AverageJoe says--Skinned knuckles heal, but wounded pride just festers. Joesixpack says--Todayistheday that your decisions will affect your life forever. Soooo are you going to continue to be bitter toward that person or are you going to forgive them and move forward. That other person doesn't really care if you are bitter toward them or not soooooo really the only person who is affected by your bitterness is you. Huh, interesting. ItchieBithcie says--Yabut I like to be bitter toward that person! Da! ItchieBitchie, you are just a pipsqueak bureaucrat mislead into an overappraisal of your own importance! My big sister (i.e. not in size but in age) says--In some cases if you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
It's time to move on! Us Americans are fortunate to live in our great country where we have many freedoms. We get to decide many many things. Many times we might want to blame someone else for stuff but in most cases it's what we decide. We get to make the decisions. We, ourselves, me alone get tooooo. As a friend says to me--erv, decisions have consequences. Here is another way of looking at it: "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” ~Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!~ LuckieEddie says--Todayistheday to step up and be responsible for our decisions folks.
Todayistheday to think this way! I am happy with my wife, my house, my car, my body, my kids, my job, my church, and my country. Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have. I think it's true, very true. What do you think? There is always something better, fancier, faster, more powerful, and more expensive. Always. If not now, it's coming. But I'm happy. I really am. I neither want to nor have the ability to trade places with anyone. I am happy with myself. With all life's faults, with all of my faults and my continuing struggle to improve, I am happy. There are a lot of others who have more stuff. But there aren't many who are happier with the stuff they do have. That's the key. Are you happy with the stuff that you do have? Saturday question--Are you happy with yourself? Joesixpack says--Be what you is, not what you ain't, 'cause when you is what you ain't, then you ain't what you is." Soooooo suck it up cupcake. Be happy. Jonie and Al, isn't that what you told me in church Sunday?
Don't screw it up! I read in the paper soooo it must be right. Yahoo buys Tumblr and Yahoo vows not to "screw it up"! Yahoo said--Per the agreement and our promise, we will not screw it up! I think that is funny. Soooo do some folks and some organizations have a tendency to 'screw things up' consistently? It appears that way to my from my viewing platform. Just look at their past record!
ChurchLadyBrenda was telling me that the church they attend has over 400 glass serving trays that haven't been used for 40 years. But they still keep them. Soooo maybe todayistheday to get rid of them would you think! SusieQ says--Sooooo what do you do with all those old silver coffee servers that use to be sooooo important to have and now no one really cares about? Folks paid good money to get those. And besides, they were given Frank and Tilly's family in their memory? We can't throw them away--they are in perfect shape. We better put them back in the cabinet for another 40 years. Don't screw it up! Someone will be mad at you sooooo just keep on keeping them! Tradition can be a killer folks.
ChicagoShannon says-- What would you do if you were told you only had 1 week to live? Would you make any changes in the way you are living? Would you make any last second changes? Would your life be lived any differently? There are very few of us who know when our time will be up. Life can end at any time. There are no guarantees. We should be living every day as if it were our last here on this earth, for so it may be. Have you loved the ones you need to love? Have you told them how much you care? Do you have things set in order? Most importantly, are you ready for the life after death? God has made it clear to us that surely, there is a life to come. An eternal existence is awaiting us. The option is there for us to choose Him to be welcomed home to paradise; to be forgiven of our sin and be made fresh and clean. A new life of joy awaits us if we are willing to turn our life over to God. Soooooo folks, I think ChicagoShannon is saying--todayistheday! What do you think? CadallicJack says--I think the Lord's manifest presence makes a difference--all the difference in the world.
AttitudeDayAdjustment! Todayistheday--You ever have a day when you have to adjust your attitude (i.e. your attitude is all out of wack)? The spring cold conditions here in Iowa have not been condosive to great golf scores (i.e. very little golf has been played). It has been wet, windy, cold, and cloudy a lot. It has made the grass very lush which has made play even harder. I was telling a pickleball/golf buddy who lives in Canada this by email. BigPete responded--Yes, coolish here too so most of my days are inside at PBall, but one fellow has his own private outside court that we play on nice days. My golf is suffering but I'll hang on to the 'riding a bicycle again' theory! I like BigPete's attitude. Yabut when he says his game is suffering that might be a couple over par!
Todayistheday to start! Todayistheday to start anything that you always wanted to do and in some cases know you should do. The first thing you gotta do is start. You can't do anything if you don't start (e.g. an exercise weight reduction program). Ya gotta get off the couch and get started. Todayistheday--you can do it. Start slow and be consistent. It will make you feel good by accomplishing something and also losing that weight. You can do it. Yes you can. If you want to anyway!!! My daddy, Chester, would say--erv, the best discipline is self-discipline.
Attitude adjusters! It's ALLLLLLLLL good folks! AverageJoe says--All is well that ends well. Well. something like that anyway. "It's Not What You Look At That Matters, It's What You See" ~Henry David Thoreau~
It just fell in my lap! Todayistheday and I didn't even know it. Sometimes things a.k.a. opportunities just happen (i.e. fall in your lap). We don't plan them or expect them; they just happen. ANYWAY here is a little history of It's Saturday. It was not planned. I'm really not a writer. I didn't like school but because of a strange event I went to good old Northwestern College and got my BA. I said I would never go to school again. My brother-in-law, Jack, a year later convinced me to go to graduate school and I ended up getting a MA. I'm still not much of a student. I really don't like school and wasn't very good with writing (i.e. I'm still not). I had no plans of being a principal in an independent insurance company and real estate company for 34 years either; it just happened. We use to work Saturday mornings and the support staff didn't. I would email something to my family and a couple of friends each Saturday morning. That was about 1990. Then others wanted to be on my email list and the list just kept growing. In 2010 I started blogging. Since I started blogging in April, 2010, there has been 44,565 hits according to google of the 164 posts. That is just amazing for a guy who really isn't very good with the pen. I can't believe it. My high school English teacher surely wouldn't believe it. Why I have had this humbling opportunity? I have no idea. Such is life.

Joesixpacks says--erv, don't feel inferior because some are faster than you. Don't get puffed up because you are faster than some. Don't judge the capabilities of others by how they look. You are who you are. Such is life.
This experience was special to me. Before the run started a lot of folks were huddled underneath the drop off of the Methodist Church to get out of the rain. I went way in the back corner. There was a gal there who I know but not real well. When she saw me she touched me on my shoulder and said--Good to see you running or something like that. We talked briefly about the weather and running. Then they called us to the starting line, she again touched my shoulder and said something like good luck. She did it as an encouragement I think (i.e. maybe she was just amazed that an old fart like me was running). I really think she is just a nice gal. It was a good experience. And maybe she will never know. Isn't that something! My big sister (i.e. not in size but in age) says--If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
SusieQ says--erv, drink more coffee--do stupid things faster with more energy!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.
MyFriendJean says--House work is something you do that nobody notices unless you don't do it.
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