are a scaredycat, don’t read on!

Wisdom! I read while eating my oatmeal with a
half a banana on it—Pray for wisdom and it will be given to you. Wisdom comes from different folks and in
different ways (i.e. my opinion) but, I think, we need to seek it out. I was visiting with a friend who was her
husband’s caregiver for a lot of years until his death. I asked
her how she did it as it was very difficult. She said she prayed a lot asking for strength. She said she barely made it. OneSmartLady said this--Sometimes when a person is laboring over a problem, it
helps to see how somebody else dealt with it. Actually, it helps to know that
somebody else had to deal with it. Is that wisdom? I think that is wisdom in seeking and then listening. But what do I know! What do you think?
A friend told me recently that he thinks he made a mistake
in advising his son years ago. He and
his wife had a small child and they were not getting along. His wife was very negative. ItchieBitchie says—It’s hard to change your
spouse! My friend suggested they stay married for their daughter. Their daughter is going to graduate from
high school this year and my friend is sure that they will get a divorce. I
should have let them get a divorce years ago I think. Their lives have been miserable for years. They were never happy
and lived a very disfunctional marriage (i.e. what’s disfunctional in this
world any more). What do you think? He
said, “But I” think I made a bad decision by encouraging our son not to get a
divorce. Is that hindsight? They say hindsight is always 20-20!
Flash! Apple has impressed folks through
the years all over the world. Their stores and products are very popular.
We expect them to do it.
Apple has an image to uphold. Apple has sold 39.3 million new iPhone6s with a profit of $23.7 billion in the last quarter. That's getting it done folks! CrazyMarvin says—“But I” don’t care what they did in the past (i.e. past
is meaningless); “but I” what to know what you are going to do for me today.
Past lasts for about a day. Maybe. Ya can’t sleep on your laurels! Ya got to do it every day (e.g. in sales, ya
gotta to sell every day). ItchieBitchie
says—“But I” like to live on my past!
ItchieBitchie, usually “flash in the pants” don’t seem to last very
long. It seems that the folks who are steady,
enduring, steadfast, stick to their values, are consistent and “what you see is
what you get” usually do quite well through the long haul. It seems that way to me. GerogeTheCrook says--You can’t be a jerk and
do one good thing and think everything will be “hunkie doorie”. We develop a reputation and it sticks with
us (i.e. good or bad or in between)—consequences of decisions can stick with us. Folks know us for who we are over a long
period of time. Yabut I heard in adult
growth group, all you have to do is ask for forgiveness and everything will be
“hunkie doorie”. Such is life. Napoleon
Bonaparte said--There are only two forces in the
world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be
conquered by the spirit.
Calm down my friends, calm down! I don’t mean to be snarky, SusieQ. It’s just that I can’t never quite tell about you! Some days you
act like you are some supersmartypants a.k.a. a thurder bolt and you know
everything like a loosey-goosey and the next day you are a regular
gearhead. SusieQ, can you tell the
difference in yourself? It seems that your menu isn’t always the same from day
to day. Maybe you are going through
your change of life. Could be!
BuffetManEd says—Some folks think they are such smarty pants that they know
everything. “But I” think not folks! What do you think? SusieQ says—“But I” like
myself this way!
Meyham, just meyham! We do taste testing when you are young to find out who you want to
be. Not good when you do stupid stuff
and have to learn the hard way. When we
are young we have no scar tissue as we do when you get older. At least we should I think. We should get smarter from our experiences,
shouldn’t we! We shouldn’t continue to
do stupid stuff. I read this in the
paper soooo it must be right—Inflation across the 18 euro countries has has
dipped further toward zero. To fix it,
they are coping U.S.—create new money!
That will do it folks, just print more money! LuckieEddie says—“But I” like money, the more the better. LuckieEddie, unless you box like me, in
which case you've probably already been knocked out, you don’t get it!
LuckieEddie, it appears that you are a buffoon as a money manager. MatureWilbur says—When we are young and not
liberal, we have no heart. When we are
older and not conservative, we have no brain!
Ouchy ouchy!
Ooh la la!
This is a dollar and sense man.
CadillacJack says—My brother-in-lawHarry is a fat cat. He is savvy, shroud, makes good decisions,
demands value for his dollar and is generous with his time, talent and money
(i.e. has good core values by some folks’ standards). CadillacJack says—I 1want to be gender sensitive to equality
a.k.a. politically correct sooooo I want you to know that my sister-in-lawFefe
is a fat cat toooo. WildBill says—It
doesn’t matter how fancy your car is (i.e. fancy or not so fancy) or how big
your house is (i.e. big or not soooo big) but it does matter how you affect
folks. Did you know that Albert
Einstein is filthy rich and stone dead?
He made about $10 million between October 2012 and October 2013. That is a good trick considering he has been
dead since 1955. Some folks are regular
rain makers!
Life can be piquant!
I was visiting with my supervisor where I volunteer. She told me that she some times gets away
from her core values and occasionally needs to readjust her path to get back to
them (i.e. sorta kinda gets out of whack).
She is much happier and feels much better about herself when she lives
using her core values. Huh,
interesting. WildWillie says—Some
folks, overall, (i.e. proven by their past) are not bad folks. They’re just not acting real good right now
(i.e. seem to be temporally messed up maybe)!
Ouchy ouchy! Joesixpack
says—“But I’ have to decide what my core values are first before I can live by
holy crap! “Better to remain silent and be
thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” ~ Abraham Lincoln ~ “But
I” voiced my opinion in “adult growth group” in our church recently. “But I” don’t think I was understood. That is ok.
ANYWAY I think church should be uplifting and not a drag and surely it
shouldn’t give folks a negative feeling.
It should be a time of unclogin’andrechargin'! That is my opinion. It
appears that not everyone agrees with me.
I asked—Which churches are growing? Da!
CrazyMarvin says—Maybe erv, just maybe, you’re toooo extreme! Baley, as our First Lady called Braley, and Ernst, both advertise
on their ads for the Senate that the other is tooooo extreme. How can they both be tooooo extreme for
Iowa? That is funny to me. Must be,
maybe, that they think one is toooo conservative and the other toooo
liberal. Must be the answer but I don’t
know! Such is life.
After playing golf last week on a beautiful
fall day, we sat around philosophizing while having a beer together. A golf buddy said he had his first beer on
his honeymoon and said to his wife—I don’t see what’s soooo great about
beer! He went on to say that his
grandfather was an alcoholic and his brother was one toooo. He heard tooooo many stories of how his
grandfather treated his grandma and children when he was drunk. He is scardycat of alcohol. Another buddy said—Hold my beer while I do
something stupid. He said that is a
phrase used in the South. I never heard
of it before. He also said that he
thinks he has drank about $100,000 worth of beer soooo far in his life time and
hasn’t much to show for it. I told
him—yabut you got to pee a lot! Such is
Arrogance! WorldClassLarry says—“But I’ think a little arrogance goes a long ways
folks. A friend was telling me that
they have a husband of a step cousin who no one likes. Like no one. How come? He is very
arrogant. My friend has told me in the
past--We aren’t compatible with everyone.
We don’t think alike. Those
folks “just don’t get it” according to our values and thinking. Who is right doesn’t make any difference; we
just aren’t compatible. We aren’t on
the same page; not even in the same book sometimes. We are maybe kind to each other on the surface but don’t enjoy
being around each other for very long.
Joesixpack says—Birds of a feather flock together. SusieQ says—“But I’ have noticed that when
some birds get some money, they seem to change feathers; they think they change
from barn sparrows to cardinals? They
don’t think they are compatible with their old birds anymore. They "layer up" to what they think is the “elite
huddle"! BucketHeadRalph says--That's pretty normal. Money usually does that. Just look around. Huh, interesting.
MissPerfect says—“But I’ think it can be real dangerous when
we fall in love with our opinions! It’s
much like listening to and believing all the accolades folks say about you
(i.e. they aren’t always correct). Some
folks can get a big head—not as good as they think they are. “But I’ heard a sports announcer say about a
player recently—He’s not playing very well; “But I" think he has been reading
this press clippings tooooo much! Ouchy
ouchy! Usually when we get a big head, we are about ready to tumble. “But I” think I read somewhere—Cockiness
before the fall or something like that.
Or was that just someone’s opinion!
Doc says! "But I" read Dr.David’s (i.e. folks listen when you have a
Doctor’s degree—don’t they?) advice while eating my oatmeal with a half a
banana on it: Proverbs 22:24 warns
against becoming friends with an angry person. Why? Because "an angry man
stirs up strife, and a furious man abounds in transgression" (Proverbs
29:22). So the chances of becoming involved in strife and sin are multiplied
when we form a friendship with an angry person. On the positive side, Paul
writes that we should "associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your
own opinion" (Romans 12:16). In short, just as iron sharpens iron (Proverbs
27:17), so people have a telling influence on each other -- for good or for bad! Soooo
what do you think about all that? It's sorta kinda spooky isn't it!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—If you haven’t got time to do a job right
when will you have time to do it over.
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