July 27, 2019

on boy!

Pretty much every morning when I get Arlene up, I say to her, “Oh boy.”  She usually says back to me with a smile, “Oh boy!”  I have no idea where this “It’s Saturday” is going. But I do know that my ears are ringing.  SuperGlueMary says—erv, that means that someone is talking about you.  Sooooo do you think the talking is ridiculous opinions about my writings?  That sorta kinda makes me feel like a painting in a museum!  Ouchy ouchy!

Help! I need your help. Oh boy!  How does the saying go?  Is it you have a minute and a half to get your heart out of your throat or is it you have a minute and a half to get our head out of your butt?  I forget. Oh boy! Yogi Berra said-- If you ask me anything I don’t know, I’m not going to answer. Oh boy!  In the seventies, a TV commercial for an automobile oil filter made this line famous: “You can pay me now or you can pay me later. That statement is sorta kinda true I think; if you don’t take care of something, you will pay for it later.  I think that is with soooooo many things and not just oil filters or maintenance on your car.   It’s even about somethings that we don’t even know yet.  Some think one of the greatest lines in the Bible is by Job when he said, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee.”  Do you think that is magnificent or maybe sublime or maybe a word of impudence?  That is what I thought.  WorldClassLarry says—Time is the fairest and toughest judge.

You might say “Oh boy” when you read this “It’s Saturday” and push the delete button as you don’t agree with me to a point that I make you mad.  Oh boy!  I was at a church meeting years ago when a friend got hot under the color and got up and left (i.e. folks didn’t agree with him about his opinion).  I was at a political caucus sitting next to a neighbor who said he had to leave; he was madder than a hornet!  Our family went to church in CO one time when a person gets up and tells everyone that they fired the pastor; many folks got up and left; they were not happy.  Soooooo I say to Arlene sometimes when pushing her in her wheelchair—Hang onto your underwear, here we go!  I don’t think she understand my humor (i.e. just doesn’t understand) all the time; you might not either.  But Arlene always laughs! Oh boy! She is soooo nice to me.  Sooooo cut me some slack and humor me along just a little (i.e. like Arlene does).

I’m not naive enough to think that you agree with me about almost nuttin and everything.  Folks who write and talk can give themselves the illusion of control, and then they realize it’s just an illusion, that folks are going to bring their own stuff into it. Thinking you are in control is like trying to boss your neighbors’ dog around or giving advice to anyone who really doesn’t want your advice for whatever reason).  MissPerfect (i.e. a blue blood) says—Most folks don’t have near as much control as they think they do (i.e. it’s just an illusion)!  CrazyMarvin says—Some folks really like to be in control alright; one is my wife! She wants always to be the alpha dog!  Such is life.

I have found out that if I do just a little of something it can make such a great difference (e.g. if I spend 15 minutes cleaning the garage, it makes such a difference in the appearance and with my attitude).  Soooo if that is the case, why don’t we do more of “just a little bit?”  Oh boy! In our sun porch, the flies all die in one corner.  Why? I have no idea; maybe it’s just a good place to die.  It took me all of 2 minutes to sweep them up.  It made me feel, oh soooo much better.  I have developed such a routine with Arlene that minimizes my effort and is very effective.  After we repeat an action for soooo long we tend to do that I think (i.e. streamline our effort).  It becomes more mechanical maybe but still personal.  And you know what, with Alzheimer’s it really works good for Arlene.  A win-win!  Or it might be what my Daddy, Chester, told me—erv, lazy folks are ingenious! Oh boy!

I multi-task and have done it for years.  It can be a curse or a blessing.  I’m not certain what it is for me.  Part of my multi-tasking is that I had been able to think about multiple things at the same time (i.e. is that really possible).  I don’t think I can do that very well anymore.  I seem to need to concentrate on one thing before I move on to the next.  I don’t know if that is a curse or a blessing.  Oh boy!  It’s sorta kinda what Aristotle Onassis said—I have no friends and no enemies—only competitors.  Now do you think that is a curse for a blessing.  That is what I thought. Oh boy! KermitStudebaker, who gives a lot of free self-help advice, says, “A great hallmark of mental wellness is the ability to be in the present moment, fully and with no thoughts of being elsewhere.”  Hey, maybe I’m working on my mental wellness!  Could be!

GoofieGoofballSam says—There is a lot of money made selling “mights.”  Oh ya, there is. Sales folks say you mightswell get the deluxe tires, advance braking system, super chrome slick on the side of your new car for a little extra.  Also, you might as well get the deluxe extended warranty for only $20 a month more.  You might’swell get the deluxe mud floor mats all around.  We can give a 10% discount if you buy them all for only $350.  This goes on during most sales of most products.  There is a huge massive amount of money made on “mights.”  As the saying goes, there is a sucker born every minute.  Oh boy! AverageJoe says—Yabut erv, my neighbors have that stuff soooo I deserve them toooooo! And besides,  I have enough credit to buy them!  Sooooo there! Such is life.

This week I relearned a most valuable lesson again about myself by the example of another person (i.e. like I don’t like a certain quality of a certain person and don’t want to be like them).  I have implemented this lesson into my life, and it makes me feel good.  But it is hard. Oh boy!  I think age is helping me to be more the way I want to be.  Actually no one will know that I am changing but me.  That is even more fun.  It will be unnoticeable to everyone.  Or I might be thought of as just being “tired.”  My sister and brother-in-law went on a vacation/trip visiting friends of their past.  They stayed at a resort.  They described the resort as “tired.”  Oh boy! I went to a visitation of the family of an old church friend who passed on (i.e. I enjoyed him).  He was 92.  He would say in his last years in his own humorous was, I’m getting toooo old for this job! 

LuckieEddie says—Luck is when an opportunity comes along, and you’re prepared for it.  A local couple was telling me that something seemingly really great just fell into their lap. Oh boy!  They always wanted to farm but didn’t think they would ever have the opportunity but then through some events, they now have the opportunity (i.e. sorta kinda the unexpected).  They are excited.  It sure is a good feeling to be on the receiving end of the unexpected good stuff that can fall into our laps.  But, many of you folks have done things that have created the unexpected good in other folks’ lives.  I know you have.  Now that is pretty neat toooo!  Oh boy!  Sometimes those experiences you created or given to others might not be appreciated by the recipients and in some cases, they don’t even know what you did (i.e. their lives would have been way different) but you know the impact you have had on others.  You are great folks.  I applaud you; yes, I do. 

WorldClassLarry says--You have skills, you can contribute, so do it!  I must admit that my logic with setting up technology programs is not always good.  I need to think through it which could take an hour, a day or a week.  Most times I can figure it out, sometimes with the trial and error method.  Sometimes I call some of you. My mind doesn’t think like a computer and the programs.  Many folks, especially younger folks, it seems like their minds do.  Oh boy!  But ya gotta remember that I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  If I live long enough, there is a chance that I will think like a computer!  But by that time, they will change it on me again! ha ha Such is life.

MissPerfect says—Some declarers always assume the sun will shine.  More successful ones will worry about inclement distribution. We complain a lot but look what I read in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right).  Sooooo if we complain now, we will really complain when things aren’t soooo good.  History tells us that it won’t always stay good.  Are you preparing for the time when things aren’t soooo good? That is what I thought.  Or do you think that things will never be “not as good?”  ButtercupTheCat says—Self-education is the key to making wise decisions about your life, your money and your future.

OneSmartPerson (i.e. who is instant offense) says—An occasional misstep doesn’t brand us as stupid—it makes us real. Oh boy!  ItchieBitchie (i.e. who is sneakie good) says—Well erv, you must be a very real person as you make a lot of missteps.  LuckieEddie (i.e. who is really connected) says—I’m just luckie; it covers up my missteps; it works for me; I’ll take all the luck I can get; I’ll have extra pickles please!

Growing up on the farm a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN we had livestock as most farmers did back then.  Livestock create smells and manure which attract many flies.  Can any you relate to that growing up on the farm?  Can you relate to this—Chester and Anna said to us kids many times—shut the door or you’ll let all the flies in.  It seemed like there were always flies on the screen door. We always had flies in the house and had multi fly swatters (i.e. do they still sell them?).  We have one in our house and I had to use it several times recently; those pesky flies.  Oh boy!  A friend told me this story about his mother when they were growing up on the farm—She had a couple of granddaughters for the day.  She was trying to entertain them soooo she said she would give them a dime for each fly they killed in the house.  The granddaughters thought it was a great idea went at it with vengeance.  Then grandma found out that they opened the door to let more flies in—what a hoot!

We all have memories of “growing up back home” now don’t we.  Jessica, our daughter-in-law, posted this on Facebook about her recent memories but not her thoughts (i.e. I would like to know her thoughts).  It was touching to me.  Maybe it will trigger some of your memories and thoughts.  It did me. ”Views from my morning walk during a quick visit home: cornfields, my elementary and high schools, the homes and gardens of my classmates and family friends, the beautiful stained glass windows of the church I was raised and married in, the quaint city park gazebo, more cornfields... A true walk down memory lane. — in Lanark, Illinois.”

We live in rural IA and that means that we life in the middle of basically a huge massive corn field.  I had this conversation with JoeFarmerFriend this week—oh boy, this is good hot weather for corn growing—ya, we need it as we are behind because of the cold, wet spring; but the corn is growing way toooo fast; it makes the stalks brittle which isn’t good! 

Assignment!  A teacher told me recently that they don’t give as much or as difficult homework anymore because the kids and parents complain that they don’t have time.  She said--The kids don’t have time because they have sports and other activities to do.  You believe that.  That is what I thought.  I will make this assignment easy as I don’t want you guys to complain and call me (i.e. I hate calls from negative folks)!  ha ha    I would like you to think of three positive folks and three negative folks.  Which ones do you prefer to be around.  Coach told me—When you are around the negative folks there are three things you should do.  1. Smile 2. Wish them well 3. Leave them as soon as possible.  Saturday question—Can a person determine if they are a negative person? Oh boy!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Love blooms where kindness is planted.

July 20, 2019


LuckieEddie says--erv, some folks call you an incredible strange unnormal hybrid. Yes, I might deviate from what normal is according to what you think normal is! But God only knows who is normal. Are you normal or an anomaly?  Now I think that depends who you talk toooo. You and me both might be considered normal or an anomaly by some; could be.  Sooooo take that into consideration when reading this “It’s Saturday.” Let’s keep this all between you and me, okay!  Some of you are saying that unnormal should be abnormal. No, 'unnormal' is an abnormal construction in English.  The correct word, as you might have guessed is 'abnormal'. It isn't really abnormal though. Abnormal is completely normal.  It is unnormal that is abnormal.

I watched some of Wimbledon.  Those players are just amazing to me as how good they are.  The good ones seem to win more because they make better shots it seems and do it continuously. Da! They seem to do it for years.  It seems like the same ones win for years.  Now that I don’t understand.  They have to be freaks of some kind.  But time gets them all eventually just like it gets all of us (i.e. we all end up with our toes pointing up).  Now that ain’t soooo freakie, it’s reality!  What is freakie is I’m writing this at 5:45 a.m. sitting in our sun porch on a beautiful, quit morning.  Someone’s dog is barking continuously down the street.  Can’t those folks hear that?  Now that is freakie! Frankly, I think that is not being very courteous. 

AlittledifferentFrank says—I don’t pretend to know or have all the answers (i.e. he is not normal as most folks think they do know most everything). But the questions he asks are sure worth thinking about. CrazyMarvin says—Kids are starting to grow up when they start asking questions that have answers. OneSmartPerson says—Conversation would be vastly improved by the constant use of four simple words: I do not know! OneSmartPerson, I don’t think most normal folks ever use those four simple words!  Ouchy ouchy!

Arlene liked flowers and flower gardening.  I like flowers but not the gardening soooo much but do some as it makes me feel good because Arlene liked it soooo much (i.e. I do it even though she can’t appreciate it anymore).  BUT, I’m not very good at it.  I found some liquid fertilizer in the cabinet that she probably used maybe 10 years ago.  I thought I would try harder and the bottle said—just spray in on the plants to have great plants.  I did; they died!  I asked a flower expert and she said—after soooo many years, the fertilizer broke down; throw all that old stuff away and I will sell you some fresh stuff!  Freakie!  FreakieFredie (i.e. cousin to FastFredie) says—That is the way it is; use it or lose it!  Soooo get your butts of the couch and use your talents! 

Do you folks have warts? My mentor would say to me—erv, everyone has warts, it’s just that we can’t see them.  Sooooo if we strip naked both physically and physiologically, what are those warts?  JoeSixPack says—We have a tendency to cover up our warts as we what to look perfect; but we aren’t.  We are just as freakie as the next person! I recently was around a person who I thought they had it all together; they looked “all soooo perfect.”  But because of a certain situation, their warts were exposed.  And here I thought they were without blemish! 

AverageJoe says--Folks who are different are called freaks sometimes.  They might be doing the right thing or going the right direction, but the world calls them freaks because they are not doing what others think they should be doing (i.e. like them) even if it is wrong.  That reminds me of one of Bob Dylan songs. In declaring his independence from the folk music scene called "Maggie's Farm," Dylan sang, "I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants me to be like them." OneSmartPerson says--Do you sometimes find that even if you can succeed at being the best YOU there is, it seems everybody wants you to be somebody else, mainly like them? I recently heard somebody say that the two most important days of our lives are the day we were born – and the day we figure out why. Sadly, most of us spend so much time trying to be what everybody else wants us to be that we seldom figure out who we are – or why we are like that. SusieQ says—That is why we need to be freaks sometimes.  JoeBlow says—But not as freakie as some of you; some of you are space cadets, one apple of a kind in the barrel! ha ha  JoeSmuck says—That sounds like an oxymoron!

I think we are all freaks, yes I do.  The reason why I think that is that freaks are considered different and we are all considered different by someone at some time but being a freak is good sometimes.  TheGuyFromNorthOfTown (i.e. to say the least, he’s a real lighting rod) says--There are always going to be people in your life who misunderstand you and people who don’t like you. There will always be people who criticize you, judge you, attack you, and spread rumors about you. And there will always be folks who think you are special because you are a freak! Seee you guys are all freaks.  Soooo rub some dirt on it, buck up, and let’s get going you freak!

I ran into a neighbor in front of the bank last Saturday morning.  She is freakie nice and she and her husband really try hard to be good parents to their 3 young boys (i.e. they impress me).  We discussed how busy they are and will be in the future.  They struggle with how many activities (i.e. mainly sports) they should involve their kids (i.e. both parents are athletic).  I think they will make a good decision BUT soooooo many times we say/think one thing and do another.  I talked to the librarian after this conversation and we talked about how some of the craziest things can change our minds. Things that we have no idea that they will impact us.  Their family is in the middle of making some seemingly rather major decisions.  I told her that maybe tomorrow something might happen that will make everything really clear (i.e. a no decision-er). BOOOOM!  WorldClassLarry says—When those things happen, they seeeem freakie!

Our neighbor was backing their boat into it’s parking spot late Sunday afternoon.  I asked him where they were boating today—we are river people; we boat on the Cedar; both of us grew up on the river and we enjoy it—we launch at Black Hawk Park and then go up to Claim Beach—our boys really enjoy it but they fell asleep as soon as we got in the van; my granddad lets us use one of his boats and he gave us the motor for me cutting down some trees for him; I think he wants our boys to experience the same things that we did as kids.  Now that is a neat touching story, my opinion.   

They were by many considered freaks; yes they were.  Dr.J wrote this--In the 1950s, American churches were full of prosperous, buttoned-down, middle-class families (i.e. some of you guys). And then came the sixties and the countercultural revolution. Many of the children of those fifties Christian parents joined the “Jesus People Movement,” showing up at church with long hair and beards, wearing sandals and beads (i.e. some of those freaks where you). Lots of fathers and mothers found it hard to accept their children’s choices. Saturday question—What do the normal freaks of 2019 look like that we won’t accept in our churches (i.e. are any of you considered freaks by the mainliners)?  JoeFreak says—It appears that the freaks in our current culture just start their own churches; they don’t want to mess with the salty old mainliners or just don’t go to church. JoeBlow says--The more a child becomes aware of a father’s willingness to listen, the more a father will begin to hear. CadillacJack asks—What does that mean anyway? That sounds freakie!

Are you a freak if you have failed in something?  SuperwomanKate says--No way! The average businessperson has failed 4.5 times.  I think we all have or will fail.  Sooooo don’t be surprised when you and I fail; it isn’t if, it’s when.  BUT when we fail and don’t try again, now that is a failure.  The problem with many folks is that after a failure, they won’t try again as the feeling of failure hurts tooooo much.  It’s easier to take the safer approach of not trying anything again.  Ouchy ouchy!  I tell you what folks, I have failed a lot of times let me tell you (i.e. I know the feeling of being hurt by failure).  BUT I have succeeded a few times tooooo. 

I’m weird according to most Americans but not to the world population; a real freak but—I read in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right) that beans are among the most versatile and commonly eaten foods throughout the world (i.e. maybe I’m only a freak in affluent America and not of the world; just maybe as I like beans).  JoeTheNutriant says--Because of their nutritional composition, beans have the potential to improve the diet quality and long-term health of those who consume beans regularly. Soooo maybe, just maybe they are better for a guy that a burger and fries! What do you think? That is what I thought. TommyFreak says—erv, you really are a weird duck!

A friend told me this week that he thinks about 80% of what he is told in life isn’t true (i.e. we now are soooo guarded to not believe much of anything anymore). Freakieerv says--I believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior; I believe whoever believes in Him will not parish but have eternal life.  I believe in the Bible, but I don’t really totally understand it.  And I really don’t believe others who say they completely understand it.   I think it is toooo complicated for the human mind; it seems to be an oxymoron at times.  It used to be that folks couldn’t read and were not educated and were just puppets and told what to believe; and they did.  Now everyone can form their own opinion (i.e. Christians, non-Christians and different Christian denominations doooo).  Even different churches in a denomination believe differently and different pastors within a denomination interpret the Bible differently. Some Christians and some Christian churches say one thing and grossly do or have done another—oxymoron! Crazy! My believe is this—His understanding I cannot fathom; He is God and I am erv (i.e. a huge massive difference here folks—my understanding isn’t even close—light years apart).  Here is an interesting question—Should we be preaching what folks need to believe about traditions, customs, and the way we have always done it or preach why folks should believe in the Bible?  Think through that a little.  Maybe and then again maybe not; I don’t know! BUT remember what my friend said to me—he thinks about 80% of what he is told isn’t true! Sooooo only believe about 20% of what I say but of course maybe only 20% of what my friend says is true! ha ha  In fact, if I were you, I wouldn’t believe a word I say; like I never said anything.  You make up your own mind. Don’t let me influence you one little bit (i.e. I won’t anyway, no matter what I say)!  My gauge reads very low; that means that I know very little toooooo nuttin a.k.a. 0%!

Here is an oxymoron that makes me laugh (i.e. not untypical which makes me not want to believe anything they say).  I read it in the paper soooo it must be right.  Government leaders who have weaponized social media to eviscerate opponents and promote themselves, led a “social media summit” of like-minded critics of Big Tech, excluding representatives from the very platforms they exploit. I just don’t believe 80% of what they say. Instead I don’t believe 100% of what any of them say (i.e. I just don’t listen anymore—it’s a joke)—It seems like it’s all about them and whatever it takes (i.e. it all about money and power—my opinion).  Sic’em Rover! Ouchy ouchy! But you know what folks, it’s very entertaining to listen to the radical extremists get all excited about what they say.  They think they know everything! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFiendJean says—Elbow grease gives the best polish.

July 13, 2019


MissPerfect said to me—erv, you are such a crazy ordinary unique mundane misfit.

Some of you are way ahead of me in my research; you have done this for years.  Oh ya.  Well, I have quite watching the news for several weeks and have not looked at any social media for the same period.  It’s my choice.  I have no real agenda other than I don’t want to do it; I think I can accomplish much more by spending the time picking my nose!  Onesmartperson said—It is stupidity second to none tooooo busy oneself with either one.  I think TV news and social media really can affect the vulnerable (e.g. folks of some sort of mental illness like inferiority complex) much more than the normal mentally capable person (i.e. who might not be as tempted to get soooo get caught up in the competition and negativism).  They might, just maybe, be affected more than they realize.  Ok, I’m a very boring and a mundane person; a crotchety old fart! I’m not trying to change the world; just my world. Surely not trying to crack you, “you hard old nut.” Crazy huh!

Some of you have really impacted other folks' lives in many ways; I know you have; I have seen it (i.e. you improve lives). I have seen a friend change because of their grandchildren.  I have seen one of you change because of your brother-in-law.  Seems mundane but there is a difference in both of you folks; yes, there is; no question.  I have seen some of you change because someone gave you an opportunity. And many of you are the changers (e.g. grandparents, teachers, pastors, neighbors, friends, businesspeople, etc.) Most of this helping is rather mundane; it doesn’t get paper coverage. SusieQ says—Some of that paper coverage can be propaganda or hyped up or just advertising or embellishment.  Could be SusieQ but just maybe folks say that because they are jealous that they aren’t in the paper and getting patted on their back; just maybe.  BUT, if you have an affecting relationship with another person, you probably know what is going on; yes, you do.  You can’t be fooled (i.e. that is a genuine great feeling). Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time. The beginning stories of those two friends who were changed by grandchildren and by a brother-in-law were told to me by other friends who also noticed it.  But folks, it was not in the paper! 

A first cousin’s once removed wife Fran (i.e. a good person with a good heart; my kind of person) did something that was really neat to me (i.e. not mundane).  She sent me this book.  Clay Thompson wrote a column daily in the AZ Republic.  It was something I read every day the years when we wintered in AZ.  I really enjoyed it.  Well, he passed on and they made a book of some of his columns.  They are soooo good but not as good as the thought of my first cousin’s once removed wife Fran’s thoughtfulness.  Here is an example:

Actually, much of life is mundane; I really think it is.  BUT I also think that we need to do the mundane stuff to the best of our ability; I think it’s important. And we need to try to do the mundane stuff with a happy attitude.  Maybe look at it as an opportunity. There are some folks who can’t do the mundane stuff that others can (i.e. there are a lot of reasons why they can’t or why they don’t think they can).  WorldClassLarry says—My theory is that if you look confident, you can pull off anything—even if you have no clue what you’re doing.  And really folks, life can’t be all bad when for 10 dollars you can buy all the Beethoven sonatas and listen to them for 10 years (i.e. pretty mundane).  What an opportunity!  As crazy as it sounds, I like to listen to Beethoven sometimes.  It’s even more crazy that I would like Beethoven since I almost flunked Music Appreciation at good ol’ Northwestern.  Prof Van Wyk said—erv, if you weren’t such a nice guy, you would have failed.  I think he exaggerated both statements.  I really wasn’t that nice, but I don’t think I did that bad either; I think Prof Van Wyk graded my tests wrong! ha ha   Good ol’ Northwestern wanted my tuition money; they didn’t want to flunk me out!  Besides, my sisters were nice; they carried me.  Such is life.

Arlene and I played a few holes of golf last Sunday night (i.e. an absolutely beautiful night).  ANWYAY, we talked to a couple that were doing the same—How come you guys aren’t at your Mississippi River home—as of about 3 weeks ago we no longer own it—we have had it for 16 years and just wanted a new chapter in our lives (i.e. it became mundane for them maybe)—A guy came along with his check book and he owns it; it actually feels soooo good not being a slave to it anymore.  Folks ask us what we are going to do this weekend and we say—we have no idea. 

AverageJoe (i.e. who is very under-noticed) says—I’m an ordinary person doing ordinary mundane things.  I guess many folks would fall into this category or least feel they do.  It appears that some folks are extraordinary; they seem to do special things or are special folk.  They accomplish great things and get great recognition.  When you read some obituaries, it sounds like some folks are super great folks who have accomplished great feats in their lives (i.e. most obituaries are about accomplishments).  Soooo does it really make much difference?  Really? What is really important in your life?  I know some very great folks (i.e. my opinion) who are pretty ordinary folks doing pretty ordinary stuff and I also know some folks who are very great folks who are doing unbelievable extraordinary stuff.  My hat goes off tooooo all of you guys.  Keep it up!  As my Mom, Anna, (i.e. who was a very great person who most would consider did ordinary mundane stuff in her life) would say to me—erv, always do what is right.  Do you think doing the right thing is mundane?  That is what I thought. Oh, I ran into a friend with books in her hand the other day.  She is maybe 89. I asked her what kind of books she likes to read—I like the “steamy romance novels.”  I guess she doesn’t want to live a mundane life (i.e. wants some excitement in her life). 

MajorReaderLena (i.e. who can eat as many hot dogs as Joey Chestnut) says—I read books like mad, but I am careful not to let anything I read influence me! Who is an ordinary person?  Are you an ordinary person?  Is everyone an ordinary person? Who says we are or aren’t ordinary? Some folks seem to be more well-rounded than others.  I mean they have a lot of different interests and accomplish many different things in a day, a year and in their life.  I don’t mean more well-rounded like around their belt line, although there are some folks much more well-rounded there as well. ha ha  The other day I ran into a friend in front of the library/post office.  She was returning a couple of books.  She told me that she keeps track of how many books she reads and soooo far this year she has read 50 books.  That sounds one dimensional, but I don’t think she is.  This gal seems to be well rounded (i.e. not around her belt line).  I think she just gets a lot done in a day (i.e. doesn’t have a mundane life but maybe has a big motor). Soooo after talking to the 50booklady, I ran into a gal from our church who had 4 books in her arms (i.e. I know she is a big book reader).  Soooo my friend, how many books have you read this year soooo far—oh, I don’t know—take a guess—probably a 100—wow! you must really read fast—l really enjoy reading!  Saturday question--Sooooo how many books have your read this year soooo far? 

I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—The 1,473 Democrats running for president have apparently settled on a campaign slogan: Vote for me and I will give you more free stuff than the other guy.”  Hey, I read it in the comics section soooo maybe it’s a joke.  Bunny a.k.a. Mrs.Our-Life-Is-Better-Than-Yours says—The problem with all that free stuff is the more you get the more you want; it’s like eating Italian food, after 6 days, you’re hungry again!

Admittedly, Christian life can become dull. Perhaps when the routine puts us on autopilot, we should open our eyes again. I read what DrJ said while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Turn us back to You, O Lord, and we will be restored; renew our days as of old. Lamentations 5:21 When King Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered in 1922, it instantly became a famous tourist destination with thousands of people coming every day, year after year. Carbon dioxide from the visitors’ breath and all the dust they stirred up had a dulling influence on the stunning gold walls of the tomb. The site was closed for years while the Getty Conservation Institute restored the images and installed new ventilation systems and walkways. Now King Tut’s tomb is open again, but when asked how much the restoration cost, the institute says it was so expensive they won’t disclose the cost. We live in a dusty world, and the devil is always breathing down our backs. It’s easy to become spiritually dull and stained (i.e. mundane). Sometimes we lose the golden glow of God’s energy in our hearts. We often need for Him to do as He said in Psalm 23—to restore our souls.  Soooo folks, throw those chips away and get your butts off the couch! I have a golf buddy/friend who just purchased a pair of Jesus’ golf shoes (i.e. that is what my friend, Junior, from 3 and a fourth miles N of Dover, MN calls them). My golf buddy/friend is on his way to be more like Jesus!! ha ha

Have you ever made a statement that seems mundane but after time it’s not mundane anymore?  A golf buddy/friend told me the other day as we were going down #4 fairway—Years ago I was playing golf with some old guys in AZ during the winter.  They were 75 and no longer could hit the ball more than 150 yards but were still pretty good golfers.  I said to them—I hope when I’m 75 I can hit the ball like you guys. Then he said to me--Well, I’m about that age and I hit the ball like those guys, and I don’t like it a bit! Such is life.

I took Arlene to The Legacy Project music concert at our church a recent Saturday night.  She sorta kinda said she really enjoyed it.  One song they sang was a 120-year old hymn that they said they skewed to a modern version (i.e. they didn’t change the words). They said they really like the words and meaning of that song and didn’t want it forgotten forever.  They said that if it wasn’t skewed to a modern version, it probably would be lost forever. Huh, interesting.  I think they said a lot about a lot of things by that skewing.  Think through that folks.  Soooo I went and got a loaf of bread over the weekend. I took the Hostess wheat with the “New Recipe.”  Seeee, it has to be good as it’s a new recipe a.k.a. skewed.  ha ha I had to laugh at myself.  Such is life.
Recently playing golf and riding with a buddy/friend I had this experience.  It was on the 5th hole.  He ripped a mammoth drive.  We ride up to it and he tells me that it is the best drive he has ever hit on this hole.  He’s maybe 60 yards from the green (i.e. I think he is thinking birdie).  He pulls out some type of a wedge, plants his feet, grips the club, adjusts his feet again, waggles a little, regrips the club (i.e. he’s a retired engineer and that is what engineers do—analyze things to make sure everything is right).  Finally takes a whack at the ball and hits it about 25 yards sorta kinda to the right (i.e. a terrible shot).  He walks back to the cart and said to me in a mundane voice—analyze paralyze!  I LOL! 
On the Fourth, Arlene and I took a ride to Clear Lake.  I pushed Arlene in her wheelchair along the walk next to the lake by the park.  There was an amusement company in the park with all the rides and vendors selling their trinkets.  The other side of the walk was the lake with all the water activities that folks were enjoying.  There were a lot of picnics, eating, drinking and talking going on.  It seems like everyone was enjoying a warm, sunny Fourth at the lake.  We then drove around the lake and saw more activity with a lot of family and friends gathering in parks and lake homes.  There were a lot of boats and water activities on the lake.  Years ago, friends invited us to their lake home on several occasions for the Fourth.  It was fun and many good memories.  We toooo said that we never saw soooo many boats on the lake as on the Fourth.  ANYWAY, seeing all those boats reminded me of a time at their lake home when we saw a boat being driven crazy, really crazy.  We knew the young man who was driving.  I said—That has to be the craziest driver on the lake—a friend said—oh no, there is one crazier—his father.  Ouchy ouchy! 
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-: 

MyFriendJean says—To add to your joy, count your blessings.

July 6, 2019


Innuendo is an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one, a hint, a suggestion, a whisper, an undertone, an insinuation, an implication, an aspersion, a slur, an implication, or an overtone.  Maybe I always don’t tell you what my real feelings are, and my thinking is.  Maybe I just using innuendos.  How will you ever know! Such is life.

Yogi Berra said--A lot of guys go, ‘Hey, Yog, say a Yogi-ism.’ I tell ’em, ‘I don’t know any.’ They want me to make one up. I don’t make ’em up. I don’t even know when I say it. They’re the truth. And it is the truth. I don’t know.

Lookie here folks, this “It’s Saturday” might be false evidence appearing real!  Sooooo be careful when you read it.  It might just be just one big innuendo and you might not know for sure what I’m really trying to say.  But what is nice about that is, there are no incorrect answers or thoughts; you are 100% right in thinking whatever you think. Not like taking a test and you need to answer the question according to the philosophy of the professor to get a good grade even it might be really the wrong answer. GeorgeTheCrook says—Many think education has a history of brainwashing students to believe in what they think is correct which might not be correct; students will go into debt over $100,000 to get brainwashed sometimes.  GeorgeTheCrook, do you really think it’s that bad?  A friend, who is a very hard worker, told me—To teach a person to be a worker, they need to work alongside a good worker; just telling them does not cut the mustard.  Do those two things sorta kinda tie together?

I had breakfast with a friend whose wife also has dementia.  She is getting worse and doing things that are pretty close to dangerous and things that are becoming really intolerable to him.  He has a hard time with the process.  He asked me about what the next things will be—every person is different and will do different things at a different pace, but I can tell you for sure about one thing my friend, she is going to get worse.  He told me that it is really hard on him; the other night he just balled for a long time.  I asked him if he has a plan for the future.  He does and it sounds like a good one.  But as you folks all know, the best made plans always don’t work out especially with folks with dementia.  One of our granddaughters, Erin, is working on a bucket list.  One item on her list is to eat 10 ice cream cones this summer.  Now that is a good plan.  I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

Soooo much of stuff in life is like hiking on a ridge—I have hiked Dinosaur Ridge by Morrison, CO a couple of times.  It is part of Dakota Ridge a.k.a. as Hogback Ridge located near the Red Rocks.  I’m sure many of you have seen it and even also have hiked it.  It has historical information; it is one of the world’s most famous dinosaur fossil localities.  On that ridge I can fall off on either side.  And there are many contributing factors for us to fall to either side.  Usually it’s best to stay on the ridge.  Did you see the picture or video of all the folks on the ridge attempting to Summit Mt. Everest a while back? I think several of them died.  They said one of the reasons was inexperience (i.e. toooo cocky).  I think that inexperience causes a lot of problems when we walk a ridge in our life (e.g. most folks have no experience in being a caregiver and most don’t know how difficult it is).  SusieQ says—That statement is not an innuendo, it’s the real thing.  Again, if folks have not hiked on such a ridge, folks have no idea like I have no idea how it is to try to hike the ridge to summit Mt. Everest. 

My big sister, only by age, gave us a lot of frozen food when they stopped to visit.  She said—I can’t make you meals soooo this will have to do.  One thing she gave us was supplies to make “dippity dos” or something like that.  I will have to find the correct name. They are called Crescent Chicken Squares. She said—Anyone can make them!  That was no innuendo!  I don’t think. ha ha  ANYWAY, I made them; another experience in my life.  I really have good and nice sisters.  Growing up, I don’t remember them being that good and nice.  ha ha  I was the middle kid soooo my big sister dominated me, and I had to play house etc. but I dominated my kid sister soooo she had to play boy stuff!  What good memories. Oh, by the way, the most fun part of making those Pillsbury Crescent Chicken Squares was popping open the Pillsbury Crescent dough tube.  That really made me laugh; I have never done that before; I have a very simple life folks.  What a hoot! If you have never popped open a tube, you have no idea what I’m talking about. Such is life.

Everyone thinks I have more ability than I do.  Our dental hygienist suggested that I use G-U-M soft picks to clean between Arlene’s teeth.  She said I wasn’t doing good enough job brushing them, especially her back teeth. Her gums also need massaging.  I said—Now that will be a challenge in which she said—erv, you can do it.  Soooo I put Arlene in the love seat, recline it, put on my head lamp and went to work.  Now I’m her personal dental hygienist (i.e. I’m a lot better at it now than when I started).  What a hoot! 

While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it I read what RickyRick says--Your faith journey is a long one. Too many people start off well in their spiritual journey but putter out before the end. God wants you to go the distance. You’ve got a marathon ahead of you, and you can’t run the marathon with a barbell in your hands. Often people quit their faith journey early because everything they’re carrying wears them out. We need to de-clutter. Well RickyRick, it seems burn out is a major issue in our modern culture.  It’s seems it is hard to keep our faith journey fresh and exciting.  Of course, I get bored easily.  That can even make it harder.  I need to be motivated by new ideas.  The sameO sameO seems to bore me. 

 There are a lot of pretty gals.  Pretty gals might be different to me than to some of you, but they are still pretty (i.e. maybe our specifications are a little different).  I might be different than you with this specification.  I think gals are pretty who don’t make themselves primadonnas or trophies.  What I mean by that is I think gals are prettier when they are just themselves and don’t have to be soooo perfect (e.g. can sweat and let their hair down).  Of course, I like real folks and don’t care much for phonies (i.e. magazine checkout pretty).  AverageJoe says—erv, there is more to being pretty than a painted face!

The other day I observed an acquaintance’s wife.  I have never met her and know very little about her.  She didn’t look happy.  Now that’s not good.  BUT that was just an observation of one short time in her life.  She might be very happy generally.  I have no need to meet her and no reason to know what she is like. She is an acquaintance’s wife.  I just don’t like to see folks unhappy.  It is easy to see unhappiness in body language (i.e. it doesn’t take an optometrist with a head lamp to see that).  I said to an acquaintance recently—You seem happy all the time—she said—erv, I do my share of crying!  She was being soooo honest with me. 

Lady Randolph Churchill, the mother of Sir Winston, said, “Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light.”  I have a friend whose motto is “Be Happy.”  I have never seen her when she isn’t (i.e. she is very consistent and posed it appears).  Do you know folks who walk into a room and make everyone happy?  Do you know folks when they leave the room, they make everyone happy?  I am trying to separate my mind from my heart (i.e. who I want to be).  Does that sound crazy? Well, it is crazy.  It is like having two sheets of note paper with how I am and how I want to be on each sheet.  Then I try to change my mindset; change my thinking.  Actually, it appears I’m having some success in doing this.  It has been fun and rewarding.  Challenging, yes, very much soooo.  We will see.  Like I said, I have a simple life.

I was riding my Yamaha XT250 coming home from pickleball this week and had to make a call soooo I pulled over into a housing development on the west edge of Cedar Falls, took my helmet off and made the call.  All of a sudden this guy is beside me in his golf/garden cart and said—you need help? I explained what I was doing and he said—I was working on my roof and saw you; thought you needed help.  Wow!  That is a great guy with a good heart.  He told me that he does a lot of gardening for a hobby—what do you do with all your produce—give it away. I said—You seem to be one happy person—I am. There are a lot of great folks in this world; don’t kid yourself. 

ItchieBitchie a.k.a. a real bulldog says—A profound cliché is so simple it is easy to ignore: “Fame is fleeting.”   You and I could do something that we think is rather important but in reality, it really isn’t.  Who really cares a month from now?  Even folks who do something really great become a “one-hit wonder” a.k.a. one and done, and no longer appears in a “Who’s Who” listing of famous people; instead, might find themselves relegated to “Who’s He?” Yes, this stuff is an innuendo! FamousDave is remembered well into the period after his death; oh ya!  CadillacJack says--People seem to remember folks much more if they did something really bad instead of something really good. Folks like to read and talk about bad things.  Soooo if you really want to be remembered, do something really bad!  MissPerfect says--Some folks are on track to be remembered alright! Ouchy ouchy!  WorldClassLarry says—Good folks with good hearts would rather do something good, get no public fame, have no one really know about it, and do something good again tomorrow (i.e. I like to be around these type of folks-- these type of folks are you guys—except for one of you and you know who you are ha ha!

OneTopNotchBusinessPerson (i.e. who sees the big picture and doesn’t over-think—I really like this guy) told me that business figures out what you covet and then they got you.  You are toast; you can’t control your emotions; they got you.  Soooo they profile folks and then target the suckers that covet certain things and then provide them what they covet.  They call it good business and it probably is.  80% of new-start businesses fail.  Why do you think?  Maybe it’s the presentation, or the timing, or the product or the advertising or something else like not giving the folks what they covet (i.e. trying to sell them something they don’t want). I was told about a local business that appears is doing really well but who can’t wait for their lease to run out (i.e. they are done; out of here).  Why, well, it’s a lot of work and according to what an inside person tells me, another reason is that good help is soooo hard to get.  Soooo it all adds up to what they covet in an easier life where life is better for them. I was told recently that a friend who was a self-employed person in a certain vocation said—I never want to go back to work again (i.e. I think he was saying that reality is, he’s got it made). Guess what, he’s back to work again; his plan didn’t work out as planned.  Ouchy ouchy!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—The boss ain’t always right, but the boss is still the boss.

P.S. A friend sent me this advice about my slow running—erv, here's motivation for you while you run.  You have a younger friend who is a multiple Ironman that you can run circles around (i.e. he had a bike crash during his last iron man competition and is on crutches—had a serious injury).  Just remember the old story, you don't have to outrun the bear just the other guy.