Tattooed on your forehead! Joesixpack asks--Are Christians different than others? Soooooo I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Without you telling them, do people know you’re a Christian? One of the characteristics that made the early Christians stand out was their love, expressed through actions like caring for each other’s physical and economic needs. I tell Arlene many times--I think that person is a Christian, I can just tell (i.e. they have it tattooed on their forehead). Their actions give them away. Sometimes I ask them. Sooooo are you a Christian (i.e. Christ like)?
Sooooo what do we have tattooed on our foreheads anyway? Easy, sucker, happy, mean, jerk, unpleasant, obnoxious, sweet, likable, helpful, not adaptable, crook, helper, good parent, good spouse, hard worker, slacker, faker, foolish, lovable, stupid, kind...
We may not have something literally tattooed on our foreheads that give us away but our actions probably act just as pronounced as if it was. We haven't had much sunshine in IA this spring. It mostly rains, blows, and is cool. But, look at our daises, they always point their heads to the sun. They always seek the light. Our daises are sorta kinda in a partially shaded area sooo they have to lean (i.e. sorta kinda like many of us maybe). Huh, interesting.
There is a difference in folks who are just theologians and those who have Christ living in them. Do you think their are some folks who are just plain theophanies (i.e. have a tattoo on their forehead? I think JoeBlow is full of .... Put it this way, he needs a bowl movement! I don't believe half of what he says and the other half isn't true. I see that tattooed on his forehead every time I see him. He ain't true. He's a phony. He says one thing and does another. He lost his credibility with me. Once it is lost, it's hard or impossible to get it back. Such is life.
A tattoo on his forehead. An old friend sitting on the deck at the golf course told us that when his son was a little boy, his wife took him to BarberJim for a cut. BarberJim asked his what his dad was doing today--He's at the course playing golf and drinking beer!!! That must of been what the little guy thought his dad had tattooed on his forehead! Ouchy ouchy! I wonder where he came up with that idea anyway!
"This is your life"! You older folks, do you remember that TV program of years ago. I sorta kinda liked it. ANYWAY this is your life folks; you are in it and you are it. Sometimes it's just tattooed on your forehead from the beginning. I read in the paper sooooo it must be right--Odds are that kids from low-income families are more likely to suffer health problems, less likely to arrive at kindergarten prepared to learn and more likely to be over weight or obese. They're also less likely to graduate from high school and earn fairly-sustaining jobs. In 2011 , nearly 20% of Iowa children ages 5 and younger lived in poverty. LuckieEddie says--That is what they call, "The haves and the have nots"? Ouchy ouchy!
One of my golf buddies said after hitting a poor tee shot--That was a dipsey doddle! Soooo I asked him what is a dipsey doddle. He said--It's nutten good on a golf course let me tell ya! Dipsey doddle it felt good. I had conscious sedation for my colonoscophy. I have no idea what I said but I sure liked the feeling coming out the sedation. I think I could have hit the curve ball as everything seemed to be going in slow motion. I wonder if folks ever say anything stupid when they are conscious sedated.
MyOldCollegeFriendBuggsy and I wanted to get to gather. We decided to multi-task sooooo we met at the trail head of the Cedar Valley Nature Trail near Cedar Rapids. We rode 26 miles while talking and riding. I asked anotherrideronthetrialKarla if she would take our picture. She would. We asked her if she rides much--minimum of 25 miles 5 or 6 times a week; I have lost 30 pounds by riding and counting my calories during the last 2 years. Wow. My hat goes off to BikerKarla.
Soooo you want to be smart a.k.a. a shining star! Now that's a good goal. There is a strange thing that happens at the point when we finally, somehow, mange to give up wrestling with matters that are tooo complex, too lofty, too wonderful for the human mind to understand. What happens is this: suddenly, inexplicably, we do understand! Da! SusieQ says--The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know! Joesixpack says--That remark makes me feel like a scared jackrabbit! Such is life.
Grief and wonder! I had breakfast with a buddy this week. He is going through a tough time (i.e. looks like some unneeded, unwanted, unmerited suffering to me). MyFriendFromChildhoodDean suggested that I read Buckskin Line by Elmer Kelton. It's fiction but it reminded me again that there has been hurt, grief and wonder forever. Folks have been wondering if there is really a God. I mean forever folks. My breakfast buddy is a God fearing man with a strong faith (i.e. my opinion). He did say though--At times I wonder if God knows what he is doing! I told him that I have had that feeling already; it seems that God doesn't always speak clearly. I wonder how many folks have asked that question through all humanity? LuckieEddie says--Infinite patience is one attribute of a good warrior--Folks have little control over their own destiny sometimes here on this earth! GeorgeTheCrook asks--erv, have you ever prayed that God might drop a hailstone on someone as big as a washtub? I know I shouldn't think that way but I have blinders on me like a mule. I can see only one thing at a time! Such is life.
It's all about the $$$$$! Kari Smith actioned off the right to have an advertisement tattooed on her forehead on eBay. She sold it for $10,000 to, an Internet gambling company. SusieQ says--It's hard to put a value on advertising. ItchieBitchie says--Once you get something bad tattooed on your forehead, it's hard to get off! It's sorta kinda like a brand. Ouchy ouchy!
Hey 'Plop plop, fizz fizz, Oh what a relief it is' to know someone listens to me! KenThePungEngineerFromMN says--After reading your blog last week, I am going to clean out my file cabinet and desk drawer. I have papers and manuals for stuff that we don't even have in the house or cabin anymore. Like you said, time for a good going thru. We are having a garage sale tomorrow so its busy marking stuff and getting rid of a lot of STUFF. Hope the weather holds out.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--There is no greater treasure than a friend.
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