So what! Those two words can take you a long way by keeping your spirit at peace. About 95% of the things of life fit into the "so what" category. There is nutten that you can do about them anyway. The thing really doesn't harm you, it is just an irritating inconvenience. So what! ItchieBitchie says--Soooo what? That 95% of stuff stops most folks from what they're doing and get on the couch and eat chips! Talk about sitting on the couch and eating chips--I met a friend running the other morning. He has run since January and has lost 20 pounds and lowered his blood pressure 10 pts. Wow, I think he's got it going 'cause he has himself going! Such is life.
The Importance of running--Running can add minutes to your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $7000 per month. SusieQ says--I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to go
there. Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise', I wash my mouth out with chocolate. Sooooo what!
I heard Gary Koch say announcing the Players Championship over last weekend--Bubba Watson and Rickie Fowler are two very popular player as they are soooo honest, sooooo real (i.e. not incognito). Sooooo what. I like real folks. CadillacJack says--Well well well, it seems like real folks are recognized everywhere and fakers are also recognized all over. Soooo there you go.
So what! SusieQ won a huge fortune in a state-run lottery. Upon receiving the news, she called home to her live-in boyfriend and told him, "I have just won the lottery! Start packing!" Her boyfriend replied, "That's fantastic! Should I pack for warm or cold weather?" She answered without emotion, "I don't care - just as long as you are out of the house by the time I get home!"
Soooooo what! A friend stopped the other day. I asked him some questions about a common interest and about a certain person's actions that is part of this interest. He said--This and that and then said--that's par for the course for her (i.e. meaning what he expected her to act poorly based on her past experience). Par for the course! Many folks are very predictable as this is how they have acted in their past. They pretty much do the same in the future. Soooooo we aren't toooo surprised when they act that way again. Flipthepancake! I know some folks (i.e. who are real success stories) who do not repeat their past or the past of their family's ugly history. They are survivors and heroes in my eyes. Hats off to you folks. You know who you are and others do too. You have broken the chain. Way to go. No more "that's par for the course"!
I stopped and saw MyFriendJean the other day. She is sooooo nice to me. She gave me some rasin/apple muffins. She treats me a little like she does her son Doug (i.e. she spoils him rotten). You say--sooooo what. I say--It's soooo nice to have folks treat others soooooo nice. She's a gem folks (i.e. a real person with a massive huge good heart--my kind of person).
Life is not fair! The only thing that's fair is the Buter County Fair and that's in late June. Ya, life can sometimes seem overwhelming (i.e unfair). SusieQ says--But some of the things we get all cooked up about are really not that important. They are soooooowhat stuff. Ya, we all have stuff that is serious that needs our attention. But really, is some of that stuff really that important (e.g. a golf score). If you can't handle your score, quit. You don't have to play. You can sit on the couch and eat chips! Some of you think I know everything about nutten. You are probably right. Such is life.
A golf buddy showed me a scratch on the front of his golf cart the other day. He said--I thought I had it reverse but had it in forward and ran into something--how stupid can I get. I told him--sooooo what! No one will ever see that little scratch and it didn't really hurt anything except your pride soooo forget about it. Sooo what if you screwed up a little.
Sooooo what! This might be a stimulating cognitive psychological, inventive paradigm that JoeBlow has made--Ya need a balance between present and future joys. If we spend all our time on the future, we become misers. If we spend it all on the present, we become paupers. JoeBlow, I have seen both and have been both at certain times of my life. I think you are right though, you need a balance (i.e. do everything in moderation except in loving others and eating green beans). Such is life.
I was running the other morning (i.e. my body didn't seem to enjoy it much but I did run 2.5 miles in close to my normal time). ANYWAY I was on Nash Street when a car alarm went off. There wasn't any one by the car. Randy was walking across the street to his mail box and I said--I'm getting out of here before the police come! He said--I didn't see anything nor do I know anything. We both had a good laugh. Sooooo what!!
Sooooo what! Joesixpack says--Sometimes it is more important to be nice than to be right What do you think of that? I really have a hard time understanding a guy's stance on an issue (i.e. maybe I didn't understand him or I misunderstood him--that could be). He is a very smart guy in high positions. If I understood him right, he said--If it doesn't affect you personally, soooooo what. What! Soooo if the neighbor girl down the street gets rapped, soooooo what. It doesn't affect you personally. If a fellow business person gets cancer, soooooo what. It doesn't affect you personally. Sooo an acquaintance's parent dies. Soooooo what. It doesn't affect you personally. Flipthepancake--Soooo if it's his daughter gets rapped, soooo if it's his wife who has the cancer or if it's his parent who dies it might be a different thing. That attitude is toooooo "uno" for me. I bet most folks who have that "selfish" attitude would get real excited if someone took some of their money. Money always gets folks excited. MissPerfect says--Sooooo what, it's only money. So what stuff is important to you anyway? How about stuff like values, morals, and Biblical stuff if you are a Christian)? I think some of that stuff is very important (i.e. my opinion). IthcieBitchie says--Opinions vary; that's why we have horse races!
I read in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right) that the $87,000 is the average net worth of a baby boomer reaching age 65. Wow! Soooooo what! They will have to live on about $900 a month. Could you do that? LuckieEddie says--These are real folks with a real problem. They are drinking kool aid. Now that is a another major league problem that our country will have to deal with. We really don't like to deal with real problems as a government. We seem to tend to sweep them under the rug. We don't seem to face reality very well. SusieQ says--Yabut I have a lot of money sooooo I really don't care about anyone else. Ouchy ouchy! Talking about being real--The other day I golfed with a guy who I know but not very well. On the first tee I said--Good to see you sir. He said--I'm no sir, I'm a plain ol' asshole! Getting back to SusieQ who has plenty of money--If I were of a different family, had a different IQ, or raised in a different environment, that poor person could be me. Very easily! Soooo why have you and I been blessed with all our wealth? Are you and I blessed or cursed with all our wealth? Very few folks can handle financial wealth. Very few. Icky icky! Maybe our milk moustaches identify us as babes in our thinking when we are soooo self-righteous about being sooooo superior. Maybe we need to put on our hydraulic brakes to stop our "mightier than Thou" attitude. Maybe we need to be more thankful, appreciative, generous, humble than we are. If not, we probably will crash and burn (i.e. a dead end). Maybe we are all just "plain ol' assholes"! The "plain ol' asshole's partner was also standing on the tee box. He said to me--Hi Mr. Mellema. He was a student of mine maybe 40 years ago. I told him I'm not Mr. Mellema but erv. He asked me if I remember when he got kicked out of Vog Ag and was in my study hall. You told me that I had too much time on my hands with 2 study halls and I should drop the other study hall and come to the typing class that you were teaching. I did. Where you any good? I got up to 45 words per minute on a manual. That was pretty good. That typing class has become quite an assist to me as I spend about 50% of my job of 22 years on a computer. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--It's easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.
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