Will Roger said--It don't take no genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep! And what's more, it don't take no genius to spot a DuaneTheWorm in group of folks. But some folks are very gullible (i.e. can't see the goat wearing the sheepskin). Abe Lincoln once said--You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. And what's more, DuaneTheWorm way over hypes himself! After about soooooo long, folks figure him out sooooo he needs to find another fresh batch of suckers. Such is life.
And what's more...it really doesn't make any difference. I have made a makeshift office with an old card table. It sits in the master bedroom next to the window. There is a little par 60 golf course in our community. The hole in our back yard is about 150 yards for men and maybe 110 for women. And what's more, It seems like 80% of the folks can't hit the ball that far. And what's more...at this juncture in their lives, does it really matter! Really! Those folks are enjoying themselves, getting a little exercise and socializing.
And what's more...some of the Dykema (i.e. my Mom's side Anna Beatrice Dykema Mellema) cousins got together this week here in the Valley. What a hoot! I heard some real funny stories let me tell ya but this is the funniest of all. Dave (i.e. cousin-in-law) grew up on a farm near Bird Island, MN. It was 1952 when his parents packed all 7 kids (i.e. ages 3 months to 19) into their 1951 Oldsmobile 98 and headed west to Fresno, CA for the winter. They left the day after Thanksgiving and returned the end of March. They encountered snow storms to sand storms on their way. I said--Dave, that's impossible--9 folks in one car! It's right; we had kids on the floor, in the back window and anywhere they could fit. Mary asked--Where did you put your luggage? I guess in the truck (i.e. really for 9 folks for the winter--we have a hard time gettin' all our stuff in the car for the winter and it's only 2 of us). Can you imagine stopping for a pee break! And what's more, when they got there, they stayed with relatives (i.e. I bet they were happy to see them come--NOT!). They did rent a house after a while and the kids went to school there. Dave said the trip will stay with him forever. I wonder why Dave!
Dear James, Here are your Daddy Daughter Date Night pictures. We are sorry for the delay. Thank you for attending our event and investing in your daughter! Visit Chick-fil-A at Belleview Shores on facebook shortly, to see the famous couple. :-) Jessica Armerding Marketing DirectorChick-fil-A at Belleview Shores 5260 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood, CO 80123 Joesixpack says--And what's more...I do the best I can with the ability I have and see what happens (i.e. and many times folks don't get to see what happens). We may not be aware of what our involvement produces until long afterwards, if at all. GeorgeTheCrook says--I don't even know what is right sometimes. I think one way and the majority think another. Am I right or are they right. Ya, I just hope I do my best as I'm only traveling this path but once. Joesixpack goes on to say--And what's more...I'm not bad but I wouldn't call myself good either! Such is life.
What's more...there is a tipping point. It's Palm Sunday tomorrow. Palm Sunday is when Jesus was coming into Jerusalem and folks laid down their coats and palm branches and shouted out -- Hosanna in the highest. They made a decision as to who they thought he was (i.e. their Messiah). Decisions to be a follower of Jesus isn't always easy folks. My kid sister, Doris, and brother-in-law, Larry, are doing a mission trip as teachers to the Wycliffe missionary children in Papua New Guinea. This is what they wrote to me in an email (i.e. printed with permission)--Nationals here are very open to new religions. There are many denominations present - Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, Protestant, Assembly of God, Catholic, etc. What happens is that the nationals try to retain their own beliefs - evil spirits, witchcraft, etc. and just add the new beliefs to it. Someone here described it as a "stew". Even though they say they believe in God, when push comes to shove they often resort back to their old beliefs. While we were here about 2-3 hours drive away, a 20 year-old woman was burned alive under a pile of tires. She was accused of using sorcery to kill a six-year old boy. Sometimes nationals will intervene, but sad to say in her case that didn't happen. ~ We've heard stories from many of the translators who work in the villages describing the nationals fear of evil spirits which they believe live in rocks or trees. Some translators will even say that they have felt the "heaviness" of evil around them, but through prayer and their belief in a stronger presence - God- they are able to carry on. Unfortunately for the nationals their old beliefs trump their new beliefs. Remember that is a generalization and that there are some truly committed nationals who have accepted Christ as their Savior. ~ It's only been about 2-3 generations which have heard the Word so beliefs and costumes change slowly. Back in the '60's they were still practicing cannibalism. That's another whole different story for a different day. ~ We learn more each day. Conversations with people who have first hand experiences are so interesting.

Oh rats! I think (i.e. my opinion) that it is difficult or impossible to understand another person's mind (i.e. they are programed uniquely by their environment and genetics). You can not change them very easily. You just need to accept them as they are or don't be around them. Occasionally a person will change 'cause of their free will and desire. It's much like what JoePetroelje says (i.e. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half banana and some blueberries on it)--It shouldn't surprise us that we can't wrap our minds around the reality of eternity (i.e. like a different person's mind). "I remember as a small child attempting to imagine what "forever" was like, and it scared me. There is no way to understand on this side of heaven what eternity will be. There are questions that can't be answered until we join with our Creator. And even then, our present wanderings may be forgotten in the experience of joy greater than any we have known." How did your mind accept those mutterings? Take heart, every mind will accept them differently 'cause we are all different. IthcieBitchie says--You cannot make someone something which they are not and don't want to become. Huh, interesting.
We went to the business office to have something notarized. I asked the gal what day it was. She laughed and said--It's not Friday; When you are working you say, "Thank God it's Friday" and on Mondays you say--"I can't wait until Friday". Working folks like Friday nights; they even sleep better. When folks are retired, every night is a Friday. Most of us don't know what day it is most of the time. Now every day is a Friday (i.e. a life of Riley). This retirement is really something. It's not the same as when we really said--Thank goodness it's Friday! Such is life.
He surly fooled me alright. A guy who I play pickle ball with and I were sitting on a bench waiting our turn. I have played quite a bit with him but never really talked to him. I asked him what he did for a living. He started as a math teacher but was recruited by a computer company where he became a programmer and then into management. It was a good time as the computer was just getting started. And after 30+ years the computer business was falling apart and he was retiring. At the end he had to fire 26 folks in Philadelphia one day. He would meet with them and then the resource person would take them to their desk to pick up their personal stuff and then escort them out of the building. Then at the end of the day, the resource person was fired tooooooo. And what's more, this guy is a world class bridge player. And what's more, this guy is a world class senior volley ball player. And what's more, I have no idea what's in his heart. And what's more, I tell you what, he really fooled me. I would have never guessed this by looking at him. He's just an AverageJoe on the pickle ball court like many of us.
And what's more, I really like this guy! Our neighbor, Sonny, asked if I could carry in a chest that his wife bought on the annual "Fountain of the Sun Patio Sale" last Saturday. He said--I hurt my back and don't want to lift it--how did you hurt your back--I slipped off the stool and hit the bathtub--I would suggest you don't do that anymore--ya, I'm going to try to quite that. How can a guy slip off the pot! He is 79 and has a ways to go if he lives as long as his mother (i.e. she's 102). He better keep taking his vitamins! MissPerfect says--I don't know but it looks like your neighbor is on a black diamond and going straight down the hill! And what's more, I really like this guy!
It says in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right)--St. Patrick may have driven all the snakes from Ireland, but apparently he never made it to Arizona...Arizona is No. 1 when it come to rattlesnakes...rattlesnakes bit 270 people in Arizona in 2012...Fatalities from rattlesnakes bits are extremely rare; 1,912 rattlesnake bites that occurred in Arizona in a 10-year period, just four resulted in death...and what's more, it appears that more folks might die by slippin' off their stools in their bath rooms! Such is life.
LuckyEddie says--You ever have some days that stuff tastes better (i.e. like the blueberries have more zest), you have more enthusiasm, the body feels better, you see things differently, you heart is softer etc? It's just not the same. Something is different aboutja. Why is that do you think? And what's more... we have days we don't think as well as others. I was buying a trinket from a older gal at the patio sale Saturday for a 25 cents. I gave her a dollar and she was struggling making change. She said she woke up at 2:20 and couldn't get back to sleep--you must have been pretty excited about your sale--didn't think sooooo but maybe; I'm going to take a good long nap real soooooon yet me tell ya.
Will Roger also said--Never miss a good chance to shut up!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--When all is said and done, more is said than done.
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