I met a guy who was the chief accountant of the sate. I was impressed. He retired and become a across the country truck driver. He said it is was like he was on vacation and then it became a job. It wasn't the same after that. He quite. The state called him back to work. How about that.
Joesixpack is an old coon from the high-up creeks, and he knows the signs (i.e. been around the block). He's not the same as when he was a young man. He has changed (i.e. has seasoned alright). He use to be a leader of the unsettled youngsters, the malcontents, and the hardheads but now he is the leader of winners. He is not the same. All his past was long ago and far away...like another world than this. He's just not the same as he use to be folks. Way different. I like him better this way. Yes I do.
It's not what you know, it's who you know. They're not the same. Went to Broadway Christian Sunday morning and the Wild Horse Pass Casino in the afternoon. Oh ya, our friends invited us to go with them to watch a college basketball teammate of his put on his show, Larry King and The Legends of Country. We got to talk to Mr. King behind stage before the show and he gave us free VIP $30 tickets to the concert. BigJim and Larry played for Southeastern State in Springfield, SD which is now a prison. I might have played against them when at good old Northwestern College. BigJim scored 24 points that game (i.e. the star) but I don't think I got to see the court or didn't make the box score. ANYWAY BigJim, Larry and myself aren't the same as we use to be. It's just not the same folks. But we really like to hang around with BigJim and Karen 'cause they get all the breaks! Such is life. http://www.azdinnershows.com/id15.html
The WI snowbird who sat beside me seemed to enjoy the show more than me. He had a couple of whiskeys. Maybe that was the reason. I don't know. I asked him--how ya doing when he sat down next to me. He said--Hanging in there; When you become an old fart that's what ya do, just hang in there. I really don't understand the casino thing. Those folks sit in heavy smoke to give their money away to the Indians. That just doesn't make any sense to me. I guess it's not the same for everyone. There were about 1,500 folks at the show. I was impressed. Larry King put on a show alright.
She's not the same as she was when I married her at age 22 but she is still the prettiest looking babe in the bunch! No question. Arlene sang in the Fountain of the Sun chorus again this year. They had two performances this week. And I might add, not only the prettiest, but the sweetest! I might be bias a little but...! The guy in the front is the piano player. He's 92! Such is life.
JoeTheHike says he isn't going fishing in Canada with his old group this year after going for 48 years. How come? It's not the same; most of my old buddies are dead or aren't going. It's just not the same as it use to be.
These two attitudes are not the same folks. When we approach God with the attitude of "I'm in charge God and I need your help" compared to approaching God with the attitude of "I'm a sinner God and need your help", it's not the same. SusieQ says--You are in charge God and I know that. I come to you repenting and asking you for your mercy.
While I was running Silly Mt. the other day, I was thinking what Anne said yesterday while sitting on their patio. Anne said--Folks who come to the Valley for a holiday of a week, 2 weeks or even a month really don't understand. When you stay the winter it becomes a life style. It's just not the same as for a short time (e.g. dieting for 2 weeks or changing your life style for ever). Most folks exercise more, socialize more, do activities that they won't do at home, and eat better. As I was almost done with my run, I passed a mother and her two children. I asked one of the boys how old he was--10--on spring break this week?--yep, the best week of my life!! I hear that the kids back home got out a few days for snow. That's their spring break maybe but they have to make some of those days up at the end of the school year. Most of those make up days don't amount to much as some of the teachers are ready to quite and most of the students are toooooo. They're just not the same quality of education.
LuckyEddie says--Some women when they get the taste of money are just not the same anymore. They act different, smell different, and are just not the same as they use to be. Oh that money can change folks alright. It's not the same is it? It ain't the same folks--Prosperity is a great teacher;
adversity is a greater. JoeBow will work himself to death just so he can find time to bore himself stupid! Man is a strange animal folks. GeorgeTheCrook says--It's not the same having no money as having money. GeorgeTheCrook goes on to say--I am getting some money in my jean pockets. Nothing makes a person cockier than some money in his jeans. Love and money can really get a guy going alright! Joesixpack says--Love is often mistaken for good sense. They are not the same folks. Oh no!
CadillacJack says--I have changed and didn't even know it until I returned to a place that remains unchanged to show me how I have changed. I have changed my thinking and didn't even know it until I got around the unchanged. That bench mark showed me that I have changed. Wow! My priorities have definitely changed. I have a different spirit in me. Why you ask. 'Cause for many reasons I think. Many reasons. But if I would not have returned to some unchanged place, I don't know if I would have noticed my change. Does that make any sense to you? I have great appreciation for folks who make changes. Especially for folks who are addictive to something and then break away. That takes courage and discipline. I told that to a friend recently (i.e. on the putting green) who is a recovering alcoholic for maybe 20 years. He said--I didn't do it by myself; God was my strength. WildWillie says--When abnormal becomes normal without you even realizing it, it can 'cause big problems. Maybe that's when a guy has to step back and take a look at our lives from 10,000 feet.
WildWillie asks--If you have a large vocabulary does that mean you are smart? ItchieBitche says-- I got a job in a factory one summer and worked alongside a guy who could swear for two solid minutes without repeating a single word. It's not the same folks.
It's not the same! A woman goes to the Doctor, worried about her husband's temper. The Doctor asks: "What's the problem? The woman says: "Doctor, I don't know what to do . Every day my husband seems to lose his temper for no reason. It scares me." The Doctor says: "I have a cure for that. When it seems that your husband is getting angry, just take a glass of water and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don't swallow it until he either leaves the room or goes to bed and is asleep." Two weeks later the woman comes back to the doctor looking fresh and reborn. The woman says: "Doctor that was a brilliant idea! Every time my husband started losing it, I swished with water. I swished and swished, and he calmed right down! He's not the same. How does a glass of water do that?" The Doctor says: "The water itself does nothing. It's keeping your mouth shut that does the trick...."
It's not the same as a car but it runs cheap. This guy sells motor bikes near our park. Sooooo I stopped and checked them out. He wanted me to ride one sooooo I did. You engage the clutch and start peddling and then pop the clutch and the way you go about 30 mph. 150 miles to a gallon and you don't need a license. He started riding one when he lost his license for an OWI he said. He puts them together and they sale for $600 to $800. I think I would like one but then I think I want a lot of stuff and after I think about it I think I don't really need one. I really don't need a motor bike. It might not be the same if I didn't have a license. Can you see Arlene sitting on the handle bars and us tooling around Mesa!!!! I always wanted a motorbike as a kid. Forest Van den Einde was selling his as he was getting a car. My Daddy, Chester, and I went to look at it. I wanted it really bad. My Daddy said it was toooo much. I never questioned him and didn't say a word. I knew we didn't have much money. Never did get one. He wanted $20 for it if I remember right. Such is life.
The snowbird from the 10,000 lakes says--Everything will be ok at the end. If it isn't ok, it's not the end yet!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--You can't get anywhere today if you are still mired down in yesterday.
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