The heaven wows me folks! Just wows me (i.e. a head turner). When the ancients looked up at the heavens, they didn't know what they were seeing. We may know more about the universe than they did, but we still know relatively little. The observable universe is thought to be 92 billion light-years in diameter -- and one light-year is 6 trillion miles. So do the math: 92 billion times 6 trillion equals . . . well, it equals a long way from one side of the observable universe to the other. And what about the unobservable part? The heavens make me feel soooooo small measured against its immensity. GeorgeTheCrook says—The vast majority of mankind never gives a thought of gratitude toward God for all His care and blessings. Huh, interesting.
Our life’s situation can change in a blink of an eye (i.e. both good [get a break] and bad). Bingo, and it’s different. LuckieEddie says—I didn’t see it coming; ya never know what is coming down the pike! Life has a lot of moving parts. Stuff can happen as fast as a 100 mph fastball! Paul and I were moving Norbert’s recliner from his nursing home room to back home. He’s going home. His roommate was Wally, an old friend. Sooo Wally, what’s up with you here—man, erv, one day was doing soooo well and the next I’m in here. Wow!
Wow wow is not woe woe folks. There is a difference all right. Oh ya! Some folks wow me and some woe me. Um-uh! Some folks think smart and some think stupid (i.e. my opinion). I know both kinds of folks (i.e. based on my measuring stick). Um-uh, I mean some folks I really pay attention to them when they talk (i.e. very relevant) and others well, um-uh, I turn them off. They are irrelevant to me. I guess some folks just think smart and some think stupid. Some seem to use their noodles more than others. Um-uh, some maybe just drink more coffee than others. Seriously! What do you think? I read this recently—The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in the darkness. Huh, interesting.
Exceptional leaders. ItchieBitchie says--Exceptional leaders seem to share one particular trait. "Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What is in it for me?” It has been said many times, "you win with people," and an excellent way to do that is by helping others to achieve their own goals and, in the process, enable them to participate in achieving yours. Of course, helping others sounds like a noble aim, but how do you go about doing it? One of the first U.S. presidents, John Quincy Adams, offered this perspective: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." WorldClassLarry says—It seems that great leaders are humble and give others their due credit. Will Rogers says—If you’re ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there.
Is happiness and success related? Those guys might roll over in their graves! 25 years ago I asked 4 guys (i.e. all are now dead) who I thought were successful guys to come to our home and talk to me about what is success. These were their bullet points: Money isn’t the real measure of success—Have reasonable goals and accomplish them—success is when you can sleep peacefully—must have faith and trust—must keep going, keep trying—always, always be honest—have patience—look at the big picture—keep working.
Woo hoo! Our culture is to expect things to be bigger, faster, more exciting, friendlier, with more options, with more features etc. They got to keep one-upping! You can’t sell a product if it isn’t. Apple has a history of wowing folks with their new products. Folks expect it. Can they keep it up? Time will tell folks. It’s all about the money folks. Microsoft is coming out with Windows 10 (i.e. skipping 9—Microsoft says it’s moving that fast). They are trying to wow us. If a sports team isn’t exciting and entertaining, folks don’t watch and don’t support and eventually don’t attract fans which ends up with less $$$$$s (i.e. folks want to be around winners). Figure it out folks; it’s not that hard what’s the motor that runs our culture.

Many folks are like an old Holstein cow. They go in the same stanchion ever day, eat the same food, get milked twice a day, get bread once a year, and when they get old they are sold for hamburger for fast food. Boring boring! I like new and exciting things and experiences and opportunities and stuff (i.e. travel forward). Many folks don’t (i.e. tooooo bad for them). I realize that. Some folks think it’s a “colossal blunder” to change something. I get bored more easily than some. I don’t know if that is stupid thinking or smart thinking. Yabut HBO is now selling their product on the Internet. Wow, that will change how the cable companies and dish companies merchandise I bet. I see even the Pope and his buddies are talking about marketing their product differently. Wow! Could it be about the money folks? What do you think? Will Rogers said—An ignorant person is one who doesn’t know what you have just found out.
My high school basketball coach, Coach black (i.e. just turned 80 this week, happy birthday coach), sent me this—Tooooo many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven’t thought about it, don’t have it on their schedule, didn’t know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine. Huh, interesting.
A wow mission project! There is a couple from our church who do a wow mission project (i.e. they are creative and innovative). They make soup each week and put it in quart jars and deliver it to folks. Then the next week they exchange jars. Now that is quite a mission project. They are good folks (i.e. have “A” games) with good hearts (i.e. my kind of folks). Maybe an idea for something you can do. ItchieBitche says—Most things aren’t new; we just copy them from someone else and sometimes just modify them a little.
$$$$$$ Is a fortune what everyone wants? Is it the answer? Folks, I’m a pretty content person. I have the Life of Riley! Actually I have nutten on my bucket list. You might think there must be something wrong with me. Maybe sooooo! Ya, there is some things I would change, sure, but I’m pretty content (i.e. not happy when it appears evil is winning). We’re comfortable. I’m comfortable with myself. I probably would do things differently under different situations but I’m ok. When I do my “everyotherday2.5milerun” in our little town, I think of some folks who I know and they seem the same. Some could afford much nicer houses, more toys, etc but decide they are happy where they are. They seem content. Why do some folks seem more content than others do you think? I receive this little sorta kinda advice each day. Read this short one if you have time. It’s good I think.
Saturday question—Is being positive
genetic, learned from our environment or is it just attitude or does it just
happen to some and not to others? I
asked a couple of positive neighbors and WarrenFromOmaha why they are soooo
positive. This is what they said: I do attempt
to screen out all the bad things going on around us each and every day, and
concentrate on the good things, and thank God for them. I think most
people can trace their general attitude on life to your childhood, and I had a
Mother who always encouraged me and supported me, and I never doubted
her love for me…--- You can probably can recall the days when autograph
books were popular back in the 40's. I still have mine, put together
when in the 4th grade, and I quote "Dear Warren, keep that big
smile. I really like it. May all your years in joy be passed,
and each prove happier than the last. ". Your teacher and friend.
Miss Goodell. (October 18, 1943). I have never forgotten
those words. Warren (not Buffett) ~ NeighborHank/friend says: Accept people for
who they are. Don’t try to change them, Too often we think everyone should be
like us…As Christians we have a responsibility to love everyone, we don’t have
to agree with them or like them but we must love them for who they are…Always
look ahead, we cannot chance the past so we need to forget it and move forward.
And remember to enjoy each day after all each new day is the first day of the
rest of your life…We must remember that all problems are opportunities if
viewed with a Christ-like attitude…Contentment breeds happiness therefore being
content with what God has given us whether a little or a lot is critical…And my
favorite quote by Charles Swindoll about attitude which in many ways dictates
happiness. “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude.
Attitude to me is more than facts. It is more important than the past, than
education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than
what other people think or say or do. It is more important than giftedness or
skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing
is, we have a choice every regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent
how I react to it.” ~ Neighbor/friendLila says: Ed Thomas’ motto of Faith, Family and Friends is mine as
well. It is not easy to lose a spouse, but feeling sorry for one self, doesn’t
change a thing. We have to meet each
situation head one. When sadness comes
knocking at my door, I never let it stay for long! That’s when I thank God for all the great times we had in 60
years of marriage. I’m so grateful for
opportunities that come my way. Most
mornings find me at the coffee shop with friends. Why not, the day may come when I’m not able to enjoy being with
friends and family.
MyFriendJean says—Forget
mistakes. Organize victory out of
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