Have you ever been the boss (i.e. the buck stops here)? If not then YDK what it's like. It's easy to make a lot of noise but if you have never been the leader, you have no idea what's going on. It's sooooo easy to be the afterthegame coach, neverplayedalick coach but know everything, never was responsible for anything gal (i.e. just a trophy wife), never been a single parent and had to make tough decisions, never been in a positron of authority that can affect many folks' lives or never been responsible for some body's welfare. Being a leader is not for the faint of heart folks. It's sorta kinda can be like being on a "search and rescue" mission. And the kicker is, many folks who have never done any work serving on a board or giving very little or none of their time and money, seem to know all the answers. And then there are folks who have never had any authority, but since no one wants to be on a board now has authority and think they are really something. Aren't we something!!! Really? Really!
We had our car serviced and went to McDonald's for breakfast while it was being done. In an adjoining booth were three senior guys. One was quite mouthy (i.e. sounded like a jerk, a prize turnip). He said--After my health concern I have become more civil. Can you tell? One of his cronies said--No, not really. And the other one said--IDK if you have but you just think you have. They were serious.
Happenstance, na, I don't think sooooo! IRDK but I think it was a God thing. I played golf with some buddies this week. The buddy who rode with me told me about his life since I saw him last fall. Wow! We had a very good talk. Very heart exposing and encouraging I think for both of us. I think golf was just the conduit for us to have that talk. But, IDK for sure.
Oliver said! I did my volunteering at Wheaten Franciscan Health Care and then went for a bike ride on the Cedar Valley Bike trials. I stopped and talked to a guy who was cutting brush along the trial by Hartman Reserve. He was Oliver and was 73 and a volunteer. He was by Bull Frog Bayou which was caused by an oxbow the the Cedar River. He was telling me the they had to close the area on the other side of Bull Frog Bayou as kids where doing paint ball there and also there was a lot of "not soooo good stuff" happening over there. He said he has found many alcoholic containers, sex toys and underwear. He said there were drug sales going on there they think. ANYWAY he told me that he volunteers 500 hours a year. He wants to do hard work soooo he's tired when he gets done. He said--I was a pharmacist for 45 years and don't want to put up with any more questions of dumb folks. That is what he said. IDK that he really meant that! I bet he made a "shipload of money' off those dumb questions of folks! A shipload I bet!
When she turns the jets on, she is really something. Some folks have the ability to turn the jets on when they want to (i.e. turn it up to a higher level). They just can. And some can't (i.e. crumble under pressure). Why is that do you think? Joesixpack says--IDK! I was talking to our little grand daughter, Erin (i.e. age 6) about developing the ability to be poised. She had no idea what I was talking about and really didn't care. I think poise is really a great quality. Some folks can handle every situation in a graceful style and others just chunk it up, Why is that?
When is the best time to do something that you want to do or you have to do or you think you should do? Answer is -- now! The sooner the better. Get after it. Do it now. The longer you wait to do something that you have decided to do the less probability of you actually doing it. Sometimes I wonder should I do something or not. IDK! I just do it (e.g. should I talk to someone who is having a problem in their life or not). Sooooo folks, throw those chips away, get your butt of the couch and do it. NOW! LuckieEddie says--I have never done it before. That' 'cause LuckieEddie you never did it before. Soooo do it now. NOW!
IDK but...it appears! I have talked with an acquaintance several times. He asks me questions and I would answer them. Then a couple of days later, we would talk about the same subject matter that we talked about and he wouldn't of remembered a word I said (i.e. he just tuned me out). He just didn't listen and paid no attention to me (i.e. didn't hear a word I said). He has done this a couple of times sooooo now if I talk to him I just tell him crap (i.e. I just have some fun with him). I prefer not to talk to him anymore. He has no interest in me (i.e. it appears he thinks of only one person--himself). Such is life.
A friend says I should not give up on this guy as he might be like a plant in your garden that didn't make it through the winter and you think it's dead. Erv, don't give up on it yet. Give it some time. He may come back to life. Could be but I think he needs more of a "Paul's on the road to Damascus massive huge turn around miracle". That is my opinion but who am to say? IDK! The ivy in the picture is from my Mom, Anna's ivy of about 40 years ago. My two sisters and I have plants from hers and I think all the grand children do toooo. I put ours in the basement for the winter and brought it out after almost 5 months and guess what, it comes back to life. Amazing!
IDK! Really! I changed the oil in our 86 Yamaha golf cart and checked the air filter and cleaned the engine. A friend asked if it needs to be greased as he has one about the same vintage. I told him that the mechanic asked me last year when I had some work done on the clutch that it should be greased each year--soooo where are the zerks--one in the engine compartment and two on the front wheels--sooooo he calls me; can't find the zerks--I goooo and look on mine; can't find them either; what!; maybe the mechanic said the clutch needs to be repacked with grease each year!; or maybe something else; sooooo IRDK!!!! I must of really been listening well! I bet I wont' get tooooo many more calls for advice from my friend in the future! I went and looked again; they have to be there! They aren't! I was sooooo sure! Such is life.
IDK for sure but it appears that a couple of gals had a lot to do with organizing the success. Their was a lot of folks who made it a success but I have been told that two gals did a lot of work in organizing it. It seemed to run as smooth as silk. The others who helped in their own ways made it happen and supported these two gals. Others really worked hard doing what they could without any honor or wanting any. I was impressed. I am talking about our church entertaining a regional government meeting. There are a lot of good folks. A lot. I really enjoy being around them. IDoK that!
IDK but it appears that we all "chase after our tails" and get nowhere at times. SusieQ says--Yabut I'm very comfortable doing it. Yabut, DanTheMan says--If I drink three glasses of wine, I do a lot better it seems and it's amazing how much better I think! And every thing looks sooooo much better. Even my wife looks better. It works for me.
We all think we are normal or above normal (i.e. everyone has their own point of view). GeorgeTheCrook says--We are all performers someway and somehow. Ponder that folks. Someone has to below normal. Okay CadillacJack, lets say you are normal like you think (i.e. I still question that), sooooo that means that the guy next to you isn't. He seems more normal to me than you do but IDK for sure. Ask any teenage driver if they are a good driver and they will tell you they are all good drivers. But statistics tell the truth, they are not! But they think they are. Oh by the way, IDKforsure but I think if CadillacJack's brain was placed inside the skull of a bird, the bird would fly backward!
IthinkIK--Major drive-thru! God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach and green and yellow vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives. And Satan created fast food. And fast food brought forth the 99 cent double cheeseburger. And Satan said to Man, "You want fries with that?" And Man said, "Super size them." And Man gained pounds. I sat next to a guy who is maybe 40 at a graduation party. I have known him all my life. I sorta kinda got caught up with his life. He told me that he has high blood pressure. He lost 45 pounds and it didn't hardly affect it. It's in his genes he says. But he looks a lot better and he said he feels a lot better. Such is life.
Swinging pendulum! My mentor would say--erv, things are never as bad as they look and never as good as they look; when things are good, we think they will be good for ever and when things are bad, we thing they will be bad for ever! Do we over react ever? Are we alarmists. Sooooo is global warming really going to have huge massive effects on everything or just a teensey bit effect? If it has a massive huge effect, there will be a lot of changes folks. That's "pretty grown up stuff" for the likes of me to think about. IRDK!!!
After being gone for the winter and coming home, I have noticed that some folks look older, some look better, some have gained some weight, some have lost some weight and some look about the same. Sooooo is that 'cause of illness, change in their life style, attitude, new beautician, something happening in their life or what. Maybe it's just 'cause they are getting older. I saw this gal who is middle aged who always was trim and fit and now has a belly. Ouchy ouchy! Not attractive. IDN what happened to her. LuckieEddie says--erv, everyone likes ice cream, chocolate and donuts but not many like to work out! IDK LuckieEddie. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--"...the tongue is a small part of the body but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue is also a fire...no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.... With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men." Hey, I'm just pointing out my opinions which I somethings think are facts!!! SusieQ says--erv, you are just like Donald Sterling, you are just digging a deeper hole. You will never be the homecoming queen!!!
IDK but I think I live in the "Land of XYZ' a.ka. the Dream World. Remember last week I mentioned about my buddy going to the physical therapist and really really liking it. Well, another buddy went now as he has a pulled muscle (i.e. it's free). Soooo I have been having tendinitis since maybe February caused by hitting the over head slam in pickle ball. It just doesn't get better and really hurts sitting in my recliner, in church and at night in bed. Sooooo if those guys can go I'm going toooooo (i.e. it's free). Sooooo I call them. I have to see a doctor first. Sooooo I go and see a doctor. He says--erv, having a little, pretty, good smelling physical therapist rubbing your arm and saying nice things won't help your tendinitis. You just need to take a steady dose of ibuprofen for 3 week and you'll be alright (i.e. suck it up cupcake). I never get the breaks like you guys. Such is life.

Arlene asked me--When are we going to get some nice spring weather? IDK I told her. God only knows that! I think I'm a fixer but I can't control the rain, wind and cold. The only thing I can control is my attitude. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--It's better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.
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