Jewish council) didn't like it when this young Jesus, who owned no property and was is a carpenter, cleanses the temple of greedy business. Well, they didn't like it that he challenged their power and their cash cow. Huh, interesting.

It's very obvious, or is it? Why do football players dance, say how great they are, talk trash when they think they do something good? And a golfer tips his hat. Is it about self-esteem or what? Must be a reason but I don't know it. My Mom, Anna, always told me to be humble (i.e. don't draw attention to myself). My Daddy, Chester, told me that if you are good, you don't have to tell folks, they will know. Maybe that "football mentality" is the new way (e.g. digital instead of analog). Maybe being humble and gracious is "old school". Could be. It appears that most folks like that "showmanship". They always show it on TV. There must be a reason why they act that way but I just don't know it. I guess if you like it, it's none of my business. Does it have anything to do with self-esteem do you think? I wonder!
Saturday question--What does it mean to be human?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The world has its givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.
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