Have you ever been stiff armed? I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall!--Beware of pride and self-exaltation....Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. MissPerfect says--A person fueled by rivalry is hard to get close to. Because they are regularly jockeying for position or influence, they stiff-arm any who get close or in their way. Ouchy ouchy! You guys know any folks like this?
"Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone--except God." ~ Billy Graham ----- When there is money (i.e. huge massive money involved), then the playing field changes many times (i.e. folks might and will offend others). Joesixpack says--There seems to be a lurking menace in our world that causes a lot of problems! Huh, interesting.
Dr. David Jeremiah says--Recently Britain's Prince Charles added his voice to those alarmed about the dramatic increase of violence against Christians. He warned that Islamic militants are deliberately targeting Christians in parts of the Middle East and seeking to wipe out the followers of Christ in Arab lands. It's true, but that's not the half of it. The crisis is global. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world today -- with millions facing pressure, danger, and death because of their faith. One expert called Christian persecution a worldwide human rights disaster of epic proportions.
"Nothing can deceive unless it bears a plausible resemblance to reality." ~ C. S. Lewis ~ Soooo Mr. Lewis, that means that the gray is where deception lies. Everyone knows black and white (i.e. or do they) but there are many different shades of gray. Is that right? Saturday question--Does vanity ever deceive us do you think? Think of it in these terms: “What have I done for others, unselfishly, as a servant, that could be described as a sacrifice?” Think in terms of time, energy, and finances. Any sacrifice there? I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Paul says--Therefore do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are be renewed day by day...For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Have you ever been desperate? I mean desperate! It appears that when folks are really desperate, they change. Some will take huge massive chances which are way out of their character. Their pride is no longer affected, they are desperate. Some folks get sooooo scared (i.e. scared to death) and will do almost anything to try to get their way. And other folks just realize their situation and accept it gracefully. I saw this bumper sticker that made me laugh--I owe, I owe, I owe, so it's off to work I go! I guess those folks would say--I do it the "old fashion way". But the "old fashion way" isn't near as popular as it use to be folks (i.e. my opinion). The world seems to changing or am I just seeing it differently?
Sooooo is a prideful person a fool? Paul said this--Let no one take me for a fool. But if you do, then receive me just as you would a fool. Was he being sarcastic? Saturday question--Do you think there are others who think that you and I are fools? If we are very extremely prideful we will think we are never fools! But maybe some folks think we are (i.e. and maybe we are at times). They think we are fools in what we believe and what we do. And to them we believe some crazy stuff and do some crazy things. Joesixpack says--Fools are self-centered impostors. Ouchy ouchy!
Fools are just fools! Joesixpack says--Some folks are fools and don't even know it! Do the self-described-wise, secularists and atheists and skeptics notice the brilliance of the stellar heavens and their self-evident intelligent design? Do the self-described-wise, all the hedonistic, self-absorbed people on earth pause to thank God for their pulsing hearts and breathing lungs and incredible brains. Saturday question--How would you describe yourself?
I was cleaning out my desk and found this in an old paper that I have kept. It says--"Beethoven was a man who struggled every day of his life, a man shaking his fist at the heavens constantly." I listen to some of Beethoven's symphonies. I sorta kinda like them. I'm surely not an expert but do think I can hear some of his feelings in his works (i.e. or maybe I'm just ate a bad half a banana). How about you? I wonder if it's the human condition to struggle against adversity, whether socially, politically or one's physical condition through eternity. What do you think. I sorta kinda shake my fists at the heavens some times. Beethoven and I only have that in common as I have no music ability. Oh no! Well, I married Arlene (i.e. one of the good folks) and she's a music major. PS Did you know that there were 20,000 folks at Beethomven's funeral? Wow! Did you know he was deaf during his last years?
1, 2, 3, done! Sometimes ya just have to eat your pride and take a beatin' for a short time to be a winner in the long run (i.e. it's all about the money folks). In the NBA it is called "tanking"! Franchises loose intentionally using a variety of methods soooo they can get a higher draft pick (i.e. lower teams get higher picks). Sooo if a franchise is just average, they position themselves not to win soooo they can win in the draft (i.e. short time lose for long time win). GerogeTheCrook says--That is just good business sense! Ain't it? It's used for the entitlements that the government gives, isn't it? What's the difference? It's called using the loop holes ain't it? Joesixpack asks--Have you ever been outwitted? Such is life.
Hold the phone Charlie! I recently had the opportunity to meet with a person who is very talented (i.e. I picked her mind). It seems like we all have some talent but some seem to have more than others and some have a wide range of talents. ItchieBitchie says--A bell is not a bell until it is rung; a song is not a song until it is sung; now love was not given in your heart to stay - for love is not love until you give it away...We are sometimes tempted to take special pride in our distinctive talents and abilities. We must never forget, however, our success depends on the support of others with different capabilities. I agree Itchiebitchie but we got to remember that folks who are more talented have more responsibility and more is required of them (i.e. they have to use those talents for good stuff like helping the forgotten and the needy)! AverageJoe says--You kiddin' me! I didn't ask for these talents or abilities! Saturday question--Are you an underachiever or an overachiever? When the game is on the line can you "can 'em (i.e. like nutten but net)"? Some of you folks just erupt with excitement of an opportunity. Your life just keeps trickling along with good stuff! SusieQ says--It seem like some folks maximise and optimise their opportunities more than others. My prayer--I pray for opportunities and I pray that I can recognize them (i.e. they don't fly over my head), and I pray that I have the courage to act on them. Such is life.
I have a pickle ball buddy who has a second cousin who is married to this gal who says--It's more fun to win than it is to lose. Anyone can act nice when ya win. But how do they act when ya lose? Saturday question--Do you ever digress with your morals, values, and actions when you lose several times in a row? CadillacJack says--The way it looks, MissPerfect is letting herself go a little! Ouchy ouchy! MissPerfect says--I don't want to talk about it.
Ok, I don't get it! I usually do suduko every day in the newspaper. I really like the Arizona Republic paper. It is the best paper in my opinion. But I do puzzles in the Denver Post, Des Moines Register, Waterloo Courier and other papers. Some papers put the answers of the current puzzle in the paper and others don't. Some put the answer next to the puzzle and other put it on another page. Some papers put the answer to the puzzle in the next day's paper. This just makes me laugh. If someone whats to look at the the puzzle solution, let them. Who cares! They can do what every they want. If a person doesn't want to look at the solution, they don't have to. I just don't understand this mentality. I was telling Jessica about this and she said--It 'cause they want you to buy the next day's newspaper (i.e. she is in marketing, da!). It's all about the money! I still don't understand why they put the solution on another page or put it upside down. I still don't get it.
Not sooooo prideful anymore! I went for my run the other day. I ran into a friend who was at a job site. Of course we haven't seen each other since last fall. He is in his early 50s and had sorta kinda a sever heart attach last summer. We had a nice talk about his kids etc. I asked him how he is getting along with his recovery. He told me he is doing well...It has changed my life--what do you mean--I am why more laid back--I look at things differently--like how--well for one thing I go to church which I haven't for many many years; church isn't everything but I'm around some good folks and I also pray every day that I have never done before--wow! What do you pray about--usually a thankful prayer and then I end with the Lord's prayer. Huh, interesting.
Some pride is good! I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half banana on it--By the Holy Spirit, God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Don't worry about the assignments God gives you. We've read this page-turner and know that we win in the end!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.
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