The lion might be the king of the jungle but here is the law of the jungle: Every day somewhere in Africa A gazelle wakes up It knows it must run faster Than the fastest lion around Lest it be eaten
Every day somewhere in Africa A lion wakes up It knows it must run faster Than the slowest gazelle around Lest it starve to death Every day it does not matter Whether you are a lion or a gazelle Because you must run faster Than the chores of life!

If DuaneTheWorm fools me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. DuaneTheWorm alias SlickDuane can act like a king and fool the queens in the world. Queens, he's a fake. He is manipulating you. He is using you. He's phony! Don't be a sucker. There are folks who think they are kings and queens but really aren't. We all know that but they don't! I have said it many times, I like real folks. It's easy for me to accept real folks even if I don't agree with them or how they live their lives. I just don't care for the DuaneTheWorm folks who are phonies. DuaneTheWorm smells pretty but but he's just a faker. Small folks fall for this deceptiveness (i.e. he can fool them easily). As Lincoln said--You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time. LuckieEddie says--If you are not real, you will be found out. You agree with LuckieEddie?
Queens they are! She just wants to be treated like a queen! A friend told me that she went and helped a neighbor put drops in her eyes a couple of times a day for a few days. My friend said--She could do it herself but she just wanted some pity a.k.a. attention. After a few days I told her she could do it herself. I gave her some confidence and helped her. She did just fine. She lost her queenship! Such is life.
MissPerfect says--I grew accustomed to be treated like a queen as a child by my mom and dad. Then I went into the real world; the real world didn't treat me like a queen like mom and dad did. That was a hard adjustment let me tell ya. Ouchy ouchy! I believe (i.e. my opinion) that there are folks who are treated like kings and queens who really don't appreciate it. They have always been treated that way and think it's a normal. It ain't folks but they don't know it. They even expect others to treat them like kings and queens! They demand it.
Do you think kids end up being like their parents? MissPerfect says--Well children of Kings and Queens end up being Kings and Queens. Yabut do kids resemble their parents in their thinking, attitudes, and mannerisms do you think? I read in the paper (i.e. so it must be right) that obese mothers have obese children. Soooo why would that be do you think? Parents put a lot of time and effort into raising children and then sometimes they are disappointed 'cause the children don't end up being like them. They say--what did I do wrong? But there are many children who end up much better than their parents (i.e. thank God they didn't end up like their parents). Sooooo what do you think, are you like your parents?
Arlene and I recently volunteered to help serve the lunch at a funeral in our church. I got the idea from JoeTheHike while hiking in AZ. He does it in his church in MN and really enjoys it. I tell you what folks, those gals work hard and probably aren't appreciated near enough. I was really surprised how much time and work they put in order to do that. I would guess 95% of the folks don't have a clue what it takes to pull that off. Those gals that we worked with are true Queens. Great hearts. They are champions (i.e. they are stars in my eyes). Oh yes.
Being a real king or queen (i.e. my opinion; again I say--my opinion). Most of us are taught at an early age that it’s desirable to be crowned royalty. Children are naturally drawn to the idea of being a king or a queen. The kids in my school (i.e. Roseland elementary) played “King of the Hill,” not “Plumber of the Hill.” Young girls dress up as Disney princesses not Disney engineers. Being a real king or queen, however, isn’t all fancy clothes and crown jewels. The Bible consistently warns those who are in authority because God will hold them accountable for how they wield power. I really believe (i.e. my opinion) that if you have more talent and opportunities, you have more responsibility. You need to do more. I think the parable about that is quite explicate.
We are all kings and queens in some capacity. We are kings and queens in our positions. We might not wear a crown, but we all have influence. Whatever job we may have, we have the opportunity to use our positions for good (i.e. opportunity). It’s not always easy. Sometimes it requires bravery. But the one we serve above all others is the King of the Universe.
I felt like a king. We were at our Chet and Jessica's place over the last weekend helping them pack. It was 6:30 a.m. Arlene was in the shower. Our bedroom door opens and our little grand daughter, Charlie, comes in with a book, crawls up on the bed, gets under the covers with me and says--grandpa, will you read me a book. Sooooo I read her the book, Picklicious at 6:30 in the morning! What a hoot folks.
Soooooo you want to be a king or queen. Well, I think you need to be Christ like if you want to be a queen or king (i.e. that is my opinion folks). JonBrown says--Life in Christ begins with an act of God that is embraced by a faith commitment from each of us. It continues with a life submitted to the person and purposes of Christ in the world. It is incoherent to claim to be in Christ but to live in a way that is contrary to Christ, to “walk according to the flesh,” as the apostle puts it (Romans 8:4). Our faith must be expressed through daily decisions of active obedience. Joesixpack says--Soooooo suck it up cupcake and lets get going! We're burning daylight! Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch!
CadillacJack says--We never get what we want, We never want what we get, We never have what we like, We never like what we have. And still we live and love. That's life...
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A minute of thought is worth more than an hour of talk.
For those of you who have a little more time--Please watch this youtube video of a testimony of Olinda who is a friend of Fran Mellema who is the wife of Warren Mellema who is the cousin of my Daddy, Chester Mellema. Fran and Warren live in Omaha and winter in AZ. We got to meet them through another of my Daddy's cousins, Bob Mellema. I wrote about them before. ANYWAY watch her testimony. It's very touching and uplifting and encouraging. She is Royalty folks. A real Queen!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKGKAEIgE6U Is that not astounding!
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