It is interesting how some folks can change "information" into "action" and some can't. ItchieBitchie is a gamer and GeorgeTheCrook isn't. They try just as hard and maybe have the same ability but something is not the same. When the pressure is on, ItchieBitchie gets it done and GerorgeTheCrook lays down and dies (i.e. looks like a wet washrag). Why is that do you think? It's just plain strange. When there is pressure some folks just peeee in their pants and others handle it "like water running off a duck's back". Why is that do you think?
Now that was strange that someone would ring our doorbell at 7:55 a.m. I went to bed late the other night doing stuff that I enjoy so I wasn't moving toooo fast. I usually play golf on Wednesday mornings with my buddies but they have a best shot tournament this Wednesday that I decided not to play in. Sooo I woke up but decided to just lay in bed (i.e. I'm retired, I can do this). I was thinking and looking outside and just plain enjoying my relaxation. I always wanted to have a bedroom with a window over looking a golf course sooooo when I wake up in the morning I could just look out. We have it in our condo; we leave the curtains open all the time (i.e. not a 5star golf course but it's ok). ANYWAY the doorbell was one of my golf buddies picking me up--are you ready erv? I had my days mixed up. The tournament is next Wednesday. Huh, interesting. I have the Life of Riley--see my make shift office in front of the window--it's in front of my digital hd TV! It's rather modest but fits me real well! Such is life.
Loose our magic! It's strange that it seems like there are times in our lives when things just don't go our way. Have you ever had that happen to you? The feeling might last for some time. My mentor would say to me--erv, when things go bad, folks think they will go bad for ever and when things go well, folks think they will go well for ever. But usually they even out some (i.e. ebb and flow of life). SusieQ says--When you are in a streak when it seems like everything is going bad, about all you can say is "fox urine" and keep trying (i.e. constant failure sorta kinda makes us jittery though). WildWillie says--If I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all. WildWillie, you are exaggerating it. Aren't you?! I talked to a snowbird buddy the other day. They were going to play some big bingo game at some 55+ community. I asked him if he is lucky. He said he is very lucky. Why are some folks luckier than others? I just don't understand that.
I asked NewPaddlePickleBallerBuddy what he did in his real life. He told me he was a mechanic, many other things and then a cabinet builder. It was not going well sooo one day he deicied he was going to make a change. He decided to go into the computer world (i.e. he retooled). Timing was perfect! He got a job as the IT guy of a university. Great job which he retired from. And the university is where he met my wife. He said he was soooooo lucky. Personally, I don't know if I'm very lucky but I do know that I had many many good things just fall in my lap. Oh ya! I have been blessed and I know it. I'm very thankful.
My golf buddies were telling me about their neighbor who is 93 and just divorced his wife for another gal. Now that seems strange! My golf buddies say that his wife is the real winner! A SeniorSnowbird gal (i.e. a couz of mine) told me that she went to some "ladies conference" and was all fired up. She wanted to be a better wife soooo she got up early and made her husband breakfast. This went on for several days until one morning her husband said--You don't have to get up and make me breakfast; I don't need your chit chat in the morning! A 75ish pickle ball buddy went back home "up north" recently. He said--I hope to come back next year. I might bring my girl friend instead of my wife next year, she's more fun. PreacherManDuke says--I had just finished preaching an eulogy. The thought of the many marriages and funerals that I’ve attended recently went through my mind. I thought, “Marriage and death are both gateways to a new world.
They can BOTH lead to either heaven or hell.”
Have you ever been snake bitten? There are two ways to get snake

I use the generic word "guys" when I refer to all of you, gals and guys. This gender issue can become a touchy issue alright! Ya gotta be careful or you can get yourself in big trouble without trying. On the door of a post office I went into, there is a sign that said "soandso postmaster". The postmaster is a female. I asked her if she is a postmaster or postmistress? She said--"I'm not a mistress to anyone"! I looked postmistress up in Webster and it said--a woman who is a postmaster. Sooooo there you go. Like I said, it's a good place to get yourself into a peck of trouble. Some folks are really touchy about stuff. They get their feelings hurt "oh soooooo easy"! Saturday question--Are you one of those touchy folks? I wonder about touchy folks sometimes but there is usually a reason why certain folks are touchy about certain things. I just don't know "the why" at the time. Some times we just have to accept things (i.e. they are what they are).
Aint' it strange! Joesixpack says--The worst-tempered people I've ever met were people who knew they were wrong. Saturday question--How do you react when things don't go your way? Are you sure you are telling the truth! In the SW when the Indians attached the wagon trains, they circled the wagons and fought for their lives. They did what they had to to get the train back on the track. Some folks when they make a mistake circle back (i.e. see their mistake and try to correct it). Some fight forward even when they know they are wrong (i.e. huge massive egos come into play). Ouchy ouchy! MrBigMan says--Ya can't win a pissing match with a skunk! Such is life.
Selfies! What in the world are selfies anyway? That's a strange word to me. I read in the paper soooo it must be right--Be careful who you take selfies with as you might get head lice. Ouchy ouchy. Selfies is a craze where folks take photos with a cellphone of yourself with one or more friends (i.e. where subjects lean close together, heads and hair touching). SusieQ says--Check 'em for head lice before getting tooooo close! That's insane!
Everyone has limitations! Oh ya, no matter who you are. When we recognize them and know them and adjust our life accordingly, life goes better. It's when we get out of our limitations, is when we get into trouble. Oh ya! It's the Peter Principle--It's when people tend to be promoted until they reach their "position of incompetence". JoeEasy, it's like when you think you are Tiger Woods and realize you ain't. The manifestation is very clear. Now that is humbling folks. Oh ya! Can be hard on a guy's ego. "Some how or other" we need to figure out our limitations (i.e. at least to some degree). I asked a golf buddy how he did after his round (i.e. note, I didn't ask him his score but how he did). He said--Oh, not as well as I can do. But there again, I never do! Huh, interesting.
I took a hiatus from pickle ball and golf over the weekend. I sorta kinda hurt a shoulder muscle a little. I play 9 holes of golf usually twice a week with my buddies (i.e. more sometimes if invited) but play pickle ball more often. I can ride my bike to the different places and play for a hour and half and go home (i.e. doesn't take sooo long and it's a good work out). Some days I play twice a day at different invites. I have no obligation sooooo if I can't go, I don't. It fits me very well in my life right now. LuckieEddie says--At certain times in our life 'cause of certain circumstances, certain things work/fit better than others. I agree with you LuckieEddie. It's strange how we adapt and need to adapt but we can do it. In many cases we have tooooo. Such is life.
GoofyLouie says--I wouldn't walk across the street to spit on somebody like that! I played pickle ball at a certain location with some supposedly good players. The first time I went a couple of them treated me like I had leprosy (i.e. real strange). Cadillac Jack says--I guess 98% of the folks are great and the other 2%, well...some call them morons, some call them chowderheads, some call them jerks and others call them.... I don't get it. Maybe they thought they were "habanero hot" (i.e. had their noses up in the air). Maybe they were trying to intimate me--if sooo it didn't work; they made me laugh. I don't know why they acted that way (i.e. maybe insecure??). Soooo I go back the next week and there are more players (i.e. like 12) and I find out that they are not all that way (i.e. only a few). I met some real nice guys who didn't think that their...didn't stink. In fact one guy said to me while waiting our turn (i.e. confirming my thinking about some of those guys)--I enjoy pickle ball but it isn't my life like some of these guys think it is! It's very strange to see guys act that way. It has to be an attitude with some of them or they are just strange. I'm going back to interact with them just toooo see these guys act this way (i.e. I'm going to bug them and scratch their surfaces some--do an experiment--they can't really be that crusty). Maybe pickle ball is their life--good for them--it ain't mine. I like to enjoy the folks who I play pickle ball with. My ex-business partner of 34 years really enjoys golf. I would guess he has played more golf and more golf courses in the U.S. than 99.9% of folks. He plays every day if weather permits and has done it for years. He obviously likes golf. He went to FL for February and told me he played 20 different golf courses while there. Like I said, he likes golf!!! We all have our things now don't we. Yabut he's still a nice guy!!! PS I went to church Sunday and said hi to a couple I know--They seemed to act like they were the elite of the holy huddle (i.e. that was at church!). Huh, interesting.
NewPaddlePickleBallBuddy said--If you have been blessed with some form of talent, recognize it and use it to better others--and do it humbly! I think this guy is a smart guy! What do you think?
WorldClassLarry's suggestion--If you have a world class ego, please check it at the door. You guys know I like folks who have good hearts and are real. I am around many folks who are very important, successful, exceptionally talented, and financially wealthy but also very humble. Soooo if your head is bigger than your hat, think about making an adjustment. Thanksamillion WorldClassLarry for your suggestion.
The Dykema cousins |

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Courage cannot be tested cautiously.
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