June 27, 2015


Tremendous! All of you folks are SmackBangTremendous except for one of you.  The "oneofyou" seems to be "interplanetary traveling!"  You are actually on a dog leg left heading right!  Ouchy ouchy!

It's a nice day! You guys are tremendous (i.e. except one of you, like I said, who is a real space cadet) but your attention span isn't very long.  I realize that it takes something pretty exceptional to keep your attention for a very long period of time.  I get bored easily and fast soooo I understand you guys quite well.  Well, most of you anyway!  ItchieBitchie says--Let's be honest, some of you are "lighting in a bottle!"  Years ago a circuit preacher was riding his horse checking on his members and meets a farmer who had was hoeing his fields and greets him with “it’s a nice day”, the farmer responds with “that’s easy for you to say, all you have to do is think about God all day.”  Preachers says “that’s not as easy as you think, as a matter of fact I’ll give you this horse if you only think about God for one full minute.”  So the farmer bows his head and begins seriously thinking about God, after approximately 10 seconds looks up and says “would that include the saddle?”

Saturday question--Have you ever been lost in a "fool's paradise?" LuckieEddie says--Suck it up cupcake.  Let's get going.  We're burning day light! Or as super senor friend, June, said to me at church--"Ya just gotta do it" when I asked her how she was doing!  John "Tremendous" Smith (i.e. anyone can be a John or a Smith but there aren't many John "Tremendous" Smiths around folks) says--Some folks have a "Messiah Conflict" that being they think they are the Messiah.  Ouchy ouchy!  I heard John say--In fact many prayers are "personal comfort and compensation prayers" which are ok but aren't big prayers (i.e. mostly about me myself and I).   

Ironclad ego!  I heard Lebron James say after game 5 of the NBA playoffs--I'm the best player in the world.  Soooo do you like his confidence or do you think he is arrogant?  I assume there are folks in both camps.  He is a tremendous basketball player and probably is the world's best.  CadillacJack says--I know some great folks who don't act or talk like they are great.  I also know some folks who are "not soooo great" but act and talk like they are.  WildWillie says--It all depends which camp you come from.  SusieQ says--Maybe we misinterpreted Lebron's statement!  We do that sometimes you know.  Such is life.

You are one of 7,200,000,000 folks on this earth.  This might scare the bejabbers out of you.  Death a.k.a giving up the ghost, is inevitable for us all (i.e. no matter how tremendous you are or think you are). Medical advances have lowered infant mortality, raised life expectancy, and rebuffed illnesses that once spelled certain death. Despite the advances of technology and hygiene, the death rate still stands at 100 percent. Death still exists as the ultimate barrier, cutting us off from hopes, dreams, and the future. A tourist in Vienna is going through a graveyard and all of a sudden he hears music. No one is around, so he starts searching for the source. He finally locates the origin and finds it is coming from a grave with a headstone that reads: "Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770- 1827." Then he realizes that the music is Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and it is being played backward! Puzzled, he leaves the graveyard and persuades a friend to return with him. By the time they arrive back at the grave, the music has changed. This time it is the Seventh Symphony, but like the previous piece, it is being played backwards. Curious, the men agree to consult a music scholar. When they return with the expert, the Fifth Symphony is playing, again backwards. The expert notices that the symphonies are being played in the reverse order in which they were composed, the 9th, then the 7th, then the 5th. By the next day the word has spread, and a crowd has gathered around the grave. They are all listening to the Second Symphony being played backward. Just then the graveyard's caretaker ambles up to the group. Someone in the group asks him if he has an explanation for the music. "I would have thought it was obvious," the caretaker says: "He's decomposing!"

Plan B!  You can "rent a pastor" to say whatever you want them to say about you at your funeral.  It might cost more for some than for others but every "rent a pastor" has a level of $$$ that they will say the magic words--Our friend was a good person and is now with the Lord in heaven!  Bingo. Done deal.  Everything is hunkiedorie!  My mentor use to say--erv, once someone dies, they are always a lot better person.  LuckieEdie says--Could all be but very few if any of those 2,7000,000,000 really care what the "rent a pastor" says.  The prove is in the pudding!  Saturday question--Do you believe that eternity is indelible?

It feels "oh" soooo tremendous!  It seems at just the right time, many times I get a little encouragement.  Many times a little encouragement comes just when I'm just about ready to give up (i.e. perfect timing). It comes in many different forms and from many different folks.  Tremendous!  It's easy to live when your life is in a  "rose garden" compared to when your life is in a "bunch of weeds"! Some of those encouragements are soooo special from such tremendous folks that they bring tears to my eyes (i.e. I recently received such a one). Have that ever happened to you? I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--There is an oxymoron throughout the Bible. It says that brokenness is strength. How can this be? How can brokenness be strength? In order to use men and women to their fullest extent, the Lord has to break His servants so that they might have a new kind of strength that is not human in origin. It is strength in spirit that is born only through brokenness. Do you folks believe that? Missperfect says--Brokenness is the epitome of encouragement. GeorgeTheCrook says--Come on, that's going a bit over the top Missperfect, isn't it! Such is life.

A tremendous mom is a blessing! Deb says to her son--If you think it might be wrong, it probably is. Soooo. Deb, does your son listen to your advice? I have no idea. He doesn't have any response. Itchiebitchie says--Sooo folks, don't decarbonze your life in being fooled by the foolers; if it stinks a little on the top, you know very well that it will stink a whole lot more when you get to the bottom of the barrel. Abraham Lincoln said--"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." My Mom, Anna, would say--erv, always do what is right! I remember her words but always don't seem to do it. Such is life.

SusieQ asks--Do you want to be made well, healed in some way? Despite our claims to the contrary, if we are honest, we sometimes become comfortable with our various maladies. They can be convenient excuses for our behavior and crutches to give us reason not to seek something that, though better, might require more from us. The question always is--Do we really want to be made well? Do we really want to be tremendous?

LuckieEddie says--I'm not saying let's go kill all the stupid people. I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem work itself out.   

It ain't nutten new folks!  The English theologian William Perkins put it this way: “For look what a person loves most and cares most for and delights most in: that is his God.” Money. Status. Sex. Control. What we love and trust is what we actually worship, even if God’s name is on our lips.  I saw a bumper sticker this week that read: Live simply so others can simply live.  I think most of you folks do just that (i.e. except for that one)!  

ItchieBitchie says--Don't complain that your ice cream is cold!  CadillacJack says--Do you focus on the smallness of your closet and house, or do you see that you have so many clothes and stuff that you don't have room to store them?

They are a treat to be around.  Some folks are sooo inspiring and uplifting to be around (i.e. give a person a tremendous feeling even though their hair is a mess).  They just fill you with hope and just make a person feel "oh soooo goood."  Then there are others who are drags, sorta kinda drag a person through the gutter.  They are regular "kill buttons." Soooo why does a person want to be around the drags if they don't have toooo?  In many cases folks decide not tooooo.  Joesixpack says--I don't care to be around someone who irritates and frustrates me. Why do I want tooooo anyway?  It could be a person's personality, their charisma, their body language, their past, their humbleness, their tone of voice etc.  Usually if you feel this way about this certain person, others do to.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. And then there are Rookie and Jimmer who I just love even when they don't comb their hair--it's just a treat to be around them. Such is life.

Demons! Those demons put ourselves at a tremendous disadvantage.  GeorgeTheCrook says--We maybe at times let our bad feelings drag on endlessly and needlessly.  I read this in the novel Miracle at Augusta--"Yes as stunned as I am by Finchemm's harsh penalty, I'm more undone by Peter's generosity.  How could I have been so wrong about the guy?  I spent thirty years hating a person who didn't exist.  Pressed to come up with an explanation for my dislike, I would have cited his good ol' boy routine and his redneck shtick, but I can see that was nothing but a smokeless smoke scree.  The reason I didn't like Hank Peters is because he is a better golfer than I am.  That's not the abridged edition. It's the entire volume." KindHeartedOldCootStump says--Oh those demons we have in our head that live there rent free!  

To be tremendous! WorldClasLarry says--"I'll never forget the first time I discovered what a feeling was. It was in my early forties. "Surely not!" you may be thinking. Yes, it is true. Since then, I have discovered many men still live in this condition. It took an older mentor to help me understand the difference between information and a feeling. Wives are frustrated because their husbands share information, but not their feelings. They want to know what is going on inside their man. The fact is, most men have not been taught to identify feelings, much less how to share them. It is something that men must learn to do because it is not a natural trait. If they do share their feelings, society often portrays them as weak. No man willingly wants to be portrayed as weak. In order to become an effective friend and leader (i.e.be tremendous), one must learn to be vulnerable with others and develop an ability to share feelings. It is a vital step to becoming a real person with whom others can connect emotionally. This is not easy to do if your parents did not teach you to share your emotional life with others. Emotional vulnerability is especially hard for men." I had the opportunity to have breakfast with some buddies recently.  They actually shared their emotions (i.e. they are tremendous guys and becoming more tremendous--real guys with good hearts).  I really like these guys. Huh, interesting.

A Quote of a hero of mine (i.e. a tremendous person and friend)--"Life isn't about winning and losing," Bear said before ambling away toward the exit. "It's about the journey along the way. I'm more interested in character and integrity and hard work. He's evidence of that." Bear was talking about his son Micheal Greller on fathers day at the U.S. Golf Open.  http://espn.go.com/golf/usopen15/story/_/id/13127962

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

June 20, 2015


Oops! Wait!! Hold it!!! Don’t get discombobulated folks over this “It’s Saturday”. LuckieEddie says--No one understands “It’s Saturday” hardly at all!  LuckieEddie, you are confusing to me.  Some of you folks might think this “It’s Saturday” is tooooo  pejorative..  You think I’m cockeyed! Such is life.

Just cockeyed they said! I noticed in Arizona last winter that my glasses looked like they were bent. So I bent them straight. But, when I put them on my head they were cockeyed. So I took them to the optometrist when we got back to IA and the pretty girl bent them so they fit my head. They said I have a cockeyed head. Now that proves it folks! Huh, interesting.

\Lord, give me strength.  PhylissAskance, no doubt is a very nice lady.  She might be somebody’s grandma.  So out of respect for my betters, I am gong to sheath the stinging dagger of snarkiness and kick from my flip flops the dust of snippiness.  All that said, her tiningin is kind of a silly, absurd idea if you ask me. Her thinking is that God is not sovereign.  She thinks the sovereignty of God is the same as the law of thermodynamics.  What?! Actually PhylissAskance seems to understand cuss words and swear words better. I’m sorry for thinking that way about her!  Well, really I’m not at all! PhylissAskance is sorta kinda out of whack with my thinking.  Just a little bit maybe (i.e. my opinion). But then maybe I'm wrong and she is right.  Could be.  I'm just a little farm boy form a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN. It's like some folks believe in Darwin's theory of evolution and some don't.  Such is life.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Many things on this earth seem cockeyed.  Even heavenly things seem cockeyed to a non believer and even to a believer (e.g. the meek should inherit the earth).  I did read in my footnotes that this means—not so much the attitude toward people as to a disposition before God, namely, humility. But having an attitude of meekness, humility, toward God can be a challenge alright. Most folks are taught to be assertive and show no meekness (i.e. try to be God Almighty themselves).  Really?  Ok, just some folks and at just some times (i.e. probably not you).  DuaneTheWorm doesn’t and never will understand meekness toward God (i.e. he is soooo full of himself that he has a hard time getting his head through the door).  DuaneTheWorm won’t catch on till hell freezes over!  His motto is--I’m here to win (i.e. what ever it takes); onto victory! 

\Excuses excuses excuses!  This is straight from the horse’s mouth a.k.a the paper soooo it has to be right!  You might need some hand holding soooo find someone quick.  It’s no secret that exercise is a critical component to a healthy life…the 3 biggest exercise excuses: 1. I don’t have time 2. I’m not feeling motivated 3. I don’t have the energy (i.e. cockeyed as exercise actually gives a person more energy).  WildWillie says—Most folks don’t like hearing this stuff.  It’s like getting hit with a round house right!  Bingo.

I asked the gal on the beer cart if she was a college student.  She just graduated with a major in education but is going on to get a BSN degree and see once from there.  Soooo do you have any college debt?  Just a little—what’s a little--$31,000—oh!  The average college debt is $31,600 for those who attend private college and $28,300 from public institutions.  That is an average folks soooo there are some with $0 and some with double those figures.  Plus I would guess someone has to kick in some funds as well (i.e. some parents are much more capable to help with $$$ than others).  That debt isn’t sooo bad if you were not misguided into some degree in which you can’t get a job or a job where the pay is soooo low that it makes it difficult to pay it back.  MissPerfect says—That’s when it really pays to marry rich!

\A lot of GIDP is not good folks.  I see my Twins are ahead of the Tigers in the American League Central Division.  Now that will break the hearts of the Thiel boys (i.e. big Detroit fans).  The Twins are on a roll after a slow start.  For those of you who aren’t baseball fans, GIDP stands for “grounded into double play—not good).  GerogeTheCrook says—Some of you folks seem to GIDP a lot.  Not good!  You need to work on your swing or you will be sent down to the minors or worse yet, let go.  Your offensive efficiency is weak.  They can’t afford to have you guys around (i.e. it’s all about the money folks).  And winning is money!  Such is life.  Yabut Yogi Berra, the great Yankee catcher, once remarked about baseball (and life), “It ain’t over till it’s over.” 

I reconnected with a couple of my golf buddies this spring.  I use to play quite a bit of golf with them about 4 years ago when they were 12 or soooo. Now they are 16 and hit the ball a country mile and can shoot par or under sometimes besides being nice young men (i.e. I like their demeanor).  It is rather neat that we are playing together again.  We seem to enjoy each others' company.  I asked them the first time we played if they give putts or putt every thing out--one of them said--it isn't golf unless you hear the ball fall into the cup!  I just read the book Miracle at Augusta by James Patterson and in the story he refers to a favorite statement of his granddad--No gimmes! No mulligans! No bullshit! Let's play golf! That might seem cockeyed to some of you who like to fluff everything.  Thursday, the 3 of us played 9 and my buddies shot 3 and 4 under. Wow! They must of eaten their Wheaties that morning.  And we played the 9 holes in a comfortable hour and 10 minutes.  

 \DSD Happiness is intrinsic to a high quality of life folks (i.e. happiness within ourselves).  DSD stands for Do Something Different folks if you don't know. GeorgeTheCrook says—I think folks who are fundamentalist are less happy.  What do you think?  Joesixpack says—It appears to me that folks who do acts of kindness are happier than those who don’t (i.e. those acts of kindness sorta kinda lift their spirits up). What do you think folks?  It also appears that folks who count their blessings each day are happier.  Do you guys do that or do you think it’s just a bunch of baloney?  WonderWomanEdna, who always seems happy says—Experiences, activities, physical activity, compassion and humility make me happy.  Do you guys agree.  Or is this stuff just cockeyed!  Yabut sometimes if you are in a rut and unhappy, we need to plow new ground (i.e. do something different).  Saturday question—What do I have that I can share? Now that might be DSD for some of you guys.  

\SusieQ says--It might sound cockeyed to ya but…sometimes it’s easier to just be average than to be excellent.  I think it’s really true.  It takes a lot of work, change, commitment and even hurts to get better.  The “truth serum” isn’t always easy to take.  The reality is that the structure might have to be changed, personnel might have to be changed, and the stage might have to look differently.  This applies to our lives, business models, education, churches, government or whatever.  WorldClassLarry says--But it takes a lot of work and time and excitement to change (i.e. sometimes a lot of money).  Soooo that is why many times we stay average.  It’s easier to dance around the real issues than to dance to the music. Such is life.. 

Average changes folks!  I read in the paper soooo it must be right that the average woman weighs 166.2 pounds compared to 144.3 in the early 60s.  Men's average weight is 195.5 compared to 160.3.  Seeee, being average is changing and it isn't very hard to be average.  I always told the new volunteers to be excellent and not just be average.  It's soooo easy to be average.  To be excellent you have to be innovative and creative.  To be average all you have to do is show up and kick the can down the hall.  This is my opinion folks--your opinion might be different.    

\They said about Rick Barry (i.e. he was a all-star NBA basketball player)—He could fill it up (i.e. meaning he could get it done).  It seems cockeyed to me--that is--When a person complains about someone but does the same thing themselves.  Crazy!  Or someone who gives advice but doesn’t heed their own advice.  They are sorta kinda full of shenanigans maybe!  This also seems rather cockeyed to DuaneTheWorm—Great people get way excited about other folks’ successes (i.e. by being sincere and not being a hype person to personally gain something for themselves).  That seems cockeyed to glory seekers a.k.a. DuaneTheWorms!  Such is life.

Keep it simple stupid!  Here it is inanutshell folks (i.e. pretty simple but might seem cockeyed to some)—I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--As the great American author Henry David Thoreau once stated:  Our life is frittered away by detail.  …Simply, simplify. In essence, don’t sweat the small stuff. Make your life easier by concentrating on the big picture. Correspondingly, a number of very successful people have adopted this philosophy in their daily routines. Decision Fatigue: Why Many Presidents And CEOs Wear The Same Thing Every Day. Life is complicated enough, don’t allow the little things to dictate your happiness. Simplify, simplify! Whether you love him or hate him President Obama has the most difficult job in the world. As the leader of the most powerful country on the planet, the president has a lot on his plate. Regardless of what he does, he will be criticized. Simply put, he’s got a lot of important things to think about beyond his wardrobe. This is precisely why President Obama wears the same suit every single day. Yet, we might all consider simplifying our lives a bit more by reducing the amount of time we spend thinking about pointless aspects of our day. In the process, one might find that they are significantly less stressed, more productive and more fulfilled. Life is complicated enough, don’t allow the little things to dictate your happiness. Simplify, simplify. One of my golf buddies said to me—I probably won’t play very well today.  I’m really sore as I was working on all my stuff yesterday.  I told him to get rid of some of his stuff.  He said--I don’t have near as much stuff as some! Ouchy ouchy!  Such is life.

\Seems cockeyed but...! A friend tore his alkalies tendon playing pickleball (i.e. I think he was trying to impress the gals).  He told me joking--I need to to sue someone for this.  It has to be some one's fault other than my my own.  I told him he can sue anyone and everyone he wants if you have enough money.  Then those poor suckers need to to defend themselves.  Usually the only folks who make any money are the attorneys.  Folks can accuse anyone of anything (i.e. if it's true or not).  Anyone can perceive something of someone if it's true or not.  It's really hard to defend yourself in many situations like that (e.g. bullying using social media).  TerrySlick says--In the advertising business we often say that "perception is reality" for the person who views our advertising message. It does not matter whether the audience believes the message to be true, only that they perceive it to be true. Their actions will be the same whether they believe it or only perceive it. ~  Have you ever got fouled by a mirage (e.g. a deception).  Man I misinterpreted that scene.  I was really faked out.  They really got in my head and I took it hook, line and sinker. Maybe I'm just Mr.Easy. Such is life.

It seems cockeyed but...!  A tourist stops at a small hotel, puts a $100 bill on the counter, and goes to inspect a room.  The owner takes the bill and rushes off to pay the butcher, to home owes $100.  The butcher races to his wholesaler and pays of his won $100 debt.  The wholesaler hurries to the farmer and gives him $100 for the pigs he bought.  The farmer hands over $100 to the party planner who set up his bachelor bash.  The party planner heads to the hotel to pay the $100  she owes for the party room and lays the bill on the counter.  At that point, the tourist returns to the front desk, says that the room is unsatisfactory, picks up the $100, and departs.  The tourist has his money back, and everyone else is $100 ahead by reducing his or her debt by that amount.  Could this be the answer to the debt crisis?

It seems cockeyed but--"Some of the worlds greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible." Doug Larson English gold-medalist runner  ~ It's the U.S. Open time folks.  Jack Nicklaus said this week--If a player complained about the golf course, that is one player I never had to worry about beating me!  Huh, interesting.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Everything comes to him who waits, if he works while he waits. 

June 13, 2015


CadillacJack says--I love to read about negative stuff.  Why he does I have no idea but he does and it seems that he's pretty much like everyone else. What folks don't like to read about is advice.  No way.  You know why, most folks know most everything (e.g. I read in the paper soooo it must be right)--Trump said--My Gucci store tops Romney's worth!  Now that is a little arrogant.  But folks like to read arrogant stuff as well I guess. It sells papers.  It's all about the money!  Such is life.

Knowitalls! Coach Prohm (i.e. the new basketball coach at ISU) is said to be "not one of those know-it-alls."  He's a guy who wants to learn  (i.e. I read it in the paper soooo it must be right).  I wonder if his parents thought the same when he was a kid.  Kids always seem to know a lot and those kids don't think their parents do.  ItchieBitche says--Some folks never grow out of that season of their life.  Ouchy ouchy! MissPerfect says--Usually every bridge club has one "now it all"!  GossipQueenSally says--You're lucky if you only have one "know it all" in your bridge club. I have competition! Such is life.

Many times children (i.e. of all ages) say to their parents—Mom and pop, I’ve heard enough advice, enough is enough!  I have heard enough.  I’m out of here. Didn't the prodigal son say something like that?

Hamlet Act 1, scene 3 78-82 ~ “to thine own self be true” is Polonius’s last piece of advice to his son Laertes, who is in a hurry to get on the next boat to Paris, where he’ll be safe from his father’s long-winded speeches.

Okay, maybe this “It’s Saturday” is just catharsis or maybe its just purgation.  Could be.  It’s hard to know sometimes.  You ever have that feeling when you think you’re swimming with the sharks?  You ever question yourself?

Joesixpack says--We all probably think
we are smarter than we are.  Have you every tried to advise your neighbor’s dog not to shit on your lawn?  Have you ever tried to advise your neighbor to not let his dog shit on your lawn?

A husband’s advice!  A husband was giving his (i.e. about 50ish wife...a friend) advice—He was telling her to be more competitive in running.  You came in second in your age division soooo why don’t you try a little harder and be #1.  She said to him.  I don’t care!  I’m happy to be #2 or whatever.  He couldn’t understand that.  She and I had a nice conversation about how she is not competitive and her husband is very competitive.  In fact, when they got married, folks wondered if it was a good idea as they were soooo opposite.  Saturday question—Is it better to be laid back or competitive?
She's a sweetheart! I was running on my normal 3 mile route and stopped and visited with a friend.  She is a dear friend for a long long time of Arlene and I.  We discussed Arlene and her condition.  She cried.  She has such a good heart (i.e. good hearted and real—my kind of person).  She talked about a poem I used in my blog maybe in March (i.e. several folks have communicated with me about it).  She cried again.  Ya, that is a real poem alright.  Here it is again.  It’s worth a reprint I think.

I’m going to stick my neck out here--I bet all of you have had adversities in your life and I hope all of you have had some prosperity (i.e. everything is relative—right).  When I do orientations for new volunteers for Wheaten Franciscan Health Care, we talk about respect, excellence, diversity, and integrity.  Most of the young folks don’t know what integrity is.  Interesting.  Sooo do you know what integrity is?  Joesixpack says—The greatest tests come not in great adversities, but in great prosperity (i.e. very few folks can handle prosperity).  SusieQ says--It is a high calling to uphold His righteousness and integrity.  How are you and I doing do you think? "I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity." - 1 Chronicles 29:17a  You don’t even have to believe in God to have integrity.  Did you know that?  It’s not just a God thing (e.g. service with integrity). The "OtherWarreninOMaha" says--Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

You ever try to give God advice? Does it work?  Do you think He's impressed? SusieQ says--Some of you guys are pretty smart or think you are anyway.  Have you ever talked to someone who doesn't know anything about the subject matter that you are talking about?  Have you ever been in a conversation that you know nutten about the subject matter?  CrazyMarvin says--No matter if you have Trump's net worth (i.e. which he brags about), I wonder if God is really impressed and listens any more than he does to a person who financially is day to day.  What do you think?  Come on, you have an opinion. I know you do 'cause SusieQ said you are pretty smart!  Smart compared to what I don't know but she says you are smart soooo you are smart. Using my pea sized human mind, I can somewhat understand this statement--His understanding I cannot fathom! Such is life.   

Yummy! You didn't think something that tastes that good would come without a catch (i.e. catch 22), did you? MissPerfect says a.k.a. advice -- If it’s good, it’s probably not good for you. But if you don’t pack it in like a hog, maybe a little is ok (i.e. moderation my friend, moderation).  Big on the maybe.  But 2TonTillie can’t stop with just a little.  That is the problem folks, you gotta stop with one or two, you can’t eat the whole bag..  We can all be 2TonTillies at times if it’s something we really like.   Joesixpack advice is--Sooo it seems it’s better not to have the first one.  Then you won’t eat the whole bag.  Such is life.

Conquer or be conquered!  “The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile” ~ Plato~  Do we or can we really conquer our life?  I wonder!  Maybe we can conquer part of our life for a short period of time but do we ever really conquer our life? LuckieEddie says--erv, why do you even think about it—do you have a snoot full or something!  You have sooooo little control over your life.  What?  I think I do and I think I don’t (i.e. a catch 22)!  Is that confusing to you as it is to me?  It’s also problematic!  Ya got to remember, I’m just a little farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  I like to read Ecclesiastes as the author deals with this debate.  But the author has a conclusion—The conclusion (i.e. end of the matter) is fear (i.e. fear meaning being in awe) God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.   And you know what, that doesn’t make sense to many folks.  Sooooo can we really conquer our lives (i.e. another catch 22).  CausualCal says—There are a lot of ifs, buts, I don’t knows in our lives!  The fellow who says he has it all figured out might be fooling himself.  Just maybe.  If a person is cocky, wait until tomorrow when his neighber’s dog shits on his lawn! 

Analogy maybe.  Where is the Roman Empire or the Babylonian Empire?  They were maybe a couple of  the greatest empires ever.  Where are they.  They seemed to have conquered the world.  GeorgeTheCrook says--Here is some cheap advice--Don't think you are sooo great (i.e. be soooo arrogant)!  Things can change.  They usually do.  You aren't soooo God Almighty.  A case of Alzheimer's or shingles (i.e. draconian reality) will explain that to ya!  Bytheway--History says that the Chaldeans had built their city and their empire upon their strength, their greed, and the blood of those they killed to achieve it.  Huh, interesting. Saturday question--Does history repeat it's self?

There is sympathy and empathy!  There is a difference folks. Sympathy is a feeling of pity or sorrow because of someone else's suffering.  Empathy is the ability to identify with, understand, and share another's feelings. Sympathy can only imagine another person's suffering, while empathy knows exactly how the sufferer feels because of having suffered the same way. Arlene has had shingles for 3+ weeks (i.e. it's raining in my heart) and a neighbor came over (i.e. a cancer survivor and past 5 week shingle sufferer) with an idea for a certain pain relief mediation which she learned about after her painful experience with shingles..  She had empathy and sympathy for Arlene.  That is a caring person folks.  Hey, I have become sorta kinda an expert in shingles!  Not by choice folks.  If you want free advice, let me know!!!!!!  Remember, you get what you pay for! Oh that advice. I tell you what folks, you don't want to be the 1 of the 3! Such is  life.

And there is a difference what we have control over and what we don't.  Some illnesses we just get them or we don't (e.g. Alzheimer's or shingles--Arlene did have the shingles shot).  They seem to be genetic or something. Some we have control over by exercise and our eating habits and our attitude and our life style.  It's harder for me to sympathize with folks who could control their illness but decide not toooo (i.e. that is how I feel).  Analogy maybe--Martin Luther said this about sin--You can't keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building a nest in your hair.  As a friend told me--It's our decision and we are in control of our decisions.  And decisions have consequences folks! Such is life.  

She walked up and tied her old mule to the hitching post.  As she stood there brushing some of the dust from her face and cloths, a young gunslinger stepped out of the saloon with a gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. The young gunslinger looked at the old woman and laughed, “Hey old woman, have you ever danced?” The old woman looked up at the gunslinger and said, “no, I never did dance…never really wanted to.”  A crowd had gathered as the gunslinger grinned and said, “Well, you old bag, you’re gonna dance now,” and started shooting at the old woman’s feet.  The old woman prospector not wanting to get her toe blown off—started hopping around.  Everybody was laughing. When his last bullet had been fired, the young gunslinger, still laughing, holstered his gun and turned around to go back into the saloon.  The old woman turned to her pack mule, pulled out a double-barreled shotgun, and cocked both hammers.  The loud clicks carried clearly through the desert air. The crowd stopped laughing immediately.  The young gunslinger heard the sounds, too, and he turned around very slowly.  The silence was almost deafening.  The crowd watched as the young gunman stared at the old woman and the large gaping holes of those twin barrels.  The barrels of the shotgun never wavered in the old woman’s hands. As she quietly said, “Son, have you ever kissed a mule’s ass?”  The gunslinger swallowed hard and said, “No m’am…but…I’ve always wanted to.”  Advice—Never be arrogant, don’t waste ammunition, whiskey makes you think you’re smarter than you are, always, and always make sure you know who has the power.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendfJean says—It takes a whole life to learn how to live.

June 6, 2015

Tell on myself

Greetings earthlings!  I’m human and you are human soooo we have something in common.  But "ofsomeofmythinkingstuff" you might not relate to the same way as I do (i.e. big on the maybe).  But maybe.  Could be!  I don’t know.  Sooooo if you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, I understand.  Maybe you come from the other side of the tracks than I do (e.g. if we weren’t raised in the bad side of Baltimore, we probably don’t think the same as those folks that were).  What do you think?  I'm telling on my self here folks--Ya, I had a reader tell me that they think I have lost a screw!  

SUNDAY--The pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for answered prayers.  Suzie Smith stood and walked to the podium. She said, "I have a praise." Two months ago, my husband, Phil, had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the doctors didn't know if they could help him." You could hear a muffled gasp from the men in the congregation as they imagine the pain that poor Phil must have experienced. "Phil was unable to hold me or the children," she went on, "and every move caused him terrible pain." We prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation, and it turned out they were able to piece together the crushed remnants of Phil's scrotum, and wrap wire around it to hold it in place." Again, the men in the congregation cringed and squirmed uncomfortably as they imagined the horrible surgery performed on Phil. "Now," she announced in a quivering voice, "thank the Lord, Phil is out of the hospital and the doctors say that with time, his scrotum should recover completely." All the men sighed with unified relief. The pastor rose and tentatively asked if anyone else had something to say. A man stood up and walked slowly to the podium. He said, "I'm Phil." The entire congregation held its breath. "I just want to tell my wife the word is sternum." 

I have been a “showroomer”! I admit it.  I’m telling on myself. I read it in the paper that folks with smart phones do showrooming.  I’m just a miniature one though.  Really.  I was electronically saving my passwords in LastPass (i.e. I use LastPass ‘cause my nephew-in-law a.k.a. the wizard recommended it) and I learned something else.  I learned what plugins are.  I didn’t know exactly what they were sooooo I goggled it for a definition.  It said—COMPUTING A plug-in module or plug-in software.  The funny part was that it also said—CANADIAN An electric outlet for plugging in the block heater of a vehicle in order to keep the engine warm! It made me think of my Canadian friends.  It just made me laugh.  Same word but different meanings!

I listen but sometimes don’t hear what others are saying.  It might be because we are from different generations, have had different environments, have different genes, have different education, or have different egos.  And those are only a few.  There are probably many more reasons.  I believe I just don’t understand many folks.  And I would guess many don’t understand me.  Such is life.

The headline in the paper read--'Tonight Show’ jokes about age of
the Iowa Republicans.  Jimmy Fallon leaned on one of the state’s iconic pop culture references to poke fun at Iowans in the Grand Old Party, whose members are, on average, considerably older than Democrats. “I don’t want to say Republican voters are getting old, but half of those guests were baseball players who walked out of a nearby cornfield,” Fallon said.  “If you caucus, they will come.”  Ok folks, if the rural areas have more Republicans, that probably means they are older (i.e. if that statement is true).  Then those rural areas won’t  be as open to change.  Do you think that is right?

Young voters helped gay marriage win by 62%.  I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right--Friday's emphatic 'Yes" vote to same-sex marriage rights represents a seismic shift in the nation's social liberalization and challenges the Roman Catholic Church to rethink its role in Irish society.  The  Archbishop said--We must not move into denial of the realities...it's a social revolution...the church has a huge task.

I didn’t know what emojis were.  I recently played 9 holes with some buddies.  I really enjoyed myself and my buddies.  We walked.  One of my buddies said he hasn’t done this in the last 20 years.  We didn’t keep score either as there was no score cards left.  I know what I shot and probably everyone else knows what they shot tooooo but it wasn’t a competition between us.  We had great fellowship.  I learned something tooooooo!  I learned what emojis are. It’s actually amazing what I learn with these guys.  Just amazing! 

My rumpus! ItchieBitchie says--I'm a peace loving person, but there is one person walking around this Earth who I would like to paint with hollandaise sauce and toss into a running limb shredder. Did you ever draw a boundary line around someone? You worried that he or she was too fanatical or too dangerous to be around (i.e. they smell and taste like bad milk). Maybe I need my eyes to be opened.  Or am I just being careful?  Am I not tender enough or toooo leery or what? That's my rumpus folks!

More personal hubbub! Well call 911!  I really don’t like to see panhadlers and don’t like to look at them in the eyes when I stop at a stop sign and they’re looking right at me.  They just don’t make me feel good! I give to some and not to others; why, I don’t know for sure (i.e. scientists are still looking into that). I sometimes put fences around certain folks (i.e. don’t want them in my mind as they bother me—little tooooo skanky for me).  That is why we have 55+ gated retirement communities in AZ with fences around them (i.e. toooo keep those other folks out of our minds and lives).  Many times we do put fences around folks who make us "head scratchers" (i.e. our opinions) or make us feel bad (i.e. they affect our emotions).  I sometimes treat them like they have dangerous bacteria that I might catch!   Joesixpack says—erv, I think you are right on the money!  Joesixpack, don’t be too certain, I’m right about 52% of the time soooo it’s about a flip of the coin! 

Two men were riding their horses down a country road, discussing the question of motivation. One believed we’re capable of pure motives, even without Christ. The other disagreed. They came to a ditch where a pig had gotten tangled up in fencing and was struggling to extricate himself. The latter gentlemen got down in the mud and managed to free the animal, though he ruined his clothing. Resuming their trip, the first man said, “There! That was a selfless act of kindness.” But his friend replied, “No, it was pure selfishness. The only reason I helped that pig was to save myself from the guilt and torment of worrying about him all day.”  MissPerfect says--It's sorta kinda the bifurcation of the folks into social do-gooders and self-serving iconoclasts.  Well, maybe MissPerfect, maybe.  

 My bugaboo!  ItchieBitchie says--If you want to make a change in any part of your life, you got be focused and drill it hard for 30 days. Then 30 days become 60 day and 90 days and bingo, you have made a change (i.e. got to have commitment). !  "We all have dreams, in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort." Jesse Owens Olympic gold-medalist runner. SusieQ says--I have made a change but it seems like I get no results.  I wonder why!  Ya gotta stick to the change (i.e. work, work, work at it relentlessly).  If ya don’t, nutten changes. Guaranteed!  Joesixpack says—It’s a lot easier to fall off the wagon that to stay on it.  Many times an extreme circumstance has to happen in my life to force me to change.  Many times I don’t like those extreme events but they do affect my life.  Yes they do.  CrazyMarvin says—Have ya ever just snapped out of something?  It seems like young kids and young adults do that some times.  They seem to just snap out of their rut.  Why, there are probably many reasons.  It appears that the older folks get, the harder it is for them to “snap out of it”!  Why is that do you think? I have learned that the right answer can change over time.  I need to keep looking and looking and looking!  The right answer might change as my environment changes!  Such is life. 

Happenstance, na, I don't think so folks!  I had a conversation with a son of my mentor recently (i.e. my mentor has been dead for 3 years now).  He told me that when his mother (i.e. my mentor's wife) died, his dad (i.e. my mentor), himself and his wife went to their lake cabin for a week.  My mentor either cried or slept the entire week.  They never talked about it but just left him along.  After the week was up, they headed back home.  They were really worried that he would stay this way.  But no!  He just snapped out of it and it was done.  Why I asked.  They didn't know but thought he decided he had go forward or stay in this sad situation and he decided to go forward.  Huh, interesting. 

Triple Crown!  Do you think American Pharaoh will do it today in the Belmont Stakes?  I tell you what, I'm putting my money on WinIfYouWantToProvideSudServiceInTheFuture.  That horse might look like a dog but can it run when it wants toooooooo! It's Jockey #5 YouBetterRunFastOrWeAreBothDogMeat has informed him of the importance of him winning (i.e. he has been whispering it in his ear). He understands what a win means (i.e. stud service or dog meat).   

Some old fart has this on his golf cart!
Some folks are flexible and others are not! The other Sunday it was sooooo windy outside (i.e. IA has a lot of wind in the spring it seems).  I took a nap!  It use to be sorta kinda a tradition in our family as a kid to take a nap Sunday afternoons.  Is that still done by lot of you guys?  Then after the nap time, we would some times go over to our grandparents, Nick and Gertie, for coffee or tea.  I was talking to a senior adult friend about him taking an afternoon nap—his wife said, A NAP, are you kidding me!;  he takes 4 or 5 naps every day—he said, I’m flexible!!  

Telling on myself—My life thoughts have changed over the years, oh ya!  Onesmartperson suggested I get a free credit report and score—how come, I’m not going to borrow any money—well, you can check to see if you have any old credit cards that you forgot about and also it’s just good business.  Sooooo I did it using  https://www.creditkarma.com/  It was pretty friendly.  It might tell something about you that is incorrect or correct.  I had only one source of credit for them to evaluate me (i.e. credit card).  I use my credit card for most everything but have never paid one cent of interest (i.e. I pay it off each month—sorta kinda have your cake and eat it tooooo).  The credit card company actually pays me to use their card!  CA-Dad taught his daughter to not carry a balance and pay up to 20% interest.  At first she just didn’t get it. But she caught on.  My Daddy, Chester, would say—erv, interest is something they pay me, not what I pay them! Such is life.

I tell you what folks!  My life gets dirty and I don’t even know it.  It’s soooo gradual with all the curd and crap that sticks on it like those barnacles that attach to the side of whales.  I don’t even notice it until I start power washing my life.  Then, wow, I find out I have some major dirt on me (i.e. and I didn’t even know it).  Huh, interesting.  My buddy (i.e. he is easy to like) let me use his power washer to clean our drive.  I had no idea it was that dirty.  Huh, interest

Have a FUN day my friends unless you  have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Your ulcers are not due to what you are eating but to what is eatin' you.