My Mom, Anna, would say to me--erv, think for yourself. Just because everyone else jumps off the cliff, you don't have to follow 'em! Baaa baaaaa baaaaaa! Think for yourself erv! Abraham Lincoln said about his mom (i.e. I don't know if it was on Mothers' Day though)--All I am or hope to be I owe to my Mother!
Think for yourself but if I was you I would consider being a physical therapist. It's "the future" the way it looks to me. A friend told me that he's going to one 'cause his elbow hurts. He is going for 10 half hour sessions. He says that this pretty gal treats him like a king. She rubes my elbow, gives me special attention, talks to me and just makes me feel good. They even have him do exercises that will help his elbow. He acted like it's fun and he really likes it And he says--it free, medicare pays for it all. I think he might become a regular client. It's free! Someone treats him real nice. He likes that. Someone is nice to him. He likes that. She smells good. He likes that. She says nice things to him. He likes that. She takes time for him. He likes that. And it's free! And he likes that. Such is life.
Most folks will do the exercises if they go and have the physical therapist encourage them and hold their hand. BUT as soon as they don't have a physical therapist, many sleep in and then sit on the couch eating chips and complain. Huh, interesting. My Daddy, Chester, said--The best form of discipline is self-discipline. Soooo there you go folks.
I started this stretching regiment to help in my flexibility. I'm hoping it will help in my golf game. I got these exercises on line. They seem sooooo basic (i.e. not very difficult). Soooo I did them for the first time and could notice I did them the next morning. Point--they don't have to be killers to be effective. Just got to do it. Maybe that's the hardest part I think--Just doing it. I have done 10 reps of each daily and I can already tell a noticeable difference. Maybe they know what they are doing!!!!!

You get to decide; only you; you are the expert! Who is the preeminent person in your life? Paramount, #1, and most sovereign one in your life? Do you pattern your life after that person? Why is that person the preeminent person? Did you pick that person or did it just happen? What do you like about that person to make them uno to you? I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, "darkness" on the wall of his cell. C. S. Lewis
The benefits of being a bit dim is that I still think the Cubs will win the pennant this year (i.e. at least I will think that for one more week)! Their record is 12-21 and are in last place in the Center division 9 games out. But my Twins are in better shape (i.e. sooooooo far)! Their record is in the Central division is 15-18 only 6 games out but in last place. I think for myself and really think they will win the pennant. Go Twins! You Tiger fans think I'm dreaming! Such is life.
It ain't covered! Why? 'Cause it's "an act of God". Soooo do I understand this right? Your insurance company must believe there is a God then? It's in the insurance policy sooooo there must be a God and the courts hold that up! The folks in Maryland whose cars were totaled 'cause the ground was eroded by strong current of excessive water aren't very happy with "the act of God" let me tell ya. No coverage! Ouchy ouchy! Was that really an act of God or is the insurance company looking for an out sooooo they blame it on God? Soooo any time things don't go your way, you can call it an act of God (i.e. pass the buck). Come on folks. When things gooo well, do you say it's an act of God or do you say---I did...! I hear NFL Hatchet Man Demizzio say in the Sunday post game interview--I did.., I did.., I did...!!! To that I say booooooooooooo hoooooooooo! Hatchet Man Demizzio, you might think sooooo but I think there is more to it than that. I think you need to reevaluate your thinkin'. I suggest you become more humble and thankful. One good hit and you might be bankrupt and the bartender at Rudy's Corner Bar in Milwaukee within a year. That's my opinion.
Commoners! I collected hickory shafted golf clubs for years. I thought when I retired I would clean them up and put sets together. Well, I finally got around to that project after being retired for 5 years. But what I found out is that these clubs have not appreciated in value but maybe depreciated. I did a lot of research on line and see that the reason is that the Internet has made many of them available to a lot of folks. There are sooooo many clubs available that they are now called "commoners". Did you know that a "commoner" has a wing span about equal to their height. A friend told me (i.e. we both watch a lot of NBA basketball) that all but one player in the NBA has a greater wing span than the "commoners"? They are freaks. That is part of the reason why they are soooooo goood. Do you think that some churches are freaks instead of "commoners". Are some churches more successful than others? Are some folks more successful than others? Such is life. PS I still have maybe 30 mid irons, mashies, and putters left, no niblicks though, if any of you are interested in them. Also FYI my wing span is 6 feet and that is how tall I am. I'm just a plain vanalla commoner!

Sooooo folks, think for yourself. They say, "the greatest 2 minutes in sports" is the Kentucky Derby. I don't know about that. There seems to be an awful lot of foreplay for 2 minutes of action. Maybe it's that way with a lot of things (e.g. planning and anticipating the trip for the actual trip). MissPerfect says--Planning and anticipation is a lot of fun; sometimes the actual activity is disappointing a.k.a. anti-climatic! Sometimes when I don't have any anticipation, planning or any real thoughts but just let things happen, it's more fun and seems to work out better (i.e. they just fall in my lap). You think for yourself. What do you think?
See ya folks, I gotta go!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
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