July 20, 2019


LuckieEddie says--erv, some folks call you an incredible strange unnormal hybrid. Yes, I might deviate from what normal is according to what you think normal is! But God only knows who is normal. Are you normal or an anomaly?  Now I think that depends who you talk toooo. You and me both might be considered normal or an anomaly by some; could be.  Sooooo take that into consideration when reading this “It’s Saturday.” Let’s keep this all between you and me, okay!  Some of you are saying that unnormal should be abnormal. No, 'unnormal' is an abnormal construction in English.  The correct word, as you might have guessed is 'abnormal'. It isn't really abnormal though. Abnormal is completely normal.  It is unnormal that is abnormal.

I watched some of Wimbledon.  Those players are just amazing to me as how good they are.  The good ones seem to win more because they make better shots it seems and do it continuously. Da! They seem to do it for years.  It seems like the same ones win for years.  Now that I don’t understand.  They have to be freaks of some kind.  But time gets them all eventually just like it gets all of us (i.e. we all end up with our toes pointing up).  Now that ain’t soooo freakie, it’s reality!  What is freakie is I’m writing this at 5:45 a.m. sitting in our sun porch on a beautiful, quit morning.  Someone’s dog is barking continuously down the street.  Can’t those folks hear that?  Now that is freakie! Frankly, I think that is not being very courteous. 

AlittledifferentFrank says—I don’t pretend to know or have all the answers (i.e. he is not normal as most folks think they do know most everything). But the questions he asks are sure worth thinking about. CrazyMarvin says—Kids are starting to grow up when they start asking questions that have answers. OneSmartPerson says—Conversation would be vastly improved by the constant use of four simple words: I do not know! OneSmartPerson, I don’t think most normal folks ever use those four simple words!  Ouchy ouchy!

Arlene liked flowers and flower gardening.  I like flowers but not the gardening soooo much but do some as it makes me feel good because Arlene liked it soooo much (i.e. I do it even though she can’t appreciate it anymore).  BUT, I’m not very good at it.  I found some liquid fertilizer in the cabinet that she probably used maybe 10 years ago.  I thought I would try harder and the bottle said—just spray in on the plants to have great plants.  I did; they died!  I asked a flower expert and she said—after soooo many years, the fertilizer broke down; throw all that old stuff away and I will sell you some fresh stuff!  Freakie!  FreakieFredie (i.e. cousin to FastFredie) says—That is the way it is; use it or lose it!  Soooo get your butts of the couch and use your talents! 

Do you folks have warts? My mentor would say to me—erv, everyone has warts, it’s just that we can’t see them.  Sooooo if we strip naked both physically and physiologically, what are those warts?  JoeSixPack says—We have a tendency to cover up our warts as we what to look perfect; but we aren’t.  We are just as freakie as the next person! I recently was around a person who I thought they had it all together; they looked “all soooo perfect.”  But because of a certain situation, their warts were exposed.  And here I thought they were without blemish! 

AverageJoe says--Folks who are different are called freaks sometimes.  They might be doing the right thing or going the right direction, but the world calls them freaks because they are not doing what others think they should be doing (i.e. like them) even if it is wrong.  That reminds me of one of Bob Dylan songs. In declaring his independence from the folk music scene called "Maggie's Farm," Dylan sang, "I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants me to be like them." OneSmartPerson says--Do you sometimes find that even if you can succeed at being the best YOU there is, it seems everybody wants you to be somebody else, mainly like them? I recently heard somebody say that the two most important days of our lives are the day we were born – and the day we figure out why. Sadly, most of us spend so much time trying to be what everybody else wants us to be that we seldom figure out who we are – or why we are like that. SusieQ says—That is why we need to be freaks sometimes.  JoeBlow says—But not as freakie as some of you; some of you are space cadets, one apple of a kind in the barrel! ha ha  JoeSmuck says—That sounds like an oxymoron!

I think we are all freaks, yes I do.  The reason why I think that is that freaks are considered different and we are all considered different by someone at some time but being a freak is good sometimes.  TheGuyFromNorthOfTown (i.e. to say the least, he’s a real lighting rod) says--There are always going to be people in your life who misunderstand you and people who don’t like you. There will always be people who criticize you, judge you, attack you, and spread rumors about you. And there will always be folks who think you are special because you are a freak! Seee you guys are all freaks.  Soooo rub some dirt on it, buck up, and let’s get going you freak!

I ran into a neighbor in front of the bank last Saturday morning.  She is freakie nice and she and her husband really try hard to be good parents to their 3 young boys (i.e. they impress me).  We discussed how busy they are and will be in the future.  They struggle with how many activities (i.e. mainly sports) they should involve their kids (i.e. both parents are athletic).  I think they will make a good decision BUT soooooo many times we say/think one thing and do another.  I talked to the librarian after this conversation and we talked about how some of the craziest things can change our minds. Things that we have no idea that they will impact us.  Their family is in the middle of making some seemingly rather major decisions.  I told her that maybe tomorrow something might happen that will make everything really clear (i.e. a no decision-er). BOOOOM!  WorldClassLarry says—When those things happen, they seeeem freakie!

Our neighbor was backing their boat into it’s parking spot late Sunday afternoon.  I asked him where they were boating today—we are river people; we boat on the Cedar; both of us grew up on the river and we enjoy it—we launch at Black Hawk Park and then go up to Claim Beach—our boys really enjoy it but they fell asleep as soon as we got in the van; my granddad lets us use one of his boats and he gave us the motor for me cutting down some trees for him; I think he wants our boys to experience the same things that we did as kids.  Now that is a neat touching story, my opinion.   

They were by many considered freaks; yes they were.  Dr.J wrote this--In the 1950s, American churches were full of prosperous, buttoned-down, middle-class families (i.e. some of you guys). And then came the sixties and the countercultural revolution. Many of the children of those fifties Christian parents joined the “Jesus People Movement,” showing up at church with long hair and beards, wearing sandals and beads (i.e. some of those freaks where you). Lots of fathers and mothers found it hard to accept their children’s choices. Saturday question—What do the normal freaks of 2019 look like that we won’t accept in our churches (i.e. are any of you considered freaks by the mainliners)?  JoeFreak says—It appears that the freaks in our current culture just start their own churches; they don’t want to mess with the salty old mainliners or just don’t go to church. JoeBlow says--The more a child becomes aware of a father’s willingness to listen, the more a father will begin to hear. CadillacJack asks—What does that mean anyway? That sounds freakie!

Are you a freak if you have failed in something?  SuperwomanKate says--No way! The average businessperson has failed 4.5 times.  I think we all have or will fail.  Sooooo don’t be surprised when you and I fail; it isn’t if, it’s when.  BUT when we fail and don’t try again, now that is a failure.  The problem with many folks is that after a failure, they won’t try again as the feeling of failure hurts tooooo much.  It’s easier to take the safer approach of not trying anything again.  Ouchy ouchy!  I tell you what folks, I have failed a lot of times let me tell you (i.e. I know the feeling of being hurt by failure).  BUT I have succeeded a few times tooooo. 

I’m weird according to most Americans but not to the world population; a real freak but—I read in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right) that beans are among the most versatile and commonly eaten foods throughout the world (i.e. maybe I’m only a freak in affluent America and not of the world; just maybe as I like beans).  JoeTheNutriant says--Because of their nutritional composition, beans have the potential to improve the diet quality and long-term health of those who consume beans regularly. Soooo maybe, just maybe they are better for a guy that a burger and fries! What do you think? That is what I thought. TommyFreak says—erv, you really are a weird duck!

A friend told me this week that he thinks about 80% of what he is told in life isn’t true (i.e. we now are soooo guarded to not believe much of anything anymore). Freakieerv says--I believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior; I believe whoever believes in Him will not parish but have eternal life.  I believe in the Bible, but I don’t really totally understand it.  And I really don’t believe others who say they completely understand it.   I think it is toooo complicated for the human mind; it seems to be an oxymoron at times.  It used to be that folks couldn’t read and were not educated and were just puppets and told what to believe; and they did.  Now everyone can form their own opinion (i.e. Christians, non-Christians and different Christian denominations doooo).  Even different churches in a denomination believe differently and different pastors within a denomination interpret the Bible differently. Some Christians and some Christian churches say one thing and grossly do or have done another—oxymoron! Crazy! My believe is this—His understanding I cannot fathom; He is God and I am erv (i.e. a huge massive difference here folks—my understanding isn’t even close—light years apart).  Here is an interesting question—Should we be preaching what folks need to believe about traditions, customs, and the way we have always done it or preach why folks should believe in the Bible?  Think through that a little.  Maybe and then again maybe not; I don’t know! BUT remember what my friend said to me—he thinks about 80% of what he is told isn’t true! Sooooo only believe about 20% of what I say but of course maybe only 20% of what my friend says is true! ha ha  In fact, if I were you, I wouldn’t believe a word I say; like I never said anything.  You make up your own mind. Don’t let me influence you one little bit (i.e. I won’t anyway, no matter what I say)!  My gauge reads very low; that means that I know very little toooooo nuttin a.k.a. 0%!

Here is an oxymoron that makes me laugh (i.e. not untypical which makes me not want to believe anything they say).  I read it in the paper soooo it must be right.  Government leaders who have weaponized social media to eviscerate opponents and promote themselves, led a “social media summit” of like-minded critics of Big Tech, excluding representatives from the very platforms they exploit. I just don’t believe 80% of what they say. Instead I don’t believe 100% of what any of them say (i.e. I just don’t listen anymore—it’s a joke)—It seems like it’s all about them and whatever it takes (i.e. it all about money and power—my opinion).  Sic’em Rover! Ouchy ouchy! But you know what folks, it’s very entertaining to listen to the radical extremists get all excited about what they say.  They think they know everything! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFiendJean says—Elbow grease gives the best polish.

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