While golfing the other day. I hit a drive that was ok but a guy in our foursome said--Great shot! I said--That wasn't a great shot. Another guy in our foursome said--That's cutting right through the bullshit! A married couple trying to live up to a snobbish life-style went to a party. The conversation turned to Mozart.
"Absolutely brilliant, magnificent, a genius!" The woman, wanting to join in the conversation, remarked
casually, "Ah, Mozart. You're so right. I love him. Only this morning I saw him getting on the No. 5 bus going to Coney Island." There was a sudden hush, and everyone looked at her. Her husband was mortified. He pulled her away and whispered, "We're leaving right now. Get your coat and let's get our of here." As they drove home, he kept muttering to himself. Finally his wife turned to him. "You're angry about something." "Oh really?" You noticed?" He sneered. "I've never been so embarrassed in my life! You saw Mozart take the No. 5 bus to Coney Island? Don't you know the No. 5 bus doesn't go to Coney Island?"
I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Waiting is part of living, and sometimes it's the hardest part. We're programmed to hurry, but sometimes God has a way of slowing us down. (i.e. speed bumps). Maturity takes time, and time requires waiting. Ouchy ouchy! Maybe you're waiting for Mr. Right or Miss Congeniality, or for a prodigal to return, or for an employer to call. We learn more about walking with God through waiting than through anything else. Our faith grows when we're trusting in His promises and patiently laying our concerns before Him. Missperfect says--I still hate waiting!!!
Saturday question--Compound interest or compound problems--Which one would you prefer to have? A time for everything; a time to take action and a time to do a little more thinking! I was on one of my everyotherday 2.5 mile runs and thought about something probably 20-25 years ago (i.e. a time for everything). I thought about a talk I was asked to give about money. It was a short talk and was given to maybe 60 ladies who were mostly middle aged, seniors and super seniors. I talked about getting good advice (i.e. many of them were going to be widows and some were). Who should you get advice from? Don't get it from the wrong folks. Those folks might be nice but don't have a clue what's going on. Find someone who you can trust, has knowledge and as my mentor would tell me--erv, someone who isn't selling you something. Get good advice even if you have to pay for it. I remember leaving disappointed as it appeared my advice was not received with a lot of excitement (i.e. maybe they would rather talk about arranging flowers or something important). Maybe they didn't want to hear it or maybe they thought I didn't know what I was talking about (i.e. giving 'em poor advice). Could be! But maybe it positively impacted some that I will never know. If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit. ~Jesus of Nazareth~
A friend/golfbuddy and I were talking about getting good advice. He told me that when he quit farming, he sold his machinery and gave half of the money to a professional money manager to manage (i.e. of course for a $$$ fee). He took the other half and invested it in stocks that he liked (i.e. didn't study them or knew much about them). His half is doing way better than the professionals. That is how lucky that guy is! Huh, interesting.
Suggestion--Get a lot of advice from good folks either by asking or by reading. Then compare the advice to formulate something that fits you. This will work with almost anything. But listen with an open mind to their advice and don't just talk to or read about folks who have the same thinking. This is just a suggestion. And you know what, this still is no guarantee that it will be a slam dunk. BUT you are putting the odds much more in your favor -- maybe!! Timing can make a person look pretty smart or dumb! Is that something they call luck?
A time for everything in a person's life! You finally realize you're never going to be really good at something like golf. The things you used to care to do, ya aren't as interested in anymore, but you really don't care (i.e. they aren't very important). A time for everything! And some things just increase in value with time. Our family is in Waukee spending a few days together. It's a hoot. Karen (i.e. anybody can be a Karen) says--Your kids are becoming you...but your grand kids are perfect! BUT as perfect as they are, there comes a time when grandpa needs to go on a bike ride or a run! Oh ya! He needs a little quiet time to himself!!!
A time for everything. Sometimes a guy just has to "fade into the sunset". Yogi said--It gets late early out there. LuckieEddie says--Some can do it gracefully and some can't! Some can slip into anonymity without anyone knowing it!!!! Sorta kinda incognito! CadillacJack says--It's part of the aging process. Folks don't stay important very long if they are important at all (i.e. DuaneTheWorm just thinks he is--(i.e. he's maybe like a shooting star, he has flamed out). Guys become expired roasters that still crow a little but no one pays any attention to them (i.e. unless they want their money). And the chicks become hens and then after they can't lay eggs anymore, well...they become chicken soup like the old roasters. Chicken soup folks! My mentor would say to me--If a man is poor, he is stupid; if he is rich, he's a crook; if he goes to church, he's a hypocrite; if he stays away, he's a sinner. If he's in politics, he's a grafter; if he takes no interest in politics, he's an unworthy citizen; if he dies young, there was a great future ahead of him; if he lives to a ripe old age, he's a burden to society. The only man who is never criticized is he who has never been born. Such is life!

In the book or Rotizatice, Chapter 12, verse 22 it says--I get to spend 100% of my income on me. Another Book encourages us to give away 10% first and then the rest is yours to do as you want. A friend's book says, 10% to give away first, 20% saving and then I can spend the rest as I please (i.e. has done that for 40 years). Saturday question--Which book to you tend to believe and follow? I think, my opinion, that if you can figure that out early, you will be a much happier camper. Talk about being happy, I finished reading Mike Finley's book Financial Happines$$ (i.e. a 5 star rating on amazon--easy read toooo--stimulating). He's one of the grullas I had breakfast with. It was a great read for me. It was about attitude and money (i.e. strong on the attitude). But, maybe if you have the right attitude you will get money. Could be. I suggest you read it. Here is his web site that you can order it. Very good for anyone even if you have no interest in money (i.e. I don't know who that would be but...)! http://www.thecrazymaninthepinkwig.com/ GeorgeTheCrook says--Instead of buying a 12pack of imported beer, buy this book. It will impact you much more and you don't have to pee as much. Or buy the book and drink the 12pack as you read! I golfed in league this week against a guy who said when he was younger he was drunk for 10 years 7 days a week. Is that possible or is he blowing that up some?
ItchieBitchie says--I like a balanced life. Moderation my friend, moderation! ItchieBitchie says--I eat of the 5 major food groups each day--beer, bacon, wine, chocolate, and chips. I seem to be doing quite well, thank you! Of course I exercise every day; I go to the bathroom and the frig many times a day! It appears that our country is becoming a country of under-achievers. I was talking to a young man the other day. He was telling my that he just got back from a family vacation with his wife and child in northern MN. He said he's going to Canada fishing this fall with his buddies. Sooooo I asked--who do you work for now? I'm unemployed but I help a carpenter once in a while! Sounds like a good life to me if you can make it work! Da! But maybe his wife has a good job. I didn't ask him that. Joesixpack says--The easiest way to make money is to marry it or inherit it! BUT I will guarantee you that if a person doesn't have money management skills, someone else will have their money in just a short time. Such is life.
Is it just smack talk or good advice? A friend, Tom, (i.e. anybody can be a Tom) gave me this newspaper article (i.e. soooo it must be right)--Whether you run 30 minutes or two hours a week, your risk of early death will be lower than if you don't run...runners, no matter the duration or speed, will reduce mortality risk by about 30% compared with non-runners...some exercise is clearly better than doing none at all...fitness may be the strongest predictor of survival. Saturday question--How much time do you spend watching TV or exercising? Maybe that newspaper article is just one of Tominsanties! Could be! MissPerfect says--It's a lot easier to sit on the couch and eat chips.
AverageJoe says--It comes a time in life when you need to do more than just give advice to grandma--you need to help her.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--No horse gets anywhere till he is harnessed.
ItchieBitchie says--I like a balanced life. Moderation my friend, moderation! ItchieBitchie says--I eat of the 5 major food groups each day--beer, bacon, wine, chocolate, and chips. I seem to be doing quite well, thank you! Of course I exercise every day; I go to the bathroom and the frig many times a day! It appears that our country is becoming a country of under-achievers. I was talking to a young man the other day. He was telling my that he just got back from a family vacation with his wife and child in northern MN. He said he's going to Canada fishing this fall with his buddies. Sooooo I asked--who do you work for now? I'm unemployed but I help a carpenter once in a while! Sounds like a good life to me if you can make it work! Da! But maybe his wife has a good job. I didn't ask him that. Joesixpack says--The easiest way to make money is to marry it or inherit it! BUT I will guarantee you that if a person doesn't have money management skills, someone else will have their money in just a short time. Such is life.
Is it just smack talk or good advice? A friend, Tom, (i.e. anybody can be a Tom) gave me this newspaper article (i.e. soooo it must be right)--Whether you run 30 minutes or two hours a week, your risk of early death will be lower than if you don't run...runners, no matter the duration or speed, will reduce mortality risk by about 30% compared with non-runners...some exercise is clearly better than doing none at all...fitness may be the strongest predictor of survival. Saturday question--How much time do you spend watching TV or exercising? Maybe that newspaper article is just one of Tominsanties! Could be! MissPerfect says--It's a lot easier to sit on the couch and eat chips.
AverageJoe says--It comes a time in life when you need to do more than just give advice to grandma--you need to help her.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--No horse gets anywhere till he is harnessed.
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