I seem to get bored easily. I like new things, new activities, new adventures, new learning, new technology, etc. Not everyone is like me. Many folks like things to stay the same forever. Some folks are very content not to get out of Butler County and just do the same thing every day and are happy with their lives. Good for them. I'm not one of them. A gal told me that their church's motto is "Rebranding our church for the 21st Century". They have taken steps to make that happen. It has been a year now and a group of folks have approached the leadership and what to return to the old ways. Sooooo I asked her--What is your church going to do? We are going forward.
I remember the first time I saw the ocean, the Rocky Mountains, the desert of the SW, New York City, Wrigley Field, rode a jet, etc, I was totally amazed and intrigued. After you have been around them more and more they aren't not quite sooo jaw dropping. In fact the folks who live in some parts of the Caribbean, treat the ocean like a dump. We seem to loose our "wow" if we are around something all the time. It becomes old hat. We loose our amazement to some degree. It's sorta kinda like when the first child or grand child is born. It's like it's the first time a baby has ever been born! Then the second child doesn't get near as much attention and when #5 is born, it's hardly a big deal anymore. I have no idea what the reaction is when #12 is born!!!
Impulses! ItchieBitchie says--Whiskey is for drinking and water if for fighting! MissPerfect says--If you want to have a lot of excitement in your life, drink a lot of whiskey and often. CrazyMaravin doesn't seem to get bored. Whenever he has a change to screw up, he does. Now that causes an exciting life. Where do impulses come from? I mean we all have impulses and act on impulses. But where do impulses come from? How do you control your impulses? I have asked several smart folks this question. Here are a few responses: They are immediate internal desires or quick responses and they are controlled by "Your eyes...the window of your soul" I asked a friend who onesmartprofessional Ph.D clinical neuropsychologist who works with children and adults doing neuropsychological evaluations and some psychotherapy. She also does forensic evaluations for the state. I told you she is onesmarcoookie! ANYWAY she says--Impulses are a complex function in the brain, and originate from the brain stem, but are controlled through the orbitofrontal cortext of the brain (aka the frontal lobe). Impulses can be difficult to control, but it depends somewhat on the nature of the impulse and if the person had prior control of that impulse. Learning to control an impulse takes time, and is usually done through a complex behavioral system with rewards for controlling it. The problem with trying to train it is that other people dont always know the impulse exists and that it was controlled, unless the person controlling can actually say that. Thats a very brief answer to a complex question, much of which depends on the individual person. Wow, that's a head full.
More Psychobabble! Here is a response I got from onesmartguy--Well, the Bible says that EVERYTHING good, including then good impulses, come from God. Sooo bad impulses must come from that other fella...................no not Obama..........but keep guessing, you're getting close! I would guess he's a Republican but maybe not.
WayneFromThunderBay says--I Believe...That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Desires may arise unbidden in the human heart, but they do not have to be entertained. To avoid sin, avoid temptation. To avoid temptation, meditate on that which is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, virtuous, praiseworthy, and of good report (Philippians 4:8-9). We cannot prevent a bird from flying into our hair, but we can prevent it from building a nest there. ~
Martin Luther
Just stop your impulsive eating! Soooo throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch and do something. We had dinner with some friends this week and they told us that their daughter and son-in-law have lost 61 and 92 pounds. Wow! Congratulations to them. I asked how they did it--watch what they ate and exercise (i.e. not rocket science folks). AverageJoe says--Yabut most folks think exercising is boring and eating is exciting!

Joesixpack says--I have feelings. A lot of feelings! Ya Joesixpack, I have feelings toooo but at your old age Joesixpack you probably have a lot more feelings than me. At your age, your body and your mind are aging maybe more which develops many more and different feelings (i.e. aches and pains). Such is life.
Someone or a group of someones once said--What's going to happen is going to happen (i.e. it just happens and I have no control). GoofyMyrna--I disagree; I think we can change our life when we change something that we do every day. My friend Rocky (i.e. played round ball with him at good old Northwestern Colloge) says this--I'm working my way through a book titled Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson. It leans a little bit toward New Age thinking but has some good spiritual insights. "The time to show up fully for life is right now, whatever the circumstances. Life is a swirling pool of infinite potential at every single moment and we ourselves either activate or refuse to activate the mystical fertility of the universe. The only way to achieve an exciting life is to be willing to be excited and exciting. The only way to achieve an excellent life is to be willing to be excellent. Who and what we decide to be, in each and every moment, is reflected back to us in worldly forms. Situations that just "seem' to happen are not necessarily random at all. With every thought, we ourselves decide to welcome God's reality and its miraculous prospects." To that I say booyah!
A golf buddy is hitting his driver the best I have ever seen him hit it, He usually would hit a low snappy hook that went a long ways sometimes and other times... Boring boring! He has purchased a new Ping driver with a 12 degrees loft and went to a senor shaft. He really hits it deep (i.e. and it looks good tooooo). Way better. I told him that was a good investment. He said--I'm 53 years old in my second life while my first life was 17 years old (i.e. he was in an auto accident when 17 in which he should have died). I told him he hits his new driver like he's 53 alright. Not boring boring let me tell you! He's the man! I think it really makes him feel a lot better toooooo! I also think he appreciates his second chance! Oh ya. That's a smart man (i.e. my opinion).
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Does revving up the engine really work! AverageJoe says--It sounds impressive especially if you have a big engine. The revving up the engine might be impressive but a guy never knows in our world today "who is who" now do we. Some folks get sooooo bored that they dress up like the other sex (i.e. get all revved up). Or they might grow a beard, or long hair, or have no hair, or curly hair, or spiked hair, or purple hair, or Mohawk hair, or braided hair, or hemlock hair, or straight hair, or blond hair or God only knows! They are just revving up their engines! I grew a beard for several weeks (i.e. was bored I guess). I went and saw a friend but he wasn't home. I talked to his wife for a short time. Her son-in-law (i.e. a friend) told me later that his mother-in-law told him--erv is loosing it, he's doesn't even shave anymore!!! And I was just trying to be stylish like Russ. Just revving up my engine. So there you go!
I met a very pretty girl recently. She was with her parents (i.e. seem to be great folks). She was a college grad and now starting grad school. She went to college in OK and had a scholarship to rodeo. Yes, rodeo. I didn't know colleges gave scholarships to rodeo. Sooooo you must do barrels! No no, I'm a team roper. I have never met a female team roper before (i.e. and a very pretty team roper at that let me tell ya). Soooo how did you get into team roping? Both of her parents are rodeo folks. Bingo! Saturday question--Sooooo how much do your parents affect you or have affected you (i.e. both good and bad and indifferent)? Parents can revive up their kids, engines in a lot of different ways. Ra ra or ouchy ouchy! I heard a golf announcers say this about Jordon Spieth--You can tell he came from a good family. He's a good guy (i.e. has a good pedigree)! Huh, interesting!
Jordon will be fun to watch. Very few can handle success. Very few. He just might. He seems to have his head screwed on right BUT money and stardom and money and stardom can change folks. I'm reading The Big Bam, the life and times of Babe Ruth. He came from nowhere but after money and stardom and money and stardom he changed into thinking he was above everyone else. He was above everyone else; no one could hit the ball like he could. It appears to me that when a person has a platform, they have a great opportunity to do a lot of great things. And they need to serve to the end. Not ever one has a major platform that causes others to listen to them much. They aren't going to write a book about me or will they say anything about me on TV and not many folks know me, etc. I'm just erv without a huge massive platform but just with a way little platform. Way little. I'm not super rich (i.e. with money) and have no stardom. Such is life.
Magical Herman says--Your humility will tell you what your need to hear, not what you want to hear. Your ego (i.e. brassy and bloistorous) will lie to you! VIP Harry says--If you aren't humlbe with your successes, you are dumber than a rock. GeorgeTheCrook says--One of the greatest harms you can inflict on yourself is to trick yourself into believing you're someone you aren't! Man-O-Man! I was cutting some old 2 inch think wood the other day with my skill saw. It just didn't work. My saw blade must be dull soooo I quite. I started thinking about that--there is something wrong here. I figured it out; I had the saw blade on backwards. Oh man! Pretty weak huh! Humbling and funny! I need an EcoBoost!
Why don't more folks go to church? I read it in a book (i.e. soooo it must be right) that worship numbers are sliding at an alarming rate. Olson (i.e. anybody can be an Olsen) predicts that by 2020 only 14.7% of the North American population will be in a Protestant or Catholic worship gathering on any given Sunday. The book also predicts that the church would decline in weekly attendance another 50% by 2025. Wow! Is your church boring? LuckieEddie says--The church I attend "begins at 9:30 sharp and ends at 10:30 dull"! Ouchy ouchy! EasyJohn says--Trying to figure out this church thing is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle while riding on a roller coaster.
Get on your mark, get set, bang! The start of the race is very important like in the Preakness where California Chrome had a fast start and got ahead of much of the traffic (i.e. clear path ahead) but ya gotta finish strong to win the race (i.e. which California Chrome did). 2/3 of the way to the Triple Crown. I heard the owners of California Chrome when asked about the small amount they bought his dam for (i.e. $8,000) said--We liked her pedigree--others didn't calling them "dumb asses" for buying her. After California Chrome became a Kentucky Derby contender they were offered $2.1 million for her. I wonder what she is worth now! CockyLawernce says--I start out fast but am not a good finisher. I have noticed that with a lot of your projects and ideas CockyLawrence. A fast start in life is important but a great finish is critical (i.e. it ain't boring folks). Sooooo drivers, start you engines (i.e. rive 'em up). It's Memorial Day weekend sooooo it's Indianapolis 500 weekend. We went and experienced the Indy 500 once. It was sorta kinda boring to me! I played golf with a guy the other day that everything moved when he swung but his bowels (i.e. that wasn't boring to watch).
Many folks go to the cemetery to remember the deceased on Memorial Day weekend! A friend sent me this--My wife and I and our 2 granddaughters went out to bring flowers to mom's grave last night.Tried to explain where she was to the girls, in heaven, everything is good in heaven, Jesus is there, nothin bad happens to you. always happy, etc,etc. After a second or two, one grand daughter(5) said, "Bet there no scrapes in heaven is there Grandpa?" I said, you're right, no scrapes in heaven. She fell on her bike earlier that day and had a scrape(owy) on her leg. Lookin forward to no scrapes....... Ya I think heaven will not be boring (i.e. but I can't fathom it--way beyond my mind)! But I'm sure there won't be any scrapes!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Life isn't about waiting for the showers to pass. It is about learning to dance in the rain.
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