August 30, 2014

Surprise me!

If this "It's Saturday" seems goofy to ya, it's 'cause of the high attitude affecting my brain.  Ya, we are in Morrison, CO at James, Heather, Erin, and little Jimmer.  Our good friends Hank and Becky are with us.

I was running the other morning and met a friend who also runs.  We stopped and talked briefly.  He told me I better get going--why--did you look behind you (i.e. I looked behind me)--he said, the vultures are circling!  A golf buddy told me on the 9th tee box the other day--Comedy always contains a certain amount of truth!  Ouchy ouchy!  Such is life.

College football is starting.  This will be our first year of not going to the Iowa Hawkeye games with Hank and Becky in several years. We have really enjoyed the run.  Things change folks.  I read this headline in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right).  I wonder if Christianity in America is going the same direction.  What do you think? Are you surprised?

Surprise surprise!  This will be a surprise for some folks!  I read in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right) that half of Iowa seniors are delaying retirement (i.e. a secured retirement is out of reach at retirement age).  Soooo if folks don't have the funds to retire, they have to keep working or lower their standard of living or both.  50% folks, that seems like a lot.  Sooooo if  you are 65 there aren't toooo many other choices.  If you are 35, you can cut your standard of living 20% and save it soooo you can have a secure retirement.  But you might have to change your attitude and standard of living and most 35 year olds don't seem to want to do that.  Soooooo...!  I read in anther newspaper article (i.e. sooooo it must be right) that Millennials and Generation Ys are largely ignored by financial advisers.  The reason is that they don't want to save and don't have much to save (i.e. can't make much money off of them).  The advisers target the baby boomer who have high net worth (i.e. chase the dogs with the money and the saving attitudes).  It's all about the money folks!  Huh, interesting.

I went to an I-Cub game recently.  I stopped for gas on the way in Bondurdant (i.e. a friend claims it's the cheapest priced gas in the state).  On the door was this sign.  Now $8 an hour would be hard for many of you folks to live on.  Then if  you have to save 20%!!!  I had a couple of extra tickets sooooo I gave them to a couple who I thought maybe could use the good fortunate.  They were very appreciative of them.  During the game, the guy was going to buy a beer from the vendor.  He asked how much--$8.50--He said--I'll pass, thank you!  An onesmartgal told me this--Women lose 11% of their earning power by leaving the workforce for less than a year. When they stay out 3 years or longer, they reduce their earning power by almost 40%. Ouchy ouchy!  Wow!  That can't apply to a $8 job can it!!!

No surprise here folks.  Do you think this is smash talk or garbage talk or is it just comedy or the truth? ItchieBitchie says--As we Silver Surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our computers.  Yesterday, I had a problem, so I called Georgie, the 11 year old next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over.  Georgie clicked a couple buttons and solved the problem.  As he was walking away, I called after him, So, what was wrong?  He replied, It was an ID ten T error.  I didn't want appear stupid, An, ID ten T error?  What's that?  In case I need to fix it again.  Georgie grinned.  Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?  No, I replied.  Write it down, he said, and I think you'll figure it out.  So I wrote it down:  ID10T!  I use to like Georgie, the little shithead!

Mikie says--Learning to live below your means is one of the most important habits you can develop.  Work at this key point, and your world will change in many positive ways.  Huh, interesting.  "Every action must be due to one or other of seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reasoning, anger, or appetite."  ~Aristotle~

Are you like your parents as to how you manage your money?  Do you want to be like your parents as to how how they manage/managed their money?  Are your children like you as to how you manage your money? A golf buddy told me that he and his siblings don't manage money the same (i.e. one lives for the immediate--spends more that she makes and others don't).  Why is that do you think?  Is this a surprise to you?  I asked a retired couple how they manage to have a good life in retirement--they said we were savers.  Why were you savers?  We learned it from our parents.  Huh, interesting.  Soooo wonder if your parents were not savers!  ItchieBitchie says--Don't use the government as your mentor folks; the government might act like a big "sugar daddy" but don't count on it folks.  Saturday question--Who is the government?  Ouchy ouchy! Such is life.

Now that was a moving surprise, folks!  I was making coffee in our church for our WHO meeting (i.e. we help others) one morning.  The janitor came in the kitchen and looks in the frig.  That is what I thought he said.  I bought grape juice for communion and started thinking, did I buy grape juice or prune juice!  He bought prune juice.  He said they are right next to each other at the store and the bottles look much alike.  Soooo how long ago was it that you bought the juice I asked--maybe two weeks!  And you thought of it now?  Ya, isn't that something! Surprise!  I guess he didn't getaroundtoit as he didn't get them switched around. We had communion the next Sunday and it was prune juice!  Now that is funny to me.  Cut the guy some slack.  I went down to the story to see what he was talking about.  It was an easy mistake.  Besides, there are folks in our church that need to move a little faster anyway!!!

No whining here!  Quit your whining! I believe  everybody should believe in something; I believe I'll have another drink. That quote is a joke yet it contains several lessons. 1. It displays the attitude that sometimes you need to just relax.  2. Many highly religious sorta kinda folks would frown at the reference to taking a drink but wine has considerable mention in scripture (i.e. some of the Christian denominations are against a drink--As the joke goes, I know some say that in church but drink at the golf course, at football games or at parties as long as no others from their church are around).  3. You maybe assumed the writer is talking about alcoholic drinks. I think I will have a drink of water. 4. You jumped to a conclusion didn'tja!  Gottcha! Surprise!

Surprise!  You might not be as good as you think you are.  Could be folks.  For Whom The Bell Tolls! Self evaluation is very hard.  John Donne (1572-1631), Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation XVII: Nunc Lento Sonitu Dicunt, Morieris"Perchance he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better than I am, as that they who are about me, and see my state, may have caused it to toll for me, and I know not that."  I, erv,  think of myself sometimes more important than I am.  I know I do.  I get humbled many many times (i.e. get my head shrunk back to size).  Sometimes I wish I was a jerk (i.e. they never realize that they aren't as important as they are--doesn't ring their bell!).  If you don't know something then you can't be bothered about it (i.e. put your head in the sand or something like that).  Such is life.

She's gotta go!  4 guys from church had breakfast together the other morning (i.e. 2 are super seniors who have seen everything, heard everything and done everything).  One super senior friend told us about his son when he was maybe 6.  He was mad at his mother and said to him--Dad, you should divorce that lady!  Another time he made a sign and put it in the the window--Mother for sale $9,999.99 and their phone #!   My friend also told us that when he was 16, he and three other guys went on a two week trip to major league ball parks (i.e. that was 1950).  They slept in parks and one of their dads sent eggs along and they fried eggs to eat.  Some times they would get a motel room--all showered there and 2 would sleep in the room and 2 in the car.  Folks, this was a major trip in 1950.  What would that cost today?  Would parents let their kids do that today?  I said--I was surprised your parents let you do that.  Looking back, I am toooooo.  What were they thinking! It was a different world folks, different world.

Eternal sensibility. Solomon (i.e. the wisest man who ever lived) wrote that we have an eternal sensibility in us.  Do you believe that?  Solomon said--He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  I agree Solomon, that is hard to fathom (i.e. maybe it's impossible for my pea sized human mind to understand). Eternity could really be a surprise for me--SURPRISE!  Bingo!  But, I'm from Butler County, IA, what do I know!

I recently talked to a friend who was getting gas for his lawnmower.  He said it was his last time mowing--really--ya, we are heading out pulling our camper to NJ and camp there for 2 weeks with a camping club and touring New Your City--wow!, that is quite a trip--ya, we plan to take a week going out stopping and seeing friends and family.  These folks are 77 years old (i.e. been savers I think).  From there they will head to AZ where they own a park model.  He did tell me that they are very fortunate to have the finances and health to do that (i.e. they are good folks with good hearts and realize they have been blessed).  Such is life.

Is this a surprise?  I read in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right) About 36% of workers have less than $1,000 in savings and investments for retirement--not counting their primary residence or defined pensions.  Wow!  Those 36% probably won't be going to tour New York City for two weeks unless they have have a big "sugar daddy" some where.  I also read in the paper that it will cost $254,340 to raise a baby born in 2013 to age 18.  Wow!  Soooo how do folks do that who have large number of kids.  They have to have a big "sugar daddy" some where.  I talked to a friend on a walk the other night.  This person is retiring soooon and is soooooo happy.  Has determined that they will have enough money to retire (i.e. not rich but have enough they said).  This friend is excited folks.

I was surprised but not really!  One response I received from last Saturday's "It's Saturday" was from a very successful businessman.  He asked if he could put Arlene and I on his prayer list!  This guy is a good, real guy with a good heart (i.e. my kind of person).  But still I was sorta kinda surprised that he would express himself soooo openly!  Now that's a big man (i.e. my opinion)!  I heard a golf announcer say last weekend after Furyk missed a 4 footer--Doesn't matter how good your stroke is if you are aiming it in the wrong direction.  My friend has a great stroke and is aiming it in the right direction (i.e. my opinion)!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Better to slip with foot than with the tongue.

August 23, 2014

when eventuality becomes realty

Disclaimer--Some of you might find this "It's Saturday"tooooo "stodgy" and other might find it tooooo "real life" so you might want to read it with caution. Row row row your boat. Gently down the stream.  Merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream!

Life modifiers!  We hear about all the mass tragedies all over the world almost every day.  They are terrible, they really are.  All of those mass tragedies produce individual tragedies as well.  There are huge massive numbers of tragedies that happen ever day that very few folks know about (i.e. we are more aware of the ones that affect us personally).  One of those individual tragedies might be in your family or affect your life.  Could be folks and others don't even know about it.

Relationships!  If you want to have meaningful relationships, it appears that we have to be real and transparent.  If we aren't, then we are no more than being a showman at the Butler County Fair.  Joesixpack says--If you want information, you have to give information--If you want to be part of folks' lives, you have to let them see you who you really are and what is happening in your life (i.e. the real you).  You have to rub elbows with the folks, smell like them, and spend time with them. There is a fine line here though I think (i.e. risk).  Some folks might think you are a narcissist. Soooo folks, I'm going to take a risk.

Disney World one day but eventuality becomes reality.  This story has a lot of sad asterisks folks.  Life is not all smiles.  I'm not complaining but just telling you about reality.  Arlene has Alzheimer's and is in the mid stage (i.e. many of you guys know that).  Life will never be the same for her or for me.  It's a disease that you don't get better from (i.t. it can't be fixed).  It's an isolation disease.  What more can I say.  It's the shits!  If you have any interest in a good book about it, read Stop and Smell the Garbage by Christine McMahon Sutton (i.e. a 5 star book on amazon). Obstacles exist in every one's life--some worse than others though.  Life isn't fair, the only thing that's fair is the Butler County Fair and it's in June. Every morning and evening I rhapsodize and soliloquize the incredible grace and blessings of God on my life! I thank God for all the good things we have had in our lives (i.e. unbelievable).  I am very appreciative and soooooo thankful.  Our life together has really been great and fun. But it's utopia becoming reality (i.e. speed bump).

There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great and no tonic so powerful as the expectation of something better tomorrow!  God is our hope.  OneSmartMan once said--The other day I just looked up and thanked the Lord that He gave me my life.  However, I told Him, Don't let me get in love with this place, or I won't want to leave it and go to a better place. We are strangers and pilgrims down here, because we are walking by faith, looking to a better place. Don't fall in love with the world. Walk by faith on the pilgrim pathway. 

When eventuality becomes reality.  AnotherSmartMan said--Sometimes experiences don’t live up to their advanced billing, and the resulting frustration can lead to depression or despair. Two people may think it’s a good idea to get married, but the harsh reality doesn’t live up to the expectations. Maybe you’ve planned to go to an exciting vacation spot only to find it far less than you anticipated. Sometimes we fall in love with the idea, but the idea is not the same as the reality. A man from a BOGSAT (i.e.Bunch of Guys Sitting Around Talking) once told me that his boat brought him two moments of happiness—when he bought it and when he sold it. The children of Israel thought it was a good idea to follow God’s leading into the Promised Land. But when they arrived and discovered they had to fight for it, they were ready to elect a new team captain and return to Egypt. The idea sounded great, but the courage to follow through was another matter. How many of us drop out of life, intellectually, morally, spiritually, because it’s rougher than we thought?

I have learned from the actions of our grand kids that it you holler real loud and for an extended amount of time, you get what you want.  Those grand kids know how tooooo manipulate grandpa and grandma. But does that work in the real world?  Maybe and maybe not; depends!  Some things just can't be changed.  That is when we need to change our attitudes about the situation.  Such is life.

School is starting soon or has started for some.  Here is a version of row row row your boat--Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Throw your teacher overboard And listen to her scream.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--To speak kindly does not hurt the tongue.

August 16, 2014

the subconscious dings

Last week end with our family was just piquant. Soooo many experiences and emotions that it is hard for me to digest them all.  A hoot!  A great time that has turned into great memories.  Ya can't buy this stuff folks!

I had breakfast recently with a friend who told me that he and another friend were talking with another friend who was building a fabulous new house.  He was complaining about the frustration of getting his large, fancy pool constructed in the back yard.  They told him that that was a 1st World problem.  Soooo how many 1st World problems do you have each day?  Maybe that is why we hear some folks talk about simplifying their lives.  Tooooo many 1st World problems.  Could be folks.  Could be!  LuckieEddie says--It's soooo hard to determine the difference between wants and needs!  Ouchy ouchy!  Saturday question--Do your possessions own you or do you own your possessions? Mikie says--Do what is difficult, and life will be easy. Do what is easy, and life will be difficult.

Fictional world overlapping into reality. What is important to one person isn't important to another.  What's emotional to one isn't emotional to others. What's fun for one isn't fun for another.  What's exciting to one isn't exciting to another.  We are all different. My nonsense is not your nonsense.  Why is that do you think?   Onesmartyguy said--ya gotta step back and look at the big picture (i.e. the big picture looks different than a little snap shot).  Anothersmartguy taught me what fart leg training is (i.e. run hard for a ways and then walk...). I wonder if I do that a little in my normal life.  I wonder! AverageJoe says--Ah, shucks! We all like instant gratification! That is what advertising can do BUT maybe we need a wake up call (i.e. it can get a person in instant trouble folks). Mikie says--The advertising machine has bee around a long time and continues to affect your life in ways you probably don't realize it...beware; someone is planting ideas in your head... Such is life.

IA State Fair
3,000+ pound BigBull
BigBoar 1,000+ pounds
IA State Fair
Our grand kids at some point just turn grandpaerv off (i.e. enough is enough of grandpaerv).  I think they just think I'm just full of  a lot of "bull" and am a big "bore".  In fact our kids and their spouses might think the same at times (i.e. but they are mature and kind--they maybe just accommodate me).  I sat next to a super senior friend at the local Amvet Post's first Monday of the month hamburger fry Monday noon in Aplington.  She asked me about our family gettogather.  She said she and her siblings had their reunion over the weekend.  Each of the siblings were to let their children know about it.  She said all 4 of their children came.  She thinks mostly to just honor her request (i.e. honor and show appreciation to their mom).  She felt soooo good about that (i.e. a subconscious ding).  Such is life.

Mesmerized!  It appears to me that you can lecture them , holler at them, and even stoop your feet in trying to get their attention but with little success.  But give them an ipad with games, cartoons and videos on it and they can remember ever word, picture and action.  Huh, interesting.  I re-gifted some of our son's matchbox cars of when he was a young kid to Henry and Jimmer.  Chet seemed to remember each car like it was yesterday.  Huh, interesting.  He told us this story--He had quite a collection of match boxcars.  One day he had a buddy over and they played demolition derby with them.  After smashing them into each other for a while, he took a hammer and smashed some of them to make them look like real smashed demo cars.  When I got home, he said I was irate!  I lectured to him--why do we buy you nice things if you don't take care of them; if you want nice things, you need to take care of them.  Folks that was probably 26 years ago and he remembered that.  I didn't!!!!  What fun!

Is marketing educating folks or is it brainwashing them?  Our daughter-in-law is in marketing (i.e. she is good).  We have talked about this over the long weekend.  Seriously, I need to brain wash myself sometimes.  MissPerfect says--erv, you are really good when you can brain wash yourself...Very good! I really think I can brain wash myself into thinking something or doing something (i.e. like motivating myself).  I do this by reading certain stuff, listen to certain music, being around certain folks, communicate with certain folks, eat certain things, spend my money on certain things, forcing my self to do certain things etc.  Yes, I can. Our daughter-in-law might be sooooo good at marketing that she brainwashes me and I don't even know it.  Could be!  I will never know folks! Such is life.

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--It is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. Talk about doers, little Jimmer always wanted to help grandpaerv make coffee (i.e. a real doer).  We went out for breakfast one morning and one of our grand girls had a nice shorts and top outfit on the the other had a nice dress on.  The one in the shorts had a melt down (i.e. temper tantrum) 'cause she didn't think she looked as nice and everyone was going to laugh at her (i.e. a drama queen blowup).  Some advertising must have imformed her of that!  Da!  OneSmatYoungGal said that advertising is aspirational (i.e. good advertising will do that folks--very effective).  If all young children could be confident in themselves and not let others persuade them, they would be a lot better off.  Those little kids grow up and many times are the same as adults.  CadillacJack says--It's not how much stuff you have that makes you happy, it's an eternal feeling; at some point stuff can't make you happy.  Mikie says--You can improve your financial situation by improving your self-esteem.  By accepting and embracing who you truly are, you will stop buying stuff to make you feel better about yourself.  Work on the inside, and the outside will take care of itself.  

It's a matter how you look at things folks. A onesmartgal does have a lot of confidence in herself (i.e. great feature).  She is even blond! Emerson says--I read the other day some verses written by an eminent painter which were original and not conventional. The soul always hears an admonition in such lines, let the subject be what it may. The sentiment they instill is of more value than any thought they may contain. To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius. Emerson reveals the key point of the entire essay. Your own original thoughts – even if they’re strange and run counter to what everyone else is thinking – is the most amazing thing about you. Everyone can copy others. Everyone can just reiterate what everyone else is doing or thinking. The greatest thing we can do as people is to walk our own path of thought and action. Don’t keep up with the Joneses; instead, follow your own standard. Mikie says--Life tends to play out around us in large part based on what is within us...what you do and how you act greatly affects how other respond to will very likely attract people who are similar to you in thought and behavior...if you want the right kind of people to enter your life, be the right kind of person. Ralph Waldo Emerson also said--To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves. ~ Charles Spurgeon.  I think that is soooooo true Mr. Spurgeon.  I try to see each member of our family as a different individual (i.e. they are).  Try to accept them as they are and not as I think they should be.  But it's hard sometimes.  I do know though that MabelTheDog accepts me as I am.  We're buds!

They missed the subconscious dings!  My opinion is that they are heading toward "nowheresville" folks and almost there!  I'm talking abut two folks in my world that I don't care much about (i.e. both are very egocentric in my opinion).  They have been and are pretenders and artificial and fakers and phonies.  No "Buts about it" in my mind that they are just "Butt Heads").  I am to a point in my life that they don't bother me much any more (i.e. maybe I'm maturing--strong on the maybe).  But I just don't care to be around them (i.e. it appears others treat them the same). I'm not for them nor against them (i.e. sorta kinda the same feeling with Tiger Woods).  But I think their foolish paradise one day has become their reality today.  They have pretended for many years and now must suffer reality (i.e. you reap what you sow or something like that).  I will always be sceptical about these folks but they don't bother me (i.e. I don't get excited anymore).  Actually they sorta kinda make me laugh.  They are sorta kinda clowns to me!  These two clowns in the pictures can sorta kinda make me laugh too.  They warm my heart!  Such is life.

Ding ding ding!  It's the subconscious wake up call you requested.  ItchieBitchie says--“Do good . . . be rich in good works . . . be generous and ready to share”. John Wesley once said, “Work as hard as you can; make as much as you can; and give as much as you can.” That helps us keep things in the proper perspective in our lives. Now let's get going and do it!

Grandpa  has his tricks a.k.a. subconscious dings!  I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream!  It works folks.  Oh  ya.  Everyone has their weak spot and every kid likes ice cream.  I'm their friend again.  Bingo! I'm on a hot streak again!  Then if I need more points, we just take them to the park.  Bingo!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Happiness in the world begins in the home with you.

PS  Guess what!  Yesterday morning when I was running a car pulls beside me.  Guess who!  One of the "Butt Heads" I talked about.  He was very nice to me, very humble, quite real, and seemed like he got dinged or something (i.e. he is now in his upper 70s, maybe that affects a guy, maybe--subconscious dings).  We had a nice talk.  Huh, interesting.  Guess what! I'm going to give him another chance.  Happenstance, na, I don't think sooooo folks.  Such is life.

August 9, 2014

a time for everthing

The country music band Alabama has a song about the pace of life that says: "I'm in a hurry to get things done. Oh, I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die. But I'm in a hurry and don't know why."  A friend says--Don't worry, just hurry!  I have another friend who eats fast.  He says you can get a lot more done in a day!  Suck it up cupcake, let's get going, we're burning daylight! GeorgeTheCrook says--If you are a person who does a lot and are around folks who do little, it's hard!  Can be very hard. It can drive a guy crazy! FlipThePancake--If you are a person who does little, folks who do a lot can drive you crazy as well!  Such is life.

While golfing the other day.  I hit a drive that was ok but a guy in our foursome said--Great shot!  I said--That wasn't a great shot.  Another guy in our foursome said--That's cutting right through the bullshit! A married couple trying to live up to a snobbish life-style went to a party. The conversation turned to Mozart. 
"Absolutely brilliant, magnificent, a genius!" The woman, wanting to join in the conversation, remarked
casually, "Ah, Mozart. You're so right. I love him. Only this morning I saw him getting on the No. 5 bus going to Coney Island." There was a sudden hush, and everyone looked at her. Her husband was mortified. He pulled her away and whispered, "We're leaving right now. Get your coat and let's get our of here." As they drove home, he kept muttering to himself. Finally his wife turned to him. "You're angry about something." "Oh really?" You noticed?" He sneered. "I've never been so embarrassed in my life! You saw Mozart take the No. 5 bus to Coney Island? 
Don't you know the No. 5 bus doesn't go to Coney Island?"

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Waiting is part of living, and sometimes it's the hardest part.  We're programmed to hurry, but sometimes God has a way of slowing us down. (i.e. speed bumps).  Maturity takes time, and time requires waiting.  Ouchy ouchy! Maybe you're waiting for Mr. Right or Miss Congeniality, or for a prodigal to return, or for an employer to call. We learn more about walking with God through waiting than through anything else. Our faith grows when we're trusting in His promises and patiently laying our concerns before Him. Missperfect says--I still hate waiting!!!

Saturday question--Compound interest or compound problems--Which one would you prefer to have? A time for everything; a time to take action and a time to do a little more thinking!  I was on one of my everyotherday 2.5 mile runs and thought about something probably 20-25 years ago (i.e. a time for everything).  I thought about a talk I was asked to give about money.  It was a short talk and was given to maybe 60 ladies who were mostly middle aged, seniors and super seniors.  I talked about getting good advice (i.e. many of them were going to be widows and some were).  Who should you get advice from?  Don't get it from the wrong folks.  Those folks might be nice but don't have a clue what's going on.  Find someone who you can trust, has knowledge and as my mentor would tell me--erv, someone who isn't selling you something.  Get good advice even if you have to pay for it.  I remember leaving disappointed as it appeared my advice was not received with a lot of excitement (i.e. maybe they would rather talk about arranging flowers or something important).  Maybe they didn't want to hear it or maybe they thought I didn't know what I was talking about (i.e. giving 'em poor advice).  Could be!   But maybe it positively impacted some that I will never know.  If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit. ~Jesus of Nazareth~

Mentors!  I have mentioned that my parents died when I young.  My Daddy, Chester, (i.e. had an entrepreneur mentality, taught me much about business before he died when I was 17.  I knew about real estate, had several small businesses, borrowed money, had feed accounts, etc.  My Mom, Anna was a very hard worker and helped me with the physical stuff.  She tried to teach me about kindness, about God and a great work ethic.  I also had the opportunity later in my life to have a great mentor in which he taught me much stuff (i.e. he shared his knowledge on many topics).  I sucked it in.  I miss him.  I have many of you as friends.  You guys are smart and I pick your minds.  Thanksamillion for sharing all your knowledge.  My Daddy, Chester, would say to me--erv, ask questions; it's a good way to learn and it's inexpensive! SusieQ says--Mimic the good folks and not the bad ones.  But ya got to decide who is good and who is bad!!!!

A friend/golfbuddy and I were talking about getting good advice.  He told me that when he quit farming, he sold his machinery and gave half of the money to a professional money manager to manage (i.e. of course for a $$$ fee).  He took the other half and invested it in stocks that he liked (i.e. didn't study them or knew much about them).  His half is doing way better than the professionals.  That is how lucky that guy is! Huh, interesting. 

Suggestion--Get a lot of advice from good folks either by asking or by reading.  Then compare the  advice to formulate something that fits you.  This will work with  almost anything.  But listen with an open mind to their advice and don't just talk to or read about folks who have the same thinking.  This is just a suggestion.  And you know what, this still is no guarantee that it will be a slam dunk.  BUT you are putting the odds much more in your favor -- maybe!! Timing can make a person look pretty smart or dumb!  Is that something they call luck?

A time for everything in a person's life!  You finally realize you're never going to be really good at something like golf.  The things you used to care to do, ya aren't as interested in anymore, but you really don't care (i.e. they aren't very important). A time for everything!  And some things just increase in value with time.  Our family is in Waukee spending a few days together.  It's a hoot.  Karen (i.e. anybody can be a Karen) says--Your kids are becoming you...but your grand kids are perfect! BUT as perfect as they are, there comes a time when grandpa needs to go on a bike ride or a run!  Oh ya!  He needs a little quiet time to himself!!!

A time for everything.  Sometimes a guy just has to "fade into the sunset". Yogi said--It gets late early out there.  LuckieEddie says--Some can do it gracefully and some can't! Some can slip into anonymity without anyone knowing it!!!!  Sorta kinda incognito!  CadillacJack says--It's part of the aging process.  Folks don't stay important very long if they are important at all (i.e. DuaneTheWorm just thinks he is--(i.e. he's maybe like a shooting star, he has flamed out).  Guys become expired roasters that still crow a little but no one pays any attention to them (i.e. unless they want their money).  And the chicks become hens and then after they can't lay eggs anymore, well...they become chicken soup like the old roasters.  Chicken soup folks!  My mentor would say to me--If a man is poor, he is stupid; if he is rich, he's a crook; if he goes to church, he's a hypocrite; if he stays away, he's a sinner.  If he's in politics, he's a grafter; if he takes no interest in politics, he's an unworthy citizen; if he dies young, there was a great future ahead of him; if he lives to a ripe old age, he's a burden to society.  The only man who is never criticized is he who has never been born.  Such is life!

Ya can't just sit on the couch and eat chips folks! Maybe, just maybe there comes a time when we need to proactive instead of being reactive (i.e. use discernment).  What do you think?  Maybe we have to take some initiative. There is a time for everything. There is an old story preachers tell about a man trapped on the top of his house during a flood or hurricane or tsunami (insert your own natural disaster). The water is swiftly rising. As this man sits on his roof, fearful of being swept away by the current, he cries out to God, “God please deliver me.” A few moments later, a farmer friend arrives with his boat. “Hey, friend, want a ride to safety?” he asks. “No,” replies the man on top of his house. “God is going to deliver me.” An hour later, the water is up to the gutters. A voluntary rescue person comes by on his yellow raft. “Hey, let’s get you off of there—and on to safety,” he yells. But the man on top of his house refuses to go. “God is going to deliver me.” Another hour passes and now the water is halfway up the roof. Roof Man is now on top of his chimney, nervously looking down at certain death and destruction. Fortunately, a Red Cross volunteer swings by in a canoe and offers to ride Roof Man to safety. But Roof Man refuses. “No, God is going to deliver me.” A couple of hours pass by and the water sweeps over the top of Roof Man’s house. He is carried away by the current and drowns. When he gets to Heaven, he meets Jesus and says, “I though you were going to deliver me.” Jesus looks down at Roof Man and says, “I sent a boat, an inflatable raft, and a canoe—but you refused each one.”  We probably all have heard that story and every time we hear it we laugh and think, how dumb was that guy.  Hey folks, I have been that dumb guy more than once let me tell ya! Oh ya!

In the book or Rotizatice, Chapter 12, verse 22 it says--I get to spend 100% of my income on me.  Another Book encourages us to give away 10% first and then the rest is yours to do as you want.  A friend's book says, 10% to give away first, 20% saving and then I can spend the rest as I please (i.e. has done that for 40 years).  Saturday question--Which book to you tend to believe and follow? I think, my opinion, that if you can figure that out early, you will be a much happier camper.  Talk about being happy, I finished reading Mike Finley's book Financial Happines$$ (i.e. a 5 star rating on amazon--easy read toooo--stimulating).  He's one of the grullas I had breakfast with. It was a great read for me.  It was about attitude and money (i.e. strong on the attitude).  But, maybe if you have the right attitude you will get money.  Could be.  I suggest you read it.  Here is his web site that you can order it.  Very good for anyone even if you have no interest in money (i.e. I don't know who that would be but...)!  GeorgeTheCrook says--Instead of buying a 12pack of imported beer, buy this book.  It will impact you much more and you don't have to pee as much. Or buy the book and drink the 12pack as you read!  I golfed in league this week against a guy who said when he was younger he was drunk for 10 years 7 days a week.  Is that possible or is he blowing that up some?

ItchieBitchie says--I like a balanced life.  Moderation my friend, moderation!  ItchieBitchie says--I eat of the 5 major food groups each day--beer, bacon, wine, chocolate, and chips.  I seem to be doing quite well, thank you! Of course I exercise every day; I go to the bathroom and the frig many times a day!   It appears that our country is becoming a country of under-achievers.  I was talking to a young man the other day.  He was telling my that he just got back from a family vacation with his wife and child in northern MN.  He said he's going to Canada fishing this fall with his buddies.  Sooooo I asked--who do you work for now?  I'm unemployed but I help a carpenter once in a while!  Sounds like a good life to me if you can make it work!  Da!  But maybe his wife has a good job.  I didn't ask him that.  Joesixpack says--The easiest way to make money is to marry it or inherit it!  BUT I will guarantee you that if a person doesn't have money management skills, someone else will have their money in just a short time.  Such is life.

Is it just smack talk or good advice? A friend, Tom, (i.e. anybody can be a Tom) gave me this newspaper article (i.e. soooo it must be right)--Whether you run 30 minutes or two hours a week, your risk of early death will be lower than if you don't run...runners, no matter the duration or speed, will reduce mortality risk by about 30% compared with non-runners...some exercise is clearly better than doing none at may be the strongest predictor of survival. Saturday question--How much time do you spend watching TV or exercising?  Maybe that newspaper article is just one of Tominsanties!  Could be!  MissPerfect says--It's a lot easier to sit on the couch and eat chips.

AverageJoe says--It comes a time in life when you need to do more than just give advice to grandma--you need to help her.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--No horse gets anywhere till he is harnessed.

August 2, 2014

on second thought

Disclaimer--Don't take anything I say tooooo serious. If I offend you, I don't mean tooo (i.e the truth of the matter is that everything is a matter of perception; your outlook determines how you interpret this and your perception mainly comes from how you have been programed!). Sooo think about how you are looking at something folks before reacting (i.e. maybe you are a little touchy on some things--touchy touchy!).   ItchieBitchie asks--Does anyone really take time to think?  LuckieEddie says--I just do what they tell me on TV!  I just follow the crowd.  It seems to work!  I'm broke and unhappy but it seems to work!  It's American isn't it?

Some of you folks are rare horses, a real grulla (i.e. a horse of a different color--not maybe physically but mentally)!  Make no mistake, you are even if you don't think you are. A grulla is a fairly rare color of a horse and often is the result of mating a black stallion with a red or dun mare (i.e. soooo it's your parents fault that your are a grulla or it might be your environment or a combination of both). My mentor would say--erv, we are all programmed by our genetics and our past experiences.  On second thought, I guess you could make an argument if you are a gurlla or not but then you folks can make an argument for just about anything.  Hey folks, grullas are very pretty horses (i.e. my opinion).  Such is life.

What a hoot I had!  I had the opportunity (i.e. it just fell in my lap) recently to meet with two very smart folks over breakfast (i.e. they are "loco".  Loco comes from the Mexican vaqueros. It means "crazy" in Spanish..  They are true gurlias!  Not normal. No question.  In fact one calls himself a "crazy guy" and I called the other "weird".  Why they are crazy and weird is that they are individualists (i.e. very smart, rare birds).  They are exceptional folks (i.e. not crowd followers--they think for themselves).  Albert Einstein said--The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd.  The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has every been.  My Mom, Anna, would say to me--erv, remember if everyone else jumps off the cliff, you don't have toooooooo and shouldn't! Think for yourself son!

Steve Jobs said--Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.  Don't be trapped by dogma--which is living with the results of other people's thinking.  Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Repentance speaks of changing our loyalty and completely reorienting the way we think about life.  It means to stop going, thinking and living one way, and start going, thinking and living the opposite's not just about charting a new course on the same old map; it is about throwing out the old map altogether (i.e. a new life). Joesixpack says--On second thought that repentance might be a good idea!

On second thought, I will answer the question the way the professor wants me tooooo 'cause...! A student is a person who sits at a desk and writes down what the teacher puts up on his or her PowerPoint presentation so that they can spit it back out on a test (i.e. to get a good grade is to tell the the professor what they want to hear even it it isn't right but just his idiotic personal philosophy).  Students compile information but disciples pursue transformation.  Huh, interesting.

I finally got all the boxes of old pics and went through them.  Organized them.  I wanted to do this for many years.  Finally did it.  How come today?  I felt like it I guess!  To many other days I thought about it but said, "on second thought" I'll do it some other day.  A guy just has to feel right to do a certain thing. HoochieCoochie says--Sometimes I just don't feel like doing it and sometimes I do.  That's just the way it is.  And when you are retired a guy can pretty much do whatcha want. I was at a retired guy's house the other day.  It looked to me that he never feels like doing anything (i.e. he has no schedule and no time demands; there is always another day).  FlipThePancake--I have a friend who washes all of the windows in their house and washes both cars every Saturday morning.  I bet they are clean as this guy is particular.  And he has it done by 8 a.m.  Such is life.

I wonder what will happen to those pics when the kids clean our house out some day.  I wonder!  They have their own pictures.  A friend said that on their recent afternoon of boating, their daughter took 1,000 pics.  Another friend said that their friends celebrated their anniversary and put a 1,000 pics on facebook.  What will happen to all those pics.  Those are just one day's worth.  Joesixpack asks--Who really wants to look at 1,000 pics of some one's anniversary anyway!  Come on folks, that's a little over the top, ain't it?!  I think you would have to have a pretty big ego to do that.  What do you think?

Different folks seem to react differently to different stuff in their different heads I guess (i.e. have different  motivating snakes).  Some folks can't sleep unless they get their projects done and others never get them done (i.e. just sleep).  Why is that?  We all seem to have different kinds of motors which produce different desires and different interests I guess.  We all do different stuff and act a different way 'cause of different reasons and different whys I guess. It's crazy how CrazyHerman acts (i.e. he's different).  Such is life.

Inner Peace--If you can start the day without caffeine, If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and forcing people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it, If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you can relax without alcohol, If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, you're Mabel, the family dog!

LuckieEddie asks--What is the value of life?  On second thought, some things never change!  "How little you know about the age you live in if you think honey is sweeter than cash in hand"  ~Ovid (43 B.C. - A.D. 17?), Roman poet~  ~  ~  There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself. ~Henry David Thoreau~ ~ ~ Sooooo folks, a friend says--Decisions have consequences!  Guess who gets to make the decisions!  It appears a lot of folks blame the government or Obama!  Congress is suing Obama it said in the paper.  Now that is interesting.  Such is life.

On second thought!  I got a response by email from a friend.  Very interesting to me.  He said--I have thought over the years that a lot of people did very silly things to prolong a low quality of life for older people. But when it comes time to make the decision, it is really hard. Mom is on board and that is the best part. So ready to go.

I was sitting on the bench next to a friend (i.e. maybe 45) at the pickle ball court the other night.  I made the comment--When you look down the street, it appears that everyone has money.  He said--erv, I think there are a lot of folks who are really struggling.  On second thought, he might be right.  But soooo many times it doesn't appear that way.  He said--Looks can be deceiving; we assume stuff sometimes.  A smart guy he is.  He is a good person with a good heart. My kind of person.  Mike (i.e. anybody can be a Mike) says--Living the American dream can lead to financial and emotional bankruptcy.  That is what he says folks. A friend told me this week that he's living "his dream".  Soooo I asked him--what's your dream?  He said--My dream could be a nightmare!  Ouchy ouchy! Such is life.

I read it on the internet soooo it must be right!  That about 33% of folks are in a collection agency.  That seems like a lot to me.  My Daddy, Chester, taught me to not to borrow money on anything that depreciates (i.e. only on stuff that appreciates--If you don't have cash, don't buy it).  My Uncle George told me many times--It isn't what you make but what you save.  Is that old fashion?  It seems to be.  What do you think?

Wacky, but effective!  Everyone is nice to ya if they want your money (i..e. short lived and manipulative generally).  In golf league this week my partner gave putts up to maybe 5 feet (i.e. and I really like this guy--you can tell he has a giving heart).  He even gave my opponent pretty long putts (i.e. I think he got nervous that I didn't give 'em).  Did you know that pro golfers make only 50% of 6 footers.  I didn't care (i.e. I'm not a bit competitive in league but am competitive with myself about how I play).  ANYWAY my partner said to me--I want to be liked sooooo I give them all those putts.  He wants to be liked folks!  If you give folks what they want, they do seem to like you, at least for a short time (i.e. like a kid who begs and gets candy an the check out).  Bingo, they like you.    
Recently I talked to 3 teenagers of the same family walking past our house.  They were done for the day of detasseling.  They make $10 to $11 a hour depending on past years of work.  They usually work about 100 hours a season which equates to about $1,000.  Wow!  The gal said--That's nutten to sneeze at!  Yabut some kids would rather complain and sit on the couch and eat chips (i.e. expect someone else to pay their way--entitlements).  ItchieBitchie says--A good work ethic is very important.  

I can count my lucky stars or something like that. Maybe it's like Yogi said--It's like deja vu all over again.  ANYWAY one night recently I was rather discouraged (i.e. usually not that way).  I think I thought I was in charge of the world and found out I wasn't (i.e. I just got a good reminder-- humbling).  On second thought, it was a great lesson a.k.a. opportunity to get my head screwed on right again--a true blessing.  Happenstance, na, I don't think soooooo folks!  A good night's sleep plus an analyses of my situation seemed to put things in proper perspective again.  It appears that every once in a while I think I'm more important than I really am.  Do you every get that way?  My mind needs a correction just like the stock market does at times.  
Don't think it will always be the same!  Data shows that a person will change their careers 5 to 7 times in their life.  What!  Holy Molly!  GeorgeTheCrook says--Yabut I'm in such a rut that I can't seem to ever get out of it (i.e. a rut is a grave with both ends kicked out).  GeorgeTheCrook, usually it has to get real bad before we even think about changing (i.e. bingo, the light comes on).  I mean real bad.  Most folks don't like change and would rather just "keep hitting their heads against the wall".  It hurts but they know the feeling and are comfortable with it.  It sounds crazy, GeorgeTheCrook, but that is how the mind seems to work (i.e. we want to change but on second thought, I will stay the same).  Such is life.  Thomas Edison aptly stated, "Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress."
Roof knocking!  Israel says they tell the Palestine folks where they are going to send the missiles and send the shells.  It's called roof knocking.  I wish I would know when and where I'm going to have  missiles directed at me so I could dodge those suckers (i.e. turn my fortunes around).  On second thought, maybe I don't want to know the future. Joe Blow says--Yikes, knowing the future could  not be pleasant. What do you think? If someone would do some roof knocking on us, it might make us "owly lookin'"!  Ouchy ouchy!

On second thought, I'm soooooo happy! I'm happy 'cause I changed my trail I was on and went with you on your trail (i..e. maybe she got roof knocked!!!  A friend told me that when they got married they had conflict.  His wife came from a family who spent all their money (i.e. lived from check to check).  He was a saver and investor. She always wanted to buy stuff and he wanted to invest.  It was a battle, he said, for about 10 years.  Then she got on his band wagon and as they say, "the rest is history".  They are now retired and living the good life (i.e. have a pot of gold).  She says now--I'm sooooo glad I saw the light.  Bingo!  

On second thought, I was really influenced by these two grullas last Saturday morning.  We bought them breakfast at the Drake Dinner.  Of course they had to have their picture taken on top of the Drake Bulldog!  They sorta kinda can warm grandpa and grandmas' hearts pretty fast.  Such is life.  MableTheDog seems to even give me advice (i.e. it's free, the kind I like).  I think sometimes, Mabel is really smart (i.e. one smart dog).  I listen to her advice!  Mabel has qualities I really like--She is always the same and is always happy to see me.  I do think that MabelTheDog thinks I'm a little 'loco" at times but she loves me anyway, especially when I scratch her (i.e. give her what she wants)!  

Saturday suggestion--Always ask folks (i.e. no matter who they are) -- What do you think?  And then listen.  It's amazing how much a guy can learn.  Another great question is--What can I do for you?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Some people pursue happiness, others create it. 

onsecondthought gaahaa says:

Rainbows are a sight to behold.
They're God's creation we're told.
The colors you see
Amaze even me.
Have you seen the Pot-of-Gold?