Disclaimer—Do you
really want to go down the road in an old jalopy like “It’s Saturday”? If you do, well, hokey-dokey. Well, hang on and mind the bumps! It’s a freebie so that will make it more doable folks!

When we toured in England, we learned that Henry VIII was very
instrumental in forming the Church of England.
I think they told us that at The Tower of London (i.e. an old prison
where Anne Boleyn, one of his wives, was beheaded). Ouchy ouchy. Henry VIII
wanted his marriage to his first wife of 24 years annulled. The Pope wouldn’t do it sooo he started his
own church. Now that will do it
folks! There are new churches started
all the time. It ain’t something new as
you can tell. If the church doesn’t
agree with you, you just start another church.
Henry VIII had six wives—annulled and died while detained, annulled and
beheaded, annulled and died in child birth, annulled and beheaded,
survived. Now that is quite a marriage
record. I guess we can see why he needed a new church!
Here we go on a “jet sweep”. “Jet sweep” is a new term in football. Lippy is a jet sweep folks. Oh ya.
Joesixpack asks—Is Lippy always this way? Yes, he is! More than you can imagine. He’s a
regular motor mouth with an attitude!
But, ya gotta give him credit, he’s consistent. Well, flip the pancake. A friend (i.e. she is unassuming) brought us
some lasagna for dinner (i.e. free lunch).
I told her she has a good heart.
She said—I try! Joesixpack
asks--Why do some folks have better hearts than others (i.e. and some seem soooo
pertinacious)? Joesixpack, you sure
have a lot of questions! LucyGoosey
says—Three things in human life are important:
the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to
be kind. Such is life.
Talk about free lunch.
I went down to get some bread recently at our variety store. It was customer appreciation day. They were serving hot dogs, bars, cider,
etc. Sooo I had a hot dog. I was talking to LaVern and he said—When
folks hear the letters F-R-E-E in Aplington, they seem to show up! Bingo!
Maybe so and maybe not for everyone.
Some folks like the free stuff better than others. Some will drive for miles to get a free
hot dog. Oh ya! CrazyMarvin says—Yabut, it’s free! You can’t turn down something free. Soooo there you go. Free is a great advertising tool. Folks seem to be suckers for “free”. I’m not saying our son was a sucker but he
married a Free (i.e. that is Jessica’s last name--she's a sweety).
DuaneTheWorm is always excited to get a free lunch. But he doesn’t jump into anything tooooo
fast. Oh no, he deliberates first to
make sure he is making the best decision to toot his horn the loudest. DuaneTheWorm’s definition of ddeliberation: The art of
examining one's bread to determine which side it is buttered on (i.e.
what’s in it for me). DuaneTheWorm is always for the cause. His cause! Ouchy ouchy!

Maybe there are others who think like I do. I think sooooo folks. I said in our adult growth group recently—when
we get closer to death, things seem to to look differently. We are a little more receptive to
stuff. ToughManFrank says--On Friday I
had a heart attack. The ambulance took me to the hospital where they did
a procedure of a cut in the groin to insert a tube with a camera going
up to the heart to see where the blockage was. Well, they don't
put you to sleep. I could feel, and the feeling was terrible. To
occupy my mind, I tapped my left foot, and the surgeon said "Hold
your foot still." Then, I tapped my left hand, and again he said
"Stop tapping your fingers." Well it looked like I ran out of
things to keep me busy, so I started, "Our Father which art in
heaven..." I recited the
Lord's Prayer three times with a loud voice and very pronounced. By the
third time, I heard the surgeon's voice, "Please, breathe through
your nose and close your lips." Well, there was no way he could
say, "Just shut up and be quiet!" not with the Lords Prayer!
The story made the rounds on the cardiac unit and soon a lot of nurses came by just
to say hello.
TheStoreLady says--When the blind lead the blind---get out of the way! You are free to vote for who every you want if you live in America. Are political ads teaching our kids how to get their way? Ouchy ouchy! Just bad mouth the other guy. MyNeighborBrian said to me—I don’t think it makes much difference who gets elected (i.e. doesn't make diddly squat). They seem to be trying to be buttering us up (i.e. rear end us) Hah hah! Then comes the verbal fumble after they get elected. It’s all about the money folks. Holy Bbacccooon! They all have a line now don’t they. CrazyMarvin says--After all the stumping I heard, I am still stumped! We played some golf the other day and one of my golf buddies was telling us that he thinks that folks who support one of the political parties always seem unhappy (i.e. always mad and frowning and look unpleasant). Do you think that is true. Are folks of one party happier than the folks who support the other party? What do you think? Huh, interesting.
TheStoreLady says--When the blind lead the blind---get out of the way! You are free to vote for who every you want if you live in America. Are political ads teaching our kids how to get their way? Ouchy ouchy! Just bad mouth the other guy. MyNeighborBrian said to me—I don’t think it makes much difference who gets elected (i.e. doesn't make diddly squat). They seem to be trying to be buttering us up (i.e. rear end us) Hah hah! Then comes the verbal fumble after they get elected. It’s all about the money folks. Holy Bbacccooon! They all have a line now don’t they. CrazyMarvin says--After all the stumping I heard, I am still stumped! We played some golf the other day and one of my golf buddies was telling us that he thinks that folks who support one of the political parties always seem unhappy (i.e. always mad and frowning and look unpleasant). Do you think that is true. Are folks of one party happier than the folks who support the other party? What do you think? Huh, interesting.
Non assuming folks are sorta kinda easy not to notice and we
sorta kinda just forget about them (i.e. that is what they want). It’s easy to forget how special those folks
are. Some folks just give others a lift
and some are a drag. I think, non
assuming folks are lifteruppers! My
opinion folks. They seem to do great
things some how some way and many folks don’t even realize it. I really admire those folks. It has been recorded that OneSmartMan once said--The greatness is determined by the humility of service.
No smoke and no mirrors folks.
Is there anything that is really free? I mean really free? Sure there is, many things. I can’t count them all. But there are many, many.
I’m reading Louie L'Amour's book Long Ride Home.
He says--"With a woman," the Cactus Kid said, "it ain't the original cost. It's the upkeep! I guess Cactus Kid is saying, a woman ain't fee! Joesixpack says--Life on earth is free folks (i.e. a great
gift). Some might not agree that it is
a gift. Then what is it? MI-MusicManJim says—Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change. Life is too short to be anything…but
happy. And don’t worry about old
age. It doesn’t last long!
read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it. These 10 PRACTICAL decisions will shape your
life and future. Adults and youth need to know these 10 most important decisions and
the impact they will have on YOUR life (i.e. they are free for the reading
folks). 1. Who your friends are. 2. Who you become romantically involved with.
3. How far you take your education. 4. Your career. 5. Where you invest your
money. 6. To be healthy. 7. To forgive. 8. To be happy and thankful. 9.
Your level of spiritual involvement. 10. Your priorities. MissPerfect says—I have the opportunity to
wake up and make a choice every day!
Now that is exciting. And that decision is free!
It's hell folks! SusieQ says—erv, if you have in your head the idea that Jesus Christ died for your
sins, rose from the dead and who ever believes in Him will have eternal life
a.k.a. heaven (i.e. a free gift by His grace—a freebie), I wonder what other
crazy ideas you have in your head! Ok
SusieQ, assume the Christians' idea is right and assume Goggle has their numbers right,
there are going to be a lot of folks in hell.
I would assume all those hellions at some point are going to raise some
hell about being in hell. Hell yes, that could be one hell of a mess!
WorldClassLarryWithTheScoop says--We
perceive our surroundings through a worldview formed by parental influence,
religious upbringing, and life experiences. When we encounter something new, we
compare it with what we already know. Pretty
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.
MyFriendJean says--Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookie of life.
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