I'm not trying to bamboozle or hornswoggle you! I don't think it would be possible even if I was trying. You guys are tooooo smart (i.e. at least most of you are!!!). SusieQ says--It seems that everyone has a reason to try to change another person; usually their reasons are not successful unless that other person wants to change. You don't need a history major to know where this "It's Saturday" is going!
OverTheTopSharon says--If coffee produces good eye sight, why don't folks see the extreme prices at Starbucks? They have their reasons I'm sure OverTheTopSharon. Some reasons you might not want to know (e.g.your ego desperately wants people to know you're somebody; the perceived opinions of others make up your ego). Arlene and I had our annual physicals recently. Afterwards we went out for breakfast. The cute little waitress was very nice to us. Through our conversation she told us that she does this 4 days a week but her full time job is managing Pizza Ranch. Wow! You are a busy gal; what do you do with all your money. I'm self sufficient and need to pay off my huge massive education loans--Are you married--no no--Then I suggest you find a rich guy--ya, my grandma tells me the same things--The easiest way to get rich is to marry it or inherited it--yabut there are other reasons why I want to get married. Huh, interesting. Soooo Arlene gets her toes nails done and then we go to Yonkers as she wants to buy some eye stuff. The gal who waited on her was Casey. Casey was a college student. Soooo Casey, what's your major?--Family services; my dad isn't very happy with me--how come--he has his reasons--what are his reasons--he's concerned about my safety and how I will ever be able to pay back my college loans with the pay that a social worker makes; it's taking me 6 years--how come sooooo long?--I have my reasons with the biggest one is I messed around tooooo much--That will do it! MissPerfect says--When you have to pay your won way, you find out real fast that you are not "the hub of the universe"! Ouchy ouchy! Joesixpack says--Often our problems will appear on somebody else's radar screen before they appear on ours. It's sooooo hard to see your real self. Such is life.
That's kind of personal isn't it? The nurse went through my medications, history, vitals, etc during our annual physicals. One of the last question she asked me was--Are you sexual active! She says she has to ask everyone that question; not just me. Oh! How come? We have our reasons but I guess it 'cause of all the sexual transmitted diseases. Soooo folks, heads up! Be prepared sooooo you won't be surprised when asked that question.
Folks have reason why they walk away (i.e. disappear in body or in mind). Many times we never know their reasons. Or why they do some particular thing. Their actions seem strange but then again, they have their reasons. I talked to a super senor at church Sunday--I hear they hauled you in by ambulance this week; what's going on?--oh, I was dizzy, sweaty and all excited; I was frustrated about something and just kept getting madder and madder until I worked myself into a frenzy--soooo what did they do--told me to relax and cool off; spent the night and went home in the morning. I then talked to another super senor--how are you today--not very good; my heart is is wacky again and they can't get it in rhythm--soooo now what?--I guess I just have to live with it. I talked to a pretty, sweet senor who has a terrible, difficult, disabling, terminal disease. She said--erv. you have no idea how I feel and what my emotions are; you just don't and never will--you are right, I won't! We all have our reason why we are what we are now don't we. Such is life.
Last weekend I was playing with some golf buddies and on the 4th green we talked about a golf buddy who died of cancer several years ago. Before he took the cure, my buddies said he could drink a 40 ouncer without stopping. One of his drinking buddies said--He would get this look in his eye and twirl his tongue and kill it. He would drink it soooo fast that it would get a head on it in the bottle. Some folks questioned his turpitude. Some folks just didn't like him as he was loud and seemed wild. SusieQ says--some folks like to stand out and some like to blind into the wallpaper. He really wasn't a bad guy. We all liked him. He really had a good heart which many folks didn't know. Like one of my golf buddies said--We always don't know the whole story but just maybe half of it. We all have our reasons why we act like we do. Many times folks just don't know. Huh, interesting.
Another golf buddy (i.e. we played in a fivesome) said that he tooo use to drink a lot with him before he quite cold turkey (i.e. I think he said 17 years ago). How much would you drink?--Put it this way, I could drink 12 tall ones and hardly get a buzz; I got soooo use to it. You surely had to pee a lot--Ya, I did! Clem said--Your quitting saved your marriage. Ya but I told my wife if she dies first I'm going back to drinking. How come--I miss it (i.e. we all have our reasons)! Huh, interesting.
We all have our reasons..."When you are sad, tired, lonely and full of suffering, take refuge in the sanctuary of your soul and there you will find your Brother, your Friend, Jesus, who will console you, support you and strengthen you." Meditations of A Hermit by Charles de Foucauld

Now don't we! Some times it's for career advancement and sometimes it's for money, but most of the time it's 'cause we want something for ourselves. We all have our reasons now don't we. CadillacJack says--Sometimes folks think more of others than they do about themselves (i.e. those are the good ones folks). Miguel Angel Jimenez says this about his best friend--"Big heart. Strong character. Heart heart, heart. Very nice" Saturday question--Do have a friend or friends that would fit that description or do you have friends who make you look like you just ate a piece of rhubarb pie? It's not good if you have a friend and their nickname is "cutthroat"! I think I do have friends that are really really great (i.e. have class). I'm one lucky guy. If any of you guys are more for yourself than for others, make no excuse but try to change. Givers are always happy folks. ItchieBitchie says--Stop the cycle of being self-centered and be a perspicacious person. Think through this folks, if you can. We all have our reasons why we are who we are! Such is life.
Talk about doing things for money and ego. Retired NFL players claim that they were heavily drugged sooo they could play football on Sunday. Da! And now they are permanently injured. Da! They didn't have to play football or they could have said they didn't want to be drugged. They didn't. Why, money and ego money and ego. They could have taken a different job. Many things are driven by money and ego and money and ego! Oh ya!
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"I am not a crook" |

FriendAl and I took a couple of super senors from out church out for lunch recently. We learned a lot. Guy1 told us that it was an aggravating winter, just aggravating! He was the total caregiver for his wife for 11 years (i.e. she is now in a care facility). Sooooo how does it feel not to be a total care giver?--I feel like a barn calf (i.e. Guy1was raised on a farm and also farmed). What's a barn calve? It's a calve born during the winter and never saw the outside of the barn until spring. Then when you let them outside, they acted real strange like running into fences etc. Guy2 said he told his daughter that he is always tired. She told him--sleep then! Soooo what are you guys going to do this afternoon--first we are going to take a nap (i.e. that makes sense!). We all have our reasons now don't we.
I should of! We probably can all say that about something in our past that we should have done. We all have our reasons why we didn't. A friend told me that his dad-in-law wanted him to buy his farm for $350 and acre. He even said he would do all the farming and he could help a little on weekends soooo he could keep his day job. I didn't do it he says. That was 1963 and now that farm is worth $12,000 to $15,000 an acre. It's sooooo easy to say, I should of! Hey buddy, don't take this as an insult of your investment ability. GeorgeTheCrook says--Someone makes a offhand comment that dims the glow our your heart. The point of this little story is not about the person who made the flip remark. The point is about your reaction. Why would you allow someone to dictate how you feel about yourself, to destroy you peace of mind? Today I refuse to let others manipulate me. I act according to myself, not according to anyone else. Give a choice between swallowing some one's insults or an ice-cold beer, always choose the beer! AverageJoe says--Ya, investing can be a crap shoot sometimes! Such is life.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--"No one can serve two masters." Our hearts will be drawn like a magnet to whatever is our most cherished investment, our truest treasure. A buddy said to me the other night--erv, what do you do with the other half of your banana--sometimes I eat it later in the day and sometimes I eat it the next day--I eat half a banana every day tooo and my dog eats the other half! Huh, interesting.
Arlene and I ate at Village Inn the other night. When I went to pay, a maybe 19 year old gal caring a big pail of ice came to help me--Looks like you have to do everything--Ya but I'm good at it--you seem happy; are you always this happy--yes I am; happy folks live longer--sooooo don't let other mess with your happiness--I don't. Such is life.

that run in those 5ks than guys. That befuddled me sooooo I asked some babes about that. They think that gals are more conscious of their appearance than guys sooooo they run. AverageJoe says--Guys would rather sit and drink beer! They don't care what they look like. What! Don't gals like their guys to look good physically? I don't know but I do know that gals can run. They are tough! Does any of this make any sense to ya? MissPerfect says--My hubby, SnitchTheGuzzler, doesn't have a six-pack but a keg! Ouchy ouchy!
I golfed with JohnTheBigHammer (i.e. anybody can say they are a John; there are all kinds of Jons) in league and I invited him to play with us senors on Wednesdays. John said--I play twice a week and I don't want to play anymore than that. I have a lot of hobbies and interests. Golf is not my life. EverybodyisaJohn has their reasons folks. JoeBlow says--If you don't get along with your wife, like me, golf is a good time consumer! What!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--When the words we speak bring smiles to lips, our words have not been wasted.