October 4, 2014

1st World problems

This pic was in the paper of guys in Union County IA doing morning coffee talk out side Frank’s Service in Arispe.
ItchieBitchie says—Folks don’t always look like they might think!  Sooooo true ItchieBitchie.  Sooooo true!  Looks can be sooooo deceiving.  Sometimes!  And sometimes not!

Dwight Eishehower said—There are no atheists in foxholes. AverageJoe says--That’s public recognition of what most folks know instinctively.  LuckieEdie says—Evryone knows that!  Well, did you know that women really don’t like shopping but it is just expected of them? Joesixpack says—The more serious the troubles, the more likely we are to call out to God.  We can pretend by closing our eyes to trouble but it just ain’t goin’ away folks.  Soooo we need to deal with it.  Such is life. 

Let's do an experiment.  I like experiments.  At breakfast crush the egg shells and put them in the coffee grounds when making coffee.  Is your coffee smoother and less bitter?  I think the cowboys use to do that!  I'm not a cowboy but...!  Or is the effect just a self-fulfilling prophecy sort of thing.  I don't know--further tests will be required.  Let me know how your experiment turns out.  Did you know the author John Steinbeck put not only crushed egg shells in his coffee but the whites as well? I guess it didn't hurt him any.  Why do crushed eggs shells smooth out your coffee? You might be surprised at the answer. I know I would because I have no idea what it is. Surprise me. I hope to hear from you folks who know the answer or at least think you do! Now this is a 1st world problem folks!!!!

I am happy for him!  I had the opportunity to tour a new farm shop, I mean this is a farm shop folks!  It’s the nicest farm shop I have ever been in.  Insulated, heated and painted floor, bathroom, large office, the works.  I asked him how much it cost—he said a lot but I can write part of it off!  He didn’t tell me how much it cost but I think there might be only a few houses in Aplington, that are worth more.  He said he went a little over budget.  What was your budget?  I didn’t have one!!!!  Now that’s a 1st world problem folks!  What’s a lot anyway?  I just read in the paper (i.e. sooo it must be right) that a 30 second ad for Sunday Night Football costs $637,300. Now this is a lot--I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right—Gates is the richest in U.S. with a net worth of $81 billion up $9 billion from last year (i.e. now that's a lot).  If a person is worth $81 billion, that farm shop is no big deal folks!  Ya got to put things in perspective!  What’s a lot to me isn’t necessarily a lot to you!  Such is life.

Incognito!  I went for a bike ride on a nice fall day after volunteering at Wheaten Franciscan Health Care last week (i.e. I do the orientation for the volunteers).  It made me think of DuaneTheWorm.  DuaneTheWorm will do anything or say anything to gain an advantage in life.  Some folks are incognito sometimes, some all the time and some never?  Some folks have good hearts a.k.a. A1 hearts?  Do some folks act differently when around certain folks (i.e. personality is how you act around folks--character is how you act when no one is looking) or when around no folks?  Are we phony, fakey, two-faced, butt kisser, a doer of the right thing, kind, merciful, gracious, and real?  Who are we?  I wonder if deception is a 1st World problem or is that an all world problem.  What do you think?

Have you ever judged someone by your first impression (i.e. either by their physical appearance or what they said)?  The first impression many times is correct but sometimes not.  But we all have first impressions.  Sometimes those first impressions are the key to the future.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Mrs. Job said to Job in her one and only recorded statement--"Curse God and die."   We must remember that she too had shared in the loss of family and possessions. AverageJoe says—Life, at times, can be a white water thrill ride folks! Had she cracked under the strain?  Or did she know that one sure way to strengthen Job's faith and determination was to taunt him about God?  What was her motive.  We will never know.  What is your first impression of Mrs. Job?  MissPerfect says--That is why I need to always look good and have the best of everything; I need to give a good first impression; I need to go shopping!  Is the hobby of shopping a 1st World problem?

I got a new iPhone 5c (i.e. actually not new as the 6 is the new one).  When I was getting it there was a guy in the next station getting a new phone toooo.  I heard him say--I have some money and can get any phone I want but I limit myself.  My kids have no money but don't limit themselves; they buy the newest and the most expensive (i.e. the Big Kalona says 95% of all Americans have cell phones)!  That's just the way it is he said.  Is that a 1st World problem? I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right--Parents taking on more college debt--Experts worry about delayed retirement as tuition cost grow.  Is that a 1st World problem?  I also read on a billboard that 22% of kids don't graduate from high school.  Is that a 1st World problem?

A guy and his sons! I was talking to our neighbor the other day about a guy and his sons.  We both agreed that the guy and his sons seem to know the answers about anything and everything.  Where in the world did those sons get sooooo smart we wondered!!!!  A buddy told me the other day that he doesn't really like being around a certain person--how come--he's rich and treats me like I'm nutten--are you sure or do you just imagine that--he's rich and he acts that way to me no matter what you say erv (i.e. is being rich and acting that way a 1st World problem).  Well buddy, you are a real person with a real heart—He said—erv, I try to be.  Hey listen friend, I know many rich folks who are very humble and don’t act rich.  I really do!  Really.  Could be erv, but RichieBitchie isn’t one of them.  LuckieEddie says—Usually if one person thinks a certain person is a certain way, others do toooooo but not always.  Abraham Lincolon said—You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.  Such is  life.

Is never having enough a 1st world problem?  Mikey says—Enough has very little to do with that green stuff that you carry around in your pocket or your purse.  Enough is a place you want to reach, a place you can identify as the place to STOP.  ~  Less stuff equals less clutter, and less baggage that you will have to carry around with you in your life.  Becoming grateful for what you have will set you down the right path as you reach for something much greater than more stuff.  ~  Reducing your wants will increase your level of personal fulfillment and ultimately your level of happiness.  Billy Graham says—If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten almost every other area of his life. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Whoever loves moeny never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.  This too is meaningless.  Do you believe that?  What do you think?

Golf is a 1st World problem folks! I golfed with a buddy the other day.  He told me that he went ball hunting yesterday and found 9 balls.  Wow!  On the third hole he hit his drive in the crap and we couldn't find it, his 4thshot we couldn’t find his ball soo he was down to 6.  He hit his maybe 7th or 8th shot over the green and says--I still love this game!  The 4th hole he hits in the water.  Down to 5.  Hole 7 he hits in the trees--can't find.  Down to 4.  I told him he needs to ball hunting again.  He just laughs and says--Some days are better than others!  Such is life.

Football is a 1st World Problem!  Ya hang the carrots of money and fame in front of folks, they will do anything to get it, even lose their minds!  I see there are more lawsuits coming against the NFL about brain injuries.  I assume that might trickle down to college and high school levels.  If soooo,  maybe, the insurance carriers will decide to delete this coverage from their polices.  Bingo, no more high school football maybe.  Our son had a scary neck injury in Jr high football and broke his foot as a freshman.  He decided not to play football and consecrated on other sports.  We were fine with that.  In our school district, football seems to be very important (i.e. but maybe tapering off some).  I enjoy watching football (i.e. stayed up tell 1 a.m. to watch the Oregon/Arizona game Thursday night--great game) but I believe that there is much more to life than football.  That’s my opinion.  Arlene and I went into a local gift shop to buy a 2015 calendar for her wall holder made by a friend years ago (i.e. good memories).  ANYWAY the gal said—not very nice night for the high school football game—we don’t go sooooo it doesn’t much bother us—my husband played a couple of years and has two bad knees to prove it.  Da!  Big Bruiser says—I love to hit those little guys and see them fly.  I try to knock their heads off!  One of our great nephews, Wil (i.e. age 14) decided not to play football.  He said—I want to keep my brain!  Now that makes good sense to me folks.  Such is life.

A lot of beer!  A pickleball buddy told me that he lost 60 pounds.  Soooo I asked, how did you do that—basically quite drinking beer.  Soooo it can be done. Now that is a 1st World problem folks.  No question.  Soooo I wonder how much beer does a guy have to drink to gain 60 pounds!

Not politically correct but…! I asked his wife if I could ask her a personal question—she said ok—soooo how much weight did you loose—70 pounds.  Wow!  She became a runner with a lot of sparkle! I told them that I was proud of them.  Soooo it can be done folks. Soooo being over weight 60 and 70 pounds is probably foreign to folks in the 3rd World.  What do you think? 

My little brother in the Little Brother Program about maybe 8 years ago was not a little guy.  He was maybe 5 feet 5 and weighed about 260 pounds.  We spent time together for several years and then it wasn’t cool to hang around old erv anymore.  Some friends suggested I look him up.  I did.  He now weighs about 150 pounds. Soooo how did you do that?  I lost my license sooooo I had to walk every place I wanted to go.  Huh, interesting.  I’m really proud of him.  Soooo it can be done folks.  When is the time to start?  Now!  Flip the switch, flush the past, and start fresh! It’s possible folks.  Stop the streak!  It ain’t what you did in the past, it’s what you do today!  As my friend tells me—Decisions have consequences!  Guess who makes the decisions folks. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Will power is the ability to eat just one salted peanut!

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