Have you watched any March Madess? Some coaches seem to just distill confidence in their players and others don't seem to do that as well. How come do you think? LuckieEddie says--Confidence is soooooo important in anything. Right on the button LuckieEddie! I think about 80% of anything is confidence. MissPerfect says--If you have confidence, you think you will never lose it! If you lose it, you wonder if you'll ever get it back! Right on the button MissPerfect. I wonder if sometimes a little luck can really affect our confidence. Luck never hurts. I think that's right on the button! John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach at UCLA, began the first practice of each new season by teaching his players, freshmen and veterans alike, how to put their socks on correctly. Everything starts with preparation. Huh, interesting!
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I don't think I'm missing anything. Oh no. Some of you folks have been very encouraging to me and have given me some very good advice. You know who you are. I might not have even acknowledged you or responded to your statement or your actions but "make no mistake", I heard what you said and see what you do. I heard every word (i.e. good stuff folks) and seen your moves. Encouragement gives me and others confidence and assurance. Oh ya! I hope I can always be an encouragement to others some way, some how!
Figures are usually exaggerated...(i.e. like buried treasures always grew as the story is repeated). SusieQ says--That's why some stories are are hard to believe. They always get better and bigger with time. Pretty soooon, no one knows what the real story was! Like the saying goes--There is my story, your story and the real story!
We got a few groceries at Albertsens the other day. The little, shriveled up older guy in blue jeans, a cowboy shirt, cowboy belt and cowboy boats was checking out ahead of us. The clerk asked him if he is playing monopoly (i.e. a store game to win grocery discounts). He said no but his girlfriends do. I said to him--soooo you have more than one girlfriend--I have 4 or 5--you are exaggerating aren't you--no no if anything I have more than 4 or 5 girlfriends--you must be quite a ladies man. He didn't say anything.
It's really hard to get to the top and even harder to stay at the top (i.e. the big potato, the big dog). That is no exaggeration folks! Very few do. Some can start at the bottom and go to the top only to go back to the bottom. WildWillie says--Soooo if you are on the way up or at the top, be humble, poised, polite and appreciate the view. It might not always be that way. It seems that you can't be king of the hill forever; there is always someone who comes along and knocks you off your pedestal. Such is life.
Many a dispute was settled with guns in the great SW. The fastest guy with the draw won. The hired gunslingers were usually young and cocky. Then a twitch, a slight distraction, a hundredth of a second slower and they were dead and there was a new "fastest gun in the west". Some times they were even drygulched. SlickBillie says--That pretty much happens in everything. There always someone who comes along who is better at some time. It's not if it is going to happen but when. It's always been that way and probably always will.
They sorta kinda sea food differently! Some folks eat to stay alive. Some folks eat 'cause it's a habit. Some folks eat 'cause they are nervous. Some folks eat 'cause their parents told them they had to clean their plate before leaving the table. Some folks eat 'cause they are hungry. Some folks eat to be social. Saturday question--Why do you eat? And folks eat different types of food and different amounts. Some folks can really eat a lot. In most cases, it shows. They sorta kinda sea food differently! That is no exaggeration folks!
MissPerfect says--When folks blow their own trumpet, usually it's an exaggeration. They are tooting their own horn. Probably in most cases, the tootin' makes them better than they are. Flipthepancake. When folks blow the trumpet...sound the alarm they are giving warning about something that might be harmful to many. A smart person is one who heeds the warning and makes adjustments. GeorgeTheCrook says--Yabut when we think we know everything, we don't listen to the trumpet. We know everything and that's just the way it is (i.e. we think).
Maybe it's just an exaggeration of who they really are! Do you think we ever revert back to who we use to be? It could even be how we were when we were kids. Or maybe when we get pushed into a corner, we revert back to who we really are. Or is our new "really are" completely ingrained in us and the new "really are" is who we "really are"! I got some cash at the shazam machine of Wells Fargo. I went in asked the cashier if she could give me some $100 bills for all the $20s the machine gave me. She was a very nice young gal. I asked her if she liked her job--I sure do--are you always this happy--I don't let anyone get in the way of my happiness! I don't think she was exaggerating folks. She sounded and acted very sincere!
Takes a big person! A pickle ball buddy is on his way back home to Canada. One day he was telling me of a situation he had last summer. He was just learning pickle ball and his playing partner got on him pretty bad for not moving up to the line. He just didn't know what he was to do as he was just a beginner. He hollered at him a few times and then just walked off the court. Nice guy huh! ANYWAY he was telling me that he is going to try to make amends with this guy; said he needs tooooo. He isn't going to go overboard but give him the opportunity to correct the situation. Now that is a big person folks! Joesixpack says--Humility seeks to advance others rather than advance self. SusieQ says--Many folks wouldn't care "one iota" about him. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Paul wise counsel to us is to: Ease up. Life is tooooo short to allow differences of opinion to divide us. Work through issues. I was told this week by a smart person--"Committed love" is the power to surrender my right to get what I desire soooo the person I love can get what he or she truly needs. Now that takes a big person folks. And that's no exaggeration.
Get use to it! I usually use Glide dental floss. But, I ran out and Arlene had some Johnson and Johnson floss. I use it but I really have to adjust my method as it isn't the same. It doesn't work as well or does it but I just need to get use to it. Get use to it. That is what we have to learn to do over and over and over--get use to it. Then after we get use to it, it's like old hat. Then something happens and then we have to--get use to something different again. Such is life.
This is not an exaggeration folks! There are hot dogs and then there is the D-Bat Dog that you can purchase at the Diamond Backs game at Chase Field. The D-Bat Dog is an 18-inch-long corn dog stuffed with cheddar cheese, jalapenos and bacon. Deep-fried and served with fries, chipotle ketchup and spicy mustard. Twenty-five dollars. CadillacJack says--Now that's a real bargain!!
A real life situation that is no exaggeration! A friend of Arlene and mine stopped over the other day. She likes basketball sooooo we talked MN bb as they won. She was telling us that she is going to graduate from physical therapy this week. Soooo why are you taking physical therapy anyway--'cause I just have doing nutten and my body hurts all over--soooo you go and have someone make you do exercises for a hour and half twice a week, is that right--ya, pretty much; but I feel sooooo much better--next time, give me a call and I'll buy one of those eclectic shockers we use to use on the hogs back on the farm a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN and I'll just use it on you!!! It just proves once again--Throw those chips away and get you butt of the couch folks!
Have you ever got stuck in your own way and just mucked it up? FastFreddie says--sometimes folks just play along! They don't agree but just play along about this Jesus stuff. But at some point in their lives, it's no longer a theory but it's conclusive! -- I believe, my opinion, when this happens, wow, that person has been truly blessed. What causes that to happen to folks anyway? I read in the paper sooooo it must be right that there is a neurological condition which can occur from damage to the brain which produces exaggerated emotional responses such as crying or laughing. Do you think something changes in our brains at times to make us think differently? Or maybe it's like my friend says--We just get dinged! Could be folks.
It's all about the money folks! Ya just have to exaggerate or modify the information. There were two evil brothers. They were rich and used their money to keep their ways from the public eye. They even attended the same church and looked to be perfect Christians. Then, their pastor retired and a new one was hired. Not only could he see right through the brothers' deception, but he also spoke well and true, and the church started to swell in numbers. A fundraising campaign was started to build a new assembly. All of a sudden, one of the brothers died. The remaining brother sought out the new pastor the day before the funeral and handed him a check for the amount needed to finish paying for the new building. "I have only one condition," he said. "At his funeral, you must say my brother was a saint." The pastor gave his word and deposited the check. The next day at the funeral, the pastor did not hold back. "He was an evil man," he said. "He cheated on his wife and abused his family." After going on in this vein for a small time, he concluded with, "But, compared to his brother, he was a saint."
A bitchie wife or a bitchie husband! I read it in the paper sooooo it must be right. It's better for a marriage to have a bitchie wife than a bitchie husband. It't better to have a positive husband instead of a positive wife (i.e. results are better it says). Men tend to just blow stuff off as women tend to internalize stuff (i.e. have an inner beast). The article didn't say anything about both being bitchie or both being positive. Both either way, I would bet, would probably be a "hairraising experience"! Huh, interesting.
TerryWasHerName! This is no exaggeration folks. I had the opportunity recently to play a round with a friend a.k.a neverhasahairoutofplace and his cronies at McDowell Mountain Club in Scottsdale. We were heading to the back 9 when thisgalTerry has this beverage/food stand close to the #10 tee box. Those guys know her by name! Terry had to have majored in merchandising as she was doing that alright. She was BigTime merchandising all her stuff (i.e. she had charming and persuasive ways). And it didn't go without notice by our group of golfers let me tell ya. And the ice water wasn't the point! I think she got massive huge tips! A couple of the guys got the "girlieeffect" and their golf game went to pot for a couple of holes. These guys (i.e. very successful retired businessmen) are in the age range of maybe 70 to 85! I kidded them about how she affected their game. They said "no it didn't" but it did consciously or subconsciously. That is no exaggeration folks! It was just hilarious! I had such a good time with these guys. It was a hoot! Hey listen, I'm not stirring the pot! Really.
I just have to "step back" sometimes and enjoy what's going on (i.e. the big picture). You ever have to do that. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--My Maestro has a great big idea plan for me, sooooo I must just step back and recognize it and enjoy it. Huh, interesting. A buddy from back home sent me this--Read the other day...so it must be true ~ "Anything that refreshes you without distracting from, diminishing or destroying your ultimate goal is a legitimate pleasure." And that ain't no bull!
Important folks carry a big stick! I read the book Empire of the Summer Moon, the rise and fall of the Comanches (i.e. a suggestion of a pickle ball buddy). Saturday question--How long was Chief Quanah's lance? The book said it was 14 feet. Can you imagine riding a horse and throwing a 14 foot lance as well as caring that sucker around (i.e. maybe it was easy peasy for them Indians). I think a 14 foot stick is a big stick folks. I googled it and it said Indian lances were 9 to 14 feet sooooo it must be right (i.e. no exaggeration). Many of you folks carry big sticks and I know you are important (i.e. no exaggeration)! Oh ya!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Invest in the power of love, not the love of power.
No exaggeration, this short video might save some one's life. New CPR chest compressions
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