July 27, 2019

on boy!

Pretty much every morning when I get Arlene up, I say to her, “Oh boy.”  She usually says back to me with a smile, “Oh boy!”  I have no idea where this “It’s Saturday” is going. But I do know that my ears are ringing.  SuperGlueMary says—erv, that means that someone is talking about you.  Sooooo do you think the talking is ridiculous opinions about my writings?  That sorta kinda makes me feel like a painting in a museum!  Ouchy ouchy!

Help! I need your help. Oh boy!  How does the saying go?  Is it you have a minute and a half to get your heart out of your throat or is it you have a minute and a half to get our head out of your butt?  I forget. Oh boy! Yogi Berra said-- If you ask me anything I don’t know, I’m not going to answer. Oh boy!  In the seventies, a TV commercial for an automobile oil filter made this line famous: “You can pay me now or you can pay me later. That statement is sorta kinda true I think; if you don’t take care of something, you will pay for it later.  I think that is with soooooo many things and not just oil filters or maintenance on your car.   It’s even about somethings that we don’t even know yet.  Some think one of the greatest lines in the Bible is by Job when he said, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee.”  Do you think that is magnificent or maybe sublime or maybe a word of impudence?  That is what I thought.  WorldClassLarry says—Time is the fairest and toughest judge.

You might say “Oh boy” when you read this “It’s Saturday” and push the delete button as you don’t agree with me to a point that I make you mad.  Oh boy!  I was at a church meeting years ago when a friend got hot under the color and got up and left (i.e. folks didn’t agree with him about his opinion).  I was at a political caucus sitting next to a neighbor who said he had to leave; he was madder than a hornet!  Our family went to church in CO one time when a person gets up and tells everyone that they fired the pastor; many folks got up and left; they were not happy.  Soooooo I say to Arlene sometimes when pushing her in her wheelchair—Hang onto your underwear, here we go!  I don’t think she understand my humor (i.e. just doesn’t understand) all the time; you might not either.  But Arlene always laughs! Oh boy! She is soooo nice to me.  Sooooo cut me some slack and humor me along just a little (i.e. like Arlene does).

I’m not naive enough to think that you agree with me about almost nuttin and everything.  Folks who write and talk can give themselves the illusion of control, and then they realize it’s just an illusion, that folks are going to bring their own stuff into it. Thinking you are in control is like trying to boss your neighbors’ dog around or giving advice to anyone who really doesn’t want your advice for whatever reason).  MissPerfect (i.e. a blue blood) says—Most folks don’t have near as much control as they think they do (i.e. it’s just an illusion)!  CrazyMarvin says—Some folks really like to be in control alright; one is my wife! She wants always to be the alpha dog!  Such is life.

I have found out that if I do just a little of something it can make such a great difference (e.g. if I spend 15 minutes cleaning the garage, it makes such a difference in the appearance and with my attitude).  Soooo if that is the case, why don’t we do more of “just a little bit?”  Oh boy! In our sun porch, the flies all die in one corner.  Why? I have no idea; maybe it’s just a good place to die.  It took me all of 2 minutes to sweep them up.  It made me feel, oh soooo much better.  I have developed such a routine with Arlene that minimizes my effort and is very effective.  After we repeat an action for soooo long we tend to do that I think (i.e. streamline our effort).  It becomes more mechanical maybe but still personal.  And you know what, with Alzheimer’s it really works good for Arlene.  A win-win!  Or it might be what my Daddy, Chester, told me—erv, lazy folks are ingenious! Oh boy!

I multi-task and have done it for years.  It can be a curse or a blessing.  I’m not certain what it is for me.  Part of my multi-tasking is that I had been able to think about multiple things at the same time (i.e. is that really possible).  I don’t think I can do that very well anymore.  I seem to need to concentrate on one thing before I move on to the next.  I don’t know if that is a curse or a blessing.  Oh boy!  It’s sorta kinda what Aristotle Onassis said—I have no friends and no enemies—only competitors.  Now do you think that is a curse for a blessing.  That is what I thought. Oh boy! KermitStudebaker, who gives a lot of free self-help advice, says, “A great hallmark of mental wellness is the ability to be in the present moment, fully and with no thoughts of being elsewhere.”  Hey, maybe I’m working on my mental wellness!  Could be!

GoofieGoofballSam says—There is a lot of money made selling “mights.”  Oh ya, there is. Sales folks say you mightswell get the deluxe tires, advance braking system, super chrome slick on the side of your new car for a little extra.  Also, you might as well get the deluxe extended warranty for only $20 a month more.  You might’swell get the deluxe mud floor mats all around.  We can give a 10% discount if you buy them all for only $350.  This goes on during most sales of most products.  There is a huge massive amount of money made on “mights.”  As the saying goes, there is a sucker born every minute.  Oh boy! AverageJoe says—Yabut erv, my neighbors have that stuff soooo I deserve them toooooo! And besides,  I have enough credit to buy them!  Sooooo there! Such is life.

This week I relearned a most valuable lesson again about myself by the example of another person (i.e. like I don’t like a certain quality of a certain person and don’t want to be like them).  I have implemented this lesson into my life, and it makes me feel good.  But it is hard. Oh boy!  I think age is helping me to be more the way I want to be.  Actually no one will know that I am changing but me.  That is even more fun.  It will be unnoticeable to everyone.  Or I might be thought of as just being “tired.”  My sister and brother-in-law went on a vacation/trip visiting friends of their past.  They stayed at a resort.  They described the resort as “tired.”  Oh boy! I went to a visitation of the family of an old church friend who passed on (i.e. I enjoyed him).  He was 92.  He would say in his last years in his own humorous was, I’m getting toooo old for this job! 

LuckieEddie says—Luck is when an opportunity comes along, and you’re prepared for it.  A local couple was telling me that something seemingly really great just fell into their lap. Oh boy!  They always wanted to farm but didn’t think they would ever have the opportunity but then through some events, they now have the opportunity (i.e. sorta kinda the unexpected).  They are excited.  It sure is a good feeling to be on the receiving end of the unexpected good stuff that can fall into our laps.  But, many of you folks have done things that have created the unexpected good in other folks’ lives.  I know you have.  Now that is pretty neat toooo!  Oh boy!  Sometimes those experiences you created or given to others might not be appreciated by the recipients and in some cases, they don’t even know what you did (i.e. their lives would have been way different) but you know the impact you have had on others.  You are great folks.  I applaud you; yes, I do. 

WorldClassLarry says--You have skills, you can contribute, so do it!  I must admit that my logic with setting up technology programs is not always good.  I need to think through it which could take an hour, a day or a week.  Most times I can figure it out, sometimes with the trial and error method.  Sometimes I call some of you. My mind doesn’t think like a computer and the programs.  Many folks, especially younger folks, it seems like their minds do.  Oh boy!  But ya gotta remember that I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  If I live long enough, there is a chance that I will think like a computer!  But by that time, they will change it on me again! ha ha Such is life.

MissPerfect says—Some declarers always assume the sun will shine.  More successful ones will worry about inclement distribution. We complain a lot but look what I read in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right).  Sooooo if we complain now, we will really complain when things aren’t soooo good.  History tells us that it won’t always stay good.  Are you preparing for the time when things aren’t soooo good? That is what I thought.  Or do you think that things will never be “not as good?”  ButtercupTheCat says—Self-education is the key to making wise decisions about your life, your money and your future.

OneSmartPerson (i.e. who is instant offense) says—An occasional misstep doesn’t brand us as stupid—it makes us real. Oh boy!  ItchieBitchie (i.e. who is sneakie good) says—Well erv, you must be a very real person as you make a lot of missteps.  LuckieEddie (i.e. who is really connected) says—I’m just luckie; it covers up my missteps; it works for me; I’ll take all the luck I can get; I’ll have extra pickles please!

Growing up on the farm a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN we had livestock as most farmers did back then.  Livestock create smells and manure which attract many flies.  Can any you relate to that growing up on the farm?  Can you relate to this—Chester and Anna said to us kids many times—shut the door or you’ll let all the flies in.  It seemed like there were always flies on the screen door. We always had flies in the house and had multi fly swatters (i.e. do they still sell them?).  We have one in our house and I had to use it several times recently; those pesky flies.  Oh boy!  A friend told me this story about his mother when they were growing up on the farm—She had a couple of granddaughters for the day.  She was trying to entertain them soooo she said she would give them a dime for each fly they killed in the house.  The granddaughters thought it was a great idea went at it with vengeance.  Then grandma found out that they opened the door to let more flies in—what a hoot!

We all have memories of “growing up back home” now don’t we.  Jessica, our daughter-in-law, posted this on Facebook about her recent memories but not her thoughts (i.e. I would like to know her thoughts).  It was touching to me.  Maybe it will trigger some of your memories and thoughts.  It did me. ”Views from my morning walk during a quick visit home: cornfields, my elementary and high schools, the homes and gardens of my classmates and family friends, the beautiful stained glass windows of the church I was raised and married in, the quaint city park gazebo, more cornfields... A true walk down memory lane. — in Lanark, Illinois.”

We live in rural IA and that means that we life in the middle of basically a huge massive corn field.  I had this conversation with JoeFarmerFriend this week—oh boy, this is good hot weather for corn growing—ya, we need it as we are behind because of the cold, wet spring; but the corn is growing way toooo fast; it makes the stalks brittle which isn’t good! 

Assignment!  A teacher told me recently that they don’t give as much or as difficult homework anymore because the kids and parents complain that they don’t have time.  She said--The kids don’t have time because they have sports and other activities to do.  You believe that.  That is what I thought.  I will make this assignment easy as I don’t want you guys to complain and call me (i.e. I hate calls from negative folks)!  ha ha    I would like you to think of three positive folks and three negative folks.  Which ones do you prefer to be around.  Coach told me—When you are around the negative folks there are three things you should do.  1. Smile 2. Wish them well 3. Leave them as soon as possible.  Saturday question—Can a person determine if they are a negative person? Oh boy!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Love blooms where kindness is planted.

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