November 8, 2014


SusieQ looked at me cross-eyed.  It was like saying to me—erv, do you know anything?  BaaaZaang!  Soooo folks, she might be right. 

There is more to life than the score!  I found myself in an interesting situation recently.  BaaaZaang! I sat there a while listening and analyzing the situation.  I decided it was not where I wanted to be in the future.  I will take measures to not be there again (i.e. modify my direction—tweak my direction a little).  It’s not where I wanta be; it’s not me.  Telling you my feeling is like “being a little schoolgirl squealing during recess”.  ItchieBitchie says—C’MON erv, buck up, get over it.  I’m getting over it.  It’s not a problem, really; it’s just my decision in which I will make myself more comfortable.  Soooo I’m going to move a little.  According to the 2011 U.S. Census, a typical American moves his place of residence 11.7 times in his lifetime -- about once every seven years.  BaaaZaang! During the different seasons of our life, I believe, we need to be in different places of our lives.  Maybe, we need to reevaluate our place and move somewhere else.  Those different places can be different work, recreation, relationships, etc.  It can be mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.  Maybe I need to change my place.  I think sooooo folks.  I think from the result of my experience, I just realized that.  Bingo!  Saturday question—Where are you this season of your life (i.e. physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally)?  Are you where you want to be?  Where should you be?  MerlinTheMagician says—The middle of the road is a poor place to walk.  It is a poor place to drive. It is a poor place to live.  Ouchy ouchy!  This is pretty much a World Tour of my mind folks. 

Well BaaaZaang!  I just wrote the previous paragraph and looked at my emails.  Got one from GovtManKen, one smart guy (i.e. he’s very intelligent in an analytical way).  His email basically confirmed my thinking and feeling in a good way. Bingo!  Happenstance, na, I don’t think soooooo.  He reminded me as to what is important and sorta kinda grounded me again a.k.a. refocused me.  Thanks GovtManKen.  It feels sooooo good to be reassured. Some things that are not sooooo important to others, are important to me.  But folks can sometimes draw me into thinking they are.  Does this make sense to you?

The story behind the score.  This is not a toe-to-toe confrontation situation, folks.  Not a verbal slap fight like the political campaigns are and were.  Oh no!  The golden rule is—Treat others as you would want them to treat you.  My mentor said to me—The world’s golden rule is, the one who has the most gold rules!  I can be competitive but can also not be.  In some things and at some times, I don’t want to be competitive. I think it takes the fun out of the game or situation (i.e. my opinion).  Sooooo if some folks are playing very competitively (i.e. the score is the by far the most important part of the event and their life) and I don’t’ want it to be, I will find others to be around. Most of the time, the score is of little importance to me; the other stuff is much more important.  Does that make any sense. 

BucketheadEd says—I seem to have a brain worm that surfs my brain and eats part of my brain and tunnels to other parts and deposits crazy thoughts.  I thought that everyone had brain worms. I asked my doctor and she looked at me rather puzzled.  Soooo I wonder what she was thinking.  Am I normal?  SusieQ says—You might be normal unless you’re nuts!  BaaaZaang!  TheStoreLady says--Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and you have to blow you nose.  Such is life.

A cool mil!  Talking about being where folks don’t want to be.  I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—Can you retire on a cool $1 million?  It went on to say—If you read any financial advertising, you know that your savings are inadequate, and you’re likely to freeze to death in the dark a few weeks after retirement.  For this reason, most Americans’ retirement planning involves keeling over at their desks or, failing that, starting a bomb-disposal unit as a retirement business.  The article says you can retire on a cool $1 million if you are careful.  But it said—The largest problem with living off $1 million is, of course, is getting the $1 million. 

MyMindSpillethOver!  I had a dream recently and I said I was going to remember it.  I didn’t.  A couple of days later, Arlene was watching golf and it triggered my mind.  The dream was about my cousin Lowell Slagter.  Lowell, Sandy, Arlene and I got reacquainted maybe 6 years ago at the Fountain of the Sun in Mesa.  We were renting a condo and just down the street they were toooo.  It was maybe 45 years since we were around each other.  We had the best of time together for several years as we wintered down there.  Then Lowell got sick and passed away.  Sooooo, the dream was Lowell, Mike my ex-business partner (i.e. who knows every ones’ golf score when you play with him), and Lowell’s grandson.  We were on the 18th green.  Lowell just made a 20 foot putt.  Mike said to him—Lowell, you just shot a 78.  Lowell just gave us a Lowell Slagter smile.  End of dream.  I think I smiled in my sleep!  ANYWAY sooooo when I remembered the dream, I called Sandy to tell her about it.  That day it was exactly one year to the day that Lowell died.  BaaaZaang!

Happenstace, na I don’t think sooooo folks!  Our daughter told us this story this week.  She was running her 7 miles Sunday and was listing to contemporary Christian music on Pandora.  A song was played that triggered her past.  It was nine years ago and she was a nurse in the Denver Children Hospital in the child ecology department.  She worked with a little boy and his parents.  During this period of time his parents gave birth to his little brother.  The little boy died of his cancer.  This was the song that they played at his funeral.  Sooooo, Monday morning, she was going over her charts at a Denver Children clinic where she works.  The last name of a little boy she was going to work with was the name of that family.   Yep, it was the family and the little 9 year old boy was him.  She told him that she knew his brother.  She told his parents about the song she heard running and how she thought of him and them.  It was a great opportunity.  A crying opportunity! BaaaZaang

Avoid Complacency Joesixpack (i.e. a wiz noticing the wizardry of life) says--I’m no Einstein BUT it appears to me that folks who are constantly downtrodden miss a big part of life. If you are always worried about what others are thinking of you and what you are always wishing for, you are going to be one tired and unhappy person (i.e. it just whacks the heck out of a guy).  Ya never get the red carpet thrill!  And gadget plays won’t do it folks. That is why a guy has to put himself in the position he wants to be in (i.e. not the position that others want you in).  That is what I think folks. BaaaZaaag!

All right, listen up! IthchieBitchie says—I’m confused as what I want.  One day I want this and another day I want that.  I’m a mess.  Hey Itchie Bitchie, your neighbor is confused. Your uncle is confused. Your dog is confused.  Everyone is confused.  ItchieBitchie, I’m not recommending.  I’m not saying.  I’m only suggesting that you get your head out of your…and start thinking.  And you know what ItchieBitchie, you will still probably be confused.  FashionablyLateBetsy says—There are many extra-ordinary good folks, ya just got to get around them and pick their minds. Tell the extra-ordinary bad folks to take a hike (i.e. mentally).  SusieQ says--You gotta move to what you want and believe is good; don't listen to LessThan AverageJoes who are riddled with problems much like Swiss cheese.  BaaaaZaang!

Don’t be overwhelmed folks!  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Don’t be overwhelmed about all the evil in the world.  It has been around since the beginning.  Yes it has.  Remember, the times have always been evil. In Noah's day it is reported, "Every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Moses described his people as, "this evil generation". Isaiah called the people of his day "a brood of evildoers". Jesus referred to His generation as evil. Paul told people in his age to redeem the time "because the days are evil". Perhaps the evil is worse now; we're closer to the end than we've ever been before. But evil has been around since the Garden of Eden and probably will be around tell the end of time.  BaaaZaag!  Yabut, I also read—Fear no evil for I am with you! 

She's not toooo shabby to look at!  Joesixpack says—I want to be important and make a lot of money toooooo!  Well, most often those folks take risk, have a lot of pressure, work hard and perform.  WildWillie says--Another way is to become a trophy wife!  SusieQ says—Don’t kid yourself, I’m a trophy wife but I still have a lot of pressure; I have to perform all the time.  LuckieEddie says I want a job where I make a lot of money, don’t have to work hard and have no pressure.  Da!  If ya can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.  There is heat in the kitchen folks.  You can’t have your cake and eat it tooooo!  Businesses like the NBA are cut throat folks; it’s about winning a.k.a. money.  Spock, an unfeeling robot machine, says--you are not performing (i.e. bottom line) and you’re done.  Ya gotta go! You’re a liability.  He’s cold and calculating and doesn’t have a heart.  It’s performance based.  It’s not Kumbaya time.  It’s about winning, and it is a cold and calculated business.  CrazyMarvin says—I still don’t understand why many of the NFL players need to act sooooo crazy when they think they do something good.  You don’t see tooooo many business folks act that way!  BaaaZaang!

Out of position!  JoeTheDo-Gooder, you are out of position (i.e. behind the 8 ball).  BaaaZaang!  Your chances are about 1 out of 100 to do well soooo don’t be surprised when you don’t succeed.  You need more than luck, you need a miracle; a huge massive miracle.  Ya, luck is good but you can’t expect luck to last for ever.  No way!  BUT if you have ability, a good attitude, a good work ethic and have a good heart, it seems like a lot more good stuff happens to ya (i.e. you become luckier).  Ya gotta put yourself into position to succeed.  You will be much luckier if you do.  BUT it appears that some folks are luckier than others.  What do you think? 

We all have a brand!  LuckieEddie says—The mark you made when the game is over is maybe more important than your score.  Huh, interesting. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFreindJean says--Speak well of your enemies--after all, you made them.


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