What a hoot I had! I had the opportunity (i.e. it just fell in my lap) recently to meet with two very smart folks over breakfast (i.e. they are "loco". Loco comes from the Mexican vaqueros. It means "crazy" in Spanish.. They are true gurlias! Not normal. No question. In fact one calls himself a "crazy guy" and I called the other "weird". Why they are crazy and weird is that they are individualists (i.e. very smart, rare birds). They are exceptional folks (i.e. not crowd followers--they think for themselves). Albert Einstein said--The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has every been. My Mom, Anna, would say to me--erv, remember if everyone else jumps off the cliff, you don't have toooooooo and shouldn't! Think for yourself son!
Steve Jobs said--Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma--which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Repentance speaks of changing our loyalty and completely reorienting the way we think about life. It means to stop going, thinking and living one way, and start going, thinking and living the opposite way...it's not just about charting a new course on the same old map; it is about throwing out the old map altogether (i.e. a new life). Joesixpack says--On second thought that repentance might be a good idea!
On second thought, I will answer the question the way the professor wants me tooooo 'cause...! A student is a person who sits at a desk and writes down what the teacher puts up on his or her PowerPoint presentation so that they can spit it back out on a test (i.e. to get a good grade is to tell the the professor what they want to hear even it it isn't right but just his idiotic personal philosophy). Students compile information but disciples pursue transformation. Huh, interesting.
I finally got all the boxes of old pics and went through them. Organized them. I wanted to do this for many years. Finally did it. How come today? I felt like it I guess! To many other days I thought about it but said, "on second thought" I'll do it some other day. A guy just has to feel right to do a certain thing. HoochieCoochie says--Sometimes I just don't feel like doing it and sometimes I do. That's just the way it is. And when you are retired a guy can pretty much do whatcha want. I was at a retired guy's house the other day. It looked to me that he never feels like doing anything (i.e. he has no schedule and no time demands; there is always another day). FlipThePancake--I have a friend who washes all of the windows in their house and washes both cars every Saturday morning. I bet they are clean as this guy is particular. And he has it done by 8 a.m. Such is life.
I wonder what will happen to those pics when the kids clean our house out some day. I wonder! They have their own pictures. A friend said that on their recent afternoon of boating, their daughter took 1,000 pics. Another friend said that their friends celebrated their anniversary and put a 1,000 pics on facebook. What will happen to all those pics. Those are just one day's worth. Joesixpack asks--Who really wants to look at 1,000 pics of some one's anniversary anyway! Come on folks, that's a little over the top, ain't it?! I think you would have to have a pretty big ego to do that. What do you think?
Different folks seem to react differently to different stuff in their different heads I guess (i.e. have different motivating snakes). Some folks can't sleep unless they get their projects done and others never get them done (i.e. just sleep). Why is that? We all seem to have different kinds of motors which produce different desires and different interests I guess. We all do different stuff and act a different way 'cause of different reasons and different whys I guess. It's crazy how CrazyHerman acts (i.e. he's different). Such is life.
Inner Peace--If you can start the day without caffeine, If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and forcing people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it, If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you can relax without alcohol, If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, you're Mabel, the family dog!
LuckieEddie asks--What is the value of life? On second thought, some things never change! "How little you know about the age you live in if you think honey is sweeter than cash in hand" ~Ovid (43 B.C. - A.D. 17?), Roman poet~ ~ ~ There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself. ~Henry David Thoreau~ ~ ~ Sooooo folks, a friend says--Decisions have consequences! Guess who gets to make the decisions! It appears a lot of folks blame the government or Obama! Congress is suing Obama it said in the paper. Now that is interesting. Such is life.
On second thought! I got a response by email from a friend. Very interesting to me. He said--I have thought over the years that a lot of people did very silly things to prolong a low quality of life for older people. But when it comes time to make the decision, it is really hard. Mom is on board and that is the best part. So ready to go.
I was sitting on the bench next to a friend (i.e. maybe 45) at the pickle ball court the other night. I made the comment--When you look down the street, it appears that everyone has money. He said--erv, I think there are a lot of folks who are really struggling. On second thought, he might be right. But soooo many times it doesn't appear that way. He said--Looks can be deceiving; we assume stuff sometimes. A smart guy he is. He is a good person with a good heart. My kind of person. Mike (i.e. anybody can be a Mike) says--Living the American dream can lead to financial and emotional bankruptcy. That is what he says folks. A friend told me this week that he's living "his dream". Soooo I asked him--what's your dream? He said--My dream could be a nightmare! Ouchy ouchy! Such is life.
I read it on the internet soooo it must be right! That about 33% of folks are in a collection agency. That seems like a lot to me. My Daddy, Chester, taught me to not to borrow money on anything that depreciates (i.e. only on stuff that appreciates--If you don't have cash, don't buy it). My Uncle George told me many times--It isn't what you make but what you save. Is that old fashion? It seems to be. What do you think?
Wacky, but effective! Everyone is nice to ya if they want your money (i..e. short lived and manipulative generally). In golf league this week my partner gave putts up to maybe 5 feet (i.e. and I really like this guy--you can tell he has a giving heart). He even gave my opponent pretty long putts (i.e. I think he got nervous that I didn't give 'em). Did you know that pro golfers make only 50% of 6 footers. I didn't care (i.e. I'm not a bit competitive in league but am competitive with myself about how I play). ANYWAY my partner said to me--I want to be liked sooooo I give them all those putts. He wants to be liked folks! If you give folks what they want, they do seem to like you, at least for a short time (i.e. like a kid who begs and gets candy an the check out). Bingo, they like you.
Recently I talked to 3 teenagers of the same family walking past our house. They were done for the day of detasseling. They make $10 to $11 a hour depending on past years of work. They usually work about 100 hours a season which equates to about $1,000. Wow! The gal said--That's nutten to sneeze at! Yabut some kids would rather complain and sit on the couch and eat chips (i.e. expect someone else to pay their way--entitlements). ItchieBitchie says--A good work ethic is very important.
I can count my lucky stars or something like that. Maybe it's like Yogi said--It's like deja vu all over again. ANYWAY one night recently I was rather discouraged (i.e. usually not that way). I think I thought I was in charge of the world and found out I wasn't (i.e. I just got a good reminder-- humbling). On second thought, it was a great lesson a.k.a. opportunity to get my head screwed on right again--a true blessing. Happenstance, na, I don't think soooooo folks! A good night's sleep plus an analyses of my situation seemed to put things in proper perspective again. It appears that every once in a while I think I'm more important than I really am. Do you every get that way? My mind needs a correction just like the stock market does at times.
Don't think it will always be the same! Data shows that a person will change their careers 5 to 7 times in their life. What! Holy Molly! GeorgeTheCrook says--Yabut I'm in such a rut that I can't seem to ever get out of it (i.e. a rut is a grave with both ends kicked out). GeorgeTheCrook, usually it has to get real bad before we even think about changing (i.e. bingo, the light comes on). I mean real bad. Most folks don't like change and would rather just "keep hitting their heads against the wall". It hurts but they know the feeling and are comfortable with it. It sounds crazy, GeorgeTheCrook, but that is how the mind seems to work (i.e. we want to change but on second thought, I will stay the same). Such is life. Thomas Edison aptly stated, "Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress."
Roof knocking! Israel says they tell the Palestine folks where they are going to send the missiles and send the shells. It's called roof knocking. I wish I would know when and where I'm going to have missiles directed at me so I could dodge those suckers (i.e. turn my fortunes around). On second thought, maybe I don't want to know the future. Joe Blow says--Yikes, knowing the future could not be pleasant. What do you think? If someone would do some roof knocking on us, it might make us "owly lookin'"! Ouchy ouchy!
On second thought, I'm soooooo happy! I'm happy 'cause I changed my trail I was on and went with you on your trail (i..e. maybe she got roof knocked!!! A friend told me that when they got married they had conflict. His wife came from a family who spent all their money (i.e. lived from check to check). He was a saver and investor. She always wanted to buy stuff and he wanted to invest. It was a battle, he said, for about 10 years. Then she got on his band wagon and as they say, "the rest is history". They are now retired and living the good life (i.e. have a pot of gold). She says now--I'm sooooo glad I saw the light. Bingo!

On second thought, I was really influenced by these two grullas last Saturday morning. We bought them breakfast at the Drake Dinner. Of course they had to have their picture taken on top of the Drake Bulldog! They sorta kinda can warm grandpa and grandmas' hearts pretty fast. Such is life. MableTheDog seems to even give me advice (i.e. it's free, the kind I like). I think sometimes, Mabel is really smart (i.e. one smart dog). I listen to her advice! Mabel has qualities I really like--She is always the same and is always happy to see me. I do think that MabelTheDog thinks I'm a little 'loco" at times but she loves me anyway, especially when I scratch her (i.e. give her what she wants)!
Saturday suggestion--Always ask folks (i.e. no matter who they are) -- What do you think? And then listen. It's amazing how much a guy can learn. Another great question is--What can I do for you?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Some people pursue happiness, others create it.
onsecondthought gaahaa says:
Rainbows are a sight to behold.
They're God's creation we're told.
The colors you see
Amaze even me.
Have you seen the Pot-of-Gold?
They're God's creation we're told.
The colors you see
Amaze even me.
Have you seen the Pot-of-Gold?
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