Ifs and buts! GeorgeTheCrook says--There a lot of "ifs and buts" in life. SusieQ says--Contemplation is a leisure indulgence! SusieQ, there is a retirement resort here in Mesa that has a name of Leisure World. I bet they have time to indulge! My Daddy, Chester, use to say to me--erv, most folks don't take enough time to think! Maybe that is why many folks can't see any way but their own and they just sleepwalk through life. Could be. Not enough contemplation! Maybe! Couz-in-lawFay told us that at yoga she is taught to think about her breathing; that way you can't think of anything else (i.e. negative stuff). Saturday question--Do you ever strategize about your life? Think about all the possible senoras? Do you try to put together a blueprint for your life or do you just fly from the seat of your pants? CadillacJack says--The degree to which we trust our Divine Leader determines how far we are led into a life worth living.
I changed my stradegy last weekend. I was not going where I wanted to go (i.e. sorta kinda chasing after the wind). I think I sorta kinda had my priorities screwed up. It felt like a juggernaut. It got to a point where I saw it (i.e. always seems like it has to get pretty bad before ervie can figure it out--buzzards are circling). I strategized my position and my future movements and feel a lot better. I'm more in line where I want to be. I am at peace once again. Well, 'tilnex'time Huh, interesting.
I asked LuckieEddie what his strategy was for being married for 60 years. LuckieEddie said--I married MissRight. But I didn't know her first name was Always though! Ouchy ouchy!
The farm strategy went "haywire"! LuckieEddie says--Back in 1960 farmers didn't have bankers hours and they couldn't farm in their underwear! I met a neat guy at the pickle ball court. He had a Navy cap on sooooo I asked him about his Navy experience. He said--I was raised on a farm and didn't want to continue gettin' up before the sun and working until after the sun went down every day soooo I joined the Navy (i.e. his strategy). He took the test and got a high enough score to become an Boatswain E4. I didn't know what that was (i.e. in charge of navigation and the operation of a ship). Wow! I was impressed. Soooo did you use your position once you got out--no, I became a butcher and still am! I asked him why he wanted to become a Boatswain--I wanted to be a leader and thought that was a great opportunity. Maybe he just wanted to blow that little whistle!!! Such is life.
A lot of "ifs and buts"! Idleness is the soil of self-pity and depression. Get busy (i.e. develop a scheme). Throw those chips away and get your butt of the couch. The best thing that you can do is to do something that helps others. It's a universal principle that when you start focusing on helping others, your own problems are diminished. Don't just stand there, DO SOMETHING! Talk is cheap but we justify ourselves with our actions. Our plan tells the story.
Ya just never know now do ya--where you are going to get some strategery! ~ My uncle Warren Mellema (Omaha) sends me your blog spot now and again. (i.e. Warren is my Daddy, Chester's cousin). I am 61 and live in Bellingham, WA. If you’re a distant relative of his, you’re an even a more distant relative of mine. I read your blog entitled “It’s Saturday”. I find it particularly interesting how you write. We have similar writing styles. For example: “I have always been sorta kinda an arm swinger (i.e. don't turn my body properly). I don't want to be. I'm going to try to change. But after 48 years, bad habits are really hard to change. We will see now won't we.” I want you to know I’m kinda sorta an arm swinger as well. That must make us relatives. And 45 years of my bad habits are probably bearing the same fruit in my life as yours are for you. The best advice I received in golf was this: “During your backswing, keep the club close to the ground for as long as possible”. This simple tip increased my drive by 30 yards. Of course, short drives are easy to improve. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and give you a golf tip. Who knows…. If we’re truly related, it just might work for you too.
Synergy can produce good results especially if folks will strategize together and share experiences, talents, passion, interest, and abilities. LuckieEddie says--When folks have a common goal and don't care who gets the credit, great things can happen. GeorgeTheCrook says--You don't want DuaneTheWorm in your group!!! And you know what, DuaneTheWorm is just like a pimple, he just pops up! He always tries to pull a fast one! And he's good at it. But you know what--DuaneTheWorm can only postpone his actions for sooooo long before they become intolerable (i.e. used up all his get out of jail free cards). Such is life.
Synergy can produce good results especially if folks will strategize together and share experiences, talents, passion, interest, and abilities. LuckieEddie says--When folks have a common goal and don't care who gets the credit, great things can happen. GeorgeTheCrook says--You don't want DuaneTheWorm in your group!!! And you know what, DuaneTheWorm is just like a pimple, he just pops up! He always tries to pull a fast one! And he's good at it. But you know what--DuaneTheWorm can only postpone his actions for sooooo long before they become intolerable (i.e. used up all his get out of jail free cards). Such is life.
Do you think Bubby strategizes his actions? I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right. Bubby Watson is popular on tour for a number of reasons. He has a big personality, enjoys interacting with his fans through social media, offers thoughtful interviews and stands out on the course with his hot pink driver. Of course, success also helps. Huh, interesting.
Ultimate strategizing! I got to church just on time and there was an aisle seat open in the back row next to two senior ladies (i.e. happenstance, na I don't think soooo. I asked if I could sit with them--sure, I don't bite said the one next to the seat that was open (i.e. she was about 90 I would guess)--you look pretty sweat--looks can be deceiving. Her friend next to her (i.e. about 75 said--you need to settle down--when you're old you can get by with any thing--how old are you--old enough to know better--I'm pretty wild--I think you need church!--That's why I'm here; Jesus Christ is Lord! I must admit, that that was the best part of church for me! Such is life.
Stategery! The MI engineer taught me a new word as I was about to hit a drive--stratgery. One strategery is to run to exercise and maintain a physical being. I was running in The Fountain of the Sun (i.e. my 3.5 route) on a hot day (i.e. record high day of 86 degrees). I was sweating but wasn't really running very fast as a super sized lady walking her miniature poodle passed me. It could have been the same "fatlady" who my friend claims passed my riding RABRAI (i.e. Registers's Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) a few years ago but she just gained a few more pounds. ANYWAY I met a XXXL guy who was running his dog. He was driving a golf cart holding maybe a 6 foot pole with maybe a 3 foot rope at the end attached to his dog who was running. The super sized guy was drinking a Mountain Dew and eating chips. The dog looked like he was in good shape. It appeared to me that they should have changed positions. Huh, interesting.
Jeepers creepers! There are some things of live that aren't worth trying to change or correct. It just ain't worth the time and energy that it takes. And besides, they are not that important. Did you know that jeepers is an euphemism for Jesus? AverageJoe says--It's real easy to put a fence up and not accept reality (i.e. that is one form of strategy). That can be applied to our personal lives or problems of the world. That is why cruse ships don't go to third world countries. That is why retirement communities put walls up. That is why folks get away from problems by different methods. That is why the government doesn't deal with serious problems. I read in the paper soooo it mus be right--Scientists and ecologists agree -- water is the most endangered, fastest shrinking resource on the planet. Ouchy ouchy!

Some friends stopped to see us on their way to CA for a winter trip. They told us that an old client of mine died. I got to know him some and enjoyed listening to him tell me about his checker playing. He was a very good player and would travel all over to get a game (i.e. IA sate champ twice it said in his obituary). I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of him recently. Why was he soooo good at it. He wasn't educated and didn't study it. He told me that he could contemplate moves 4 and 5 ahead of time and also of his competitor (i.e. strategize). That amazed me since I can't figure out my first move. Saturday question--Do you think some folks have a canny ability to strategize for the future? Soooooo I called Andy's daughter and asked her if she knew. I asked her if she has that ability. She said she doesn't and didn't know why he could do that. We had a couple of support staff in our office who are just nice gals. One could remember #s. It was just unbelievable how she could do that. They both were good at remembering names (i.e. I wasn't). I always told them that they made my look like a king instead of a shit! I miss them gals.
I'm a long ways from home! The ladies at Carriage Manor Pickle Ball club asked me to do a little clinic about strategy. I really wondered if anyone would show up but about 35 did plus maybe 10 guys stood outside of the fence. These ladies were sooooo nice to me and treated my like I knew something. They got their money's worth alright; they didn't pay anything! Folks, I believe it can really help to be taught strategy about life. If it's about pickle ball or how to treat your wife or how to be a good parent or how to run a company or how make money or how to just be a good person (i.e. my opinion). What do you think?
MissPerfect gave me a great vote of confidence when she said to me--erv, I have no idea what you are saying but count me in!
Laughed at myself! I went for a run on Usery Pass yesterday morning before playing pickle ball. I noticed my pace slowed down. My mine was on something else (i.e. something fun, positive and happy). ANYWAY BigPete is my pickle ball mentor/friend. He critiques my play. I really appreciate it (i.e. he is a very good player). He told me this week that I don't get in position at the net fast enough (i.e. lazy). I sorta kinda loose my focus much like running at a slower pace! He's right. I know it. BigPete invited me to play with group of 4 and 4.5 players. I noticed the best players have fewer unforced errors (i.e. keep their focus and are talented and probably play a lot). My opinion--BigPete was the best of them all (i.e. and there were some good players there). Staying focus is a good strategy folks! Thanksamillion BigPete!
Quoting my college friend Rocky (i.e. we played a little bb togather at good old Northwestern)--Here are a couple quotes from the book Far Away Home by Susan Denning. This was a $1.99 Kindle special and not a bad read. "Just be careful. Mistakes can't always be corrected." "I think tomorrow is more important than yesterday."
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.
MyFriendJean says--Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worth while.
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