I think this guy was confused or didn't have his glasses on! I was running on the back side of Usery Mt. the other day. I was approaching 2 snowbird couples on the trail. As I was about to meet them I said, hello. One of the guys must have been yacking and watching where his next step was going to be as I really scared him. He jumped and said--Jesus, you scared me! Like I said, I think he was either confused or didn't have his gasses on!
I think this was a banner week. I have had sooooo much fun being around sooooo many good folks (i.e. you know who you are--just sooooo many). Just a banner week. A friend from childhood, Dean, and I spent the day together going to the Karshien Carverns (i.e. one of AZ's main tourist attractions with a very interesting story http://azstateparks.com/parks/kaca/ ) over by Tucson (i.e. seeing stalagmites and stalactites). What a hoot. I learned from Deano that--Everything in the SW either bites ya, stings ya or pricks ya! Just one of many fun experiences this week with many good folks (i.e. folks with good hearts--my kind of folks). Had a great worship service last Sunday with friends and acquaintances. Just a great experience. Happenstance, na I don't think sooooo folks. Such is life.
I think she has this right: Danica Patricks's No. 10 GoDaddy.com Chevrolet's hauler has painted on it--"Embracing what makes you different is sometimes what makes you great". But I found out this week that I'm just a common guy. Oh ya! I was paying for me round of golf last Saturday morning at the club house of the Fountain of the Sun Country Club. A golfer said I should go and look at the bargain rack; prices are 50% off. Soooo I looked and didn't find anything in my size. I told a couple of ladies looking as well that there is nutten in my size. One said--You're just tooooo common! That is what she said! I'm just a common guy! Such is life.
MissPerfect says--Once I think I'm pretty good at something, I get humbled real fast. AverageJoe says--I shouldn't think! I'm not very good at it. One of my golf buddies is a smart person a.k.a. a good thinker I think! ANYWAY he takes a lot of pictures on his little Canon SD1200IS. He says about 200 a month. I take that many maybe in my lifetime. Soooo the screen doesn't work. The camera is about 3 years old. No wonder it doesn't work--That's about 7,000 pictures. Soooo he goes on line and finds a "fix your Canon" for $11.95. He buys it and with tweezers fixes his Canon. He's a retired engineer--maybe that explains it or is it because he frugal! I bet no one under 40 would do that. They would throw the sucker away and spend $105 for a new one. That is what I think.
GeorgeTheCrook says--I think my buddy ItchieBitchie is a rat fink. Ya, he has a lot of "jerk" in him. That's just the way he is. GeorgeTheCrook says--I think just the opposite of DuaneTheWorm (i.e. his hide is unbelievably slippery and he's a great spoofer). I think that at the heart of our culture is a belief in doing the right thing...we believe that when others win, we win too. But then again, how powerful are the opinions of others (i.e. especially mine)? Opinions many times makes folks just roll their eyes or make them yawn (i.e. especially if those opinions are different from ours). Some opinions appear to be real dumb and some seem to be real intriguing and some seem to be just misinformation. We interpret opinions based on how we have been programed (i.e. my opinion). This might be a little murky for some of you--think through it folks! Some bullets you just can't dodge. Sometimes we are just victim of circumstances. Such is life.
I think we are all sorta kinda branded. Not branded with a mark but branded as who and what we are by our actions. And certain brands seem to cling together (e.g. certain employees of a company hang out together, smokers seem to hang out together, folks of any hobby tend to hang out together, folks with certain believes seem to hang out together, etc). We are all different and unique and enjoy being around others who somewhat think like us. I was playing pickleball in the afternoon and next to the courts there was having a ceremony for dedication of a new building. There were maybe 150 folks listening to the band and eating a hotdog. I asked a fellow pickleballer--Do you know most of these folks from your park? Heck no, I only know the pickleballers! Some oft-quoted words of Henry David Thoreau are--"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him keep step to the music which he hears, however measured for far away. Why should he turn his spring into summer?" One of my golf buddies (i.e. age 76) told me recently that his son and wife purchased a bed and breakfast. He and his wife really wonder "what are they doing". They both have good jobs and now are doing this! It's what they want to do so I guess they are doing it.
Products are known for their brand like Coke, Titlist, John Deere, etc. Much like churches. We have The Regular Baptist, The Evangelical Baptist, The Southern Baptist and the Primitive Baptist. I don't think that The Primitive Baptist is a very catchy name. What do you think?
I think I met Jack Wagon the other day! WildWilly can be a Jack Wagon at times folks! So do you know what a Jack Wagon is? Maybe it’s a SW term. I don’t know but I heard it several times down here in the SW. I think I met Jack Wagon this week. I have no idea what a JackWagon is folks. But I have met a lot of folks soooo I bet I have met one. I met this guy playing pickle ball the other day. When we got done, we were sitting on a bench and his cell rang. He told me it was about his medication that he is not going to take any more. It almost killed him Sunday. It lowered my blood pressure to such a low level that it was life threatening. It happened at church and if a nurse wasn't there, I probably would have died. Sooooo did you loose consciousness? Ya, I think I saw heaven. It was sooooo pretty and I was soooooo peaceful. I was alright with it. You are blessed to be a blessing. I have been blessed many times in my life. I once had an accident with a chain saw and had over 500 stitches in my arm and face. I really have had a good life. I'm sooooooo happy. He shuck my hand a couple of times and said--I hope we can play together again. I think this guy has a good attitude. What do you think? If you don't believe in Jesus, you for sure don't understand that. If you believe in Jesus, you might understand that. Such is life. I goggled Jack Wagon and it says--a crybaby loser pussy-type who needs to grow some cajones and start acting like a man.
I think it takes a strong will and a lot of work to...! Shad (i.e. snowbird from Nova Scotia age 76) walks past our condo sometimes while we are sitting in the sun drinking our nightly wine. He told us the other day that two years ago he had a stroke while here and last year he got shingles around his eye and on his face. This year he and his wife are on a diet (i.e. 500 calories per day). I asked him--Don't you get hungry on 500 calories? Not really, after about 2 weeks, ya just don't. They have lost 35 pounds and have never felt better he said. I read in the paper (i.e. so it must be right) You lose roughly 100 calories per mile of running. You must add 35 extra miles to lose each pound--or 700 miles to lose 20 pounds. SusieQ says--I think it takes a lot of work and determination to lose weight; most folks can't do it. Most would rather sit on the couch and eat chips and gain weight. Such is life. Snacking is ok if you snack on the right stuff. Here are some tips--Rice Cakes with peanut butter, cottage cheese with diced tomatoes, fruit, 23 raw almonds (i.e. one ounce) and 8 ounce bag of Wonderful Pistachios. It said in the paper soooo it must be right--ya gotta select the right snacks. Sooooo there you go folks. Oh ya, I also read this in the paper sooooo it must be right--Vacuum for an hour and burn 238 calories. Scrubbing down the bathroom for 30 minutes burns 200 calories. In 1965 women said they spent about 8 hours a week sitting and watching TV. In 2010, that number spiked to 16.5. Soooooo...! Oh ya, I also read in the paper (i.e. sooooo it must be right)--Willpower can be bought--Study finds cash incentives effective in weight loss. Money makes things happen folks. It also said--Incentives are "not like training wheels where people learn healthy habits and then will continue them on their own" --you have to keep them up for them to work. Such is life.
Transamerica says (i.e. money is a great motivator)--The healthiest 20% of people in their 50s will retire with 3X the assets of the least healthy. Now that is another reason to exercise and watch your diet. Victims of circumstances? Maybe and maybe not! Some things we have control of and some things we don't. Joesixpack asks--Which one are you anyway? Are you a roadrunner or a couch potato?
Arlene and I had breakfast with my daddy's (i.e. Chester) cousins and wives recently down here in Sun Valley (i.e. ages 79, 80 and 85). I again was told how everyone of them eats their oatmeal--all differently! ANYWAY I think these guys are sooooo positive, happy and uplifting. And frugal. Mellemas had to as we are survivors (i.e. Chester's cousins are all of families of 10 to 12--not much given them for material stuff but I think were given much more important stuff--it appears). Such is life.
Warning folks--If you are thinking what I think you're thinking, you better have another think!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--No person ever injured their eye sight by looking on the bright side of things.
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