I had breakfast recently with a friend who told me that he and another friend were talking with another friend who was building a fabulous new house. He was complaining about the frustration of getting his large, fancy pool constructed in the back yard. They told him that that was a 1st World problem. Soooo how many 1st World problems do you have each day? Maybe that is why we hear some folks talk about simplifying their lives. Tooooo many 1st World problems. Could be folks. Could be! LuckieEddie says--It's soooo hard to determine the difference between wants and needs! Ouchy ouchy! Saturday question--Do your possessions own you or do you own your possessions? Mikie says--Do what is difficult, and life will be easy. Do what is easy, and life will be difficult.
Fictional world overlapping into reality. What is important to one person isn't important to another. What's emotional to one isn't emotional to others. What's fun for one isn't fun for another. What's exciting to one isn't exciting to another. We are all different. My nonsense is not your nonsense. Why is that do you think? Onesmartyguy said--ya gotta step back and look at the big picture (i.e. the big picture looks different than a little snap shot). Anothersmartguy taught me what fart leg training is (i.e. run hard for a ways and then walk...). I wonder if I do that a little in my normal life. I wonder! AverageJoe says--Ah, shucks! We all like instant gratification! That is what advertising can do BUT maybe we need a wake up call (i.e. it can get a person in instant trouble folks). Mikie says--The advertising machine has bee around a long time and continues to affect your life in ways you probably don't realize it...beware; someone is planting ideas in your head... Such is life.
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IA State Fair 3,000+ pound BigBull |
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BigBoar 1,000+ pounds IA State Fair |

Is marketing educating folks or is it brainwashing them? Our daughter-in-law is in marketing (i.e. she is good). We have talked about this over the long weekend. Seriously, I need to brain wash myself sometimes. MissPerfect says--erv, you are really good when you can brain wash yourself...Very good! I really think I can brain wash myself into thinking something or doing something (i.e. like motivating myself). I do this by reading certain stuff, listen to certain music, being around certain folks, communicate with certain folks, eat certain things, spend my money on certain things, forcing my self to do certain things etc. Yes, I can. Our daughter-in-law might be sooooo good at marketing that she brainwashes me and I don't even know it. Could be! I will never know folks! Such is life.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--It is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. Talk about doers, little Jimmer always wanted to help grandpaerv make coffee (i.e. a real doer). We went out for breakfast one morning and one of our grand girls had a nice shorts and top outfit on the the other had a nice dress on. The one in the shorts had a melt down (i.e. temper tantrum) 'cause she didn't think she looked as nice and everyone was going to laugh at her (i.e. a drama queen blowup). Some advertising must have imformed her of that! Da! OneSmatYoungGal said that advertising is aspirational (i.e. good advertising will do that folks--very effective). If all young children could be confident in themselves and not let others persuade them, they would be a lot better off. Those little kids grow up and many times are the same as adults. CadillacJack says--It's not how much stuff you have that makes you happy, it's an eternal feeling; at some point stuff can't make you happy. Mikie says--You can improve your financial situation by improving your self-esteem. By accepting and embracing who you truly are, you will stop buying stuff to make you feel better about yourself. Work on the inside, and the outside will take care of itself.
It's a matter how you look at things folks. A onesmartgal does have a lot of confidence in herself (i.e. great feature). She is even blond! Emerson says--I read the other day some verses written by an eminent painter which were original and not conventional. The soul always hears an admonition in such lines, let the subject be what it may. The sentiment they instill is of more value than any thought they may contain. To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius. Emerson reveals the key point of the entire essay. Your own original thoughts – even if they’re strange and run counter to what everyone else is thinking – is the most amazing thing about you. Everyone can copy others. Everyone can just reiterate what everyone else is doing or thinking. The greatest thing we can do as people is to walk our own path of thought and action. Don’t keep up with the Joneses; instead, follow your own standard. Mikie says--Life tends to play out around us in large part based on what is within us...what you do and how you act greatly affects how other respond to you...you will very likely attract people who are similar to you in thought and behavior...if you want the right kind of people to enter your life, be the right kind of person. Ralph Waldo Emerson also said--To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves. ~ Charles Spurgeon. I think that is soooooo true Mr. Spurgeon. I try to see each member of our family as a different individual (i.e. they are). Try to accept them as they are and not as I think they should be. But it's hard sometimes. I do know though that MabelTheDog accepts me as I am. We're buds!
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Ding ding ding! It's the subconscious wake up call you requested. ItchieBitchie says--“Do good . . . be rich in good works . . . be generous and ready to share”. John Wesley once said, “Work as hard as you can; make as much as you can; and give as much as you can.” That helps us keep things in the proper perspective in our lives. Now let's get going and do it!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Happiness in the world begins in the home with you.
PS Guess what! Yesterday morning when I was running a car pulls beside me. Guess who! One of the "Butt Heads" I talked about. He was very nice to me, very humble, quite real, and seemed like he got dinged or something (i.e. he is now in his upper 70s, maybe that affects a guy, maybe--subconscious dings). We had a nice talk. Huh, interesting. Guess what! I'm going to give him another chance. Happenstance, na, I don't think sooooo folks. Such is life.
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