Good grief! Actually GeorgeTheCrook is much dumber than he seems. Soooooo you would think he would learn to shut up. Shutting up rarely leads to anything bad (i.e. that shutting up has passed the road test at International Falls last January folks)! Sis-boom-bah!
Good grief! I fell like it never happened. It's not true. It's a dream and I want to wake up. LuckieEddie says--When the pain becomes intolerable, you'll seek help but until then you will just muddle. Change from DoubtingThomas to TomTerrific in a matter of seconds can happen with the right help folks. Oh ya! But where can you get the right help? That is something that you need to consider. My help is in the name of the Lord!
Good grief! DuaneTheWorm might be insecure (i.e. has a little guy mentality)! Folks who are insecure about themselves, rarely admire anyone else! The other night Arlene and I went for our 2.5 mile walk around town. We were going west on Nash and Arlene insisted we turn and go up cinder hill. I asked why. She said--I like to walk past Mohwinkles' (i.e. that is not a madeupname folks and I don't think they are related to Bullwinkles) house. It makes me smile. What! They have it looking sooooooo nice. It just makes me feel good. Soooooo that is what we did.
Egad! Joesixpack (i.e. this guy is always on the money) says--To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most folks exist, that is about all. Sooooooo don't judge folks by how they look Joesixpack--yabut it's easier to be a good looking woman when you're 35 and even easier if you are rich and 35(i.e. for the most part). Looks can fool a guy. For many woman to get to the look they want, it's a big rigmarole!
We were waiting in line the other night at the Hickory House in Ames for some ribs. A gal and her son were just ahead of us. They were from the Minneapolis area and were looking at ISU as a possible school. They told us to attend U of M it would cost $25,000 a year. For him to attend ISU (i.e. out of state tuition) it would cost between $28,000 to $31,000 a year. Ouchy ouchy. That's seems like a lot of money to me. Maybe not to you. I was told a local private college (i.e. Wartburg is $40,000 so I called them--$41,145). If they have to borrow most of it, they better get a pretty good job. It's hard to repay it at $10 an hour folks. I read in the paper soooo it must be right, that student debt is in the trillions (i.e. unmanageable). SusieQ says--It's hard to get a job without a college education. Soooooo what do you do? Now that's a dilemma. How about a free college degree. Would you like that? Here how you can do it. I called Harvard University's Admission office. 25% of all students get free education and 75% get financial aid. It cost between $51,000 and $53,000 a year to attend. Wow! I asked the admission gal if she could sign up our grand kids for the free education at Harvard. She laughed and said--We are rather particular who we admit for free education. There are 35,000 that apply to Harvard and we accept 2,100 students a year (i.e. 5.9%). Soooooo I bet you better know someone or be very very smart plus some other factors.
Good grief! When in western MI, it appears that everyone is rich. It really does. Everyone has a nice new houses and new cars and life looks great. Let's face it, there seems to be a lot of wealth all over the good o' U.S. of A. The economic abyss doesn't appear to be a problem. Appearance maybe might be a fraud but it sure looks like there is no problem in western MI with $$$$$$. There are a lot of folks who have a lot of $$$$$$$. There just has to be. But I read in the paper (i.e. so it must be right)--Currently, one in every five children in the United States lives in poverty. Ya money seems to be answer (i.e. the old American dream) but yet some of the simplest things make me the happiest. We took care of our little Charlie the other day. She was sick soooooo we helped out. Pretty simple but very rewarding. I go for a 3-mile run. Simple but very rewarding. A visit with a friend. Simple but very rewarding. None of this might impress the rich and the famous but does touch my heart. An acquittance said to me the other day--erv, it seems like you have done a lot of fun stuff in your life; what's the most fun thing you have done? No question the most fun thing I have ever done is parent our kids. It was frustrating at times but by far the most fun of anything in my life. Soooooo Albert Einstein says--I believe that a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody, physically and mentally....I am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity forward, even in the hands of the most devoted worker in this cause. The example of great and pure individuals is the only thing that can lead us to noble thoughts and deeds. Money only appeals to selfishness and irresistible invites abuse. Can anyone imagine Moses, Jesus, or Gandi armed with the money-bags of Carnigie? ~ MissPerfect says--Albert might be right but the appetite for money or love is the best sauce (i.e. great motivator). There is a lot of that sauce going around it seems. Such is life.
Good grief! I seem to like to sleuth (i.e. be an inquisitor). When we got back from AZ I asked a VeryObservantGuy how folks were reacting to a certain situation. I asked him particularly about the reaction of a certain guy. He said--He's aways squawking about something. I asked him about another certain guy. He said--Nutten can make him happy. Ouchy ouchy! I sent a compliment to a guy about his work. This is what I got back--i thank you p.s. not use to compliments, more like complaints, funny how you can change a few letters to make two different words that mean complete opposite in my profession, again thank you
Good grief! I heard Coach Gentry of the Phoenix Suns say recently about one of his players. He is the only one on our team who thinks his play is better than what it is. Ouchy ouchy! Ya, it's probably better to over perform than to under perform I would guess. I know both type of folks. Don't you? I prefer the under promisers that over performer. Such is life.
Good grief! Our Internet connection disconnected the other night. I rebooted both the router and the modem. It didn't seem to help. I removed the router and went direct to the modem and the connection worked on our desk top. Sooooo I had a problem with the wireless router. I called Belkin (i.e. the brand of router I have) support. It was a gift from Chet and he said it was the cheapest one sooooooo I had some doubts when I called. I talked to Bob from the Philippians. We did several moves and after some time we got it to work. It just amazes me how they can help a guy.
Good grief! I mentioned that I started to do some sudoku. I have enjoyed it for the most part. I'm starting to think like a sudoku! Ya gotta have a certain thought process I think. It's much like learning to think like your wife, kid, IRS, friend, financial advisor, etc. You get what I mean. Once that happens, life is a lot easier I think. BUT it's really hard to think like someone different than yourself. AverageJoe says--If you think young you're young. Yabut I got this from a friend recently--Hope this cold weather isn’t making your bursitis act up, I know in AZ you think your young but around here you’re not so young. I asked Bobbie (i.e. one of his support staff) how to spell bursitis and she said I don’t know, I don’t even know what it is she said, sadly now I don’t feel so young. Such is life.
LuckieEddie says--Most folks like to exchange information. Sooooo if you want to know something, tell 'em something interesting and they will try to top it! Good grief, it seems to work almost every time! That information is almost as valuable as this--Twisting the tail of a cow will encourage her to move forward. SusieQ says--Good grief erv, where do you get this informtion anyway? Hey, this stuff works. It works almost as good as promising folks something for nutten (i.e. free). Folks always like something free. Free will do it folks, they jump on free stuff. Folks are suckers for free stuff. Such is life.
Good grief. What will they come up with next? It's a pic of our cute little neighbor girl on her battery driven John Deere. I just think it's soooooo cute. It won't be long before she will be driving the car. It seems to go about that fast. We are invited to several high school graduation parties. Bingo, they are out of the house. It goes about that fast. Before you know it, they are married and have kids. It happens about that fast. ANYWAY I asked s graduate at her party last Saturday how many college credits she has going into college (i.e. they can take college credit courses while in high school which is paid by the state of IA--free to the students). She had 35 hours which will make her probably a sophomore. That's about $25,000 to $30,000 folks. All ya got to do is do it! It's free!!!
Good grief! Saturday question--What is the average length of time does a woman take to do her nocturnal ablutions before going to bed? AverageJoe says--My epigram to that is 'vita brevis' which in English says "Life is short". Don't argue or compain. Sooooooo just accpet it guys. She ain't going to change anyway!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--He has a right to criticize who has a heart to help.
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