The rhetoric in "It's Saturday" might be called "erv's arrogantly inflated opinion" by some. In our culture, the more you pay for something usually the better the product (i.e. unless you are the government). You pay nutten for "It's Saturday" sooooo maybe you get what you pay for. Could be. If your expectations aren't high, you won't be disappointed! Soooo use some reasonableness folks!
I asked a friend if I could use something about him in a "It's Saturday". I said I didn't want to do something to make him cross and pissy (i.e. ha ha). He emailed me back with this reply--I don’t need your help to be ‘pissy’…I can do it myself. J Now that is reasonableness folks. It sure is!
This is reasonable reasonablemess! A man observed a sign in the window of a restaurant that read "Unique Breakfast" so he walked in and sat down. The waitress brought him his coffee and asked him what he wanted. "What's your Unique Breakfast?" he asked inquisitively. "Baked tongue of chicken!" she proudly replied. "Baked tongue of chicken?... baked tongue of chicken! Do you have any idea how disgusting that is? I would never even consider eating anything that came out of a chicken's mouth!" he fumed. Undaunted, the waitress asked, "What would you like then?" "Just bring me some scrambled eggs," the man replied.
I asked a friend if I could use something about him in a "It's Saturday". I said I didn't want to do something to make him cross and pissy (i.e. ha ha). He emailed me back with this reply--I don’t need your help to be ‘pissy’…I can do it myself. J Now that is reasonableness folks. It sure is!
This is reasonable reasonablemess! A man observed a sign in the window of a restaurant that read "Unique Breakfast" so he walked in and sat down. The waitress brought him his coffee and asked him what he wanted. "What's your Unique Breakfast?" he asked inquisitively. "Baked tongue of chicken!" she proudly replied. "Baked tongue of chicken?... baked tongue of chicken! Do you have any idea how disgusting that is? I would never even consider eating anything that came out of a chicken's mouth!" he fumed. Undaunted, the waitress asked, "What would you like then?" "Just bring me some scrambled eggs," the man replied.
Reasonableness. What a great word. Are you known to others as a reasonable person? The word describes a “gentle agreeableness.” The opposite would be “quarrelsome.” Folks can agree to disagree with each other. A reasonable person can endure or put up with other people who take advantage of them or mistreat them. They could fire back, but they are content to let it go. Reasonableness means giving others the benefit of the doubt. When is the last time you did that? You know, cut somebody some slack? Graciously refused to lash back at them? Determined not to make a scene? Reasonableness—it’s something to be known for, along with a lack of anxiety. Now, all of us have legitimate concerns in our lives, but anxiety is concern gone to seed. It is a word that describes an anxious, harassing care, an unreasonable anxiety that consumes a person with chronic worry. We know what that is like. We become distracted, our emotions simmer until they boil over and our bodies begin to break down or demonstrate negative symptoms from the intensity of our anxiety. Anxious people are not often reasonable people. Have you noticed this? They are often not praying people either, which is why I think Paul speaks of prayer as an antidote to anxiety. Joesixpack says--Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Fully in charge! When he gets fully fully fully fully in charge...SlickBillie becomes a "not very nice" person. I have a saying on the wall by my desk which says--We are maturing when we are in a position to hurt someone and decide not to. Is that reasonableness? MissPerfect says--Many times when you help someone or decide not to hurt someone, they never know that. In fact no one else does. That is our character I think. I have lobbied in years past to have a site where folks from our community could bring their leaves and tree limbs when they trim their trees (i.e. be a friendly opportunity). Well, we did get just that site. Folks are to dump their leaves (i.e. not leave them in bags) and no other type of yard waste or household trash are to be left there (i.e. makes good sense). We have pine oaks (i.e. those suckers give for ever--a gift that gives forever) soooo I raked up the leaves once again and took them down to the site. There were bags of leaves and other household stuff left there (i.e. not much but some). What! Your character is how you act when no one is looking! Obviously some folks don't have good character or they don't give a hoot (i.e. my opinion). Such is life.
Has stout! WorldClassLarry who is stout says--Winners make habits of doing the things losers don't want to do. The funny thing is the winner doesn't want to do them either. They don't want to get up early or work out or work late...Is that reasonableness? Soooo do some folks do some things while others won't? AverageJoe says--If you can figure that out, you're better than me! Such is life.
This real story has a lot of reasonableness! This story is about our niece, her husband and their son. Hugh is playing junior varsity baseball. Because the weather has been so cold the team has been practicing inside. But, one morning the coach texted each player that practice would be outside that day. Hugh had not tried on his cleats and they were size 9 1/2 and he needed a size 11. He did wear the small pair for a miserable time at practice that day. Well, mom went shopping and brought home, on approval, three pairs from Dick’s. Expensive!!!! However, on her way home she stopped at Rustic Market, the thrift store of Pine Rest. Surprise, cheats size 11 (Nikes) $4.00 (i.e. some folks get all the breaks) . Everyone was happy. That makes me smile. My Dad, Chester, on two occasions bought me shoes several sizes to large. One was when I went into jr high and had to have a pair of gym shoes. They would still be to big for me! The second time was--It was the 4th of July and I was maybe 10 or sooooo. We always had a celebration at church for the day. In the afternoon our local saddle club had a show in which we did games with our horses. I wanted a pair of cowboy boots soooooo bad. Dad bought me a pair which were about 4 sizes tooooo big (i.e. sooooo they would last for a while). I did the musical barrel. I was tooooo short for the stripes sooooo my cowboy boots fell off. Folks had a good laugh but I didn't. I got second with Queen. My big sister (i.e. in age that is) told me this--You got second because when you got off Queen, you let the reins go and just ran to the barrel. Queen would then come to you. Good horse in many ways. She was right!!!
My heart goes out to her! A friend shared some of her emotions (i.e. she might feel like a limp wet wash rag). She is struggling with her emotions because of her husband's situation. She said--I didn't sign-up for this, I expected life to way different, life is unfair, etc. The words to Frank Sinatra's greatest hit, My Way goes like this: The end is near...I've lived a life that's full...I've done it my way. Mabye we think we have life planned out (i.e. think we are fully in charge--on top of it) but it doesn't always go, my way. Life doesn't always seem to be reasonableness. Life can be a head scratcher at times! Such is life.
My friend, I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything. . . . And the peace of God . . . will guard your hearts.
The battle of the bulge! ItchieBitchie says--Folks have been fighting the "battle of the bulge" for ever (i.e. having love handles). I was changing the oil in my golf cart using the curb soooo I could get under the cart to remove the oil plug . I was finishing up when our chief of police came by. I waved him down and told him that I think I saw a drug deal go down while running the other day. ANYWAY he told me he lost 85 pounds since I saw him last. Wow. How did you do that--got sick--man you must have really been sick--had virus, flue, bronchitics, and strip throat; hope to keep it off as I'm down to 230 (i.e. lay off those donuts)--sooo you were over 300 pounds--ya, I can really feel the difference--you probably can run after someone know and catch them (i.e. ha ha)--ya, maybe but my knees are still bad. Such is life.

I learned something new at church. It was from a conversation I had with a friend before church started. I gave the book Crooked Number to her husband to read this winter. He told me that he just falls asleep when he reads. His wife read it and told me that she reads about a book a week. She's a phlebotomist and asks the folks she sticks what their favorite book is and reads them. This is what I learned--she sometimes writes down the characters and a timeline sooooo she can follow the story better (i.e. good idea). That sounds like reasonableness to me folks as I have to reread the first couple chapters some times to get them straight. She is one smart cookie let me tell ya! And I know her.
I bought several bottles of wine at Hi-Vee the other day. It was on sale. I have never seen it this cheap and it was our kind. Arlene and I sometimes have a glass before our evening meal with a few cashews. Have done it for years. ANWYAY I asked Fran the checkout clerk of 19 years (i.e. it said it on her name badge)--Do you drink wine? She said--I'm a teetotaler. I said--It's better being a teetotaler than drinking and having a lot of problems. She said--I think sooooo. That is reasonableness folks (i.e. my opinion).
This seems reasonableness! I read in the paper soooo it must be right that a government study concludes that -- Excessive alcohol makes folks stupid! Need another drink GeorgeTheCrook? No I'm good! Talk about being stupid--Years and years ago, a shepherd named Juan Oliveros from Tucson was having an affair with his mother-in-law in an adobe home where the El Tiradito shrine now stands (i.e. uff da). Bad move. The husband/father-in-law caught them in the act and killed Oliveros on the spot with an ax and then high-tailed it to Mexico. Don't know what happened to the mother-in-law. I don't know if the shrine is for "good use of an ax" or "a shrine to crazy mother-in-laws". Can you imagine having an affair with your mother-in-law!!!!! I thought the old testament teaching that you had to marry your brother's wife if he died was bad enough. I guess it wouldn't be toooo bad it your brother had good taste but if he didn't...! Ouchy ouchy!
It's just another cold, rainy, windy spring day in IA--get over it! Yabut the last week has been miserable but the future looks better. Suck it up cup cake! Arlene and I went to a couple of movies this week. Good movie weather! Sometimes we get sorta kinda covered with bad attitude (i.e. it's easy to do) and we really don't realize it. It just kinda sorta happens gradually and just keeps accumulating. It's best to clean the crap off once in a while. I went to sharpen our lawn mower blades at my friend's shop (i.e. this guy has everything and can do anything--good kind of friend to have). ANYWAY he just got done power washing his fence before re-staining it. He showed my how dirty his drive was. Wow! I asked him if I could use his power washer for a few minutes. Our house faces to the north and the cement in front of our house is grimy and dirty. Wow! What a difference. I wonder if our lives need a little power washing once in a while. That is reasonableness folks (i.e. my opinion).
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Faith is believing the impossible and trusting the impossible.
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