Oops! Wait!! Hold
it!!! Don’t get discombobulated folks over this “It’s Saturday”. LuckieEddie
says--No one understands “It’s Saturday” hardly at all! LuckieEddie, you are confusing to me. Some of you folks might think this “It’s
Saturday” is tooooo pejorative.. You think I’m cockeyed! Such is life.
Just cockeyed they said! I
noticed in Arizona last winter that my glasses looked like they were bent. So I
bent them straight. But, when I put them on my head they were cockeyed. So I
took them to the optometrist when we got back to IA and the pretty girl bent
them so they fit my head. They said I have a cockeyed head. Now that proves it
folks! Huh, interesting.
\Lord, give me strength. PhylissAskance, no doubt is a very nice lady. She might be somebody’s grandma. So out of respect for my betters, I am gong to sheath the stinging dagger of snarkiness and kick from my flip flops the dust of snippiness. All that said, her tiningin is kind of a silly, absurd idea if you ask me. Her thinking is that God is not sovereign. She thinks the sovereignty of God is the same as the law of thermodynamics. What?! Actually PhylissAskance seems to understand cuss words and swear words better. I’m sorry for thinking that way about her! Well, really I’m not at all! PhylissAskance is sorta kinda out of whack with my thinking. Just a little bit maybe (i.e. my opinion). But then maybe I'm wrong and she is right. Could be. I'm just a little farm boy form a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN. It's like some folks believe in Darwin's theory of evolution and some don't. Such is life.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on
it--Many things on this earth seem cockeyed.
Even heavenly things seem cockeyed to a non believer and even to a
believer (e.g. the meek should inherit the earth). I did read in my footnotes that this means—not so much the
attitude toward people as to a disposition before God, namely, humility. But
having an attitude of meekness, humility, toward God can be a challenge
alright. Most folks are taught to be assertive and show no meekness (i.e. try
to be God Almighty themselves).
Really? Ok, just some folks and
at just some times (i.e. probably not you). DuaneTheWorm
doesn’t and never will understand meekness toward God (i.e. he is soooo full of
himself that he has a hard time getting his head through the door). DuaneTheWorm won’t catch on till hell
freezes over! His motto is--I’m here to
win (i.e. what ever it takes); onto victory!

I asked the gal on the beer cart if she was a college
student. She just graduated with a
major in education but is going on to get a BSN degree and see once from
there. Soooo do you have any college
debt? Just a little—what’s a
little--$31,000—oh! The average college
debt is $31,600 for those who attend private college and $28,300 from public
institutions. That is an average folks
soooo there are some with $0 and some with double those figures. Plus I would guess someone has to kick in
some funds as well (i.e. some parents are much more capable to help with $$$
than others). That debt isn’t sooo bad
if you were not misguided into some degree in which you can’t get a job or a
job where the pay is soooo low that it makes it difficult to pay it back. MissPerfect says—That’s when it really pays
to marry rich!
\A lot of GIDP is not good folks. I see my Twins are ahead of the Tigers in the American League Central Division. Now that will break the hearts of the Thiel boys (i.e. big
Detroit fans). The Twins are on a roll
after a slow start. For those of you
who aren’t baseball fans, GIDP stands for “grounded into double play—not
good). GerogeTheCrook says—Some of you
folks seem to GIDP a lot. Not
good! You need to work on your swing or
you will be sent down to the minors or worse yet, let go. Your offensive efficiency is weak. They can’t afford to have you guys around
(i.e. it’s all about the money folks).
And winning is money! Such is
life. Yabut Yogi Berra, the great Yankee catcher, once remarked about baseball (and life), “It ain’t over till it’s over.”
I reconnected with a couple of my golf buddies this spring. I use to play quite a bit of golf with them about 4 years ago when they were 12 or soooo. Now they are 16 and hit the ball a country mile and can shoot par or under sometimes besides being nice young men (i.e. I like their demeanor). It is rather neat that we are playing together again. We seem to enjoy each others' company. I asked them the first time we played if they give putts or putt every thing out--one of them said--it isn't golf unless you hear the ball fall into the cup! I just read the book Miracle at Augusta by James Patterson and in the story he refers to a favorite statement of his granddad--No gimmes! No mulligans! No bullshit! Let's play golf! That might seem cockeyed to some of you who like to fluff everything. Thursday, the 3 of us played 9 and my buddies shot 3 and 4 under. Wow! They must of eaten their Wheaties that morning. And we played the 9 holes in a comfortable hour and 10 minutes.

Happiness is intrinsic to a high quality of life folks (i.e. happiness within
ourselves). DSD stands for Do Something Different folks if you don't know. GeorgeTheCrook says—I
think folks who are fundamentalist are less happy. What do you think?
Joesixpack says—It appears to me that folks who do acts of kindness are
happier than those who don’t (i.e. those acts of kindness sorta kinda lift
their spirits up). What do you think folks?
It also appears that folks who count their blessings each day are
happier. Do you guys do that or do you
think it’s just a bunch of baloney?
WonderWomanEdna, who always seems happy says—Experiences, activities,
physical activity, compassion and humility make me happy. Do you guys agree. Or is this stuff just cockeyed!
Yabut sometimes if you are in a rut and unhappy, we need to plow new
ground (i.e. do something different).
Saturday question—What do I have that I can share? Now that might be DSD for some of you guys.
\SusieQ says--It might sound cockeyed to ya but…sometimes it’s easier to just be average than to be excellent. I think it’s really true. It takes a lot of work, change, commitment and even hurts to get better. The “truth serum” isn’t always easy to take. The reality is that the structure might have to be changed, personnel might have to be changed, and the stage might have to look differently. This applies to our lives, business models, education, churches, government or whatever. WorldClassLarry says--But it takes a lot of work and time and excitement to change (i.e. sometimes a lot of money). Soooo that is why many times we stay average. It’s easier to dance around the real issues than to dance to the music. Such is life..
Average changes folks! I read in the paper soooo it must be right that the average woman weighs 166.2 pounds compared to 144.3 in the early 60s. Men's average weight is 195.5 compared to 160.3. Seeee, being average is changing and it isn't very hard to be average. I always told the new volunteers to be excellent and not just be average. It's soooo easy to be average. To be excellent you have to be innovative and creative. To be average all you have to do is show up and kick the can down the hall. This is my opinion folks--your opinion might be different.
\They said about Rick Barry (i.e. he was a all-star NBA
basketball player)—He could fill it up (i.e. meaning he could get it done). It seems cockeyed to me--that is--When a person complains about someone but
does the same thing themselves. Crazy! Or someone who gives advice but doesn’t heed
their own advice. They are sorta kinda
full of shenanigans maybe! This also
seems rather cockeyed to DuaneTheWorm—Great people get way excited about
other folks’ successes (i.e. by being sincere and not being a hype person to
personally gain something for themselves).
That seems cockeyed to glory seekers a.k.a. DuaneTheWorms! Such is life.
Keep it
simple stupid! Here it is inanutshell
folks (i.e. pretty simple but might seem cockeyed to some)—I read this while
eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--As the great American author Henry David
Thoreau once stated: Our life is
frittered away by detail. …Simply,
simplify. In essence, don’t sweat the small stuff. Make your life
easier by concentrating on the big picture. Correspondingly, a number of
very successful people have adopted this philosophy in their daily
routines. Decision Fatigue: Why Many Presidents And CEOs Wear The
Same Thing Every Day. Life is complicated enough, don’t allow the little
things to dictate your happiness. Simplify, simplify! Whether you love him
or hate him President Obama has the most difficult job in the world. As
the leader of the most powerful country on the planet, the president has a
lot on his plate. Regardless of what he does, he will be criticized. Simply
put, he’s got a lot of important things to think about beyond
his wardrobe. This is precisely why President Obama wears the same suit
every single day. Yet, we might all consider simplifying our lives a bit
more by reducing the amount of time we spend thinking about
pointless aspects of our day. In the process, one might find that they are significantly
less stressed, more
productive and more fulfilled. Life is complicated enough, don’t allow the
little things to dictate your happiness. Simplify, simplify. One of my
golf buddies said to me—I probably won’t play very well today. I’m really sore as I was working on all my
stuff yesterday. I told him to get rid
of some of his stuff. He said--I don’t
have near as much stuff as some! Ouchy ouchy!
Such is life.
\Seems cockeyed but...! A friend tore his alkalies tendon playing pickleball (i.e. I think he was trying to impress the gals). He told me joking--I need to to sue someone for this. It has to be some one's fault other than my my own. I told him he can sue anyone and everyone he wants if you have enough money. Then those poor suckers need to to defend themselves. Usually the only folks who make any money are the attorneys. Folks can accuse anyone of anything (i.e. if it's true or not). Anyone can perceive something of someone if it's true or not. It's really hard to defend yourself in many situations like that (e.g. bullying using social media). TerrySlick says--In the advertising business we often say that "perception is reality" for the person who views our advertising message. It does not matter whether the audience believes the message to be true, only that they perceive it to be true. Their actions will be the same whether they believe it or only perceive it. ~ Have you ever got fouled by a mirage (e.g. a deception). Man I misinterpreted that scene. I was really faked out. They really got in my head and I took it hook, line and sinker. Maybe I'm just Mr.Easy. Such is life.
It seems cockeyed but...! A tourist stops at a small hotel, puts a $100 bill on the counter, and goes to inspect a room. The owner takes the bill and rushes off to pay the butcher, to home owes $100. The butcher races to his wholesaler and pays of his won $100 debt. The wholesaler hurries to the farmer and gives him $100 for the pigs he bought. The farmer hands over $100 to the party planner who set up his bachelor bash. The party planner heads to the hotel to pay the $100 she owes for the party room and lays the bill on the counter. At that point, the tourist returns to the front desk, says that the room is unsatisfactory, picks up the $100, and departs. The tourist has his money back, and everyone else is $100 ahead by reducing his or her debt by that amount. Could this be the answer to the debt crisis?
\Seems cockeyed but...! A friend tore his alkalies tendon playing pickleball (i.e. I think he was trying to impress the gals). He told me joking--I need to to sue someone for this. It has to be some one's fault other than my my own. I told him he can sue anyone and everyone he wants if you have enough money. Then those poor suckers need to to defend themselves. Usually the only folks who make any money are the attorneys. Folks can accuse anyone of anything (i.e. if it's true or not). Anyone can perceive something of someone if it's true or not. It's really hard to defend yourself in many situations like that (e.g. bullying using social media). TerrySlick says--In the advertising business we often say that "perception is reality" for the person who views our advertising message. It does not matter whether the audience believes the message to be true, only that they perceive it to be true. Their actions will be the same whether they believe it or only perceive it. ~ Have you ever got fouled by a mirage (e.g. a deception). Man I misinterpreted that scene. I was really faked out. They really got in my head and I took it hook, line and sinker. Maybe I'm just Mr.Easy. Such is life.
It seems cockeyed but--"Some of the worlds greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were
impossible." Doug Larson English gold-medalist runner ~ It's the U.S. Open time folks. Jack Nicklaus said this week--If a player complained about the golf course, that is one player I never had to worry about beating me! Huh, interesting.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Everything comes to him who waits, if he works while he waits.
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