Joesixpack says--The point is--Maybe the whole notion would run its course and blow over like a whirlwind that raises a lot of dust, then falls away. You know Joesixpack, some things work that way and some things don't. That is why cowboys, gun slingers, outlaws get on their pony and move on (i.e. rdie 'em cowboy/cowgirl). They want a fresh start as the past just does not blow over. Wisdom is to know when to move on and when to stay. SusieQ says--The point is, when the time comes to act (i.e. move on or stay), most folks know instinctively what to do! The key word here is MOST! Such is life.
HotOffTheWire! SusieQ says--The point is, Good news travels slow (i.e. like by land mail) but bad news travels like facebook speed a.k.a CO wild fire speed. The point is--What's the good news and what's the bad news? ItchieBitchie says--Oh the coffee shop guys and bridge gals know let me tell you or maybe they just think they know. Their news isn't always correct even though they think it is. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--JoeBlow said--For the first time in my life I consciously received the first seed of the word of God in my soul. I felt deeply moved! Saturday question--Is that good news or bad news?
MyNeighborBrian says--The point is, it's hard to turn off the competitiveness at times! We played pickleball against a guy at the Iowa Senior Olympics. I think he thought he was maybe more important than others. He did little things to try to irate us and others. He was obnoxious I thought. Even his partner said to Arlene and Becky after he did one of his little crazy things trying to disturb us--He always does stuff like this. Our friends played at a tournament in WI last year where he was also playing. He told the girls that he wasn't going to play this year. They asked how come--he got into some type of major conflict with his partner that did not end up good (i.e. like real bad). That's the kind of guy he appears to be. I question if pickle ball is that important (i.e. my opinion). I watched one of the better players in AZ in a tourney last winter. MyFriendDean told me that most people don't like to play with him as he is such a jerk. Soooooo folks, there are jerks at every level of ability. BUT there are many great folks for each jerk. Such is life.
The point is--I just have to have it! Have you ever "just had to have it" only to find out that you really didn't really "had to have it"? I mean you get it and you don't use it, don't like it, or it wasn't like you thought (e.g. that certain shirt or tool). Yabut I had to have it. That is emotional buying folks. CadillacJack says--Wait a day before buying it. Usually the next day we come to our senses (i.e. make better judgements). Such is life.
The point is...things don't stay the same.! A friend maybe 5 years ago picked up his medical file from his local doctor and took it to Mayo for a second opinion. He was reading his file on the way. His local doctor was a young, pretty, petite gal. She wrote in his file that my friend was moderately obese. He was shocked that she would call him moderately obese. Well, folks, it doesn't take toooo many more pounds to make a person moderately obese. ANYWAY that little, petite doctor went to practice elsewhere. My friend just had a medical exam done and she was back and did the exam. He said--She is now just a little butterball. What happened anyway!
The point is--"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."~Albert Einstein SusieQ says--I like those stories of my life that end "happy-every-after". That "happy-every-after" is a perspective (i.e. everything is relative). A friend said to me--erv, you're in pretty good shape for an old guy! I told him--Compared to some 400 pound obese guy I might be!!! It's all relative I guess!
LyleError! MyFrinedLyle just got a new phone. He got it 'cause he couldn't hear very well with the old one. It wasn't loud enough. Soooo he bought the new one and asked the gal how he could get louder as it's tooooo soft. She said--Just like your old one, you press this button.! The point is--"LyleError" but he got a new phone!! Such is life.
The United States Golf Association is promoting faster play. Our society doesn't like waiting around. Sooo they don't play. That means less golfers. That means less $$$$ spend on golf. They suggest that the courses should be easier and more friendly and play faster. They think golf needs to be made more fun and not harder. Da! The point is--It's suppose to be recreation. I think they are unto something here. How about our churches! Da! Maybe stuff is done at church that is just a waste of time. Boring! Boring! Sooooo they don't come. That means less folks. Golf is driven by $$$$. Church isn't. Or is it?
Summer! The point is--It's finally summer! It says it on the calendar. To confirm it, the swim suits are being worn. It must be summer. Summer is a fun time (i.e. lazy hazy crazy days of summer). It is suppose to be anyway. These are our little neighbor friends eating my popsicles. Summer is also having the grand kids come and visit. We are having this opportunity. It seems like kids and summer just go together. Don't they!
Our children and grand kids are living in a culture of extremes—extreme entertainment, sports, diets, technology, movies, schedules, peer group pressure, images, social pressure, etc. When they come to grandpa and grandma's place, they don't have to feel all that stuff. It's more relaxed. Maybe boring. Na, I don't think sooooo. BUT maybe! I had a friend recently tell me--We saved many of our kids toys sooooo when the grand kids would come they could play with them. The grand kids came recently and they brought along all their electronic toys and didn't want anything to do with those old toys. They didn't even what to talk with us. Huh, interesting. Not our grand kids. Oh no! They went down the basement into the closet under the stairs and really enjoyed those old toys. Even the adults seemed to enjoy them (i.e. good memories of the past).
Summer is baseball! A friend sent me this email (i.e. the point is, never never give up folks)--I worked the concession stand at the AP vs Hudson baseball game tonight. We were down 2-12 in the bottom of the fifth with two outs and two strikes on the batter. If we don't score it is over by 10 run rule. We managed to stay alive and score a couple runs. Then got another couple in the sixth and went to the bottom of 7 down 6-12. We won 13-12 and only had one out and bases loaded when they walked the winning run across. There were lots of key hits but I was most impressed when an eighth grader (i.e. my golfing buddy) hit a single with bases loaded in the bottom of the 7th. ~ I had as one of my pickleball partners the other night, a gal who amazed me. She started a few years ago and sorta kinda struggled. She, through determination and desire, and listening to coaching, has become a pretty good pickleball player. Persistence paid off for her. Oh ya!
The point is--The sharp edges of kidney stones! Played golf with our Wednesday group. Golf was golf but afterwards three golf buddies and one of their wives had a beer and talked. We talked about kidney stones. I had one maybe 30 years ago (i.e never want one again). Another guy had one several years ago. Another guy has had them 7 or 8 times with one getting stuck in his penis which hurt really really bad he said. Sooooo bad that he told his wife to get a hammer and crush that sucker--his wife didn't think that was a good idea! The gal said she gets them about once every two months. Ouchy ouchy! ANYWAY they told me that they don't go to the hospital anymore. They take muscle relaxing pills and bounce/shake themselves in order to get those suckers to pass. The gal told us that Mayo told her to drink a lot of sugar free lemonade--It dissolves the stones. That is the point (i.e. tip) of the day folks.
Saturday question (i.e. multiple choice)--The point is--A. I am master of my fate: I am captain of my soul." B. Jesus is the master of my fate: Jesus is the captain of my soul." C. Both A and B. D. Neither answer is correct.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A good example is the best sermon.
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