Out of the blue! We were eating rib eye steak Saturday night. Out of the blue our little 6 year old grand daughter Erin says--I never want to be a vegetarian! Out of blue stuff can change things folks. Easter can be a "life changer" out of the blue.
Easter can be confusing to many (i.e. a wackie concept). A guy gets hung on the cross for telling the truth and saves the sinners of all time. Then he raises from death and lives for ever in Heaven and is God. Now, if anyone has never heard that story, it sounds rather bazaar I would guess. Even to some folks who have heard the story and don't believe it, it's rather crazy to 'em. It's easier to understand the story of the Easter bunny I would guess. Easter provokes a lot of questions to many.
It's sorta kinda like this--If you don't understand what I'm writing, you won't understand what I am writing. That is very understandable, right. You think I'm just talking in tongues (i.e. self-edification). You might think I'm writing in a vernacular language that you don't understand (i.e. it is just repulsed confusion to ya). You think I just have a traffic jam in my head. And maybe I do. I think (i.e. my opinion) that not all folks understand things the same. Do you understand that?
A question I get asked a lot is--Do you really use only half a banana on your oatmeal and if soooo what do you do with the other half? It appears that we compare ourselves to others some times; it ain't good. Life is not always easy; we all know that. If you don't have resilience, it's game over folks (i.e. ya gotta bounce back from adversity; ya just gotta; you have no choice). Life is a lot of PH (i.e. plugging holes). CrazyMarvin says--Sooooo folks, be yourself. Don't have monster expectations. Live your life in rhythm (i.e. as smooth as silk with confidence). Don't try to impress others (i.e. at least all the time!!!!). If you are a Christian (i.e. even if you are not), Jesus is the best example we have of living our life (i.e. the Best of the best with a lot of moxie). Soooo how are we doing? I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. The footnote says--A fitting philosophy of a life if there is no Resurrection. Huh, interesting!
Less flash, more dash! I wonder if I would have lived during the time of Jesus and seen His life, experienced his death on the cross, and seen the Resurrection if I would believed it or been among the scoffers. Many of the folks who did see Jesus live His life, were scoffers. Soooo we can easily be scoffers today. GeorgeTheCrook says--I want proof! Hey, listen GeorgeTheCrook, some day you will experience the Truth! IBM was a sponsor of the Masters on TV (i.e. I really enjoy the Masters). Their ads were around the the idea that data is really important in our world today. And we have soooo much date at the tip of fingers. They said that the average person looks at their smart phone every 6 1/2 minutes. Wow! AverageJoe says--Ok, but I want more data before I decide about that Jesus!
Arlene and I watched the movie Banger Vance on the golf channel the other night. I think I have seen it before. It's about a guy who had to get rid of the demons he had in his head. Saturday question--You have any demons in your head. Really! How long have you had them? LuckieEddie says--We often focus on trying to change an event or circumstance, when we really need to change the habits that caused it. Often bad things that happen to us have happened before. If we change the pattern, we keep it from happening again. Work on your habits if you want to change what's happening. LuckieEddie, that' easier said than done! All men's natures are alike, it's their habits that carry them far apart. ~Confucius~ Such is life.
I wonder where I'm at sometimes. This sign was over the door of a gas/convenience store we stopped at in NE. ~ We had breakfast at the Blue Cow in Morrison Sunday morning before church. They had a sign on the wall that said--Be nice or mooooove on! It made me smile. It's hard to determine what's important in our lives I think. We think we know but many times I wonder if we apply it. And age changes things toooo! Example--Two mothers sitting side by side at their 9 year old sons' basketball game. They both holler at the refs and coaches as they want their son to do well and their teams to win (i.e. some even pray for success). Da! Have you ever had good come out of bad? Examples--2 friends--one is the assistant director of a department where there is a lot of financial problems and it has to be restructured which is causing a lot of anxiety and stress. The director resigns and the my friend gets the director's job (i.e. now on a temporary bases). Friend 2 goes to the dermatologist for dry hands and while there has 3 molls checked. One is melanoma. Caught early enough and no cancer left.
Machine and humans! We experienced special kindness a.k.a. love by some special friends when we returned home (i.e. real class). We didn't tell them to do it like we tell a copier to make a copy by pressing a button or the furnace to produce more heat by turning up the thermostat. Our friends did this act of love 'cause they felt it in their hearts. Maybe that is like what Easter is! What do you think? I do know that they touched my heart (i.e. their act brought tears to me eyes.
Have you ever heard the saying--What a day of rejoicing that will be? My engineer golf buddy from MI gave me this paper as he knows I like the SW history. Little Dick Meets His Maker it reads. Sooooo are we any different than Little Dick do you think? Saturday question--How many chances should a bad guy get? SusieQ asks--What makes a guy bad; aren't we all sorta kinda bad at times erv?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you wish, but you can spend it only once.
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