SusieQ says--Christmas can be bamboozling folks. Sooooo be careful. It can get in your head.
SusieQ, I hate to tell you, but you are very venerable and you don’t even
know it. Ho Ho Ho! AverageJoe says--Be careful from whom you get your advice. Make sure
they are where you want to go or at least headed there. For sooner or later,
their advice will take you where they are. Make sure you want to go there.
Advice—Last Saturday a couple of friends and I went out for breakfast. They happen to be both
farmers. I asked them if they get good
advice at the grain elevator (i.e. farmers like to go there and talk). They said the advice they get there isn’t
the truth; farmers lie a lot; at least only tell half truths.ha ha They don’t share many of their things that
work. Surely don’t share any of the
things that don't work for them. What!
FarmerHendrick says--They do that on purpose to impress each other or
something like that! ha ha Such if life.
evaluation seems to be soooo hard to do, at least objectively. Sometimes we are tooooo hard on ourselves
and sometimes we aren’t hard enough. I
read the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed (i.e. suggested to me by my
couzLois). Here is a little of it—Why
hadn’t I thought of that? Of ripping
the guide book into sections? Because I
was a big fat idiot and I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, that’s why. And I was alone in the wilderness with a
beast of a load to carry while finding that out…I have been a arrogant asshole
and, in the midst of that, my mother died...It's reality. And reality is what we have to accept, like it or not. Saturday question—What kind of
person are you at Christmas? I really enjoyed this book (i.e. national best
seller). I think she’s a very good
writer—thought provoking and entertaining non-fiction—my opinion!!! My advice is you read it. If you do, let me know what you think of
it. Oh for you non readers, Carrie told me at church that a movie is being done on the book. I goggled it and yes, it's opening December 5.
just crazy. ItchieBitchie says—erv, I’m
not saying you are crazy but it’s just that you have crazy ideas that I’m not
crazy about. Maybe ItchieBitchie, your
crazy idea that my ideas are crazy is just crazy. ItchieBitchie, crazy folks won’t listen to other folks’ crazy
ideas ‘cause they think that their ideas are crazy. Crazy, huh! OneSmatGuy
says—Even a broken clock is right twice a day!
Big butt gift! SlickWillie (i.e. has to be one smart guy as
he has a lot of credentials behind his name) says—I have the perfect gift
suggestion for your wife, girlfriend or significant other, unless she already has a big butt. I didn’t say she was a big butt or she has a
big butt, I’m just saying here is a good gift for her if she doesn’t have a big
butt but would like one. It’s the new
style (i.e. I read in the paper soooo it must be right) to have a “fuller rear
end” or some call it a big botty trend.
It’s stylish now to have a curvaceous figure. Soooooo here is the gift idea.
Buy her padded panties that give the appearance of a rounder rump. The paper says they are selling fast, soooo
quite your squawking about what you are going to buy her and get on the
Internet and get some padded panties early.
You will be a hit or get hit! If
she already has a good enough butt (i.e. your opinion), well, go to plan
B! Plan B is (i.e. my suggestion) is
activewear. But then again she might
think you think she has tooooo big of a butt and that could be a problem. It’s a guessing game guys. Have you ever guessed wrong like buying for
her a skimpy pair of sleep wear? I did
one time; Arlene took it back and bought flannel pjs with feet in them (i.e. I
don’t remember if it had a hood or not).
She probably said—You’re killing me Smalls! Such is life.
I wish I wish I wish! ItchieBitchie says--Some folks are never
happy, they are always wishing and wanting and complaining. Joesixpack said--We gain nutten when we are
consistently comparing. Christmas can
do that to a guy. Comparison either
makes us think we are on top or on the bottom.
What! Isn’t that pride or
despair? GeorgeTheCrook says--Neither
one is any good folks.
Golly gosh! I asked a friend who was sitting next to me in Sunday School last Sunday if she likes Christmas. She gave me a very neutral response. Then said, I wish it wouldn't be sooooo commercial (i.e. toooo much Christmas hoopla). She said she really enjoys part of it but not many of the other parts of it. She is hosting an open house in her house for us. She likes entertaining and having friends over. CasualCal says--Much of Christmas is chasing after the wind (i.e. sorta kinda middle school); it's missing what we are shooting at. Ya CasualCal, Christmas has many things that scream for your attention and affections. Such is life.
I saw friends the other morning who I haven't seen for some time. It was soooo much fun laughing about old times. We have had some good ones alright. My friend reminded me of the time we were hunting ducks in the marsh. There was a lot of hunting pressure but we had our boat in the right spot. Maybe 30 ducks circled and circled and came right into our decoys. We both emptied our guns but not one duck dropped. We very humbly sat down in the boat and didn't say a word (i.e. ducked down). Some smart guy in a boat near by hollered--You guys couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a scoop shovel.
Gee whiz! I had breakfast with a friend Monday before we left. This guy has never liked Christmas as long as I have known him. Why! Well, he has an xwife and remarried to a gal who also has a family. Just a lot of confusion and moving parts and stress and unhappiness and messes. And then there is the gift giving he says. He always just can't wait until Christmas is over. He says--Holy-blogny-I-can't-wait-for-Christmas-to-be-over! MyFriend, I suggest you put some gook on it and live with it! It's going to happen no matter what kind of attitude you have. Such is life.
Golly gosh! I asked a friend who was sitting next to me in Sunday School last Sunday if she likes Christmas. She gave me a very neutral response. Then said, I wish it wouldn't be sooooo commercial (i.e. toooo much Christmas hoopla). She said she really enjoys part of it but not many of the other parts of it. She is hosting an open house in her house for us. She likes entertaining and having friends over. CasualCal says--Much of Christmas is chasing after the wind (i.e. sorta kinda middle school); it's missing what we are shooting at. Ya CasualCal, Christmas has many things that scream for your attention and affections. Such is life.
I saw friends the other morning who I haven't seen for some time. It was soooo much fun laughing about old times. We have had some good ones alright. My friend reminded me of the time we were hunting ducks in the marsh. There was a lot of hunting pressure but we had our boat in the right spot. Maybe 30 ducks circled and circled and came right into our decoys. We both emptied our guns but not one duck dropped. We very humbly sat down in the boat and didn't say a word (i.e. ducked down). Some smart guy in a boat near by hollered--You guys couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a scoop shovel.
Gee whiz! I had breakfast with a friend Monday before we left. This guy has never liked Christmas as long as I have known him. Why! Well, he has an xwife and remarried to a gal who also has a family. Just a lot of confusion and moving parts and stress and unhappiness and messes. And then there is the gift giving he says. He always just can't wait until Christmas is over. He says--Holy-blogny-I-can't-wait-for-Christmas-to-be-over! MyFriend, I suggest you put some gook on it and live with it! It's going to happen no matter what kind of attitude you have. Such is life.
can get all those Chinese to buy one Christmas present—Bingo! When we were in China, the folks I talked
tooooo all claimed to be atheists. Soooo the retailers would have to take Christ out of Christmas. But, that shouldn’t be much of a problem. This idea is rather hazy, much like the haze that is constant seen in China!
commercial advertising has a face of a choir boy and a disposition of a pit
bull. Sooooo
Can’tControlYouShoppingBetty be careful.
Do you remember your actions last year?
LuckieEddie says—I suggest you learn to appreciate and enjoy the free
stuff and the small stuff. Quite your
wishing wishing wishing but do something for someone. Use your time for
others—that is a great gift that will make you feel, oh soooo good.

BigLipBoooBirds! As a kid we would get the “wish catalog” out

I was at
a store recently when the check out clerk asked me about Christmas. We had a nice little talk and then she
said—Our Christmas isn’t going to be very big this year. We just plain can’t afford to do toooo much
for our kids; we will do what we can. I
know this family a little and you know what, they will be okay with that. They will do just fine. They are good folks, with good hearts (i.e.
real folks—my kind of folks). I find it
interesting how some families go way over board on gift giving and others
don’t. It isn’t always about the money
folks. I really don’t know for sure why
some folks are sooooo different than others.
I have my thinking though. I
don’t want to hurt any of your feelings sooooo I won’t express it. My opinion isn’t probably right anyway. ItchieBitchie says—If you have a room full
of toys why do you need another room full of toys? Such is life.
away extravaganza! Soooooo how many
Christmas presents are never used. They
are just thrown away or sold on a garage sale next summer. Really.
SusieQ says—Yabut you got to buy them something or they think you don’t
like them. Besides, they give you a
gift. Crazy! A friend told me—It seems that many folks don’t remember the first
part of Christmas-----Christ.
Moderation folks, moderation.
Jesus said—The greatest are determined by the humility of service. Our greatest Christmas gifts were pretty
special. We received our daughter,
Heather, on Christmas Eve day 40 years ago.
Then three years later during the Christmas season, we received our son,
Chet. Gifts that were the greatest and
will never be forgotten. Never! The best presents money can't buy folks.
CadillacJack says—If you have a ship load of money like I
do, things are way different. Christmas
isn’t tooo stressful. You buy them
whatever they want. Maybe even two of
what they want. Personally, I can’t
imagine being a multi-billionaire. I’m
sure some of these folks are good folks.
Talk about needing a shipload of money—A friend told me that her husband
and her sat down and counted up their number of gifts they need for
Christmas. It is a second marriage for
both (i.e. divorce and death). Both had
large families from their first marriages.
There are 144 kids, spouses, grand kids and great grand kids. She said—The gifts are going to be small,
very small! I can’t imagine doing
that. Just can’t. These folks are good folks with good hearts
and very innovative and creative. They
will do it. Yes they will. But I still wish them luck though! Now that
would drive me crazy!
Naive with confidence! Sometimes
it maybe better to be naive with confidence at Christmas. Isn’t that the mentality of children. They have such wonder, excitement,
enthusiasm, vigor etc. It’s really a
great, fun attitude. Besides, it all
comes from Santa anyway, sooooo what’s the big deal about getting what you
want. A friend told me that he was a
sole proprietor business owner for several years. He said--If you have never owned a business, folks, you don’t
know how challenging it can be. He
said—I think many folks have to go into owning their own business being naive
with a lot of confidence. Maybe if they
would have known after their experience before they started, they might not
have done it. Could be friend. Usually everything looks better from the
outside than it is from the inside. I wish that your Christmas experience isn’t
that way!
of life. ItchieBitichie sys--Ya gotta
produce at Christmas folks! Ya got
tooooo! If you don't, you’re toast! Will Muschamp, the fired football coach at FL, told his players after getting fired—"A great example in life. You can work really hard and you can be diligent in what you do, but you've got to have results in life, whether you're in the business world or in the coaching profession. It doesn't matter. You have to produce. Players tell me all the time, 'I'm tryin' hard.' I know, but you're not producing, so we've got to go with somebody else. So that's the message I had for them. Learn the lesson that you've got to produce in life. If you're a salesman you've got to sell. If you're a football coach you need win." Soooo you better produce at Christmas folks! Such is life.
Have a
FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
says—Living is like licking honey off a thorn.
PS Here
is one of the response from my last publish--I just read It's Saturday. I had
round glasses many, many years ago. Wore them for a long time until some
friend, I think it was the female half of one of the couples we hang around
with., told me that they weren't in style anymore. I did not go run out and get
different ones to get back to being "in style", but I did change to
what was perceived to be in style at my next scheduled eye apt. It's funny to
me again how things go in and out of style. I am not sure what I will get next
time I need glasses now. I look at old pictures of me with round glasses and
think I look like a dork...........but most people probably think I look
like a dork no matter what glasses I am wearing.........I can't wait for long
orange shag carpet to come back in style......always liked that.
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