I enjoy the beauty of the SW! LuckieEddie says--Yabut, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I also enjoy the smell, mystery, landscape, romance, rowdy past history, the desert, the SW attitude, the SW architecture, the SW excitement, the SW lure, and much more! I enjoy the spring beauty of the SW.

Alligators SusieQ says--It's hard to remember your original purpose was to drain the swamp when you're up to your neck in alligators. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half banana on it--Paul says, Do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. It is hard for me to fathom all the folks who came to the SW looking for many different things. It was a wild country and many of them died trying (i.e. just buried in a shallow grave or had some stones put over them sooo the wild animals didn't eat their bodies). A big lure was to become rich or have a better life. I guess that lure hasn't changed. And I guess many still dye trying yet to this day. Being a settler (i.e. a tenderfoof) in the SW was tough. I don't think I would have made it more than a week. I would have been one that no one remembers. If a guy or gal was tough and was a good shoot it probably helped to stay alive. And then you still had to be lucky There was no government help to get you your wide screen hd and cell phone. If you couldn't take care of yourself, you just died.
Much noise! I'm sure many many folks who settled in the SW were never hardly known by anyone. They are such a part of history but just unknown. And some of them were outlaws and Indians and gunslingers. It seems like the bad guys were remembered more than the good guys. Soooo what does that tell ya! Quite a difference to Dale Earnhardt's popularity. I read in the paper soooo it must be right--Dale Earnhardt joined twitter for the first time after winning the Daytona 500 at 2:30 a.m. 20 minutes later he had 1,800 responses. By early Monday afternoon, Earnhardt had 368,000 followers. Huh, interesting.
"Hear me roar" was said to me by a gal I met at the pickle ball courts. She and her husband RayRon really impressed me. Her roar was very pleasant. We sorta kinda gravitated to each other. We had a common denominator that the three of us felt. Some things you can just sense--we all agreed. We were all Christians. We went to the Osmond show at the Palm Theater the other night. We sat in the section with the Osmond family. My golf buddies and I just had a discussion about the Mormon faith in the morning. Soooo the Osmonds and I had a discussion about the differences between being a Christian and a Mormon. Huh, interesting. They were real nice to us.
Being politically correct! AZ use to be ruled by guns, power, money and the strongest folks. It still is folks but just a little different. AZ Governor Brewer vetoes SB 1062 which was passed by the legislator (i.e. what the people wanted--democracy--overwhelmingly sensible). SB106 would have offered a legal defense for individuals and businesses facing discrimination lawsuits if they proved they had acted on a "sincerely help religious belief." Opponents argued it would legalize discrimination, in particular, allowing businesses to refuse to serve the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. The TRUMP card was money. Large corporations such as Apple suggested that they might leave the sate and THEBIGONE was the NFL saying they will look for alternative sites for the Super Bowl (e.g. hear my roar). As I have said many many many times--It's all about the money folks. The earthly golden rule is--gold rules! You can blow smoke but $$$ is the hay maker! GeorgeTheCrook says--You can say what you want and pretend what you want but you are just putting on a show when big money is involved. My mentor use to say--A guy asked a gal to have sex with him for $40. She said--What do you think I am. How about $100. She said--What do you think I am. How about a $1,000. Ok, maybe. Now that we found out what your are, all we need to do is negotiate a price. Huh, interesting.
MissPerfect (i.e. who attend OneTimeUniversity) says--Money and it's effects impacts me in soooo many different ways; I like money; I like a lots of money. Oh ya! But I must admit, thinking about money all the time makes my brain hurt. AverageJoe says--It's funny how a few years can change our lives (i.e. circumstances change now don't they folks). Nutten is perfect! Just like the SW has changed soooo do we. It's a constant. WorldClassLarry says--At the end of the day, grace will always count in the test of life. Soooo there you go folks! OverTheTopSharon says--My level of maturity depends who I'm with! Ouchy ouchy! Did you know that our chronological age is just a #? Oh ya, EasyJohn is 92 but still uses a night light--it's the little light in the refrigerator! You are free to make you own guess what EasyJohn is doing in the refrigerator in the middle of the night. Hint--he is a little over weight! Such is life.
Politics, politics politics! There seems to be politics in all most everything. SusieQ says--I don't want to hurt any one's feelings. Ya can't win an election if no one likes you and the easiest way to have folks like you is to give them what they want (i.e. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out). I remember a guy back home at our little golf course who would buy beer for everyone all the time. Everyone liked him (i.e. he had a lot of likeability). Da! CadillacJack says--Soooo it looks like beer and money are the answers folks, beer and money! Some of the pickleball club at a 55+ community where I play, thought they were going to get the horse shoe pits moved or removed and more courts added. It sounded good but it ain't going happen even though I have never seen anyone pitch hourseshoe and the line is long to play pickle ball (i.e. politics). The manager was just schmoozing the folks. A pickle ball buddy who said he spend much of his life in high level negotiation said--In negotiations you have to ask for a lot (i.e. way more than you expect) and hope you get what you really want--Ya gotta give the other side something to say no to sooo you can get something less (i.e. art of negotiation). Interesting! It makes sense. Try it with your spouse!! This might change your life GeorgeTheCrook! Oh ya! I think a lot of money is made in negotiating (i.e. my opinion). Some folks are really good at it and other are not. I think my pickle ball buddy is really good at it (i.e. he looks wealthy).
I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Paul said--"Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. The footnote said--Personal freedom and desire for one's rights are not the only considerations. One must also consider "the good of others"...The exercise of one's personal freedom is to be governed by whether it will bring glory to God.
Can't hit the bull in the ass with a scoop shovel! Some folks can't handle pressure. They just can't. We are big IA Hawkeye basketball fans. It appears that a couple of players have lost their confidence (i.e. their glory only last until their next shot). They can shoot fairly well when the game isn't on the line but when the game is on the line, they can't hit the "broad side of the barn". Ouchy ouchy! In the old shootouts in the SW ya had to be able to shoot straight during the time of the game when it was important or you were buried up on the hill (i.e. your epitome would read--Couldn't shoot under pressure). Very simple. Ya gotta be a gamer!
I like the SW architecture. The old and the new. How things change in just a

I took a sabbatical this week. Like I have said, I really like the SW. I read the book Blood Brothers by Elliott Arnold (i.e. a historical fiction of the battle the Apaches had with the white folks down in southern AZ. Last year we went and toured Fort Bowie, the Butterfield Stage Route, and Apache Pass. I wanted to see Cochise Stronghold up'erin'em Dragon Mountains but didn't have time. Soooo I took a day trip by myself to explore, think, and look. It was a good day. I hiked/ran Cochise Stronghold Trail #279 where the stronghold was. It might have been occupied by 1,000 Apaches with 250 being braves. I'm glad I was not born a brave. If you couldn't ride well, shoot your bow and arrow well, or run fast, you died young (i.e. most did). The braves did the huntin' and fightin' (i.e. no pickle ball or golf or going to the Suns game) and the squawks did most of he work (i.e. no fingernails and toenails polished and painted by a small man wearing a mask using a Dremel tool). BigHorse had this motto on his tepee wall--I hunt 'em, you clean 'em). The SW near the Mexican border is very interesting and special (i.e. my opinion). Just a fun day. If you have never taken a sabbatical, I suggest you try it. I didn't talk to anyone all day. Some of you say--erv, I have a hard time believing that. I told a pickle ball buddy I was going to do that and he said--If I did that I would be sooooo depressed about thinking about myself! I told him ya got to think about positive stuff! Oh by the way--The Indians didn't have any trophy wives BUT Chief Cochise had two wives, a young one and an old one; he liked the young one better!!!! Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Days are like suitcases--by careful arrangement, some people can pack more.
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